1 God - Volume 4

1 God - Volume 4

210 mins

Copyright © by Nikhil Parekh

All rights reserved. No Part of this book publications may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, Electronic, Mechanical, Photocopying, Recording, Print or otherwise, without prior permission of Copyright owner and Author, Nikhil Parekh.

This Book which has 80 differently titled Poems , is actually volume 4 of the Book titled – 1 God – Poems on God , Creator ( 522 pages ) .

A Profound Dedication

A ramification of the innumerable Omnipotent fragrances of life that I've smelt by the grace of God-I'm grateful to him for enlightening me about his chapters of invincible creation and considering me worthy enough to describe his unparalleled splendor, in a few words and in the shape of this book. A salient tribute to his undefeated power.


The compilation of poems depicts the Omniscient Creator in his infinite unconquerable shapes and forms. Goes to irrefutably prove that there is just one Creator, you choose to call him by whatever name-and for everyone one of us till the time we live. This book is a perpetual dedication to Almighty Lord. It quintessentially portrays the splendor of the Almighty Creator in his infinite forms. Goes to victoriously prove at every step, that no matter how hard the devil tries to annihilate the planet-an inconspicuous tap of the Lord's finger makes him crumble to his very last non-existent frigid roots.

About the Book

Poems depicting the 'Omnipotent' glory of the Creator in an infinite forms that the poet could ever conceive. Natural and uninhibited outpourings of the heart these poems transport the reader into a world of spirituality and

magnificence of Godhead. Every poetic piece shows Parekh's unparalleled love for the Almighty and immortalizes the Omnipresent aura of the Lord in a boundless ways and shapes. This spiritually enriched compendium of poems is for all those who've timelessly admired the miraculous prowesses and powers of God at each stage of their lives. Those who've lived each instant of their lives worshipping his Omniscient grace irrespective of the most murderous hell descending around. The poetic imagery brilliantly transcends over every inhibition of caste, creed, color and religion and goes to perpetually prove that all living beings are one and blessed in his fathomless sacrosanct light of truth. The poems depict Parekh's oneness in mind, body and spirit with the Creator.











































40. CAN YOU ?










50. WHY DO YOU ?
































Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to sight the wonderfully resplendent island of milky moon ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to romantically philander and enthrallingly admire; the stupendously magical contours of the Sun soaked hills ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to relish the tantalizingly ravishing waves; of the exuberantly tangy and undulating sea ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to profusely feast on the unfathomably grandiloquent festoon of golden dewdrops; majestically caressing the voluptuous strands of morning grass ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to wholeheartedly enjoy under the tantalizingly seductive and torrential cloudshowers of; exotically marvelous rain ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to witness unsurpassable flocks of blissful sheep; royally sprint in the ebulliently timeless meadows ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to ecstatically surge and bountifully blend; with the charismatically ravishing winds that confronted you in your way ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to repay back your divinely mother; for the pricelessly aristocratic energy that she perpetually embedded; in each of your impoverished veins ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to substitute the death of your royally blessed beloved ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to award the patriotically valiant soldier; a compensation equivalent to his immortally slained life ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to purchase back the smiles of all those children; orphaned in sordidly stinking dustbins; right from the very first cry of their birth ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to bask in the glory of the stupendously reinvigorating rainbow; let its magnanimous boisterousness take complete control over your frazzled senses ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to incredulously relish your profoundly impeccable rudiments; the trail of inscrutable enigma that you celestially reminisced; on your expedition of tracing your very first ancestor ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to sleazily confiscate truth in your impoverished palms; buy it in unsurpassable quantities every day; although with gruesome blackness camouflaging your soul and heart ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to witness your child uninhibitedly smile; inundate every miserably incarcerated cranny of your chained existence; with unendingly jubilation and melodious happiness ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to transcend past the corridors of divine meditation; wholesomely coalesce your spirit with all mankind; one and synergistically alike ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to unequivocally enlighten the candle of blissfully compassionate hope; in every dwelling besieged with traumatically tyrannized agony ?

Is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to perennially inhale euphorically resplendent air into your puristically humanitarian lungs; quintessentially enshroud your dwindling existence; with thunderbolts of vibrant life ?

And is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to invincibly dedicate each beat of your heart to the person you irrefutably adored; and I ask you once again; that is there any price on earth that you could ever dream of; to fall in IMMORTAL LOVE ?

For all of you who say YES to the above; I can only convey to you what the Almighty Lord has ordered me to do; that the questions above are unconquerably priceless; and the heavenly answer to all of them is indeed and forever will be; a BIG NO.


God gave you a 100 bones; to atleast mitigate a 100 people from the aisles of inexplicably traumatic suffering during your entire lifetime; not to erect an

infinite ghoulish palaces of yours; upon their innocently unblemished blood,

God gave you a 100 bones; to atleast save a 100 innocuous orphans from drowning in the satanic waters during your entire lifetime; not to viciously sell them to your infinite viciously devilish agents; so that they could tawdrily trade them for their nubile skin,

God gave you a 100 bones; to atleast grow a 100 holistically bountiful trees during your entire lifetime; not to ruthlessly massacre infinite blissful lives; just to appease the spuriously petulant itching in your sinister eyes,

God gave you a 100 bones; to atleast evolve a 100 abodes for the tremblingly oppressed during your entire lifetime; not to pave infinite battlefields of unrelentingly pugnacious war; deluging every cranny of the celestial planet with indiscriminately vengeful bloodshed,

God gave you a 100 bones; to atleast enlighten a 100 despicably shattered faces with a smile during your entire lifetime; not to squalidly replenish infinite bombastic swimming pools of yours with tears of the devastatingly deprived,

God gave you a 100 bones; to atleast disinfect a 100 km of land of all its malicious parasite during your entire lifetime; not to uncouthly trample your chariot of derogatory gunpowder; over an infinite ebulliently new born infant lives,

God gave you a 100 bones; to atleast thank a 100 people for their benevolent graciousness during your entire lifetime; not to scurrilously slander infinite

impeccable children; for ostensibly no reason nor rhyme,

God gave you a 100 bones; to atleast light the lantern of spell binding compassion in a 100 despairingly extinguishing households during your entire lifetime; not to mercilessly keep infinite a fragrant flower at the hideously venomous nozzle of

your gunpoint,

God gave you a 100 bones; to atleast sagaciously educate a 100 illiterate during your entire lifetime; not to heartlessly snatch away even the most infinitesimally fleeting happiness; from infinite symbiotically majestic lives,

God gave you a 100 bones; to atleast behead a 100 repugnant devils during your entire lifetime; not to ominously asphyxiate the throats of infinite divinely

lactating mothers; for nonsensically immortalizing your own; treacherous kind,

God gave you a 100 bones; to atleast ameliorate a 100 wounded soldiers of your sacred motherland during your entire lifetime; not to lecherously bury infinite a

living organism countless feet beneath their grave; even as their emanated the first cries of euphoric life,

God gave you a 100 bones; to atleast sing a 100 songs of unassailable unity during your entire lifetime; not to horrifically maim infinite a mellifluous voice; with the truculently sordid wings of your corpulently corruptive authority,

God gave you a 100 bones; to atleast march a 100 unflinching footsteps for uplifting your heavenly homesoil during your entire lifetime; not to insanely sell even the tiniest robe of your divinely mother; to infinite luridly barking parasites,

God gave you a 100 bones; to atleast bend a 100 times in due obeisance of nature’s panoramic charisma during your entire lifetime; not to preposterously keep towering like a chauvinistically self centered flagpole; luridly crippling infinite blissful bodies; their bread and brime,

God gave you a 100 bones; to atleast uninhibitedly melange with a 100 different tribes during your entire lifetime; not to lethally diffuse bombs of acridly whipping discrimination; amongst infinite civilizations worldwide,

God gave you a 100 bones; to atleast free a 100 torturously excoriated of your comrades from clutches of despondent slavery during your entire lifetime; not

to lasciviously sculpture an infinite bars of macabre prison; with unending shrieks of the amiably immaculate,

God gave you a 100 bones; to atleast feed a 100 unfathomably emaciating stomachs during your entire lifetime; not to perniciously infiltrate the morsels of infinite haplessly staggering; with your worthless spit,

God gave you a 100 bones; to atleast splash the lives of a 100 infertile with vivaciously ingratiating color during your entire lifetime; not to invidiously stash your own dungeons with bloodstained carcasses of your; infinite egregiously crucified prey,

And God gave you a 100 bones; to atleast throb a 100 times for the spirit of life; unshakable love and timeless humanity during your entire lifetime; not to

betrayingly steal infinite an heart; so that you could exist for an unstoppable more lives.


At times no concessions; even when you stop the desperately strangulated teenager; from committing heinously unforgivable suicide,

At times no concessions; even when you unflinchingly break the backbone of disparagingly coldblooded crime; metamorphosing every bit of terrorizing loneliness

into the aisles of triumphantly resplendent freedom,

At times no concessions; even when you stand like invincible fortress to sequester the miserably bereaved widow; from lasciviously scurrilous gestures of the conventionally ostracizing society,

At times no concessions; even when you wholeheartedly embrace the disastrously orphaned urchin; compassionately nourishing him with every ingredient of your scarlet blood; while the world outside brutally lambasted at gay abandon,

At times no concessions; even when you exhausted even the most infinitesimal iota of your jubilant happiness; to regally replenish the lives of all those savagely breathing under the sordidly treacherous gutter pipes,

At times no concessions; even when you irrefutably supported the cause of eternally sparkling truth; with every step that you tread; ruthlessly excoriating your flesh like a billion macabre thorns,

At times no concessions; even when you altruistically sacrifice your very own profoundly loved ones; for the sake of liberating your timelessly fragrant and revered motherland,

At times no concessions; even when you desecrate evil from its very non-existent roots; celestially disseminate the essence of eternally symbiotic humanity,

At times no concessions; even when you enlighten unconquerable lamps of ebullient hope; in all those dwellings incarcerated within chains of mordantly disparaging despair,

At times no concessions; even when you selflessly shatter every conceivable bone of your intrepid body; to save the innocuous infant from perniciously insidious drowning,

At times no concessions; even when you benevolently donate every penny of your hard earned wealth; just to see the most pricelessly unassailable smile; on the miserably chapped lips of the disheveled beggar boy,

At times no concessions; even when you treacherously bleed to extinction; in the process of becoming the voice of the tyrannically divested; indefatigably fighting for their cause till your last breath,

At times no concessions; even when you fearlessly confronted the traitors army singlehandedly; incessantly chanting the name of your mothersoil; as they truculently pulverized every ingredient of your handsome countenance,

At times no concessions; even when you uncontrollably shiver in morbidly freezing blackness; just to ensure that every single space of your philanthropic dwelling was inhabited by; witheringly decrepit mankind,

At times no concessions; even when you entirely abandoned each of your fantastically tantalizing dreams; magnanimously dedicating every pore of your body; to the Samaritan service of your respected nation,

At times no concessions; even when you charred your visage to insipidly threadbare ash; frantically attempting to save the mystical forests from torching under the salacious tumult of adulterated fire,

At times no concessions; even when you chivalrously stripped every cranny of your poignant flesh; to passionately embrace the dreary traveler; who was just a pair of grotesquely emaciated bones,

At times no concessions; even when you tirelessly march on your mission to make every person on this earth; prosperous; employed and literate; although fangs of devastatingly forlorn cancer viciously stabbed your intricate veins and blood,

At times no concessions; even as you unfurled into the immortally vibrant colors of goodness and unassailable love; austerely crippling your every inevitable desire; so that the planet continued to exist as a gorgeously charismatic paradise,

O! Yes at times no concessions given to you for doing even the absolute best you could for every construable fraternity of mankind; for invincibly protecting countless lives even as you expunged your very last breath; for being an implacably truthful harbinger of humanity at every path you took timeless stride,

As the greatest concession given to you perpetually by Lord Almighty; was the carpet of vivaciously gifted and fantastically supreme life.


Preposterously stinking politics; unsurpassable civilizations disastrously confounded with the indescribably sordid devil of heinous corruption,

Obnoxiously abhorrent dirt; countless orphaned without even a leaf to cover their shivering skins; while their rich counterparts triumphantly danced in palaces superfluously overflowing with silk and ecstatic gold,

Baselessly derogatory lies; unfathomable numbers of innocent organisms being devoured like pieces of infinitesimally threadbare shit; by diabolical maelstroms of manipulation,

Mercilessly alien ruthlessness; with even the most capricious iota of celestial empathy being replaced by tirelessly indiscriminating bloodshed and barbaric massacre,

Is this why Almighty Lord had created us so bountifully; magnanimously blessed us with two sacredly heavenly eyes; an enchantingly blissful festoon of vibrant eyelashes; that ebulliently danced till the very end of our time ?


Intransigently hovering parasites; unsparingly sucking even after the last droplet of blood had exhausted in the impeccably snoring child,

Ominously truculent dictatorship; where black demons uncouthly chopped hands and feet into a boundless pieces; at even the most inadvertently harmless of

their mistakes,

Gorily disparaging darkness; where baseless powerhouses profoundly enlightened their own spacecrafts; shutting the last dormitories of hope and optimistic light for the deprived,

Sanctimoniously sleazy hierarchy; venomously forcing the true artist to shed tears of penalizing blood over his unassailably divine masterpieces; as the already established greats indefatigably shot him into the aisles of remorseful nothingness,

Is this why Almighty Lord had created us so resplendently; Omnisciently blessed us with two perfectly robust arms; and majestically eclectic fingers raring to vivaciously splash the dolorous atmosphere with colors of astounding existence?


Treacherously unforgiving raunchiness; where even sacrosanct mothers bawdily traded their flesh; for just a few trash wads of crinkled paper; with monotonous numerals galore,

Salaciously lethal robberies; where even the most overpoweringly opulent truculently snatched away indispensable morsels of food; from the already shattered plates of the bizarrely deprived,

Deliberately languid unconsciousness; although the atmosphere ubiquitously brimmed with euphorically exhilarating and jubilant activity,

Invidiously acrimonious morbidity; with people not even allowing the tragically departed; a mercurial iota of space to be buried in their very own patriotically heavenly soil,

Is this why Almighty Lord had created us so ingratiatingly; Omnipotently blessing us with two tenaciously resilient legs; with a pricelessly regale shadow unflinchingly following us; all flamboyant day and compassionate night ?


Disastrously crippling unemployment; with ostentatiously pompous cigarette smoke; impious slang and unfathomably endless oceans of wine; meaninglessly

massacring the innocently illiterate,

Ignominiously squelching poverty; with innumerable immaculate infants mushrooming up on treacherously livid gutter water; instead of beautifully privileged mother’s milk,

Satanically slitting apart each other’s throats; as even those related by blood brutally fought every unfurling moment of their lives; in the spuriously nonchalant and worthless rat race; to be the best,

Vindictively adulterating environment; with even the most pragmatically educated; heinously perpetuating the celestial air with atom bombs and nuclear gas; sowing the seeds of dreadfully prejudiced war wherever there was immortal love,

Is this why Almighty Lord had created us so bloomingly; invincibly blessing us with two pairs of charismatically crimson lips; and a fantastically unsurpassable brain which even the most contemporary of computers; miserably dithered to emulate.


When I looked up at the sky in my states of penalizingly noxious prejudice; with my fists overwhelmingly raring to pulverize all around me; into inconspicuously threadbare shit,

All I could see was clouds with vindictive streaks of manipulatively beguiling violet; threateningly seeming to brutally strangulate the very fabric of enchanting existence.

When I looked up at the sky in my states of lecherously augmenting discontent; with even the most replenishing of riches failing to trigger the slightest jubilation in my preposterously greedy life,

All I could see was clouds with cataclysmically malicious streaks of dirty grey, perniciously adulterating the impeccable fountain of mesmerizing existence.

When I looked up at the sky in my states of remorseful anguish; with my persona treacherously abandoning even the most humanitarian sects of the blissfully sagacious society,

All I could see was clouds with thunderous reverberations of gory red; raining down unrelentingly cold-blooded downpours of diabolical hell.

When I looked up at the sky in my states of indefatigably castigating rebuke; with my tongue lambasting sardonically heinous abuse at even the most bountifully blooming entity that it encountered in its way,

All I could see was clouds with decaying tinges of lugubriously decaying yellow; insidiously plotting every unfurling second of the day to baselessly pulverize melodiously exotic existence.

When I looked up at the sky in my states of raunchy uxoriousness; being irrevocably drawn towards sleazily derogatory smoke; vixen and wine,

All I could see was clouds with thunderbolts of perfidiously white lightening; intractably bent upon metamorphosing every aspect of glorious existence into

mists of meaningless chowder.

When I looked up at the sky in my states of horrifically debilitating insanity; with every cranny of my countenance maniacally marauding even the most holistic ingredient of the spell bindingly rhapsodic atmosphere,

All I could see was clouds with pugnacious battlefields of ghastly brown; salaciously trying their best to corrupt the ingratiatingly majestic charisma of vibrant existence.

When I looked up at the sky in my states of tasteless exasperation; tirelessly fuming and fretting at even the most fantastically reinvigorating shades of my inexorably fantasizing mind,

All I could see was clouds with abominably lackadaisical grains of chalky turquoise; surreptitiously planning to nondescriptly imprison; the regally soaring colors of ebulliently euphoric existence.

When I looked up at the sky in my states of treacherous nonchalance; slithering like an infidel insect in the marshes of desperation; without the tiniest of mission or ambition in vivacious life,

All I could see was clouds with sordid maelstroms of disparagingly dolorous black; torturously thrashing and uprooting the tree of marvelously aristocratic existence.

When I looked up at the sky in my states of satanic disbelief; not trusting even the most blazing inferno of patriotically perpetual truth,

All I could see was clouds with inconspicuous traces of ephemeral blue; venomously poisoning the sacrosanct demeanor of existence to abscond towards the graveyards of non-existent death.

When I looked up at the sky in my states of criminal hatred; parasitically sucking innocent blood; just in order to spuriously titillate the already scrumptiously rejuvenated trajectories of my skin,

All I could see was clouds with tyrannical prisons of cheating green; miserably eluding eternally iridescent existence of its; profoundly bountiful passion and graciousness.

But when I looked up at the sky in my states of perennially unassailable love; harboring nothing else but the spirit of timeless companionship in my heart; for every caste; creed; religion and organism; royally alike,

I saw no clouds at all; not even the most mercurial trace of devilish savagery around; as all that stared into my innocuous eyes was the Omnipotent light of the Sun; which immortally enlightened me to live and let live; forever and ever and ever.


Wasn’t it incredibly strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to tawdrily abuse; ghastily desecrate the fabric of impeccability to the most unprecedented limits ?

Wasn’t it astoundingly strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to filthily spit; ignominiously taint the spotless cradle of earth; with insouciantly foul saliva ?

Wasn’t it unbelievably strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to abhorrently curse; cadaverously meting out your

personal frustration upon another of the Lord’s superior living being ?

Wasn’t it inexplicably strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to lugubriously yawn; permeate a civilization of slandering laziness into every conceivable bit of the atmosphere; thereby ?

Wasn’t it unsurpassably strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to fervently lick dirt; in order to mollify the insurmountable whirlpool of perverted fantasy that rampantly circulated in your brain ?

Wasn’t it limitlessly strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to blurt incoherently fetid balderdash; crippling every form of beauty and ecstatic life with your insanely meaningless talk ?

Wasn’t it unceasingly strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to uncouthly gobble the most innocuous of living organisms; augmenting to the ultimate crescendo of sadistic pleasure as you knifed through innocent flesh and bone ?

Wasn’t it inexhaustibly strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to deliriously gape at even the most infinitesimal trace of naked skin; at innocent boys and girls; half your age ?

Wasn’t it unfathomably strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to indiscriminately scream your lungs out; not perturbed the tiniest by the uncontrollably bleeding eardrums of the newborn infant sleeping right in your arms ?

