Pulak Das

Abstract Inspirational Children


Pulak Das

Abstract Inspirational Children



1 min

We gather here to celebrate Children's Day

 My words stumble over as I don't know what to say.

 Little children are a treasure

 Their worth you can't measure.

 Every minute of every day

 You need to find your own way.

 I wish all the children to see the sunrise everyday

 Freedom from evil thoughts in all the way.

 From hearts and minds, spirits and souls

 I pray for all of you to reach your goals.

 Climb every mountain, ford every stream

 Follow every rainbow till you find your dream.

 No slang, no gangs, no cheat, no hit, only knowledge-zeal

 Receive the best of education by using your skill.

 No child abuse,no rape,no discrimination one should feel.

 Be vibrant and benevolent to fulfill everyone's will.

 On this children day, I wish you dear o' dear

 Freedom from pain,hate, violence and fear.

 Our children are Nation's future generation

 Let's wish all the best on Children's Day celebration.

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