A tale of the blindfolded Asian Openbill Stork
A tale of the blindfolded Asian Openbill Stork

In a land of verdant beauty, where nature's wonders unfurl,
There lived a graceful stork, an emblem of the natural world.
Its wings adorned with glossy black, a sheen of purple and green,
An Asian openbill stork, a majestic sight unseen.
In non-breeding seasons, its feathers wore a shade of grey,
Blending with the landscape, where it would often stay.
But when the breeding time arrived, a transformation took place,
The stork emerged resplendent, in a cloak of white and grace.
Its beak, a marvel of adaptation, a work of nature's art,
The upper mandible arched, the lower mandible played its part.
Between them, a gap appeared, like a secret to behold,
A tool designed for hunting, a tale yet to be told.
The tip of its beak, twisted to the right with all its might,
Delicately it inserts into snail's domain, extracting the body, outside.
The beak's lower mandible, curved to the right, a story untold,
With twisted tip, it finds its way, into the snail's haven, so close.
With precision and finesse, the stork sought its desired feast,
Large molluscs, the Pila snails, the delicacy released.
In shallow waters it would stand, its bill poised and ready,
To make swift jabs and strikes, with movements steady.
Standing tall amidst water, it embraces its hunting routine,
With patience and precision, separating snails from shells in between.
Blindfolded, yet a master of sight, it captures snails, with pure delight,
With instincts honed and senses keen, it navigates the water serene.
h murky waters, unfazed by darkness, it gracefully wades,
Snails plucked from aquatic lair, a testament to its skill and ways.
In this symbiotic dance, nature's ballet, the Stork holds sway,
Feeding on molluscs, its hunger kept at bay.
Its mighty wings span wide, soaring gracefully in the sky,
With slender legs, standing tall and still, a master hunter so sly.
Into the snail's opening, extracting the body, it ventures deep,
With bill submerged beneath the water's flow, ensuring a treat to reap.
Oh, Asian Openbill Stork, a symbol of patience, in the fading light,
With nature, you gracefully thrive, teaching us lessons so bright.
For in the pursuit of our dreams, we learn from nature, loud and clear,
To persevere, even when blindfolded, to embrace challenges, without fear.
It speaks of harmony and balance, amidst a world diverse,
Each species finding its niche, a role it must traverse.
Adaptation and specialization, lessons to be learned,
The stork's beak, a symbol of how life's intricacies are earned.
In nature's grand symphony, we find solace and delight,
As we honour the stork's story, a mesmerising sight.
May inspiration soar from this majestic bird’s flight,
As we face hurdles, courage stirred, our spirits ignite.
The stork's presence reminds us, of the grand tapestry we share,
In which every living being, has a place and a purpose to bear.
So let us cherish the Asian openbill stork, its beauty and its flight,
And the melody it whispers softly, as it takes wing in daylight.