Autopsy Of Love
Autopsy Of Love
Ah, love……..
Love that caused countries to go to war
People to commit suicide and murders
Kings to abdicate their throne
Yogis to give up years of penance
A society obsessed with love….
Is it bad?
Are dangers involved?
Is it taken too far?
No idea
Like the people
Who think and have the idea
That they are going to meet someone
That's going to fix everything
That's wrong with their life
Expecting a lot of somebody else
Setting themselves up for disappointment.
Still who'll want to live in a culture
That doesn't place any value on love
Love is really important
Love is really exciting.
True love
Is it ideal?
Probably no.
If deceitful,
Then love isn't ideal
In some sense;
It could be stronger,
It could be more devoted,
But not always true
We are
Human beings
And our desires are complicated.
We could become less desirable
Without becoming less lovable
We tend to get more lovable
As we get older
Is that the deepening of the relationship?
Our desires begin to fade to bring love to fore?
We're so anxious about that desirability
We equate that with love.
It's an important part of being loved,
But certainly not everything
Love makes us feel good,
And Love makes us happy.
Love also makes us feel really bad
And miserable, too...
In our daily life
We meet people all the time,
And we live in crowds,
But have no connection
With any of these people
Love is a very direct intimate contact
With somebody special in this crowd
And really know who that one person is
And open your heart to this person
That One Person Is Love
And it's very valuable.