Celebrate The Festival..
Celebrate The Festival..

What can anyone say about the creation?
This is always beyond the imagination.
The Almighty had created this wonderful universe,
Which inspires to be creative and ink down them in words.
Everything is very much exemplary,
And new things are emerging through the discovery.
The human mind is very sharp and different,
The youths are very enthusiastic and vibrant.
When you draw a painting with your imagination,
You add the colours to the thoughts to make it a lively creation.
When you see a beautiful object of nature,
Your creativity in thoughts reflects through the words of literature.
Every object of the universe is neither
beautiful nor ugly,
But our perception can change that fully.
Anything is never looking ugly from its creation,
It's only our thoughts that influence the view through action.
Anything beautiful in this universe may or may not be natural,
It's our feelings with love and emotions that make that exceptional.
Sometimes some colours make the thoughts change,
For the youth and creativity, it's the colour orange.
The youth's enthusiasm brings lots of creativity,
Be it in their love, in their study or in any activity.
Let us Celebrate The Festival of colour,
And let this orange colour influence youths to be more enthusiastic and creative forever.