Wasn’t it uncannily strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to proclaim irrefutably ultimate death to a truthful living being; bound by several political constraints when you were the judge ?

Wasn’t it interminably strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to mercilessly ridicule all those bereaved old men and women; blowing them like frigid matchsticks with your profusely alcoholic breath ?

Wasn’t it incomprehensibly strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to disgustingly challenge every form of

spell binding righteousness; spin unstoppable webs of maliciously manipulative drudgery ?

Wasn’t it indefatigably strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to command the haplessly infirm to deplorably slave for you; forever remain crushed under your unabashedly bohemian foot; whilst you sky-rocketed to the epitome of Everest ?

Wasn’t it stupendously strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to doggedly rebuke your very own invincibly venerated parents; squandering every bit of their hard earned riches; on your idiosyncratic desires; vixen and bawdy wine ?

Wasn’t it tirelessly strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to wretchedly exploit the honest with your glib tongue; and then spuriously proclaim that as the spirit of “Survival of the Fittest” ?

Wasn’t it intolerably strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to inhale severely contaminated prejudice; whilst ominously roaming through the lanes of robotically lame commercialism ?

Wasn’t it unspeakably strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to spell; announce and expatiate upon the meaning of worthless “Death”; wherein the true essence of existence lay profoundly perpetual in sensuous breath ?

Wasn’t it unlimitedly strange; that you used the same mouth; perhaps an infinite times in a single lifetime; to wholesomely crucify the Sun of optimism in every righteous eyeball; with your words of wantonly opprobrious negativity ?

Yes; that very same pristine orifice of pink; that very same beautiful mouth; which you didn’t perhaps; but definitely used an infinite times in a single lifetime; whilst awake as well as sleeping; to speak; idolize; worship; the name of your unassailably Omnipresent Creator.


Start & End even the most destructively terrorizing moment of yours; solely with the tributaries of pristinely unsurpassable and eternally enamoring love; encircling every beat of your symbiotically throbbing heart.

Start & End even the most treacherously penalizing moment of yours; solely with a cosmos of benevolently unparalleled and inimitably priceless love; perpetuating every beat of your symbiotically throbbing heart.

Start & End even the most diabolically sacrilegious moment of yours; solely with a fantasy of beautifully unbridled and timelessly enthralling love; unassailably enveloping every beat of your symbiotically throbbing heart.

Start & End even the most devilishly betraying moment of yours; solely with

a civilization of unimaginably profound and perennially ebullient love; unconquerably cascading into every beat of your symbiotically throbbing heart.

Start & End even the most deplorably blackened moment of yours; solely with

an atmosphere of perpetually fructifying and indomitably redolent love; uninhibitedly bonding with every beat of your symbiotically throbbing heart.

Start & End even the most inexplicably dogmatic moment of yours; solely with

a valley of fathomlessly celestial and insuperably ameliorating love; bountifully breathing in every beat of your symbiotically throbbing heart.

Start & End even the most heinously bludgeoning moment of yours; solely with

a forest of unbelievably intrepid and ecstatically virile love; undefeatedly blossoming in every beat of your symbiotically throbbing heart.

Start & End even the most atrociously incarcerating moment of yours; solely

with a sky of triumphantly euphoric and spell-bindingly ever-pervading love;

infallibly kissing every beat of your symbiotically throbbing heart.

Start & End even the most inexorably asphyxiating moment of yours; solely

with a cistern of incredulously virgin and perpetually mollifying love; unflinchingly permeating into every beat of your symbiotically throbbing heart.

Start & End even the most bizarrely carcinogenic moment of yours; solely

with a rainbow of resplendently exotic and poignantly philanthropic love;

brilliantly enlightening every beat of your symbiotically throbbing heart.

Start & End even the most torturously cannibalistic moment of yours; solely

with a stream of unendingly vivacious and jubilantly effulgent love; celestially engulfing every beat of your symbiotically throbbing heart.

Start & End even the most vindictively unsparing moment of yours; solely

with a meadow of sensuously tranquil and tantalizingly exhilarating love; magically incorporating every beat of your symbiotically throbbing heart.

Start & End even the most tawdrily divesting moment of yours; solely with a

cloudburst of endlessly fructifying and blissfully blessed love; invincibly drenching every beat of your symbiotically throbbing heart.

Start & End even the most beguilingly abhorrent moment of yours; solely with

a squall of spectacularly enigmatic and unshakably iridescent love; marvelously consecrating every beat of your symbiotically throbbing heart.

Start & End even the most traumatically indiscriminate moment of yours; solely with a caravan of quintessentially enchanting and ubiquitously mitigating love; exultatingly replenishing every beat of your symbiotically throbbing heart.

Start & End even the most venomously prejudiced moment of yours; solely with

a Sun of fearlessly illuminating and Omnipresently dominating love; tirelessly frolicking with every beat of your symbiotically throbbing heart.

Start & End even the most haplessly extinguishing moment of yours; solely

with a Wind of universally fascinating and undauntedly spawning love; inscrutably whispering to every beat of your symbiotically throbbing heart.

Start & End even the most inevitably deathly moment of yours; solely with a

cavern of immortally bestowing and effulgently evolving love; Omnisciently

entwining with every beat of your symbiotically throbbing heart.

For if you wanted to be forever in heaven after and even before horrifying

death; for if you wanted to forever triumph in even the most infinitesimal

synergistic aspect of life; for if you wanted to forever remain as one of God’s most favorite disciples; then there is no other route except the above that’ll ensure you the same; not just for one but an infinite more of your infinite lifetimes.


There were an infinite on the trajectory of this amazing Universe; who dressed to the most enthrallingly contemporary of their ability; just to visit the gaudily draped shopping malls,

There were an infinite on the trajectory of this mesmerizing Universe; who

dressed to the most pompously corporate of their ability; just to visit the corridors of the sanctimoniously plush office,

There were an infinite on the trajectory of this spell binding Universe; who

dressed to the most bountifully majestic of their ability; just to visit enchantingly aristocratic castle,

There were an infinite on the trajectory of this unsurpassable Universe; who

dressed to the most supremely patriotic of their ability; just to visit the sacredly fearless ground of the battlefield,

There were an infinite on the trajectory of this insuperable Universe; who

dressed to the most fantastically redolent of their ability; just to visit the beautifully celestial gardens,

There were an infinite on the trajectory of this triumphant Universe; who

dressed to the most surreally rustic of their ability; just to visit the unbelievably articulate artist,

There were an infinite on the trajectory of this limitless Universe; who dressed to the most impregnably adventurous of their ability; just to visit the sensuously exhilarating forests,

There were an infinite on the trajectory of this inexhaustible Universe; who

dressed to the most exuberantly tangy of their ability; just to visit the timelessly undulating oceans,

There were an infinite on the trajectory of this unending Universe; who dressed to the most philanthropically benign of their ability; just to visit the inimitably Omnipotent temple,

There were an infinite on the trajectory of this indefatigable Universe; who

dressed to the most passionately peppy of their ability; just to visit the vividly pulsating discotheque,

There were an infinite on the trajectory of this endless Universe; who dressed to the most unabashedly licentious of their ability; just to visit the tawdrily throbbing pub,

There were an infinite on the trajectory of this ecstatic Universe; who dressed to the most unassailably subliming of their ability; just to visit the absolute epitome

of priceless Mount Everest,

There were an infinite on the trajectory of this colossal Universe; who dressed to the most mellifluously ebullient of their ability; just to visit the incessantly chattering and melodiously sugar coated beehive,

There were an infinite on the trajectory of this spectacular Universe; who dressed to the most stupendously intriguing of their ability; just to visit the incredulously enigmatic magician,

There were an infinite on the trajectory of this egalitarian Universe; who dressed to the most scantily mortifying of their ability; just to visit the compassionately

silken and reinvigorating waterfalls,

There were an infinite on the trajectory of this righteous Universe; who dressed to the most pugnaciously cannibalistic of their ability; just to visit the despicably abhorrent underworld Don,

There were an infinite on the trajectory of this handsome Universe; who dressed to the most candidly unbiased of their ability; just to visit the unfathomably

benevolent mirror of truth,

There were an infinite on the trajectory of this uncanny Universe; who dressed to the most ferociously spirited of their ability; just to visit the domineeringly bare breasted lioness,

There were an infinite on the trajectory of this resplendent Universe; who dressed to the most traditionally laconic of their ability; just to visit the bounteously effervescent village,

There were an infinite on the trajectory of this gargantuan Universe; who dressed to the most impeccably venerated of their ability; just to visit the Omnipresently bestowing feet of the immortal mother,

There were an infinite on the trajectory of this charismatic Universe; who

dressed to the most divinely vibrant of their ability; just to visit the perpetually jubilant fortress of unassailable life,

There were an infinite on the trajectory of this luminescent Universe; who

dressed to the most bizarrely dilapidate of their ability; just to visit the forlornly morbid and fetid graveyard,

There were an infinite on the trajectory of this exhilaratingly Universe; who dressed to the most studiously innocuous of their ability; just to visit the fervently holistic and learned school,

There were an infinite on the trajectory of this piquant Universe; who dressed to the most tantalizing sensuous of their ability; just to visit the bodies of their immortal lovers,

There were an infinite on the trajectory of this inebriating Universe; who dressed to the most athletically robust of their ability; just to visit the emphatically tenacious interiors of the overwhelmingly flexible gym,

There were an infinite on the trajectory of this concord Universe; who dressed to the most irrefutably deserving of their ability; just to visit the footsteps of their brilliantly persevering and infallibly flawless father,

There were an infinite on the trajectory of this untamed Universe; who dressed to the most buoyantly uninhibited of their ability; just to visit the firmament of blessedly blue and pristine sky,

There were an infinite on the trajectory of this ravishing Universe; who dressed to the most aridly unceasing of their ability; just to visit the fathomless sands of

the swelteringly sulking desert,

And then there was of course me; an diminutively impoverished slave of Lord

Almighty; who lay without the most infinitesimal of cloth and entirely naked

amidst the intoxicatingly fragrant dewdrops of grass; just to pen and keep on indefatigably penning a countless lines of perennially fructifying poetry; which were an infinite times more than a infinitely perceivable infinite.


Neither were the most emphatically beautiful of yours crystalline eyes; in anyways or could ever dream even an infinitesimal iota; of being solely and forever yours,

Neither were the most lusciously resplendent of your charismatic lips; in anyways or could ever dream even a minuscule iota; of being solely and forever yours,

Neither were the most pristinely impeccable of your artistic fingers; in anyways or could ever dream even an ethereal iota; of being of solely and forever yours,

Neither were the most divinely inimitable of your spell-binding expressions; in anyways or could ever dream even an infidel iota; of being solely and forever yours,

Neither were the most exuberantly galloping of your unflinching legs; in anyways or could ever dream even a fugitive iota; of being solely and forever yours,

Neither was the most truthfully emollient of your righteous soul; in anyways or could ever dream even an evanescent iota; of being solely and forever yours,

Neither was the most enchantingly bestowing of your magnanimous voice; in

anyways or could ever dream even an ethereal iota; of being solely and forever yours,

Neither was the most intriguingly insuperable of your fathomless brain; in anyways or could ever dream even a livid iota; of being solely and forever yours,

Neither were the most poignantly unconquerable of your priceless bloodstreams; in anyways or could ever dream even a disappearing iota; of being solely and forever yours,

Neither was the most redolently sculptured of your bountiful neck; in anyways or could ever dream even a translucent iota; of being solely and forever yours,

Neither was the most triumphantly jubilant of your robust Adams apple; in anyways or could ever dream even a nonchalant iota; of being solely and forever yours,

Neither were the most ebulliently unshakable of your celestial bones; in anyways or could ever dream even an inane iota; of being solely and forever yours,

Neither was the most fantastically revitalizing of your ardent sweat; in anyways or could ever dream even an obfuscated iota; of being solely and forever yours,

Neither were the most philanthropically handsome of your majestic shoulders;

in anyways or could ever dream even an obliterated iota; of being solely and

forever yours,

Neither was the most invincibly patriotic of your bedazzling shadow; in anyways or could ever dream even a bleary iota; of being solely and forever yours,

Neither was the most impregnably blazing of your infallible brawn; in anyways or could ever dream even a vacillating iota; of being solely and forever yours,

Neither was the most eternally indispensable of your aristocratic breath; in anyways or could ever dream even a dilapidated iota; of being solely and forever yours,

Neither were the most immortally passionate of your Omnipotent heartbeats; in anyways or could ever dream even a lackadaisical iota; of being solely and

forever yours,

Neither was the most Omnipresently royal of your astounding victory; in anyways or could ever dream even a non-existent iota; of being solely and forever yours,

And neither were the most pricelessly unfathomable of your inexhaustible worldly possessions; in anyways or could ever dream even a meaningless iota; of being solely and forever yours,

For even the most diminutive ingredient of your persona; and all what you had; have or will ever dare the capacity to posses; is of the Omniscient Almighty Creator; and is solely destined to timelessly execute and dance to his; and only his and none else’s PERPETUAL COMMAND.


I would always remain disastrously poor; although I had assimilated all unfathomable wealth of this unending Universe; infront of the Omnipotent aura of the bountifully bestowing; Almighty Creator,

I would always remain witheringly weak; although I had accumulated all Herculean power of this colossal planet; infront of the marvelous splendor of the invincibly ever-pervading; Almighty Creator,

I would always remain utterly devastated; although I had blissfully acquired all poignant prosperity of this gigantic earth; infront of the Omnisciently eternal radiance of the unshakable; Almighty Creator,

I would always remain dolorously subjugated; although I had all rhapsodic happiness of this gregarious planet to my credit; infront of the perennially endowing entrenchment; of the gloriously unconquerable; Almighty Creator,

I would always remain as sordid as disdainful charcoal; although I had in my insurmountable repertoire all scents of this magnanimous world; infront of the perpetually stupendous bliss of the miraculously healing; Almighty Creator,

I would always remain enshrouded in prisons of inexplicably bizarre darkness; although I had the most brilliantly ecstatic beams of hope of this entire planet encapsulated in my palms; infront of the majestically Omnipotent light of the everlasting; Almighty Creator,

I would always remain insidiously maimed; although I had symbiotically harbored all opulent goodness of this mesmerizing world; infront of the magically overpowering shadow of the unassailably fascinating; Almighty Creator,

I would always remain despicably morose; although I had gathered all ingratiatingly rhapsodic melody of this boundless Universe; infront of the irrefutably divine illumination of the resplendent; Almighty Creator,

I would always remain horrendously ungainly; although I had truthfully carved a special place for myself on this fathomless earth; infront of the stupendously

supreme tunes of the impregnably towering; Almighty Creator,

I would always remain diminutively ugly; although I had blended with every speck of ebullient beauty on the trajectory of this mystical globe; infront of the unbelievably vibrant kaleidoscope of colors; of the undefeated; Almighty Creator,

I would always remain licking the dust; although I had triumphantly won over every continent on this regally aristocratic Universe; infront of the unsurpassably blossoming form of the royally grandiloquent; Almighty Creator,

I would always remain ludicrously minuscule; although I had reached the ultimate epitome of all glittering heights on this astronomical earth; infront of the astoundingly tireless proliferation of the ubiquitously charismatic; Almighty Creator,

I would always remain devastatingly tyrannized; although I had triumphantly hoisted the flag of my victory over every arena of this colossal world; infront of the handsomely humanitarian religion of the incomprehensibly enamoring; Almighty Creator,

I would always remain mercilessly frigid; although I had unflinchingly won the compassionate warmth of every single soul on this exuberantly blooming planet;

infront of the timeless grace of the wonderfully mesmerizing; Almighty Creator,

I would always remain gruesomely blind; although I had the vision of all on this endless Universe in my tiny fists; infront of the vivaciously Omnipresent blessings of the pristinely poignant; Almighty Creator,

I would always remain vindictively bleeding; although I had in my blood all intransigent tenacity of this limitless globe; infront of the immaculately benign

fragrance of the sagaciously enlightening; Almighty Creator,

I would always remain frantically sleepless; although I had beautifully enveloped every part of my countenance with the tranquility of this boundless world; infront of the unparalleled benevolence of the celestially inimitable; Almighty Creator,

I would always remain infinite kilometers beneath my corpse; although I had the exhilarating air of every organism’s lungs incarcerated in my chest; infront of

the impeccably uninhibited stride of the unrelentingly effulgent; Almighty Creator,

And I would always remain ominously plagued by a heart attack; although I had earned the passionate love of the unlimited planet in each of my beats; infront of

the heavenly immortal essence of togetherness of the brilliantly best; Almighty Creator.


God simply didn’t need anything; as his Omnipotent aura towered gloriously over every quarter; of this boundlessly mesmerizing Universe,

You could yet make him happy; by uninhibitedly embracing his organisms in inexplicably traumatic pain; nourishing them in your compassionately

philanthropic swirl.

God simply didn’t need anything; as his unconquerably bountiful majesty; unrelentingly ruled even the most infinitesimal of space on this; blissfully endowing planet,

You could yet make him happy; by gregariously nourishing his underprivileged children with your own blood; never letting them feel that they were disastrously orphaned on this gigantic globe and all alone.

God simply didn’t need anything; as his overpoweringly unassailable scent; ingratiatingly perpetuated through even the most obsoletely remote corner of this; fathomless earth,

You could yet make him happy; by being a benign harbinger of all humanity irrespective of caste; creed and spurious religion alike; altruistically harnessing

his maimed destitute; with your very own breath.

God simply didn’t need anything; as his everlastingly Omniscient radiance; profoundly illuminated even the most remorsefully darkened arenas on the

trajectory of this world,

You could yet make him happy; by patriotically blazing ahead for your sacrosanct motherland; ubiquitously disseminating the mantra of perennial righteousness; to all those disdainfully withering in the web of; ghastly lies.

God simply didn’t need anything; as his marvelously Omnipresent radiance; timelessly enlightened every cranny of this gigantically enchanting earth; whether it be gruesomely debilitating night or the brilliantly sweltering day,

You could yet make him happy; by wholeheartedly diffusing the humble ideals of priceless existence; to all his tyrannized molecules; groping in despondently

ungainly wilderness.

God simply didn’t need anything; as his invincibly supreme silhouette; irrefutably overshadowed the coagulated power on this Herculean Universe; like the sky handsomely overshadows the diminutive flies,

You could yet make him happy; by indefatigably patronizing the religion of mankind to the most boundless parts of this spell binding Universe; and till the time you breathed your last breath.

God simply didn’t need anything; as his resplendently Omnipotent form; perpetually ensured that the chapter of holistic life; astoundingly proliferated on this earth for times immemorial,

You could yet make him happy; by selflessly lending your shoulder to all those agonizingly blind; transport them to the aisles of unshakable safety; and thereby igniting a smile back; in their impoverished lives.

God simply didn’t need anything; as his fabulously impregnable contours blissfully marked the commencing of every new era; his ever bestowing palms were the very reason that countless living were still alive,

You could yet make him happy; by eternally uniting with all his tumultuously bereaved tribes; celestially maneuvering them towards the corridors of unflinching success; wrapped forever in the waves of incomprehensible solidarity.

God simply didn’t need anything; as his immortally undefeated persona relentlessly ensured; that unsurpassable new replaced every inevitably dying and dithering life,

You could yet make him happy; by compassionately liberating the chords of your gorgeously throbbing heart; to shower upon all his miserably unfortunate children; the torrentially unending cloudshowers of love; love and only unbiased love.


