



Follow your dreams without fear

Follow your dreams without fear

1 min

You see your self in your son,

Then you decide what he will become, one day,

After this is done,

you tell him You follow what I say, I will show you the way.

So you nudge him in a direction he hates to go,

He feels as if he is unwanted and alone.

He fees loneliness, he feels low.

He becomes indifferent his heart turned to stone.

Pursues what his father told him to ;

Studies day and night, he is known by a number now, his new use identity,

study and alway be prepared he has nothing else to do.

he is slowly losing his sanity.

he finally clears his exams become an 


his father's ambition fulfilled.

his father's is happy now

he has no fear.

though is own ambition has been ruthlessly killed.

he marries goes through motions of life,

watches his son, his son will no go through same agony

that his son will not go through the same strife,

but will decide his own future and his own destiny.

some where, some one, has to make a change some day,

some one has to break the tradition, so others can follow,

their own ambitions in their life,  show

a new way,

or else you will be stuck all your life in your parents shadow

I ask my son what he wants to become,

You have no fear, you can say whatever you want to say.

to your ambition you are always welcome.

I will never stand in your way.

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