Kenny Pariseau

Drama Horror Tragedy


Kenny Pariseau

Drama Horror Tragedy

Confounded Imprisonment

Confounded Imprisonment

2 mins

Strenuously pushed below without any sign of relief, 

without guidance from a soulmate I wished to keep,

As I weep her hatred cuts me down at my feet,

I can't walk alone feeling so bleak,

The mountain in front is too steep,

My heart rate no longer beeps,

As the enemies crowd in fleets,

Peace is the only thing I seek,

So let me wither alone as I creep,

Lowly upwards towards this peak.

As I realize who she has molded from my old self,

It's another reality so far back into my own hell,

My integrity that kept me true, placed on a shelf,

Kept myself from progressing, but I couldn't tell.

The slithering ruefulness entrapped my mind,

In time covered in slime, I realized the grime from

her crimes had intertwined, 

Working full-time without halftime nor a lunchtime,

I was conditioned for a lifetime of pa

in caused by her wartime.

I needed the agony, I craved the bleeding heart,

Without any amnesty, I always had to restart,

There wasn't apathy, so every outcome was stark,

She loved me absently, finding another cupid dart,

Lost and bemused with a heart in frost and abused,

Trapped within this scorched mind a second time,

Unsigned and unaligned hoping to eventually find,

The truth to protecting my youth, because we were two,

Now one for she is done, the sun has my soul undone,

Trapped in this minded cell behind the mirrored

veil of a lifeless bodied shell,

Confounded Imprisonment by the dissident who is carelessly insolent,

My spirit is now a filament because if this defilement,

Being an expendable instrument of her malicious internment,

She's moved on, but I'm still in this cell,

A removed pawn, confused while I dwell.

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