Wake me up only if; the light of the Omnipotent Sun glimmered; with brilliantly untamed flamboyance outside,

Wake me up only if; uninhibited torrents of impregnable love; pelted with indefatigable frenzy; from fathomless sky,

Wake me up only if; all horrendously manipulative ugliness; metamorphosed into a planet of perpetually priceless mankind,

Wake me up only if; heinous crime wholesomely ceased to exist on the trajectory of this planet; the innocuous were no more subjected to tyrannical malice,

Wake me up only if; inexplicably traumatized agony; miraculously metamorphosed into a festoon of; charismatically jubilant smiles,

Wake me up only if; the Moonbeams showered their pristine seduction upon the periphery of this bedraggled earth; without the slightest iota of adulterated prejudice,

Wake me up only if; an unfathomable festoon of poignant roses; ubiquitously disseminated the scent of graciously voluptuous timelessness; to every cranny of

this bountifully everlasting Universe,

Wake me up only if; rhapsodic cisterns of spell binding wind; euphorically swiped all horrifically disgruntled gloom; perpetuated all lugubriously languid with the profound ebullience to lead life,

Wake me up only if; majestic rivulets of oneness oozed harmoniously; handsomely blending with the eternal fabric of symbiotically supreme living kind,

Wake me up only if; the soil outside ravishingly sprouted with the fruits of magical creation; the chapter of invincible existence; enchantingly proliferated at every space inundated with ominous grief,

Wake me up only if; the stars radiantly twinkled in exuberantly princely unison; ingratiatingly placating the souls of one and all truculently bereaved; alike,

Wake me up only if; marvelously titillating beauty unveiled on every step that I transgressed; making me entirely oblivious to the diabolical vagaries; of this savagely commercial planet,

Wake me up only if; all morbidly sullen depression; scintillatingly transformed into a perennially bestowing entrenchment; of blissful smiles,

Wake me up only if; rainbows of magnificently regale prosperity insatiably lingered on every contour of this colossal planet; enshrouding every element of disparagingly despairing existence with the rays of; gloriously ecstatic freedom,

Wake me up only if; the irrefutably sacred spirit of perseverance; prevailed unflinchingly; across even the most laggard heart on this fathomless planet,

Wake me up only if; the unequivocally unassailable mantra of truth reigned unshakably supreme; with the corpse of hideously nonchalant lies; disappearing

forever into the mists of worthless nothingness,

Wake me up only if; waves of unconquerably patriotic freedom compassionately encircled the earth from all sides; with every organism profusely exercising its

right of; tirelessly benign existence,

Wake me up only if; all mercilessly satanic bloodshed refrains to happen forever; with every orphaned child amiably cuddling once again; in the lap of its sacrosanct mother,

Wake me up only if; every entity listened to nothing else; but the impeccably beautiful voice of his; undefeatably pious conscience,

Wake me up only if; a river of enthrallingly vibrant melody flowed outside my bedroom window; when every dawn greeted me wonderfully with the Omniscient scent of; ever pervading humanity,

Wake me up only if; every passionately palpitating heart on this aristocratically fascinating Universe; bonded with threads of immortally unending love,

Most importantly O! Almighty Lord; wake me up only if; you had the power to wake up my beloved from the realms of surreally ethereal heaven; so that we embarked upon our mission to wake up all those disastrously decaying; flooding our each night with so much love; that we always remained awake forever and ever and ever.


The more stringently you tried to attempt it; the more abominably it ran away from you; eluding you like the wail of the surreptitiously wailing fox,

The more austerely you searched for it; the more abhorrently it shirked you; cold bloodedly kicking you on your; intricately silken hindside,

The more incorrigibly you wanted it; the more salaciously it whipped you; pugnaciously repelling you till realms beyond infinite infinity; to wander in a

land of worthless nothingness,

The more indefatigably you chased it; the more viciously it stabbed you; sporadically appearing right before your eyes; but unfortunately never being only yours,

The more intractably you tried to follow it; the more venomously did it fox you; rendering you gasping for breath and life; as you miserably staggered upon every step,

The more intransigently you stared at it; the more manipulatively it got more and more inconspicuous in size; literally blinding you to grope in a tunnel of gruesomely hapless darkness,

The more forcefully you tried to evolve it; the more ludicrously it jeered you; making meaningless mockery of your charismatic persona; in front of the entire Universe outside,

The more stubbornly you tried to assimilate it; the more smoothly it vanished from your impregnably clenched fists; handsomely soaring abreast the satiny clouds; while you spat angrily at your very own reflection,

The more resolutely you tried to capture it; the more rebelliously it slapped you; as you pathetically swooned for times immemorial upon treacherously cold ground,

The more greedily you tried to savor it; the more triumphantly it escaped from your mind for infinite more yet to come; leaving you to stagnate; in a ghastly corpse of remorseful morbidity,

The more possessively you tried to embrace it; the more congenially it blended with every other entity on this fathomless planet; except your ardently yearning soul,

The more obsessively you tried to chant it; the more heinously it slipped from the very center of your tongue; dumbing you perpetually; to bear the tyranny of the murderously savage world outside,

The more irretrievably you tried to cherish it; the more it started to fade like an obsolete mirage from the whites of your eye; as you ridiculously ended up relinquishing the last iota of breath; for its priceless sake,

The more fervently you tried to pray for it; the more it made sure that it would reside in another dwelling and not yours; submerging you forever in whirlpools

of disastrously gory darkness,

The more iteratively you tried to make it a fanatic part of your religion; the more it deserted you like the flames desert the crumbling matchstick; making sure that your entity coalesced only with raw dust,

The more tirelessly you tried to conquer it; the more irascibly surreptitious it became; enticing you like a nubile princess beside its seductive grace; before eventually making you taste maliciously stinking pig skin on the obdurate ground,

The more insanely you tried to make it an integral element of your breath; the more violently it shrugged your shivering visage; hatefully hurling you back to the very place; where you belonged before you were born,

The more cleverly you tried to bond it with every of your lackadaisically penurious beats; the more it dolorously dulled even the most infinitesimal trace of energy in your chest; as you asked the Lord to condone you from; devastatingly penalizing death,

It was unfortunately unlike other things in life; which when you tried the hardest for; would eventually and forever be yours,

For all you had to do was uninhibitedly open the chords of your mind; heart and soul; breathe naturally in symbiotic conjunction with God’s bountiful Universe; and Lo! Behold; the greatest artist poured out from your beautiful countenance; and the art that had always beguiled you previously; was now and timelessly; always yours.


Bless me with the strength to plough through undulating stretches of fecund land,

Bless me with the agility to clamber up serrated skin of tall pine tree,

Bless me with the profound courage to encounter nefarious criminals head on,

Bless me with the ability to discriminate between the sacrosanct and horrendously bad,

Bless me with the nostalgia to reminiscence blissful anecdotes of past and; unveiling future,

Bless me with the prowess of eloquent speech; for communication with the society,

Bless me with the capacity of rescuing urchins trembling in the arms of fast approaching death,

Bless me with belligerent qualities of becoming a true warrior for my revered nation,

Bless me with a keen eyesight to help a plethora of citizens traversing the roads; with strips of black on their eyes,

Bless me with extravagant bulge of body muscle; to stand as a rock between

the victimized and lecherous,

Bless me with the stupendous power to stay awake at night; facilitating me to cover all those shivering with a woolen quilt,

Bless me with bountiful opulence; instigating me to feed famished masses with

twin meals of rice,

Bless me with a celestial smile; pacifying hordes of people in times of disastrous


Bless me with a chivalrous disposition; making it easier for me to part with

my possessions,

Bless me with a down to earth attitude; rendering me versatile to empathize with a myriad of penurious masses,

Bless me with the power to walk barefoot in the blistering heat; donating my leather boots to those struck with leprosy,

Bless me with an intricate mind deciphering enigmas ; chalking out philanthropic policies for traumatized prisoners,

Bless me with the dexterity to commence my day with a plain glass of water; relinquishing appetizing meals served on silver,

Bless me with truck loads of unprejudiced love; imparting it to all those

who indispensably need it,

Bless me with the energy to innovate and create; showering a battalion of contemporary comfort on my impoverished counterparts,

Bless me with the art of holding back my effusive tears; instead offering tumultuous comfort to the bereaved,

Over and above all O! LORD bless me with the power to sustain life; succeeding in my endeavor to make planet earth a better place to live.


Even if you failed me in mathematics; giving me the lowest marks in the entire school; It still wouldn’t hurt me at all,

Even if you failed me while clambering the mountain slopes; making me stumble on the very first step itself; It still wouldn’t hurt me at all Even if you failed me while talking to colleagues; stuttering miserably on every word I spoke; It still wouldn’t hurt me at all,

Even if you failed me in Business; making me incur losses worth millions of rupees; It still wouldn’t hurt me at all,

Even if you failed me in making my food; wherein all I managed to prepare was sooty charcoal from the fields laden with infinite vegetables; It still wouldn’t hurt me at all,

Even if you failed me in building a house of my own; with all bricks hurtling down towards me before I laid them; It still wouldn’t hurt me at all,

Even if you failed me in finding the most precious of my gifts; with the entire team of detectives I hired simply unable to trace them; It still wouldn’t hurt me at all,

Even if you failed me in the battlefield; with a river of blood diffusing rampantly from my skin; It still wouldn’t hurt me at all,

Even if you failed me while I was swimming; drowning me uncouthly for marathon hours before I reached the surface; It still wouldn’t hurt me at all,

Even if you failed me while leaping from the sky; with the strings of my parachute failing to unwind; and the bones of my body shattering into a million pieces; It still wouldn’t hurt me at all,

Even if you failed me in my flirtatious activities; with scores of girls on the street ridiculing me; when infact I desperately wanted their friendship; It still wouldn’t

hurt me at all,

Even if you failed me in front of my parents; with them condemning my work as a lazy tribute to the soil; It still wouldn’t hurt me at all,

Even if you failed me at reaching office early everyday; with my tyre getting punctured midway although I started hours before time; It still wouldn’t hurt me at all,

Even if you failed me at snapping photographs; with people thrashing me black and blue for portraying them as decayed fruits; It still wouldn’t hurt me at all,

Even if you failed me at swallowing medicines; with every attempt of mine to gulp resulting in disastrously puking out the same; It still wouldn’t hurt me at all,

Even if you failed me in procuring my livelihood; with every attempt of mine to earn finding me placed in the beggars seat; It still wouldn’t hurt me at all,

Even if you failed me in wearing my own clothes; with my shirt inevitably getting torn the instant I tried to fit it over my shoulders; It still wouldn’t hurt me at all,

Even if you failed me while sleeping; jolting me off from my slumber every second with an armory of horrifying dreams; It still wouldn't hurt me at all,

Even if you failed me in all quarters of life; making me despicably succumb and lick raw mud; It still wouldn’t hurt me at all,

And as I told you O! lord I wouldn’t mind it the least if you snatched away everything from me; failed me horrendously in every sphere of life; but please see to it that I kept writing poetry till the time I relinquished my last breath; make me the king of poetry


Before the pinnacle of mount Everest; there was a plethora of barricades to be confronted,

Before plummeting down to the bottom of the fathomless ocean; one had to face a battalion of wild sharks,

Before winning the coveted title of wrestling champion; there was the arduous endeavor of toning a jugglery of muscle,

Before harnessing the art of devouring glass; one had to learn to incessantly consume obdurate food,

Before swimming against choppy waters of the perennial river; one had to acqurie skills of floating in the shallow pool,

Before adroitly sketching articulate forms of scenic beauty; one had to know the art of blending color,

Before reciting mesmerizing notes of melodious music; one had to aware of the cadence of sound,

Before running at swashbuckling speeds in torrential showers of rain; one had to assimilate the vigor to walk,

Before tumultuously bursting into fits of sporadic laughter; one should know how to smile,

Before constructing the grandiloquent Taj Mahal of juxtaposed brick; one must have the skill to build a compact wall,

Before driving a high powered bike through the mountain roads; it was indispensable to posses the prowess of synchronized balance,

Before sculpturing ornate statues to scented wax; one should incorporate the technique of molding clay,

Before beheading a person in war with pugnacious swishes of the scepter; one must have the profound courage to hold one,

Before gliding down the picturesque valley strapped to parachute strings; one should master the ingredients of adventure,

Before encountering the ominous panther head on; one must develop a compassion for the animate beast,

Before gulping down pints of frozen water; one should savor the taste of Luke warm milk,

Before witnessing stupendous parables of jubilation; one must trespass through the tyranny of sorrow,

Before sleeping blissfully on a mattress of silken gold; one should inevitably perspire under the blistering heat of the sun,

Before transiting to realms of uninvited old age; one must experience the exuberance of resplendent youth,

Before dancing in the aisles of passionate romance; one should thoroughly mature in responsibility,

And before the commencing the activities of each day; one must indispensably worship the deity he believes in; praying for celestial solace from the Creator.


Abruptly crisp; sonorously manipulative ; Astutely target oriented; was the style of the checkered suit businessman,

Vibrant breezy; Beautifully serene; Stupendously animated; was the style of the gigantic trunk oak tree,

Boisterously escalating; Tenaciously clashing; Fabulously salty; was the style of

the boundlessly undulating ocean,

Impeccably innocent; Entirely oblivious to vagaries of monotonous life; as innocuous as the virgin sea shores; was the style of the freshly born and incessantly sleeping child,

Viciously wicked; Perilously threatening; Furtively clever; was the style of the acerbic tailed & lethally venomous scorpion,

Bountifully colossal; Blissfully serene; Dynamically fluttering; was the style of the unfathomable expanse of azure sky,

Overwhelmingly verbose; Inundated with countless alphabets; Encompassing every word on this planet; was the style of the leather bound and enchantingly embellished dictionary,

Tangily seductive; Voluptuously enticing; Ravishingly beautiful; was the style of the young maiden,

Blatantly deplorable; Thunderously smelly; Obnoxiously fat; was the style of the garbage coated and pretentiously inflated pig,

Magically smooth; Uninhibitedly unrestricted; Handsomely buoyant; was the style of the wide spread and majestically gliding eagle,

Brilliantly flamboyant; Omnipotent & supremely enthusing; Sizzling the entire Universe in the swirl of its austerely fiery rays; was the style of the Kingly Sun,

Disdainfully dirty; Mischievously poking; Large eyed and petrified; was the style of the gargantuan rat sleeping peacefully on a bar of immaculate cheese,

Gorgeously sweet; Insurmountably tantalizing; Heavenly scented; was the style of the incomprehensibly spongy and cherry tipped triangular cake,

Pertinently harassing; Relentlessly irate; Perniciously and incorrigibly permeating; was the style of the inconspicuously diminutive mosquito,

Preposterously large; Heinously diabolical; Mammoth jawed and cannibalistic; was the style of the stoically silver shark,

Rambunctiously busy; Rampantly darting around; Mystically diffusing delectable globs of golden honey; was the style of the electric paced and diving bumble bee,

Poignantly sharp; Celestially tasting; Astronomically reinvigorating; was the style of the profusely aromatic morning tea,

Unsurpassably slippery; Wildly woven; Intractably sticky; was the style of the splendidly captivating and criss-crossed spider web,

Stringently barking; Irrefutably loyal; Blessed with an astounding prowess to smell even the most obscure of footprints; was the style of the fur coated sheep dog,

Unimaginably blessed; Engendering a person to march forward all his life; Vivaciously pouring tears of happiness and sadness at times; was the style of

the effusively turbulent eye,

Infectiously sweet; Crunchy & Delicious; Incredulously exotic; was the style of the raw crystals of scintillating white sugar,

Tumultuously freezing; More transparent than any mirror; Shimmering ingratiatingly under milky moonlight; was the style of the mountain of white ice,

Astoundingly cozy; Wonderfully compassionate; Exquisitely sheltering naked skin from inclement cold; was the style of the richly evolved and meticulously stitched satiny quilt,

Insurmountably heavy; Extraordinarily abraded demeanor; Remaining as stoical as dead even in bizarre affliction; was the style of the bulky grey stone boulder,

Magnificently striped; Dispersed into shades of mesmerizing beauty; Tremendously fascinating; was the style of the opalescent rainbow,

Abusively dirty; Repugnant to virtually all mankind; Abhorrently white sandwiched between glowing follicles of scalp hair; was the style of pugnacious dandruff,

Deadly disastrous; Inexorably earth shattering; Unprecedentedly devastating; was the style of the cold blooded and killer earthquake,

Melodiously cascading; Clashing into a billion globules of sparkling froth; Gorgeously caressing the periphery of black rock; was the style of the profoundly exuberant and gurgling waterfall,

Unflinchingly brave; An intrepid adventurer; Compromising on nothing but the traitors scalp; was the style of the true soldier,

Love without discrimination; Unquestionably sacrosanct visage; Thoughts about her child solely lingering in her mind; was the style of the Divinely mother,

Incessantly on the prowl; Ruthlessly assassinating innocent heads for meager bundles of currency; Traces of humanity evaporated into remote oblivion; was the style of the cold blooded criminal,

Inevitably smiling; Instilling life in morbidly dead veins; Heaps of talcum powder irrevocably sticking to his face; was the style of the comically attired circus clown,

Opulently glimmering; Overpowering everything in vicinity by the tenacious power in its shine; Coined as the richest source of human survival; was the style of the fat bodied gold coin,

Deluged with blissful scent; Beyond perceptions of captivating beauty; Sprouting like a magician from a pond of dirty water; was the style of the prolifically redolent and pink lotus,

Dolorously dull; Strangulated with gruesomely contemptuous malice; Aligned with a massive battalion of blood sucking termites; was the style of the impregnably hostile prison cell,

Rosily pink; Intransigently titillating; Chattering infinite times in a single day; was the style of velvety soft lips,

A glistening thirst quencher; Pacifying scorched chords of the throat beyond the mightiest of perception; Guzzled by every palpable being till the time he exists and even in times of after life; was the style of pure and plain spring water,

Bombastically sleazy; Nictitating with a festoon of garish lights; A clandestine retreat for heartthrobs after midnight; was the style of the indefatigably pulsating country discotheque,

Continuously ticking; Accurately depicting various shades of life; Portraying to all the immense value of time; was the style of the towering and century old grandfather clock,

Lifelessly still; Nostalgically reminiscent; Placid yet profusely demonstrative; was the style of the decade old and dusty photograph,

Exorbitantly mounted; Embossed with several lines; The ultimate chapter of destiny; was the style of the scarlet complexioned rubicund palm,

Infinitesimally tiny; Blended with a rectangle and square; Kissing the key umpteenth number of times in a day; was the style of the intricately dainty enigmatic keyhole,

Supremely tantalizing; Astonishingly curled; Flirtatiously flashing; was the style of the gentle and beautiful eyelashes,

Vehemently stinking; Freely available all day; Enticing an armory of flies the instants it caressed the ground; was the style of colorlessly trapped saliva,

Astoundingly incarcerating; Playfully rollicking; Acrobatically jumping; was the style of the adorable and honey crested dolphin,

Satanically awesome; Taller than the skies; Ghoulishly growling; was the style of

the savagely stepping devil,

Perpetually invisible; Able to cast its wicked spell over innocent human beings; Lighter than the lightest of thread; was the style of the lecherously minded ghost,

Standing like a pillar in times of distress; Helping without the slightest of expectation; Praying for her brothers safety in whatever arena he stepped; was the style of the unprejudiced sister,

And Passionately free; Invincible to all powers of this globe; Immortally existing since centuries unprecedented; Divinely blending palpitating hearts together; was the style of love; infact the style of the Omnipresent Creator.


Please bestow upon me the status of being a jeweler; owning a palatial shop embodied with scintillating diamonds and gold,

Only if i had the heart to embellish all those earlobes which were bare; all

fingers with an urge to dispense justice; with beads of exotic white pearls.

Please bestow upon me the status of being a soldier; cherished awards and

amulets adorning my bedroom mantelpiece,

Only if I possessed the tenacity to valiantly fight; was ready to relinquish

life any minute; for the sake of my country.

Please bestow upon me the status of being a Poet; penning down infinite lines of mystical verse,

Only if I propagated the immortality of love; the spirit of humanity; the

essence of life through my Poetry.

