Aashi Art

Romance Tragedy Classics


Aashi Art

Romance Tragedy Classics

A Star Pass By

A Star Pass By

1 min

Staring up at the night sky 

Wondering if a star might pass by 

I stood near the window crying 

My heart's getting heavy with those failed tries 

I hate you for leaving me alone in this world 

My life's Just been shattered 

Didn't you knew how much to me you matter? 

The wound you gave cannot be cured 

Oh my love ! I am tired of faking a smile 

Hoping someone could see past my eyes 


e the darker side of my bright life 

Think about all those sleepless nights 

Darling ! You forgot all the promises you made 

Forced me to wonder if I was only a game 

Now all I am left with are broken memories with your name 

Quite sure this separation would make me insane 

And know when I catch sight of that dark night 

Hoping for a star to pass by 

I would only wish for you 

To come back in my life

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