Godless Lethality
Godless Lethality

To be secured and revered by those lured,
She has matured and labored to be feared,
My heart is speared as she smeared until I disappeared,
My mind cannot be cleared of the emotional beard that appeared,
So I volunteered my death she engineered as the show premiered,
My eyes teared while the reaper neared to another lost seared.
The insanity within her vanity obscured my humanity,
Speaking profanity under the guise of Christianity so magically,
She's ramblingly rapidly another tragedy of her widowed tapestry,
A strategy of savagely depleting anyone emotionally,
A galaxy of blasphemy with horrors so graphically,
Another catastrophe in the mentality of the mortality,
Hiding fatality of formality within her academy,
The personality of her ir
rationality has no apology,
So nastily and painfully afflicting depravity,
Heartfelt bankruptcy to her majesty with a crown of tragedy,
Persistent audacity of calamity within me centrally,
Understandably I'm vertically unbalanced directionally.
In a chop shop I stop and never thought or sought,
To fight the night in this plight without sight,
She's a ghost close to most hosts who boasts with a roast of her grandiose,
No pun when done because she's spun in evil fun you can't outrun.
Murder that was hired with money wired had her fix when I was tired,
As a liar she retired, because she transpired as an evil purifier,
A Godless Lethality airtight without spirituality,
This plurality hooks punctuality together to how she killed me with illegality.