Please bestow upon me the status of being a King; and my treasury overflowing incessantly with opulent riches,

Only if I had the philanthropic ability to to disseminate the same equally; amongst all the people of my Kingdom.

Please bestow upon me the status of being a Pilot; performing astounding and

acrobatic feats; nose-diving in free space,

Only if I safely transported all passengers; without the slightest of scratch from one destination to another.

Please bestow upon me the status of being an Astrologer; impregnated with

the incredulous ability of prognosticating the future,

Only if I used the same for saving lives; implemented it prudently for the betterment of mankind.

Please bestow upon me the status of being a wrestler; with bulging muscles protruding from under my shirt; making me almost an invincible entity to conquer,

Only if I used my omnipotent power to annihilate the demons; vanquish ominous elements endangering the society.

Please bestow upon me the status of being an Artist; sketching mesmerizing shapes with my brush at lightening speeds,

Only if I could utilize my blood to beautify existence; convey the message of those deprived; through my drawings.

Please bestow upon me the status of being a Singer; diffusing enchanting and

spell binding tunes from my throat,

Only if I opened my mouth every time my country needed me to speak; put people engulfed with hysterical grief; to blissful sleep with my voice.

And Please bestow upon me the status of being a Human; appeasing my hunger

and thirst twice every day,

Only if I worked hard to earn my own bread; walked ahead in tandem with my

fellow counterparts; entwining their palms with mine.


How was it ever possible when you resolved to remain awake the entire night; keeping your eyelids incorrigibly open,

That after a few minutes you felt besieged by loud yawns; transited into a blissful slumber?

How was it ever possible when you firmly decided not to consume food the whole day; famishing yourself to unprecedented limits,

That after spending the morning hungry; your hand automatically crept towards

the refrigerator; wherein was stashed succulent fruit and ravishing slices of raspberry pudding?

How was it ever possible when you pledged not to perspire the slightest; stand

as cool and unflinching as an enchanting angel,

That after trespassing for a while under the blazing sun; drops of golden sweat trickled down profusely from your nape?

How was it ever possible when you were resolute about not going to the bathroom for months; preserving all delectable food you had in your stomach,

That after sprinting for a little while on the ground; your bowels felt as if they would erupt; and you meekly hid yourself behind the screen of the Lavatory?

How was it ever possible when you determined not to sneeze come what may;

incessantly inhale gallons of revitalizing breeze,

That the instant a fly buzzed pertinently around your nose; you contorted miserably; inundated the atmosphere with a deafening roar?

How was it ever possible when you thought that you would never smile; Scowling at everybody you encountered in the day,

That after witnessing a man parading naked into a business meeting; perceiving

it to be his private bedroom; you thunderously broke into guffaws of uncontrollable laughter?

How was it ever possible when you were stubborn that you wouldn’t imagine;

avert yourself completely from the most minuscule of fantasy,

That after dozing off inadvertently in the afternoon; you immediately started

to romanticize about the girl next door; umpteenth suspense stories deluged

your mind from all quarters?

How was it ever possible when you had taken an oath that you would never bathe; no matter how much amount of heat infiltrated into your body,

That after remaining unwashed for a full week; and a peculiar stench of Rotten

tomato emanating from your visage; propelled you to dump all your pretentious; plunge audaciously into the river from the summit of the mountain?

How was it ever possible when you clenched your teeth and said that you weren't going to open your eyes; even if it meant that you sacrificed your life,

That as soon as you wanted to cross the bustling street; the screeching horns

of vehicles darting towards you at electric speeds; engendered you to lift your lashes; keep them held stringently till all the commotion had subsided?

How was it ever possible when you whipped your mind infinite times; ordering

it to be patient in all circumstances engulfing it; dictating it to remain as stoical as placid ice,

That the moment your spouse spilled milk on your immaculate shirt; you howled as if bringing the entire roof down?

How was it ever possible when you swore on yourself that you would never be

lured by sanctimonious wealth; live life imprisoned in chains of rustic simplicity,

That as soon as your feet struck a pot replete with gold; the glitter of the coins; the boundless supply of wealth; made you almost blind and oblivious to even your own voice?

How was it ever possible when you had resolutely decided to act philanthropically all your life; keep benevolently executing tasks to benefit others,

That the second the earthquake rocked the entire city; you were the first one

to jump out of the window with your son; without even bothering to disturb your neighbors; with whom you had always made it a point to have morning tea?

How was it ever possible when you had resolved not to scratch; even if you were attacked by a million monsters,

That the moment you were stung by an inconspicuous mosquito; your complexion metamorphosed to a perfect crimson; and you rubbed your skin brutally till it almost bled?

How was it ever possible when you had commanded all bones in your body to stay silent; lie down in tranquil contentment even in the most tumultuous of storm,

That you started to violently dance the minute you heard pulsating music; the fiery flamboyance of your youth pinning all your sagaciousness down?

How was it ever possible when you had decided to stay for marathon days without liquid; even if the chords in your throat charred to a horrifying death,

That you greedily sucked water from the very next stream you confronted; splashing it rampantly all across your parched lips and body?

How was it ever possible when you had intractably appealed to your brain to

let your wounds flow; leave them open even if each droplet of blood was

exhausted from your body,

That you draped your flesh with spools of white bandage and pungent antiseptic; as it simply got pricked by a needle; let alone the question of blood leaking out?

How was it ever possible when you had pledged to hold your breath; and still

continue the chapter of life,

That after stifling your breath only for 30 seconds; you felt loads of It escape noisily down your nostril?

And how was it ever possible when you had prepared yourself for every calamity; trying to stand invincible against the most belligerent of thorns; trying to emulate God,

That after simply walking on the scorching sands; and that too with your shoes

strapped tightly on; you fainted in a bedraggled heap with gasps of tiredness

and feeble sounds asking for water diffusing from your mouth?

Well the answer to the above was as simple as the uninhibited love of a mother; the smile of a newly born child, As all of this was possible only because you were just a Human; and for you all this was NATURAL.


I was just a dead cubicle of ice hanging from the mountains; on the verge of breaking, with every passing draught of wind,

It was only when you came into my life; that I became a sparkling river; flowing boisterously down your slopes.

I was just a lifeless stone waiting to be kicked by the society on the road, staring hopelessly as swanky cars uncouthly trampled me with their wheels,

It was only when you came into my life; that I became a blossoming lotus; spreading my essence far and wide.

I was just a piece of garbage stashed miserably in some inconspicuous corner of the dungeon; nestled far away from the corridors of sunshine,

It was only when you came into my life; that I rose from the ashes; encompassed all tangible and intangible; in the swirl of my passionate flames.

I was just a bottle full of tears lying on the gloomy window sill; increasing in volume; as each second unfurled into a wholesome minute,

It was just when you came into my life; that I became the largest smile; imparting unprecedented happiness to whomsoever I encountered.

I was just a torn rag engulfed with dust hanging from the strings; with the holes in my body getting deeper every dawn,

It was just when you came into my life; that I became a pearl illuminating the darkness with my profound light.

I was just a worm traversing for mercy on the ground; taking shelter like a coward in the earth's belly,

It was only when you came into my life; that I became a splendid bird; flew with rapid strides across the cosmos; breathing pure exhilaration from my beak.

I was just an impoverished leper begging incessantly on the streets; with the pangs of hunger reverberating in my stomach not being satisfied by the most delectable of meal,

It was only when you came into my life; that I became a king; and my heart throbbed violently with richness of your love.

I was just a commodity wandering around without any entity; with different people I met addressing me by different names,

It was only when you came into my life; that I made my impact felt; punctuated all sadness existing around me; with brilliant rays of hope.

And I was just a lifeless body entrenched in the coffin; simply inhaling air as I didn’t have the power to die; the power to close my eyes,

It was only when you came into my life; that I got a purpose to live; felt like I was just born; felt like on the pinnacle of the sky.


The power in my legs was gradually diminishing; the toes of my foot were chafed and red at their edges,

The chords of my throat were dreadfully hoarse; the saliva had almost dried up in my mouth,

The sockets beneath my eyes were puffed and as black as coal; with the eyeball appearing as if soaked in blood,

The fingers of my palm were leaning heavily towards the ground; unable to rise an inch despite my most resilient of attempts,

The food in my stomach had slept hours ago; and sensations of hunger had disappeared into thin oblivion,

The blood in my veins flowed slower than the lazy tortoise; my heart beat couldn't be heard even through the most intricate of machine,

The mosquitoes hovering around my ears were having a merry time; as I felt too nimble to order them to go,

The flames of fire leaping up my body were stupefied; as I didn’t move the slightest; try as hard as they could to increase their fury,

The hollow of my arms had refrained to form sweat; as the perfume bottles on the mantelpiece staring longingly at me to be used,

The pile of electricity bills kept augmenting; as I had neither the capacity to read them; nor the power to shut the switches at whisker lengths from my palms,

The flesh of my body remained as limp as wax; even when poked by burning needles,

The alphabets embossed in bold fonts on the walls; appeared as if engulfed by a

pool of sea water,

The words emanating from my young and robust mouth; sounded as incoherent as the ghost's speech,

The clothes encompassing my persona fomented people to laugh; as I wasn’t even aware that I had worn my pant in the area reserved for my office shirt,

The time in my watch seemed to be well past midnight; although the day had just crept up from the sky,

The lights on the street seemed dim and fading; as I inadvertently crashed my scooter against decaying heaps of garbage,

The figure of my wife appeared to be double; as I started having nightmares of handling two instead of one,

The people sitting around me had started to get tremendously bored; as I yawned thunderously each time I felt provoked to speak,

The lids of my eye incorrigibly fell down; each time I gathered a battalion of attendants to pull them up,

And before I fell on the ground never to rise again;





You weren't condemning the black cat; you were infact condemning God who had evolved it in the first place,

You weren't condemning the hideous looking and ruffled owl; you were infact condemning God who had evolved it in the first place,

You weren't condemning the ominously looking alligator; you were infact condemning God who had evolved it in the first place,

You weren't condemning the dismally wailing eunuch; you were infact condemning God who had evolved it in the first place,

You weren't condemning the disheveled and bedraggled African spider; you were infact condemning God who had evolved it in the first place,

You weren't condemning the corrugated and stinking lizard; you were infact condemning God who had evolved it in the first place,

You weren't condemning the venomous and blood sucking mosquitoes buzzing in the vicinity of your ears; you were infact condemning God who had evolved it in the first place,

You weren't condemning the thorny and acrimonious cactus extruding from the deserts; you were infact condemning God who had evolved it in the first place,

You weren't condemning the porcupine with a thousand needles impregnated on its body; you were infact condemning God who had evolved it in the first place,

You weren't condemning the lethal tailed scorpion awaiting its moment to sting; you were infact condemning God who had evolved it in the first place,

You weren't condemning the satanic crop of opium which emanated from the mud; you were infact condemning God who had evolved it in the first place,

You weren't condemning the squalid cockroach wandering around the lavatory seat; you were infact condemning God who had evolved it in the first place,

You weren't condemning the despicable looking slithering reptile; you were infact condemning God who had evolved it in the first place,

You weren't condemning the abhorrent and multi-legged octopus; you were infact condemning God who had evolved it in the first place,

You weren't condemning the blind and hostile bats; you were infact condemning God who had evolved it in the first place,

You weren't condemning lava which fulminated in fury from beneath the earth; you were infact condemning God who had evolved it in the first place,

You weren't condemning the grizzly haired crabs roaming lavishly on the shores; you were infact condemning God who had evolved it in the first place,

You weren't condemning the orphan lying dilapidated like a bundle of garbage in the dustbin; you were infact condemning God who had evolved it in the first place,

And you weren't condemning man for treading his heavy foot on this earth; you were infact condemning God who had evolved it in the first place,

So the next time beware! when you thought of condemning an entity tangible or intangible; for you would be condemning God who had evolved it in the first place.


The last thing that a donkey did before going off to sleep; was to kick loads of dust in vicinity; swish its tail wildly in sheer contentment,

The last thing that the whale did before going off to sleep; was to glide gleefully through the dark waters; masticating scores of small fish with stupendous relish; as it eventually settled on the coral reefs for its nocturnal slumber,

The last thing that the lion did before going off to sleep; was to thunderously roar; letting his voice reverberate loud and blaring through the entire forest; licking its paws in complete contentment,

The last thing that the leaves did before sleep; was to sway gently with the breeze; whisper to the wind in the mystical voice their umpteenth tales of the day; as they curled up their surface to seek volumes of cozy comfort,

The last thing that the frog did before going off to sleep; was to jump about in animated exhilaration; croak a trifle in its exhausted voice; letting all insects pass infront of his nose; as it blended its slimy body with the sprouting shoots of lush green grass,

The last thing that the peacock did before going off to sleep; was to spread its kingly feathers to a full plumage; perch up blissfully in its nest on the tree; as it nourished its eggs with gallons of passionate air drifting from its beak,

The last thing that the stars did before going off to sleep; was to tenderly kiss the clouds which swept past; shimmer gingerly; lost in a world of enchanting fantasy,

The last thing that the slave did before going off to sleep; was to serve his master a glass of revitalizing water; tucking himself as far as he could; within his threadbare belongings to face the chilly night,

The last thing that the prince did before going off to sleep; was to sip royal pints of grape wine; fondle the entire ensemble of his opalescent jewels; adding a twinkle to his eye as he stretched his legs into an ocean of laziness,

The last thing that the snake did before going off to sleep; was to wander about rampantly in the wilderness; devouring newly hatched eggs with its vicious teeth; as it crawled in its burrow to evade the freezing snow flakes descending from the sky,

The last thing that the dancer did before going off to sleep; was to frantically gyrate her body; igniting loads of cheer and smiles; as she collapsed like a dead heap on the floor; with her swollen lids incorrigibly refraining to open till the crack of dawn,

The last thing that the tortoise did before going off to sleep; was to poke its neck as far as possible; greedily absorbing the tenacious moonlight; as it turned topsy-turvy on its shell; to feast on the placid cool lingering in the atmosphere,

The last thing that the Bar Man did before going off to sleep; was to swim in a deluge of inebriating whisky; sight his reflection bleary eyed in the same; as he fell on his feet; finally succumbing to the tumult and fatigue he had suffered in the day,

The last thing that the Politician did before going off to sleep; was to make surreptitious phone calls to his contacts spread far and wide; admonishing his guards stringently to be on the vigil all night,

The last thing the mosquito did before going off to sleep; was to incessantly suck blood from the flesh of all those already fast asleep; as it had the biggest laugh of its life waking up everybody; and only then settling into a state of perennially contented rest,

The last thing that the dog did before going off to sleep; was to wag its tail vigorously; daintily suckle at its bowl of milk; as it stuffed its nose deep into the recesses of its masters quilt,

The last thing that the pig did before going off to sleep; was to protrude its nose in a stack of fresh garbage dumped by the neighbors, as it prepared to make its bed; amidst a pile of soiled paper and unconsumed sandwich,

The last thing that the laborer did before going off to sleep; was to emit the loudest yawn of his life; uninhibitedly curse his boss for making him slog like an ant under the sweltering heat of the Sun; as he splashed water in the scorching mud around; clutching his treasured possession's close to his chest; as he took a vow to never wake up and work again,

And the last thing that I did before going off to sleep; was to thank my God for bestowing upon me such a beautiful life; recount to my mother even the most

minuscule of thing that I had undergone in the day; and kiss my beloved on her forehead; before surrendering inevitably to her embrace and thereby give a new definition to the night.


For every bird gruesomely killed; he had the power to create infinite more fledglings,

For every river dried miserably to a trickle; he had the power to create infinite oceans,

For every tree brutally chopped to the ground; he had the power to create infinite forests,

For every eye inadvertently blinded; he had the power to create infinite with sight,

For every satanic night taking a complete stranglehold on light; he had the power

to create infinite brilliant days,

For every tongue which was disdainfully dumb; he had the power to create infinite mouths which could speak and shout,

For every iota of currency furtively stolen; he had the power to create infinite banks looming high and handsome till the heavens,

For every couple who was childless and rendered cruelly unable to procreate; he had the power to create infinite more households bustling with a battalion of toddlers,

For every brain that was wholesomely exhausted; he had the power to create infinite intelligent minds,

For every child disastrously orphaned on the streets; he had the power to create infinite families complete in all respects,

For every blade of grass mercilessly trampled; he had the power to create infinite meadows of lush green crop,

For every skeleton lying disdainfully buried under the coffin; he had the power to create infinite bodies; dancing about in robust health and thunderous fervor,

For every scalp that was balder than the egg; he had the power to create infinite strands of shimmering hair,

For every life lost unwittingly during the tumultuous earthquake; he had the power to create infinite more souls as Kings,

For every slave bound wretchedly to gleaming chains; he had the power to create infinite crusaders to break open the shackles,

For every throat that was dangerously thirsty; he had the power to create infinite mouths slavering with excess water,

For every watch that had abruptly relinquished to function; he had the power to create infinite clocks ticking at electric speeds,

For every Albino engulfed entirely with a coat of appalling pink skin; he had the power to create infinite beauties with the most charismatic of flesh,

For every house that had been diabolically pulverized to raw dust during war; he had the power to create infinite palaces; blended profusely with glittering gold and silver,

For every demon wandering at will on this earth; he had the power to create infinite angels to valiantly defend the world,

For every heart pathetically broken; he had the power to create and bind infinite having just taken birth,

His power to create was simply unprecedented; his process of evolution was simply boundless and beyond the most unimaginable degree of comprehension; and that is why he was not only mine; BUT EVERY PERSON'S ALMIGHTY CREATOR


Don’t waste your time in spuriously washing your clothes; scrubbing the surplus dirt adhering to your fingers for hours on the trot,

For if you really had the urge to clean something; first clean your mind, heart and life instead.

Don’t waste your time in vigorously shampooing your hair; applying sandalwood balm all across your fatigued body,

For if you really had the urge to clean something; first clean your mind, heart and life instead.

Don’t waste your time in evacuating out the last chunk of dirt imprisoned in the house; dismantling the mountain of obnoxious cobwebs suspended solitarily from the ceiling,

For if you really had the urge to clean something; first clean your mind, heart and life instead.

Don’t waste your time in polishing your shoes till they brilliantly shone; commanding the poor slave every instant to annihilate even the faintest trace of your footprints,

For if you really had the urge to clean something; first clean your mind, heart and life instead.

Don’t waste your time in soaking the table covers in stringent antiseptic; brushing your apron for indefatigable weeks to suck the non existent odor,

For if you really had the urge to clean something; first clean your mind, heart and life instead.

Don’t waste your time in consulting the most prominent of skin specialists; gobbling a battalion of potent vitamins to impart your skin with that immortal glow; you kept dreaming off all night and day,

For if you really had the urge to clean something; first clean your mind, heart and life instead.

Don’t waste your time in rubbing your tongue tenaciously with the serrated stick for marathon minutes at dawn; profusely spraying mammoth bottles of scent into the corridors of your mouth,

For if you really had the urge to clean something; first clean your mind, heart and life instead.

Don’t waste your time in sprinkling bucket full of water to make the windows of your house shine; sucking the dainty river of its precious liquid in order to make your dwelling a darling to sight,

For if you really had the urge to clean something; first clean your mind, heart and life instead.

Don’t waste your time in plucking out the filth between your teeth using the most delectable of ivory toothpick; inundating your armpits with tantalizing perfume every time you wanted to impress upon the woman of your dreams,

For if you really had the urge to clean something; first clean your mind, heart and life instead.

Don’t waste your time in vehemently brushing the roads which led to the temple; licking every step that led to the idol of the Omniscient Creator; for in the first place you'd never be successful; as there was not one path; but irrefutably every lane you tread on; led to the Almighty Lord,

And indeed if you really had the urge to please God; clean something; then first and foremost clean your mind, heart and life instead.


