Toshal Bhirud

Comedy Children


Toshal Bhirud

Comedy Children

Eating Words

Eating Words

1 min

When you know

That vore means eat,

you will know that insectivores feed

         on grasshoppers, moths, and butterflies,

         mosquitoes, bees, and plain-old flies.

When you know

that carni means meat,

You will know

that carnivores eat

        snakes and lizards, deer, and lamb

         carrion, birds, fish, and ham.


hen you know

that herb means plant,

you will know

that herbivores CAN'T

        eat anything that moves on a foot, 

         just food that spring up from a root.

When you know 

that omni means all,

you will know 

that omnivores call


       they can such or chew-

       sometimes even me or you.

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