For him man was not as disdainfully black as charcoal; or as white as the impeccable crusts of ice-cream,

For him man was not as tall as the mountains; or as weak as the diminutive ant,

For him man was not as rich as the royal king; or as impoverished as the beggar shivering on the streets,

For him man was not as intellectual as the ingenious scientist; or as dumb as the lunatic imprisoned within the corridors of the mental asylum,

For him man was not as strong and tenacious as the towering elephant; or as meek as the minuscule mosquito,

For him man was not as robust as the rubicund apple; or as fragile and rotten as the sprinkled garbage,

For him man was not as sacrosanct as the sagacious saint; or as hideous as the diabolical devil,

For him man was not as fast as the contemporary computer; or as lazy as the pig lying unwashed on the slopes for weeks,

For him man was not as fat as the ostentatiously inflated balloon; or as thin as the neglected strand of the broomstick,

For him man was not as educated as the literary scholar; or as illiterate as the clerk who used his thumb and toe to sign the documents,

For him man was not as beautiful as the mesmerizing fairy; or as satanic as the witch hovering around in the haunted house,

For him man was not as successful as the dynamic Business tycoon; or as maimed as the bleary eyed boy polishing boots on the street,

For him man was not as sharp as the stupendously sighted hawk; or as dark as the baby born perpetually blind,

For him man was not as supernatural as the magician executing astounding tricks; or as normal as the student slogging overwhelmingly hard to pass his examinations,

For him man was not as impeccable as golden honey; or as appalling as the uncouth murderer wandering at will in the open valley,

For him man was not as perfect and meticulous as the invincible angel; or as prone as the inevitably erring teenager,

For him man was not as brilliant as the flamboyant body of the fiery Sun; or as morbid as the corpse slithering on earth,

For him man was not as belligerent as the gleaming knife; or as soggy as salubrious cherries nestling on the cake,

For him man was not as mature and prudent as the owl; or as imbecile as the new born infant,

For him man was not as fragrant as the incredulously voluptuous rose; or as decaying as the dead fish lying still on the shores,

For him man was not as bearded as the dense foliage of the jungle; or as clean shaven as the ducks floating on tepid pools of water,

And for the Creator man was not a "Hindu", "Muslim", "Christian", "Buddhist"; or one following "Hinduism", "Islam", "Christianity", "Buddhism".etc.,

What he actually considered man was an entity which he had evolved as a pair of flesh and bones on this planet; a mouth to speak and two eyes to sight; who had the ability to procreate millions of his kind; who had the unflinching ability to keep his Universe moving; and over and above all one who had the uncanny ability to keep the paradise of his dreams always and immortally alive.


He was the one for whom my heart throbbed violently; skipping a beat every time in due admiration for his incredibly Omnipotent power,

He was the one for whom my breath flowed; profoundly engrossed in inhaling the gorgeous aura of his amazing creation,

He was the one for whom my feet walked unrelentingly; tirelessly exploring the unfathomably bountiful wonders he had evolved on this earth,

He was the one for whom my ears heard; imbibing each word he spoke; lost in the mysticism pouring profusely from his voice,

He was the one for whom my lips moved; gasping in spell bound consternation while witnessing his invincibly supreme form,

He was the one for whom my eyes stared; overwhelmingly astounded by the magnificent ocean and land he had spawned,

He was the one for whom my hair stood up in utter trepidation on my skin; unburnt fires ignited in my soul at sighting his astronomical ability to conquer the entire Universe,

He was the one for whom my fingers wrote; executing his infinite commands; giving pragmatic shape to each of his mesmerizing dreams,

He was the one for whom I earned wealth; judiciously disseminating the same amongst boundless numbers of his impoverished disciples,

He was the one for whom I slept blissfully; fantasizing about the captivating fairies that he had sent to tantalizingly dance on this earth,

He was the one for whom my mouth spoke; prudently spreading the glorious essence of his unbiased ideals; to as far and distant as I possibly could on the surface of this earth,

He was the one for whom I fought; silencing evil lurking in the society with the Herculean power that he had impregnated prolifically in my arms,

He was the one for whom I loved; wholesomely possessing the girl he had destined to marry me; procreating my progeny and assisting him a trifle in carrying on the chapter of his existence,

He was the one for whom I cried; when he came like a bolt of lightening in my life; and one fine instant suddenly became invisible from my eyes; as he continued on his mission to enlighten other mankind,

He was the one for whom I prayed; incessantly worshipping his deity all day and night; pleading with him not to get angry with me and rest of the irascible humankind,

He was the one for whom I resiliently studied for years; tried to help as many souls as I could with all the knowledge which I had accumulated in my quest towards achieving unparalleled supremacy,

He was the one for whom I desired; drowning myself completely in the unsurpassable beauty that existed on this globe; embracing each entity that he had born to be loved and felt,

He was the one for whom I was struggling every instant; trying to obey his laws of humble existence; his irrefutable policy of survival of the fittest,

And he was the one for whom I was living; the person whom I loved and adored above all; infact all the words scattered on this planet were too frugal to

describe him; all expressions and lines that I embodied proved too infinitesimal to portray his Omniscient glory; for he was none other than my ALLAH


When I spoke to a child; my tone was as innocuous as the nimble and newborn rabbit,

When I spoke to the politician; my tone had profound traces of cunnigness; tinges of skillful imagination blended with each word,

When I spoke to the reprimanded burglar; my tone was acrid and harsh; trying to petrify the daylights from his eyes,

When I spoke to the bartender; my tone was voluptuously surreal; demanding him to serve me with delectable pegs of scarlet wine,

When I spoke to the Boss of the Company; my tone was overwhelmingly polite and splendid; flattering him each instant to secure my job,

When I spoke to the taxi driver; my tone was rustic and wandering; instructing him to drift me deep into the hills; poignantly embrace the winds of nature,

When I spoke to the Scientist; my tone had a sea of mysticism and enigma; intriguing him with the dozens of bizarre ideas; circulating rampantly through my mind,

When I spoke to the doctor; my tone radiated with robust and rubicund health; and the air that diffused from my mouth had a piquant odor of raw antiseptic,

When I spoke to the photographer; my tone was enchanting and replete with tumultuous euphoria; enticing him to capture the most mesmerizing of my pose,

When I spoke to the insane terrorists; my tone was barbarically acrid; and I blurted out every possible abuse prevalent on the planet; vehemently condemning them for their scores of misdeeds,

When I spoke to the teacher in the school; my tone was docile and completely submissive; pretending to be a diligent student; when infact I was most mischievous of the entire batch,

When I spoke to those orphaned on the streets; my tone was sympathetic and comforting; earnestly wishing them all the prosperity that ever hung in the air,

When I spoke to the washerman; my tone was as slippery as soap; as I gave him crisp orders to annihilate the last bit of dirt adhering to my shirt,

When I spoke to the man-working deep in the mines; my tone was in the form of a reverberating echo; trying to blast into his ears the same tunes he was used to; all day and night,

When I spoke to the wildly screeching mad man; my tone was sonorous and domineering; trying to pacify all the false apprehensions; taking their toll unnecessarily on his life,

When I spoke to the dog loitering aimlessly on the streets; my tone was a hoarse bark; trying to communicate with him better; in the only language he imbibed and understood,

When I spoke to my beloved; my tone was bubbling with passion and unprecedented exhilaration; as I tried to ignite the flames of my romance; with infinite times the intensity into her persona,

When I spoke to my mother; my tone resembled the boisterous chimpanzee; totally relieved of mundane and worldly tensions,

But when I tried to speak to God; there erupted no tone of mine at all; I stood transfixed and wholesomely mute in front of his divine demeanor; with my head bent in meek obeisance; and my soul drowned in the melody of his omnipotent tone forever.


Is there any point in growing grass which Is black; when we know that the blades sprouting from soil are always parrot green,

Is there any point in trying to move the colossal mountain barehanded; when we

know its unlikely to budge a single inch,

Is there any point in preventing the scalp hair from growing; when we know that they are inevitably going to crop up despite the most intractable of resistance,

Is there any point in trying to walk upside down; when we know that the aching

feet will take over in a short time,

Is there any point in trying to drive the car on mineral water; when we know that all it requires is golden gasoline,

Is there any point in trying to embed the sun forever in the sky; when we know that nightfall is stealthily encroaching,

Is there any point in trying to grow an odorless rose; when we know that the

petals have always emanated a mesmerizing aroma,

Is there any point in trying to emboss script on paper with a stick of raw stone; when we know that its impossible to write without a pen,

Is there any point in trying to swim against ferocious waves of the ocean; when we know they will fling us violently on the sandy shores,

Is there any point shouting vociferously in the underground dungeons; when we

know the echoes would remain confined to the stolid walls,

Is there any point in trying to remain always young; when we know that the

curse of old age prevails ubiquitously,

Is there any point in fighting the ominous crocodile bereft of a weapon; when we know the beast would snap us into minuscule fragments with its gigantic teeth,

Is there ant point trying to remain dry in the pelting rain; when we know that

the water would inexorably drench us from head to toe,

Is there any point in preventing the gutters from emanating a fetid smell;

when we know they are impregnated with the most obnoxious of sewage,

Is there any point trying to fly a kite in an ambience divested of air; when we know that it would miserably flounder to hoist from the ground,

Is there any point in trying to trying to extract milk from a hostile vulture; when we know that it is indeed the sacrosanct cow which delivers the same,

Is there any point in trying to stand on naked electricity and yet wishing to stay alive; when we know that it would definitely cause instant electrocution,

Is there any point in transgressing the scorching deserts on a handsome horse; when we know that the only animal which can survive is the hunch backed camel,

Is there any point in trying to deprive ourselves of eternal love; when we know that our heart throbs rampantly witnessing the person we love,

Is there any point in trying to resist death; when we know that it is as essential as living a hundred years,

And is there any point challenging the Almighty; when we know he reigns supreme over all technology man has imagined; or he can ever try and create.


There was a time when I emitted my first cry; with my mother hoisting

me high in the air,

Now I lay on the forlorn ground unattended; with scores of black cockroach

crawling over my face.

There was a time when my flesh was as rubicund as the crimson rose; with innocuous saliva dribbling from my mouth,

Now I resembled a disheveled heap; with a fleet of pugnacious vultures hovering above my head.

There was a time when I rambunctiously played with an ensemble of contemporary

toys; my elders pampering me with crusts of creamy chocolate,

Now people passing viewed me with dismay and utter repulsion; inadvertently showering rotten leftovers of food over my face.

There was a time when I used to voraciously scribble infinite lines of literature; profoundly absorbed in composing verse every day,

Now I was strewn on the tarmac like a decayed parchment; having relinquished

all my power of envisage and perceive.

There was a time when I used to dress in ostentatious clothing; overwhelmed to

gyrate to the tunes of blaring music,

Now I wasn’t even able to hear the slightest of sound; the tiniest of movement; with a blur of darkness camouflaging my eyes.

There was a time when I sporadically laughed and cried; easily provoked by the

most impeccable of joke,

Now the blood seemed to have frozen in my veins; and the contours of my face

had gone completely lifeless.

There was a time when I used to hold the impregnable hands of my mother; to

cross the busy traffic lanes,

Now a fleet of bulky vehicles ran over my body; and I didn’t shed even a solitary tear.

There was a time I had insatiable craving for exquisite food; irrevocably longed for fried steak all day,

Now the buds of taste had shriveled on my tongue; and I had been without water

for several days.

There was a time when my blood was incessantly boiling in my veins; with the

boisterousness of youth prompting me to execute irascible decisions,

Now a series of bones protruded from my wrinkled skin; and It was impossible

for me to raise my hands to drive away the most insipid of buzzing flies.

There was a time when I spent each day of my life incorrigibly loving my beloved; spending marathon hours in the day nostalgically reviving our initial romance days,

And now I lay listless and languid on the earth; having thoroughly abnegated

worldly pleasures; waiting for the creator to grant me heaven or hell; after my death.


I couldn’t bear to see innocuous children being brutally tormented; orphans being whipped mercilessly by uncouth society,

I couldn’t bear to see the crystalline sea waters being polluted by tones of barbaric oil; fishes and the vivacious aquatic life dying as an aftermath,

I couldn’t bear to see burglars dexterously ripping wallets of the impeccable pedestrians; indiscriminately marauding the historical heritage of the country,

I couldn’t bear to see stray dogs shivering incessantly in chilly currents of wind; occasionally meeting their ends colliding with swanky cars,

I couldn’t bear to see hysterical wailing of the lunatics; the mental delirium they were in; for no fault of theirs,

I couldn’t bear to see mangled debris scattered incoherently after the car crash; the lifeless bodies being extricated from the interiors,

I couldn’t bear to see the old and severely crippled being ridiculed at; the ostentatious society making a blatant travesty of the blind,

I couldn’t bear to see bedraggled urchins sleeping on the stony ground; while the handsomely opulent stashed their heads beneath quilts of fur and embroidered satin,

I couldn’t bear to see robust birds soaring merrily in the sky plummeting towards the soil; as hunters shot pugnacious arrows in their wings,

I couldn’t bear to see irate mobs incinerating people alive; rampant communalism spreading its deleterious roots far and wide,

I couldn’t bear to see turbulent earthquakes reverberating the city; leading to the inevitable collapse of high rise buildings,

I couldn’t bear to see arid patches of land with the sun blazing to full tenacity; scores of people strewn like dilapidated debris; profoundly deprived of cool water,

I couldn’t bear to see children being made to work; slave for inhuman individuals; who rebuked them worse than animals,

I couldn’t bear to see lush green blades of grass transiting to a pallid brown; clusters of fruit and leaf withering from the tree,

I couldn’t bear to see nuclear missiles decimating blissful townships; the common man made an unsuspecting victim in the power play of politicians,

I couldn’t bear to see soldiers succumbing to a ghastly death in war; in valiant attempts to save their motherland,

I couldn’t bear to see the illiterate drinking contaminated water; contracting a

plethora of lethal disease as a manifestation,

I couldn’t bear to see lifeless bodies lying in a heap unattended; with the siblings portraying nonchalance of spending money to cremate them,

I couldn’t bear to see a single droplet of blood oozing from the body; the slightest of tribulation and anguish that one could face,

So it is my fervent plea to you O! omnipotent Almighty; to either impregnate in me the courage to witness sorrow; or besiege me in your magnanimous arms; where I can view nothing but immortal love.


When smoke grey clouds in the cosmos collided with each other,

there were monstrous reverberations of brutal thunder; succeeded by rain showers of inclement rain.

When rustically adorned leaves of the tree collided with each other,

the atmosphere was engulfed with enchanting melody; at the outbreak of dawn.

When saline waves of the ocean collided with each other,

there was Herculean amount of white spray that diffused with vibrant tenacity.

When chrome tipped utensils in the kitchen collided with each other,

there were discordant sounds that unrelentingly pierced; sensitive arenas of eardrum.

When sedans traversing at whirlwind speeds collided with each other,

the aftermath rendered their princely silhouette to threadbare distortions of junk.

When the rays of "Sun God" collided with cloistered earth,

the darkness was thoroughly illuminated with beams of perpetual light.

When hands bereft of jewellery collided with each other,

crisp noises of triumph echoed through corridors of nonchalant doom.

When puffs of disdainful smoke collided with pelting showers of water,

traces of obnoxious dirt got annihilated in the fury of rain.

When immaculate globules of fresh milk collided with child lips,

obstreperous cries of the infant were instantly pacified; as he succumbed to the delights of invincible sleep.

When blatant lies collided with impeccable anecdotes of honesty,

the sacrosanct aura of truth devoured every bit of malpractice; radiating vociferously with a perennial shine.

When fleet footed mongoose collided with the venomous snake,

the innocuous creature registered a swashbuckling victory over its deadly counterpart.

When exorbitant hatred collided with a mountain of love,

the harmony in compassion transformed it into a philanthropic entity.

And when the nefarious devil collided with the omniscient persona of GodHead,

he lay massacred in realms of parasitic hell


I was a handsome youth once,

full of robust energy, always on the prowl,

kicking stone, disheveled weeds in my path,

racing in my automobile at whirlwind speed,

climbing steep corrugated rock with nonchalant ease,

swimming against turbulent currents of sea water,

dancing wildly to high bass tunes of rock music,

consuming rich liquor extracts from large cans of


screamed extravagantly at the slightest provocation,

was ready to leap down the valley, for the person I loved.

The advancing years painstakingly crept in,

black sheath of hair transformed to grizzly white,

bone mass shrunk beneath tunnels of skin,

teeth enamel lost its sheen, left gaping holes for all to see,

eyeballs sunk in their sockets with cloud formations of cataract,

scalp hair receded to a paltry few with fragile connections to skull,

walking stick now replaced swords used to decimate rabbit skin,

shoulder assembly drooped with wrongdoings of past decades,

a feeling of horrifying dread descended on me,

I had cellars full of gold and currency note,

towering marble palaces, fertile acres of land,

the time to quit this earth was fast approaching,

my thin skinned skeleton would blend with granules of mud,

the chambers of wealth held meager significance,

it was a plethora of humble deeds, that would prove to be a prerequisite,

to ensure me a place in the satiny walls of heaven.


Don’t make me taller than the clouds; protruding my head above realms of infinite infinity,

That I became oblivious to my fellow compatriots on earth; had to bend beyond limits of comprehension; to walk abreast their benevolent countenances.

Don’t make me fairer than white ice; with an unfathomably glorious aura radiating profusely from my flesh,

That I miserably dwindled to recognize those with the slightest tinge of black around me; shrugged my nose in disdain towards the realistic forms of humanity.

Don’t make me more ferocious than the fires swirling towards the cosmos; charring everything in tangible atmosphere to inconspicuous bits of threadbare ash,

That I ruthlessly swept past my comrades in inexplicable pain; uncouthly forgot to commiserate with even those; who were solely instrumental for my existence.

Don’t make me more mystical than the chapter of existence; entrenched by waves of stupendously alluring enigma,

That I didn’t understand the hearts of innocent children; overruling them with my torrential downpour of intriguing intricacies.

Don’t make me more invincible than the divine; instilling in me the unprecedented power of conquering every iota of this fathomless planet,

That I started to condemn those frolicking in the lap of their mothers; the very celestial shrine of sacrosanct essence; wherein I had spent my entire childhood.

Don’t make me more prudent than the Sun; possessing even the most infinitesimal bit of knowledge loitering on this planet,

That I basked in the overwhelming glory of my memory; feeling it worthless to disseminate the same to my fellow mates in profound despair.

Don’t make me more cool than gargantuan avalanches of snow; inundating my soul with a mountain of gratifying peace,

That I was simply unable to comprehend the whirlwind of insurmountable agony besieging my loved ones; thoroughly nonplussed by the tragic disasters which

unleashed; right before my eyes.

Don’t make me more fragrant than the most scarlet of roses; deluging my persona with magnanimous scent and voluptuously exotic spray,

That I diabolically kicked every fruit and flower that confronted me in my way; trampled mother nature under my bohemian feet; instead of blending in its

mesmerizing lap for centuries immemorial.

Don’t make me more wealthy than the entire treasury of this Universe; triggering my pockets to explode with an unbelievable flurry of gold and shimmering silver,

That I relinquished even the tiniest trace of effort from within my veins; slept like a demon whilst my brothers and sisters; bathed in an unrelenting tornado of pain.

And don’t make me more satisfied than the angels O! Lord; overwhelming my lap with all the riches of this planet; even before I found my breath to utter them coherently,

That I didn’t feel the slightest need to discover the beautiful gift of love in life; spent countless lifetimes like a dreadful corpse; even after possessing infinite arms; legs and hearts.


Bless my hands with indomitable fortitude; to coin my own destiny; irrespective of the uncouthly treacherous labyrinth of lines on my palms,

Bless my eyes with the tenacity to stay open even in the most acrimonious of storm; so that I relished the true essence of insurmountably exuberant adventure,

Bless my nose with the resilient prowess to tolerate the most ghastliest of odor; making me chivalrously accept the stupendously exotic; as well as the deathly bad,

Bless my feet with the ardor to trespass on a blanket of thorns; construct a palace of grandiloquent gold for my comrades in inexplicable pain; with droplets of my scarlet blood,

Bless my lips with the virtue of celestial smiles; merrily twinkling for times immemorial; even as the blood froze abruptly in my veins,

Bless my voice with a rhapsodically unending melody; inundating the darkest corners of the astronomically colossal Universe with optimistic rays of hope and cheer,

Bless my mind with an unrelenting capacity to fantasize; dreaming about the most mesmerizing sights on this planet; the most marvelously impeccable

organisms wandering all around,

Bless my demeanor with a magical enchantment; to harbor disastrously orphaned children; uninhibitedly in the swirl of its amicably compassionate caress,

Bless my blood with insatiable desires; the euphoria to reach untamed heights of passion; proliferating astoundingly as each second unveiled,

Bless my hair with a boisterously blazing fervor; so that they swished majestically under the Omnipotent light of the divinely Sun,

Bless my soul with spirit to exist for centuries unprecedented; so that I always lived life higher than the clouds; and afforded the same for all those who needed my shoulders to lean upon,

Bless my fingers to write infinite words even after they bled; producing an unsurpassable chain of literature; triggering the chords of the obliviously dormant imagination,

Bless my stomach with the simplistic essence of surviving on rustic fruit and water; relinquishing the overwhelmingly spurious pretentions of my pompously inflated tongue,

Bless my dwelling with a wave of perennial contentment; philanthropically harboring every dreary traveler who had inadvertently lost his way,

Bless my shadow with a poignantly healing touch; alleviating the aggrieved instantaneously of their heinous suffering; the instant it softly caressed them,

Bless my paths with irrefutable winds of unflinching courage; which inevitably triggered me to gallop towards my mission of embracing all humanity; one

and alike,

Bless my religion with an everlasting and poignant aroma of humanity; perpetuating me pacify all dispute arising out of sanctimoniously preposterous caste and creed,

Bless my breath with a tumultuously passionate ardor to bask in the glory of the present; enjoy each moment of unveiling life to the most unfathomable limits,

Bless my conscience with sacred arrow of invincible righteousness; engendering me to perpetually transgress on the path of truth; come what may,

And bless my heart with immortal love; O! Almighty Lord; for not only this existence; but for infinite more lives of mine; irrespective of the form you decided to create me; irrespective of the soil you made me tread to prove my might.


Don’t make me insensitive to the sorrows of the world; make me accept them as a part of the inevitably proceeding chapter of evolution,

Don’t make me insensitive to the battalion of hardships; make me accept them as a courageously stepping stone to unprecedented success,

Don’t make me insensitive to the flamboyantly blazing rays of the Sun; make me accept them for the intrepid fortitude in their light; filtering a path of invincible victory through a blanket of perpetual darkness,

Don’t make me insensitive to the gargantuan avalanches of snow hurtling down; make me accept them for the icy cool they generated; which exotically tingled the scarlet blood down my spine,

Don’t make insensitive to the tumultuously galloping time; make me accept its sacrosanct essence; as each cherished second blossomed into a wholesomely

satisfying minute,

Don’t make me insensitive to the profusely escalating ball of hostile flames; make me accept their compassionate traces of rejuvenating warmth they provided in the invidious chill,

Don’t make me insensitive to the infinite cumbersome knots as I alighted each step; make me accept them as eyeopeners; to quell my pompously inflated pride,

Don’t make me insensitive to the ghastly blackness; make me accept it as a thoroughly indispensable ingredient of the day,

Don’t make me insensitive to the mountain of acridly blood tainted thorns; make me accept them for the unrelenting wave of passion they generated; when poignantly transgressed upon,

Don’t make me insensitive to abhorrent abuse; make me accept them as a part of irascibly augmenting temper; a pugnacious outburst of emotions; a testimonial to the fact that no human was perfect,

Don’t make me insensitive to enduring challenges; make me accept them as testing footholds; which blossomed eventually into the gift called life,

Don’t make me insensitive to tunes of overwhelming boredom; make me accept them as an unavoidable mist; in the onerously Herculean struggle for existence,

Don’t make me insensitive to the disdainfully unruly commotion in the crowd; make me accept my fellow compatriots in their true spirit for survival; their innocuously humanitarian hearts,

Don’t make me insensitive to the descending of the insurmountably ferocious storm; make me accept the streaks of vivaciously austere lightening as the unflinching principles to propel forward in life,

Don’t make me insensitive to horrendously obnoxious scent; make me accept it as a smell lingering perennially in the atmosphere; along with the stupendously incarcerating odor of the rose,

Don’t make me insensitive to the inexorably obsessive chain of thoughts in my mind; make me accept them as a pertinent constituent to constantly show me my worth in life,

Don’t make me insensitive to the anecdotes of pernicious betrayal; make me accept them as the sweet poison needed to sustain blissfully bestowed upon life,

Don’t make me insensitive to the pathetically fading heartbeats; make me accept them as naturally as I had wholeheartedly welcomed nascent wails of fresh birth,

And don’t make me insensitive to the immortal closure of breath O! Almighty Lord; make me accept its unfathomably perilous consequences; so that I realized the value of each preciously transcending moment in life.


You were that astronomical summit of the mountain; on which the dazzling rays of the Sun FIRST fell,

You were that magnificent shore inundated with golden sands; on which the waves of the ocean FIRST collided into bountiful froth,

You were that leaf of the mesmerizing tree; which the astoundingly ravishing breeze FIRST caressed,

You were that chapter of intriguingly enchanting history; which the profoundly divested eyes FIRST had the magnanimous privilege to witness,

You were that iota of voluptuously ravishing soil; on which the very FIRST droplet of rain tantalizingly cascaded; from the vivaciously benevolent sky,

You were that ingratiatingly redolent flower; on which the FIRST bee ever created sat down to hum its volley of poignantly boisterous rhyme; suckle nectar to its ultimate heart's content,

You were that irrefutably sacrosanct footprint; which FIRST trespassed this unfathomably gargantuan planet; leaving your mark for times immemorial,

You were that gorgeously feathered bird; which FIRST evolved the essence of stupendously captivating melody and rhyme,

You were that indomitably unshaken spirit; which FIRSTsped past the domains of ethereally fading horizon; to conquer an unprecedented of your own,

You were that innocuously wandering child; whose FIRST breath was enough to melt the most diabolically sinister of devils transgressing around,

You were that alphabet of every marvelously conceivable language; from which commenced the very FIRST sound thundering triumphantly towards the cosmos,

You were that robustly splendid fruit; which blossomed FIRST from the inconspicuous tree; chivalrously proliferating into infinite more of your kind; as time harmoniously unveiled,

You were that star in the boundless expanse of sky; which FIRST appeared in the evening; freeing the profusely asphyxiated earth from the realms of misery and darkness,

You were that shimmering coin of gold on this planet; which FIRST appeared before all other wealth; multiplying amazingly as the second unfurled to lead life as the richest entity alive,

You were that hour of magnificently reinvigorating dawn; which crept with the FIRST beams of stringently fulminating and tenacious light,

You were that growl of the majestically invincible panther; which silenced manipulatively unruly commotion around with your FIRST cry,

You were that astronomically resilient brick of the grandiloquent castle; the FIRST on which rested the mantle of the overwhelmingly glorious mansion,

You were that incredulously beautiful thought in this entire Universe; which spawned the very FIRST and wonderfully everlasting dream,

And you were the only person existing on this incomprehensibly gigantic globe; whom I FIRST AND LAST loved in my present life; and countless more lives to



The day the carpet of voluptuous grass; stung like a million acrimonious thorns,

The day the conglomerate of mesmerizing clouds; showered mud instead of grandiloquent rain,

The day the majestic waves in the ocean; blossomed into sickening sugar instead of tangy globules of pungent salty froth,

The day the crystalline islands of eye; oozed satanic blood instead of poignant waterfall of tears,

The day the fiery Sun in the sky; shrunk into a cloud of darkness; instead of emanating brilliantly shimmering light,

The day the astronomical summit of the mountain; metamorphosed into an inconspicuous ant; instead of kissing the royally glowing moon,

The day the princely eagles; commenced to walk like ordinary man; instead of soaring handsomely through the cocoon of satiny clouds,

The day the festoon of exotic leaves; incorrigibly stuck to their origin; instead of exuberantly whistling with the astoundingly enchanting wind,

The day the incredulously captivating rose; remained profusely lackluster; instead of diffusing its marvelous fragrance to every cranny of the atmosphere,

The day the ingratiatingly striped frogs; slept in domains of gloomy tranquility; instead of croaking their hearts out under ferocious cloudbursts of heavenly rain,

The day the timelessly ticking clock; started to move backwards; instead of galloping forward with traces of new found life,

The day the vivacious rainbow in the sky; remained colorless; instead of culminating into a magnificent paradise of color and ravishing charisma,

The day the shade of poignantly crimson blood; started to differ; instead of being immortally same for all tribes on this planet,

The day the rambunctiously buzzing beehives; started to produce belligerent scorpions; instead of a sacrosanct stream of golden honey,

The day the magnanimous nightingale; blurted hoarse tunes of disdainful cacophony; instead of deluging the atmosphere with its melodiously everlasting songs,

The day the golden eyed owl; remained awake all day; instead of guarding its compatriots in the heart of the chilling night,

The day the essence of invincible truth; crumbled like infinitesimal ash towards the ground; instead of conquering the mightiest with the blessings of Almighty Creator,

The day the inevitable reservoir of breath in body; commanded a person to gruesomely die; instead of propelling him to bounce forward to relish every moment of enigmatically unveiling life,

The day the passionately palpitating heart; taught two lovers to cheat; instead of bonding for times immemorial in the threads of unconquerable romance,

That very day; that very hour; that very minute; I was ready to sacrifice everything of mine on this planet; go and perennially rest in the arms of my Creator; even if the devil that day wanted to bestow me with infinite more lives.


Strip me of my mascara; and I’ll fight you with my eyes; with untamed fires blazing in the whites of my revolving eyeballs,

Strip me of my lips; and I’ll fight you with my smiles as enchanting as the profusely enigmatic forests,

Strip me of my hair; and I’ll fight you with my scalp; as ferocious as the flamboyantly flaming Sun,

Strip me of my rings; and I’ll fight you with my tenaciously resilient fingers; tossing you like insipid pancake to fathomless kilometers beyond the sky,

Strip me of my blinks; and I’ll fight you with my profoundly piercing stares; ensuring that you lost your sleep till times beyond eternity,

Strip me of my skin; and I’ll fight you to the brink of extinction; with the overwhelmingly tumultuous fervor in my bones,

Strip me of my chastity; and I’ll fight you with the sword of barbarism rebelliously lurking in every minuscule ingredient of my blood,

Strip me of my blusshon; and I’ll fight you with the insurmountably Herculean strength of my cheeks,

Strip me of my scent; and I’ll fight you with the raw rivers of perspiration trickling in the milky moonlight; on my arms,

Strip me of my honesty; and I’ll fight you with the impeccable voice of my conscience; annihilating your profusely manipulative existence from its very roots,

Strip me of my voice; and I’ll fight you with the poignant grit in my teeth; chopping off your spurious vain into a horde of infinitesimally timid fragments,

Strip me of my wealth; and I’ll fight you with my astoundingly rudimentary existence; drive you back with my innocuously nascent force; bestowed upon me by the grace of Almighty God,

Strip me of my clothes; and I’ll fight you with the insatiably naked strength of my impoverished body,

Strip me of my feet; and I’ll fight you with the formidable power in my knuckles; resisting you with every unit of my demeanor synchronized as a whole,

Strip me of my destiny; and I’ll fight you with the incredulously majestic shadows of my persevering life,

Strip me of my brain; and I’ll fight you with the irrefutably sacrosanct virtue of my conviction; impregnating the light of sagaciousness in your mind,

Strip me of my love; and I’ll fight you with the thunderously palpitating beats of

my profusely aggrieved heart,

Strip me of my blood; and I’ll fight you with the astronomical energy horrendously trapped in my battalion of veins,

And you can strip me of my life O ! satanic devil; but I’ll still fight you with the inevitable power of self defence; and the blessings of my Omnipotent Creator;

from beneath my corpse.

40. CAN YOU ?

You had the power to procreate your own progeny; but can you recreate man after death?

You had the power to construct a gigantic building; but can you provide compassionate shelter to every tangible organism wandering in inexplicable pain; on the mud of this Universe?

You had the power to save a single life at a time with your prudently imbibed prowess of artificial respiration; but can you save the entire planet tottering precariously towards the brink of absolute extinction?

You had the power to silence an innocuous child; but can you conquer the infinite battalion of devils trying to metamorphose God’s earth into a treacherous paradise ?

You had the power to emboss thousands of exquisite lines; but can you sign for the boundless illiterate on this globe; for whom the most cherished possession was their bohemian thumb?

You had the power to silence your critics; but can you pacify the perilously vindictive storm brewing outside; ready to ruthlessly swipe celestial traces of blissful civilization?

You had the power to philander merrily through the hills whenever you desired; but can you free humanity from the vicious stranglehold of brutally augmenting terrorism?

You had the power to memorize several formulas of arithmetic; but can you scrupulously recollect the uncanny miseries prevailing in each abode on

this planet?

You had the power to pray till times immemorial; but can you grant every single wish of God’s countless created entities?

You had the power to earn fathomless wealth; but can you substitute the eyes of unsurpassable blind men; with your coins of pompous silver?

You had the power to defeat the mightiest of armies with your contemporary techniques; but can you massacre the voice of your guilty conscience?

You had the power to fantasize even beyond the most unprecedented limits of imagination; but can you perceive what was circulating in the minds of unfathomable people; boisterously busy in tackling monotonous life?

You had the power to handsomely placate your own hunger; but can you fill every plate clattering in domains of desperation for those indispensable morsels of food?

You had the power to stare at your own reflection in the mirror for unbelievable hours on the trot; but can you look at those billions of faces engulfed with satanic droplets of blood; deprived of their sole love in life?

You had the power to dream about the most incredulously mesmerizing objects on earth; but can you bring back a smile to the face of a mother; who had just lost her newly born child?

You had the power to dig a million kilometers beneath soil; but can you heal the insurmountably agonizing trauma which the earth was besieged with; as

you ruptured its belly?

You had the power to assassinate unsurpassable number of trees in a single minute with your modern machines; but can you spawn the incomprehensible greenery on this soil; which kept astoundingly proliferating; even after the Sun had disappeared from the horizons?

You had the power to sagaciously advice hordes of profusely afflicted masses; but can you enter their shivering persona; to bear their suffering even an inconspicuous trifle?

And you had the power to be an absolute human till the time you existed in physical form; but can you ever dream of being even an infinitesimal reflection of the Omniscient Creator?


I didn’t wish to be saved even an infinitesimal iota; if the hands of uncouthly unforgiving destiny; treacherously pushed me from the 200th floor of the astronomically colossal edifice,

But it is my humble plea to you O! Almighty Creator; to irrefutably ensure;

that my philanthropic neighbors weren’t disturbed the slightest; by my ghastly fall and inevitable cries.

I didn’t wish to be saved even an inconspicuous inch; if the palms of inexplicably traumatic destiny; hurtled me face on towards the; overwhelmingly speeding monstrous truck,

But it is my humble plea to you O! Almighty Creator; to irrefutably ensure; that the shrubs sprouting blissfully in vicinity; weren’t camouflaged the slightest; with my rampantly spurting fountains of crimson blood.

I didn’t wish to be saved even a capriciously remote whisker; if the clouds of ominously penalizing destiny; buried me infinite feet beneath my coffin; without ostensibly no fault of mine and when I was in pristine prime of life,

But is my humble plea to you O! Almighty Creator; to irrefutably ensure; that the soil surrounding my grave wasn’t affected the slightest by my disdainfully decaying carrion; instead perennially continued to proliferate into a paradise of exhilarating newness.

I didn’t wish to be saved even an obliviously obsolete trifle; if the winds of salaciously pulverizing destiny; barbarically drowned me to the rock bottom; of the fathomlessly swirling ocean,

But it is my humble plea to you O! Almighty Creator; to irrefutably ensure; that the fish swimming merrily beneath; weren’t hindered the slightest in their celestial path; by my grotesquely cumbersome caricature.

I didn’t wish to be saved even a frigidly diminutive inch; if the vagaries of savage destiny; reduced me to an abominably ludicrous heap; of gruesomely charred and nonchalant ash,

But it is my humble plea to you O! Almighty Creator; to irrefutably ensure; that the perpetual fertility of mud enveloping my lifeless countenance; wasn’t affected the slightest by my penuriously impoverished human form.

I didn’t wish to be saved even a ridiculously nonexistence fraction; if the wings of perfidiously corrupting destiny; chopped me into a boundless pieces of raw bone; before eventually dumping me for the dogs,

But it is my humble plea to you O! Almighty Creator; to irrefutably ensure; that the blades of voluptuously nimble grass encapsulating my pathetically disoriented demeanor; weren’t terrorized the slightest; by the devastatingly gory remains of my countenance.

I didn’t wish to be saved even an lackadaisically minute iota; if the cloudbursts of vindictively tyrannizing destiny; squeezed every droplet of blood like a ferociously untamed parasite; from each pore of my dwindling body,

But it is my humble plea to you O! Almighty Creator; to irrefutably ensure; that the hordes of innocuously impeccable children around weren’t perturbed the slightest by my cascading skeleton; instead marched unflinchingly on the path to unequivocal righteousness.

I didn’t wish to be saved even a tenderly obscure bit; if the ungainly feet of murderously vengeful destiny; indiscriminately trampled and diabolically annihilated every speck of my poignantly seductive breath,

But it is my humble plea to you O! Almighty Creator; to irrefutably ensure; that the chapter of life wasn’t condemned the slightest by my sordidly premature demise; instead life indefatigably continued to spawn into bountiful fireballs of ecstatic radiance; with every unfurling instant of time.

And I didn’t wish to be saved even a parsimoniously mercurial thread; if the

ghastly spirit of ruthless destiny; ominously snapped the fangs of my passionately palpitating heart; into the domains of hell and sadly forever,

But it is my humble plea to you O! Almighty Creator; to irrefutably ensure; that the beats of eternally immortal love weren’t violated the slightest by my disappearing soul; instead relentlessly continued to bond with beauty; to bond with romantic timelessness and vibrant life.


Normally I would have swooned to even the most extinguishing reflections of blood; collapsing in a bedraggled heap as I heard the word torturous pain,

But today I fervently guzzled gallons of heinous poison presuming it to be most Omnipotent panache of life; as I was at your immortally magnanimous doorstep O! Almighty Lord; with your supremely celestial aura towering for times immemorial.

Normally I would have puked out every ingredient of food lingering in my famished stomach; the instant I heard even the tiniest of incoherently disgruntled sounds,

But today I ardently trespassed barefoot on a battlefield of relentlessly lethal thorns presuming it to be a silken carpet of paradise; as I was at your immortally philanthropic doorstep O! Almighty Lord; with your charismatically enigmatic fragrance making me feel the richest organism alive.

Normally I would have blended with non-existent wisps of obsolete oblivion; the very moment I sighted even the most diminutive of ants being mercilessly squelched; by the monstrously speeding truck,

But today I exuberantly buried myself a countless feet beneath my grave presuming it to be the true elixir of life; as I was at your immortally unassailable doorstep O! Almighty Lord; with your Omniscient eyes casting their rays of bedazzling enchantment; upon the trajectory of this entire planet.

Normally I would have tremblingly stifled every iota of my voice; as even the most capriciously frigid beam of darkness; attempted to take a vicious stranglehold

of the brilliantly sweltering day,

But today I willingly trespassed through the most acrimonious mountains of fire presuming them to be oceans of unprecedented love; as I was at your immortally righteous doorstep O! Almighty Lord; with your stupendously Omnipresent voice; miraculously pacifying the agony of the disastrously impoverished planet.

Normally I would have withered like a pack of nimble matchsticks; as even the most fragile winds of dolorous depression; insidiously chose to drift my way,

But today I greedily devoured a tunnel of pugnaciously hostile scorpion presuming them to be the ultimate fruits of Mother Nature; as I was at your immortally boundless doorstep O! Almighty Lord; with your Omnipresently sacrosanct blessings; astoundingly procreating countless new; upon the circumference of this remorsefully dwindling earth.

Normally I would have brutally asphyxiated to a gory death; even as mere reflections of imprisoned orphans; vacillated on the mammoth silver screen,

But today I obligingly blinded my eyes with swords of blistering iron presuming them to be magical wands of spell binding harmony; as I was at your immortally marvelous doorstep O! Almighty Lord; with your tenaciously scintillating radiance; enlightening every dwelling; besieged with lackadaisical disgrace.

Normally I would have metamorphosed to inconsequentially minuscule ash; as I witnessed even the most diminutive speck of widowed white on destitute bodies,

But today I compassionately shot myself in the center of my head presuming it to be the most mesmerizing gift of blissful creation; as I was at your immortally melodious doorstep O! Almighty Lord; with your magnanimously unconquerable grace; magically granting wish of all those innocently deprived.

Normally I would have dithered like an infertile leaf towards lackluster soil; as I encountered even the most tiniest of whipping; of the haplessly orphaned child,

But today I smilingly placed all my fingers under the heinously slicing butcher knife; as I was at your immortally invincible doorstep O! Almighty Lord; with your grandiloquently luminescent persona; bestowing upon its unfathomable splendor; upon all rich and penuriously devastated; alike.

And normally I would have profusely maimed each cranny of my intricately nimbly senses; as I witnessed even the most ferociously unruly chicken being slaughtered;

for bec

oming the toast of nocturnal delight,

But today I proudly relinquished even the last traces of my life standing on the corridors of hell presuming it to be gloriously resplendent heaven; as I was at

your immortally beautiful doorstep O! Almighty Lord; with your unbelievably divinely smile; making me perpetually feel blessedly alive


Change irascible hatred; into bountiful winds of benevolence,

Change hideously horrendous entities; into marvelous rainbows inhabiting the animated skies,

Change disgustingly abominable decay; into an overwhelmingly fragrant festoon of pearls; cascading from the cosmos,

Change morbidly debilitating blindness; into stupendously optimistic beams of fresh light,

Change baseless chapters of mocking incoherence; into exquisitely grandiloquent mirrors; as articulate as framework of God’s language,

Change perilously obese; into a robust complexioned fountain of blissful health and celestial happiness,

Change the precariously menacing edge of knife; into a golden carpet of profusely glistening silk,

Change the frigidly soggy matchstick melting like a pack of cards; into an audaciously valiant warrior; sacrificing his every belonging for his divinely motherland,

Change the solitarily dilapidated pool of fetid water; into a garden of incredulously rejuvenating and poignant tea leaves,

Change the pertinently buzzing parasitic mosquito; into a charismatically dainty fairy; leaping with exultation on the satiny cushion of paradise,

Change the agonizingly traumatized volcano’s; into placid fountains of impeccable peace,

Change the garbage deluged gutter; into a fabulously redolent rose; blossoming into untamed exuberance every unfurling second,

Change the miserably dwindling and hopeless leper; into a royal eagle soaring majestically through crimson clouds,

Change the utterly dilapidated speck of battered stone; into the unfathomably luxurious castle; glistening splendidly under fiery rays of Omnipotent Sun,

Change the cowards who were ungainly dumb; into boisterously delectable and

lion hearted humming bees,

Change the viciously twisted pathways; into enchanting tunnels leading to the absolute summit of paradise,

Change the diabolically blood sucking devils; into philanthropically benign beings; disseminating the true splendor of mankind,

Change the perfidiously plotting heart; into a perpetual epitome of ultimate belonging,

Change the manipulatively corrupt and dead soul; into the most wonderful gift called; priceless humanity,

But O! Almighty Lord; let true love; remain immortal forever and ever and ever and ever.


Give me hands; only to achieve my ultimate mission in life; do my best to alleviate despicable suffering from impoverished mankind,

Give me legs; only to explore every region of this mesmerizing planet; trespass into pathetically dilapidated territories; reaching those shunned from all quarters of society,

Give me eyes; only to absorb the most inconspicuous of beauty lingering profoundly in celestial atmosphere; transport my ailing mates in despair; to their safe abodes by the river side,

Give me voice; only to sing the most mesmerizing rhymes in this Universe; infiltrating my melody into every household; trembling and profoundly depraved of bright light,

Give me brain; only to encapsulate all majestic beauty in each of my dreary senses; evolve ingenious ideas; to metamorphose mother earth into a blissful paradise,

Give me hair; only to profusely relish poignant draughts of breeze on my scalp; bounce with untamed exhilaration with impeccable children left stranded on

the streets,

Give me smiles; only to rhapsodically blend with natures bountiful endowment; instill optimistic rays of hope in the lives of those; without an iota of sight,

Give me fingers; only to write countless lines of spell binding poetry; indefatigably propagate the message of peace; through the sacred essence of my verse,

Give me scent; only to bask in the aisles of romantically tantalizing desire; diffuse my enchanting fragrance to those; withering towards an island of utterly hopeless submission,

Give me phelgmatism; only to blend each cranny of my demeanor prudently with corridors of prudent wisdom; commiserate with destitute in diabolical distress,

Give me memory; only to remember the nostalgic moments of childhood in the lap of my revered mother; recall the desires of this entire planet; to enlighten all to the best of my capacity,

Give me shadows; only to mystically pacify parched acres of blistering soil; gloriously rejuvenate my fellow compatriots from their treacherous onslaught of the nonchalant day,

Give me destiny; only to lead my life to the most exuberant of its diminutive capacity; become indispensably instrumental in shaping the future of those retracting fathomless kilometers backwards; after alighting a single step,

Give me bones; only to rise unflinching to every acrimonious obstacle in life; win many a battle for my friends even against the mightiest of horrific devil,

Give me lips; only to kiss and ignite flames even in the most placid of waters; disseminate the virtue of sharing in each organism; hell bent upon terrorizing

the planet,

Give me stomach; only to titillate my gluttony with the most splendidly appetizing morsels of food; feed all the hunger stricken with the meals of their choice; till they gathered enough momentum to fend for themselves,

Give me beauty; only to admire the Omnipotent power of the royally divine; uplift my horrendously distorted comrades from realms of deplorable doom,

Give me soul; only to bond with the person I adored even centuries after my death; unite with the perennial wave of mankind in every birth I took birth as a human again,

And Give me heart O ! Lord; only to breathe; live and love my beloved; transform together with her and your blessings; this manipulative globe once again; into a land of benevolence; into a land of immortal humanity.


Neither did it have any color of its own; not even the tiniest tinge of distinguishable recognition; whilst floating in free bits of euphoric space,

Neither did it have any shape of its own; not even the most mercurial form of solidity; being fecklessly blown away like frigid matchsticks; with the slightest draught of powerful wind,

Neither did it have any fragrance of its own; not even the most evanescent scent of blissful triumph; with even the scent of the diminutive grass blade overruling it in all respects,

Neither did it have any identity of its own; suspended like an invisible speck of emptiness; even under the most Omnipotent rays of the sun and the most tenaciously shimmering moonlight,

Neither did it have any dimensions of its own; not even occupying even the most zillionth ounce of space; although proliferating at faster than the speed of lightening every unfurling minute,

Neither did it have any reflection of its own; miserably floundering to discern even an infinitesimal iota of itself; even when indefatigably staring into the most

candidly austere of mirrors,

Neither did it have any friends of its own; as in the first case where was it to be seen even a transient trifle; for it to dare dream of compassionately socializing,

Neither did it have any ambitions of its own; remaining just the same puff of fugitively wandering atmosphere; since centuries and times immemorial,

Neither did it have any magnetism of its own; being worthlessly blown by even the most inconspicuously fragile change on this fathomless Universe; overwhelmed by every nimbly parading footstep in vicinity,

Neither did it have any voice of its own; with even the loudest of its whisper; wretchedly floundering to travel a few millimeters beyond its inexplicably non-existent feet,

Neither did it have any destiny of its own; with its life continuing with the same intensity; shape and form; right since the time this majestic earth was ever evolved,

Neither did it have any desire of its own; maintaining the same composure since decades unprecedented; irrespective of the infinite shades of changing weather; storm; or tantalizing rain,

Neither did it have any ancestral lineage of its own; not even a single organism ever born on this boundless Universe; to lend even the most diminutive insinuation of relationship to it,

Neither did it have any power of its own; infact the very first one to uncontrollably reverberate; even though the patriotic trumpets of war blew an infinite kilometers away,

Neither did it have any influence of its own; with none able discern through its unceasing array of whispering balderdash; on the trajectory of this inexhaustibly emollient earth,

Neither did it have any virility of its own; with just an unceasing stream of impotent air; sporadically tickling and flirting with the haplessly chagrined leaves,

Neither did it have any signature of its own; with even the most mercurial elements of the atmosphere; wholesomely transcending its obsolete swirl,

Neither did it have any freedom of its own; as it existed all its life and for a countless more of its lifetimes; solely within the confines of this spectacularly ever-pervading Universe,

Yet. And unbelievably Yet. Once this very same puff of invisible breath entered the nostrils; it became the most Omnipotent power of the Creator; it became a thing more worshipped than the greatest of any wealth on this earth; it became the most ardently immortal source of all love and relationship; and it existed forever and ever and ever as the most Omnipresent gift of the Almighty Lord Divine.


I was not proud of the appetizing morsels of food before my eyes; but I was definitely proud of the fact; that God had given me a chance to wholeheartedly

savor them,

I was not proud of the unprecedented opulence that lay profusely inundated in my treasuries; but I was definitely proud of the fact; that God had given me a chance to benevolently utilize them,

I was not proud of the Herculean power that circumvented my bones; but I was definitely proud of the fact; that God had given me an chance; to defend my impoverished countrymen with the same,

I was not proud of the rhapsodically mesmerizing eyes which lay beneath the sockets of my forehead; but I was definitely proud of the fact that God had given me a chance; to insatiably drown myself and explore the beauty of this fathomless Universe,

I was not proud of the lightening speed that engulfed the robust framework of my legs; but I was definitely proud of the fact that God had given me a chance; to gallivant till as far I wanted; run indefatigably for the philanthropic mission

that encompassed my soul,

I was not proud of the unrelenting fragrance that besieged my flesh; but I was definitely proud of the fact that God had given me a chance; to disseminate the same in ebullient lives transgressing around,

I was not proud of the insurmountable battalion of swanky cars that garlanded my glamorous drive; but I was definitely proud of the fact that God had given me a chance; elope with my innocuous fellow mates; to the most enchantingly

exciting destinations of tomorrow,

I was not proud of the astoundingly magnificent flurry of eyelashes that embellished my lids; but I was definitely proud of the fact that God had given me a chance; to wink and congenially philander with the humans of my choice,

I was not proud of the gloriously rubicund lips that formed the magnanimous silhouette of my face; but I was definitely proud of the fact that God had given me a chance; to smile and frolick in the aisles of untamed desire and perpetual happiness,

I was not proud of the incredulously knotted festoon of fingers that protruded royally from my palms; but I was definitely proud of the fact that God had given me a chance; to sketch the most majestically enticing shapes in this Universe with the same,

I was not proud of the poignantly passionate streams of blood that flowed turbulently through my veins; but I was definitely proud of the fact God had given me a chance; to shed it uninhibitedly for the entities who wanted it the most,

I was not proud of unfathomable happiness that lingered in my countenance; but I was definitely proud of the fact that God had given me chance; to share it with my fellow comrades in despairing pain,

I was not proud of the grandiloquent ocean of dreams that incessantly floated in my brain; but I was definitely proud of the fact that God had given me a chance; to metamorphose this manipulative planet once again into an enthralling paradise,

I was not proud of the irrefutable essence of truth enveloping my visage; but I was definitely proud of the fact that God had given me a chance; to scrap the blatantly abusive virtue of lies forever from this world,

I was not proud of the impeccably fair color entrenching each cranny of my skin; but I was definitely proud of the fact that God had given me a chance; to enlighten the lives of those in ghastly blackness; with my inherent charisma and light,

I was not proud of the supremely magical contentment ingrained in my blood; but I was definitely proud of the fact that God had given me a chance; to benevolently assist the disastrously maimed; to achieve their ultimate ambitions and goals of life,

I was not proud of the compassionately fiery inferno of breath diffusing from my nostrils; but I was definitely proud of the fact that God had given me a chance; to impregnate optimistic hope in the morbidly lifeless,

I was not proud of the complete family that followed me all night and day in each of my conquest; but I was definitely proud of the fact that God had given me a chance; to exist amidst such a selfless fraternity of fantastic human beings,

I was not proud of the heart that relentlessly throbbed in my chest; but I was definitely proud of the fact that God had given me a chance; to immortally love and diffuse its ravishingly royal waves to the most boundless corner of this globe,

And I was not proud of living since decades immemorial; but I was definitely proud of the fact that God had given me a chance; to love; procreate; discover; endeavor my best to make planet earth a better place to live and let live


Perennially insuperable happiness STARTS; exactly from the point where the traumatic voices of self inflicting insanity and meaningless frigid depression; ENDS,

Blazingly inimitable triumph STARTS; exactly from the point where the cadaverously ignominious and deliriously forlorn graveyard of betrayal; ENDS,

Enchantingly royal sensuousness STARTS; exactly from the point where the stone of egregiously inane and treacherously decrepit stagnation; ENDS,

Stupendously bestowing literacy STARTS; exactly from the point where the apocalypse of dastardly manipulation and population explosion; ENDS,

Resplendently effulgent scent STARTS; exactly from the point where the gallows of pathetically devastating and monotonously invidious boredom; ENDS,

Unflinchingly fearless martyrdom STARTS; exactly from the point where the venom of grotesquely ludicrous and abjectly derelict cowardliness; ENDS,

Peerlessly unsurpassable beauty STARTS; exactly from the point where the web of diabolically distorted and disgustingly gratuitous politics; ENDS,

Handsomely fructifying titillation STARTS; exactly from the point where the mortuary of baselessly slavering and hedonistically lurid commercialism; ENDS,

Eternally blessing truth STARTS; exactly from the point where the well of abysmally hopeless and haplessly staggering lies; ENDS,

Unconquerably divine poetry STARTS; exactly from the point where the daggerhead of indiscriminatingly torturous and malevolently salacious greed; ENDS,

Timelessly enamoring success STARTS; exactly from the point where the fog of viciously disparaging and endlessly hyperbolic ego; ENDS,

Astoundingly panoramic proliferation STARTS; exactly from the point where the carcass of agnostically hypochondriac and threadbare abstention; ENDS,

Magically heavenly brotherhood STARTS; exactly from the point where the battlefield of demonically cold-blooded and brutally unsolicited slavery; ENDS,

Uninhibitedly priceless freedom STARTS; exactly from the point where the whiplash of satanically corrupt and horrifically incarcerating dictatorship; ENDS,

Perpetually benign melody STARTS; exactly from the point where the tune of the cacophonically parasitic and ungainly squelching devil; ENDS,

Ubiquitously regale harmony STARTS; exactly from the point where the war of bawdily infinitesimal and worthlessly murderous power; ENDS,

Timelessly endowing humanity STARTS; exactly from the point where the prison of tyrannically truculent and flagrantly penalizing indiscrimination; ENDS,

Miraculously blessed paradise STARTS; exactly from the point where the tornado of dogmatically rotting and mercilessly annihilating abhorrence; ENDS,

And Immortally Godly love STARTS; exactly from the point where the holocaust of sinfully stuttering and sleazily obfuscated retribution; ENDS.


If it came at the cost of; massacring countless innocent; in the wrath of derogatorily baseless politics,

If it came at the cost of; entangling the unassailably righteous dormitories of the conscience; in a graveyard of malignant manipulation,

If it came at the cost of; mercilessly marauding over a sea of priceless emotions and camaraderie; incarcerating the spirit of humanity in chains of diabolically inclement torture,

If it came at the cost of; venomously adulterating the fabric of pristinely spell binding mother nature; with monstrously monotonous edifices of bizarrely decrepit commercialism,

If it came at the cost of; violently metamorphosing every bit of blissful sanctity and compassionate brotherhood; into an amorphously agnostic coffin of devilishness,

If it came at the cost of; debasingly victimizing the lap of the sacrosanct mother; with whiplashes of threadbarely insane salaciousness,

If it came at the cost of; indiscriminately lambasting hatred; ghoulishly ghettoizing priceless mankind; into spurious fraternities of caste; creed and feckless color,

If it came at the cost of; chauvinistically treacherous prejudice; the maimed anarchy of a handful of dictators; devastating every ingredient of love from the trajectory of this benevolently emollient planet,

If it came at the cost of; truculently abusing the haplessly old; propelling them to ooze tears of torturous blood; every unfurling minute of the Omnipotently rejuvenating day,

If it came at the cost of; vindictively replacing every rivulet of quintessentially gifted blood in the body; with uxoriously bawdy wine and intransigently unending hatred,

If it came at the cost of; gruesomely overriding the civilization of unsurpassably insuperable harmony; with the scorpions of ill-will and despondently debilitating disease,

If it came at the cost of; murderously trading innocuously nubile skin; amongst salaciously rampaging and demonically sucking parasites,

If it came at the cost of; invidious violence sowing its lugubriously sinful seeds; on every quarter of his regally timeless and fantastically burgeoning Universe,

If it came at the cost of; ominously weeping betrayal; maliciously creeping into every holistically immaculate and perpetually loving heart,

If it came at the cost of; every anecdote of altruistically immortal bravery; drowning forever and ever and ever into wisps of worthless cigar smoke and lasciviously disappearing wine,

If it came at the cost of; divinely motherhood being immutably rebuked in the center of the town; its triumphantly venerated elements being excoriated apart into disastrous nothingness,

If it came at the cost of; insanely polluting God’s symbiotically celestial environment; with obnoxious chemicals and nuclear bombs of the most unimaginably hateful degree,

If it came at the cost of; cannibalistically making the poor more poorer and criminally commemorating the sins of the pompously rich; as the ultimate crescendos of life and unshakable humanity,

Then please leave me exactly the way I was born O! Almighty Lord; without a single cloth or ornament on my impoverished body; without the tiniest of embellishment on my uncontrollably shivering bones; please don’t ever give me any wealth; please don’t ever make me mighty or rich.


Although there mightn’t be the most bucolic insinuation of light around; with every conceivable ingredient of the atmosphere being gruesomely circumscribed with

a coffin of darkness,

Although every leaf around might have slept an infinite hours ago; with nothing but perpetual stillness being the mantra of the lugubriously sullen evening,

Although every trace of exuberantly ecstatic wind around might have subsided to infinitesimally ethereal dust; with every commercial activity on this fathomless planet coming to an absolute standstill,

Although there might not be the tiniest trace of civilization around; with even the most obsolete shadows of bizarrely treacherous ghosts dogmatically refraining from listlessly floating in free space,

Although the stars might be completely obfuscated in mystical sky; by a viciously thunderous blanket of voluptuously titillating clouds,

Although the enigmatically cavorting spiders around might have transited into unbreakable sleep; with orphaned strands of their royal webs; now disintegrating into a boundless bits of nothingness,

Although the exotically spell binding flowers around might have invidiously crumbled into a disorientedly befuddled heap; with every of their once enchantingly redolent petals now coalescing with wisps of worthlessness,

Although the waves of the ebulliently rhapsodic sea around might have drowned into feckless extinction; with nothing but unimaginably heartless space taking

insidious and complete control,

Although even the most subservient element of squelched moisture around might have dried to a ghastly death; with ludicrously imperturbable austerity forever reigning supreme,

Although the uninhibited cries of the newborn around might have horrifically asphyxiated; with even the sound of a mercurial pin irrevocably restraining to

come from the ground,

Although the unlimitedly gigantic shadows around might have surreptitiously enveloped every conceivable object in vicinity; with the eyes finding it overwhelmingly difficult to sagaciously discern between the black and scintillatingly white,

Although the innocuously whispering grasshoppers around might have surrendered themselves in mind; body and spirit; to graveyards of horrifically dumb silence,

Although the thunderously resonating echoes around might have pathetically dissolved into a mortuary of decrepit emptiness; resigning to the inevitably

acerbic unveiling of time,

Although the inanely fragile footprints around might have shrunk into the aisles of dastardly oblivion; with agglomerated conviviality being a remorsefully far cry,

Although the spirit of unflinchingly fearless patriotism might have ridiculously dwindled around; with unbelievably peaceful sighs replacing the triumphantly blazing clanging of the impregnable swords,

Although the minute hand and hour hand of the grandfather clock around might have remained irretrievably agglutinated at the same spot; even as

time rampantly sped by,

Although every speck of brilliant versatility around might have metamorphosed into a miserably slavering well of abysmal nonchalance; with even the most miraculously galloping inspiration fading under the midday Sun,

Although every breath around might have subsided into the realms of hell even before one could inhale it out; and each wisp of life might have grotesquely


O! Yes; Even if the entire earth around might have closed its eyes or come to a perpetually disillusioned standstill: Remember that the most fugitively frigid

action of yours was being ardently watched by the Omnipotent Lord Almighty; so watch your step dear mate; and make sure that it treads towards righteousness; righteousness and just immortally humanitarian and symbiotically unconquerable righteousness; whenever you dare to tread.

50. WHY DO YOU ?

God blessed you with such magnificently immaculate palms; why do you uncouthly massacre with them; instead of philanthropically uplifting all devastatingly deprived humanity ?

God blessed you with such impeccably sparkling eyes; why do you witness the lecherously evil with them; instead of capsizing all bountifully fathomless beauty

of this mesmerizing planet; in their poignantly scintillating mirrors of white ?

God blessed you with such formidably impregnable teeth; why do you ruthlessly suck innocuous blood with them; instead of profoundly relishing the most voluptuously enchanting fruits of Mother Nature?

God blessed you with such an ingeniously fascinating mind; why do you maniacally pulverize it with swords of tyrannical depression; instead of relentlessly fantasizing about the astronomically benign goodness; in every quarter of this marvelous planet ?

God blessed you with such tantalizingly charming lips; why do you purse them in dormitories of abhorrently despicable belligerence; instead of bequeathing all those treacherously orphaned; with an unsurpassable festoon of grandiloquent smiles?

God blessed you with such melodiously captivating voice; why do you cacophonically lambaste the handsome atmosphere with it; instead of unbelievably pacifying the traumatized agony of all those souls; brutally shattered and withering in inexplicable misery ?

God blessed you with such stupendously immaculate neck; why do you diabolically drift it towards the satanically ominous; instead of ardently staring at the ravishingly synergistic; blanket of ubiquitously glistening stars ?

God blessed you with such boisterously divine ears; why do you incessantly hear only unruly fracas and war with them; instead of profoundly blending them with a seductive blanket of gloriously titillating golden dewdrops ?

God blessed you with such intricately silken feet; why do you indiscriminately trample the pathetically infirm with them; instead of wonderfully evolving an unflinching pathway; of irrefutable peace and benevolent righteousness ?

God blessed you with such dexterously articulate nails; why do you use them to savagely extricate a dying mans food; instead of crawling with diligent assiduousness towards the pinnacle of invincibly scintillating success ?

God blessed you with such a royally towering height; why do you use it to invidiously dominate all whom you encountered in your way; instead of blissfully alleviating the insurmountably crippled and maim; towards their most resplendent dreams of exuberant success ?

God blessed you with such emphatically Herculean muscles; why do you use them to barbarically decimate timidly new born infants; instead of patriotically defending your motherland till the very last iota of your rhapsodic breath ?

God blessed you with such mystically bedazzling destiny lines; why do you use them to snatch indispensably vital breath from all those holistically alive; instead of metamorphosing the complexion of staggeringly dilapidated staleness; into the opulently vibrant winds of tomorrow ?

God blessed you with such unfathomably overwhelming fortitude; why do you use it for inflicting deliberate pain upon your handsome countenance; instead of standing unequivocally like a formidable fortress; to the celestial service of mankind ?

God blessed you with such curvaceously incredulous stomach; why do you mercilessly deluge it with food of the penuriously destitute; instead of harboring

insidiously dumped children; in the realms of its compassionately uninhibited swirl ?

God blessed you with such enigmatically enamoring shadow; why do you use it to parasitically overshadow the chapter of goodness; instead of letting its fabulously tingling waves; miraculously soothe insanely zany minds ?

God blessed you with such irrefutably honest conscience; why do you use it to pioneer the hideously unsurpassable cloud of blatant lies; instead of diffusing Omnipotent truth at every step you tread; at every darkness you profusely enlightened ?

God blessed you with such majestically heavenly soul; why do you use it to worthlessly corrupt boisterously endowed civilizations with the winds of manipulative malice; instead of perennially disbursing its essence of timeless peace; to the most remotest cranny of this spell binding planet ?

And God blessed you with such passionately pulsating heartbeats; why do you use them to incinerate salacious graves of ludicrously stumbling betrayal; intead of igniting the immortal cloudburst of love; love and only perpetual love.


When I was gruesomely lonely; overwhelmingly enshrouded by mists of perpetual solitude from all sides; I felt as if sinking more profusely beneath my grave; as the minutes rapidly unveiled,

However I sprang up with tumultuous exhilaration to lead life; profoundly staring and mesmerized by the impeccable whites of your eye; when you were there by my side.

When I was perennially devastated; viciously besieged with lackadaisical walls of ghastly boredom; I felt as if diabolical daggerheads of depression were sapping every ounce of energy from my senses,

However I leaped ebulliently towards the bountifully voluptuous carpet of sky; ravishingly caressing and compassionately relishing the divinely warmth in your

palms; when you were there by my side.

When I was loitering aimlessly on cold ground; pugnaciously relinquishing even the tiniest of desire to holistically survive; I felt as if every entity in the planet outside was nothing; but an uncouthly blood sucking parasite,

However I gallivanted in the aisles of vibrantly untamed desire; profusely mesmerized and supremely blending with the enamoring melody in your voice; when you were there by my side.

When I was staggering in the corridors of disdainfully despicable depression; intransigently weeping even as the globe blossomed into marvelous newness outside; I felt as if a painstakingly mammoth mountain of guilt was brutally excoriating my flesh with swords of satanic diabolism,

However I enlightened every path I trespassed on with fireballs of insatiable hope; passionately nibbling your neck and uxoriously coalescing with your volatile senses; when you were there by my side.

When I was perched without a penny in my penurious pockets on the austerely acrimonious mountaintops; ferocious rays of blazing Sun gorily exacerbating the famished agony in the dormitories of my nimble stomach; I felt like an nconspicuously non-existent mosquito; being tyrannically lambasted by the devil,

However I raced immutably towards the most handsomely spell binding of victory; flirting mischievously with your heavenly earlobes and pecking your Omnipotent cheeks; when you were there by my side.

When I was slithering languidly on freezing ice; worthlessly counting the incomprehensible number of stars in fathomless cosmos; I felt as if an

unsurpassable fleet of savage sharks; were sucking every iota of my enthusiasm,

However I escalataed above the walls of blissful eternity; as I held my ears astoundingly close to your tantalizing belly and tickling your ravishing ribs;

when you were there by my side.

When I was tossing restlessly in the morbidly remorseful dungeons; voraciously scratching the stinking walls in an attempt to expend my Herculean energy; I felt as if the Universe had ignominiously castigated me for ostensibly no fault of mine; shunning me in entirety till my veritable death,

However I exuberantly galloped to metamorphose each of my philanthropic dreams into reality; bending in due obeisance at your godly feet and clasping your fingers tight; when you were there by my side.

When I was miserably incarcerated behind ominously gleaming bars of the hostile prison; an unfathomable battalion of irascible termites greedily slavering on my innocuous flesh; I felt treacherously weak and dying a countless deaths; even though life was still mine,

However I irrefutably waded past the glorious flags of patriotic victory; incessantly admiring and magnificently transposing with your sagaciously philanthropic philosophies; when you were there by my side.

And when I was ruthlessly unemployed; with every quarter of this murderously conventional society spitting upon me the frustrations of their bedraggled day; I felt as if time had come to a standstill; as I hopelessly bid the world a tearfully defeated goodbye,

However I continued to exist as the richest man alive for infinite more births of mine; immortally bonding with your Omnipresent heart; benevolent blood; and majestically unassailable breath; when you were there by my side.


Never ever enter into the brain of the ant; or you’ll get haplessly strangulated for brilliantly unfettered freedom; identity and bountiful space,

Never ever enter into the brain of the elephant; or you’ll suddenly find yourself a lugubriously disoriented burden to earth; emanating an infinite groans to just alight your foot an inconspicuous inch from the soil,

Never ever enter into the brain of the lion; or you’ll develop a sadistically ignominious perceptive for every fraternity of humanity; vomiting a countless times as there was now nothing else but innocent blood in your cannibalistically ominous throat,

Never ever enter into the brain of the scorpion; or you’ll inexhaustibly spit at your ownself for being the most poisonous organism on earth; fostering nothing else but unbearable vindication in every wanton ingredient of your body,

Never ever enter into the brain of the nightingale; or you’ll initially find yourself to be the most mellifluously enchanting creature on the planet; but soon weep every unfurling instant of your destined time; as the King incarcerated every speck of your untamed sensuousness within the four walls of his mundane palace,

Never ever enter into the brain of the bumble bee; or you’ll feel like licking the nails of your morbid coffin instead; rather than the unrelentingly unsparing stabbing of incongruous buzzing sound,

Never ever enter into the brain of the mosquito; or you’ll feel that most treacherously impoverished entity on earth; the most appallingly ridiculed entity on the Universe; was none other than you and only you,

Never ever enter into the brain of the rose; or you’ll feel utterly devastated as every now and again your petals withered to coalesce with worthless mud; and an army of profanely parasitic leeches deplorably expurgated on your nubile stem,

Never ever enter into the brain of the clouds; or you’ll feel a viciously uncouth pall of deteriorating gloom profoundly perpetuate into the last bone of your spine; and every trifle of felicity gorily metamorphosed into amorphously delirious black,

Never ever enter into the brain of the dog; or you’ll want to forever extinguish even the most infinitesimal trace of your existence; rather than hopelessly slaving your entire life to the commands of the eccentrically unruly master,

Never ever enter into the brain of the donkey; or you’ll feel that paradise was just an obfuscated illusion of shit; intractably wanting to pulverize your life; as virtually every entity in the world outside; used your name as the most spontaneous abuse,

Never ever enter into the brain of the snake; or you’ll feel that there was just nothing else on the trajectory of this unceasing Universe; than pugnaciously asphyxiating lethality,

Never ever enter into the brain of the night; or you’ll feel that only demons brutally ruled this sacrosanct earth; with even the most ethereal bit of optimism transforming into a satanic graveyard of flagrantly subjugated desperation,

Never ever enter into the brain of the seed; or you’ll find nothing but lecherously blackened labyrinths of squalid mud perennially around you; breathing every blessed moment of your life in criminal darkness; whereas the fruit beautifully reaped all Omnipotent Sunlight,

Never ever enter into the brain of the mountain; or you’ll find yourself die a limitless deaths of abhorrent stagnation every unleashing instant; not able to budge an infidel inch from your original creation; whilst sequestering the entire planet in your unflinchingly invincible swirl,

Never ever enter into the brain of the cockroach; or you’ll feel the most

abjectly sordid organism in this world; inevitably fretting for an infinite lives amidst a gutter of obnoxiously ostracized feces; whilst fresh life astoundingly proliferated at every conceivable step outside,

Never ever enter into the brain of the scarecrow; or you’ll feel like a lividly crumbling scapegoat without the tiniest identity of your own; sinfully abandoned only to lure prized prey or ludicrously shoo diminutive insects,

Never ever enter into the brain of the frog; or you’ll feel the most grouchily suppressed entity on this endless planet; wailing at the top of your cacophonic lungs; but alas within the cadaverously depraving and slimy walls of the cancerously confining well,

Never ever enter into the brain of the poet; or you’ll inexplicably feel circumscribed by a mist of newness and unfathomably agonizing trauma at the same moment; and a majority of the time the latter diabolically ruling the former,

I therefore indefatigably beseech you to never ever enter into the brain of anybody; as howsoever inscrutably alluring the prospect might seem at the outset; the apocalypses of ribald hell would eventually gobble you without the tiniest of innuendo,

Instead if you really wanted to symbiotically triumph and Immortally love on the periphery of this unbelievably endowing Universe; if you really wanted to lead life as the most pricelessly liberated organism of the Omniscient Almighty Lord; then use the same 2 centimeters of insuperable network within your skull with which you were created; use the same 2 centimeters of miraculously creative powerhouse with which you emanated your very first cry; use your own and very own God-gifted brain


Whether it was fainter than the rustling of inconspicuous grass; or whether it perpetually blazed through the mortuaries of depression forever and ever and ever,

Whether it squeaked like a disdainfully disappearing rat; or whether it handsomely reverberated past the norms of the tyrannically conventional society,

Whether it cadaverously sunk an infinite feet beneath lackluster soil even

before it could arise; or whether it resembled the everlastingly enamoring effervescence of the timelessly vivacious rainbow in celestial sky,

Whether it was as preposterously weak as the infidel ant; or whether it inimitably silenced even the most infinitesimal trace of diabolism on this Universe in a righteously single cry,

Whether it was more inarticulately mumbling than the winds of grouchily disappointing oblivion; or whether it relentlessly roared like the majestically unflinching lion; till times immemorial,

Whether it gasped and miserably stuttered like a lividly subjugated gutterpipe; or whether it perennially blossomed like the tendrils of the sensuously untamed rose; to blend with the compassionate moisture of the skies,

Whether it croaked like an acrimoniously repugnant frog; or whether it caressed the innermost dormitories of the soul; like a brilliantly undefeated prince,

Whether it irascibly buzzed like the abjectly parsimonious mosquito; or whether it timelessly danced in triumphant delight; like the very first droplets of ubiquitously bonding and eternally fructifying rain,

Whether it rapidly deteriorated into vapid nothingness immediately after it had arisen; or whether it unstoppably marched forward on the path to insuperably blessed success,

Whether it forever bore the imprint of shamefully ludicrous timidity; or whether it ebulliently galloped like an uninhibited kangaroo through the trails of fearlessly enlightening adventure,

Whether it unceasingly seemed like the ethereally dwindling horizons; or whether it vividly enthralled like the extraordinarily pristine oceans of magnanimously rejuvenating froth,

Whether it sounded incoherent jinxed like quaint crusts of severely dilapidated rust; or whether it proliferated into a cosmos of ever-pervading freshness till moments beyond infinite infinity,

Whether it wobbled in the realms of impoverished uncertainty; or whether it

brilliantly glimmered like the Omnipotently flamboyant rays of the Morning Sun,

Whether it disintegrated into a corpse of pathetically disintegrating emptiness; or whether it beautifully melanged with the mists of resplendently sensuous paradise,

Whether it penuriously flickered for a countless lifetimes; or whether it was an unlimited times better than the cadence of the mellifluously gorgeous nightingale,

Whether it was as flaccidly indolent as the stride of the tortoise; or whether it raced like stupendously kingly lightening through the most hideously truculent pathways of horrific despair,

Whether it seemed as non-existent as the dead-mans lifeless carcass; or whether it indomitably towered above every tangible and intangible entity on the trajectory of this unbelievably unassailable planet,

Whether it sounded like the most haplessly pulverized brick of the foundation; or whether it consecrated a whole new civilization of unconquerable goodness; upon its synergistic dissemination into the atmosphere,

Irrespective of whatever; if your voice is altruistically philanthropic; if your voice is tirelessly ardent for every bit of panoramically symbiotic goodness existing on this boundless earth; if your voice is as pristinely sacred as the milk of your divinely mother; most importantly if your voice above everything else is from the innermost dormitories of your benign heart; then it irrefutably and immortally reaches and bonds forever and ever and ever; with the Omnipotent breath of the Creator Divine.


How can you ever expect stupendously emollient nectar to waft out; after the

scorpion opened its venomously treacherous mouth; to the fullest of its lethally salacious capacity?

How can you ever expect brilliantly unfettered rays of optimistic light; after uncouthly parasitic darkness had crept in; the chapters of midnight had wholesomely incarcerated the fabric of earth divine?

How can you ever expect the tree to fructify into majestically astounding fruit; after the ruthlessly slandering fire had charred even the most infinitesimal trace of life around; into gruesomely cadaverous charcoal?

How can you ever expect lips to unfurl into a gorgeously tantalizing smile; after the mother who’d so miraculously evolved them in the first place; forever left her terrestrial form to embrace the solitude of heavenly abode?

How can you ever expect the fish to gregariously swim; after every droplet

of the fantastically undulating ocean; had evaporated into the aisles of inconspicuously estranged meaninglessness?

How can you ever expect the poet to pen infinite lines of royally enamoring poetry; after every speck of his inimitably eclectic fingers were mercilessly cut into a countless bits of bizarrely ghastly nothingness?

How can you ever expect the bee to buzz into boisterously effulgent happiness; after every flower in vicinity miserably decayed towards the lugubriously sordid ground?

How can you ever expect the nightingale to mellifluously murmur; after every

cranny of panoramically divine nature; forever metamorphosed into robotically emotionless jungles of concrete prejudice?

How can you ever expect the mirror to portray the most explicitly unbridled

reflection; after it was shattered into a boundless shards of lividly hedonistic haplessness?

How can you ever expect jaggery to taste spell-bindingly sweet; after it was treacherously dipped into the ominously gluttonous shark’s mouth; which was

replete with nothing else but the heart of the unfathomably salty sea?

How can you ever expect the soldier to hold his higher than the patriotically triumphant heavens; after he had limply surrendered to the enemy camp; without the most ethereal iota of resilience or fight?

How can you ever expect the eagle to regally soar in gloriously unhindered galaxies of sky; after being satanically buried a countless feet beneath despairingly wanton mud?

How can you ever expect the mountains to blossom into unassailably towering

peaks; after being unrelentingly bombarded by profanely debilitating nuclear weaponry and indiscriminately gory war?

How can you ever expect blood to ignite skies of unsurpassable passion in the body; after the perpetual disappearance of the Omnipotently heavenly beloved?

How can you ever expect the brain to unlimitedly fantasize; after being vicariously bludgeoned by the blows of brutally macabre corruption and insanely life-threatening debauchery?

How can you ever expect the pile of despondently disheveled garbage to yield

pricelessly iridescent pearls; after being horrendously dumped with a motley of feces from all across the fathomless planet?

How can you ever expect the nostril to breathe into a civilization of unbelievably undefeated and boundless newness; after being diabolically asphyxiated by the mortuary of lies; every unfurling instant of impoverished existence?

How can you ever expect the heart to diffuse into an unimaginably infallible paradise of Immortally loving beats; after being unsparingly betrayed by the sole love and perpetual compassion of its destined life?

But you can forever expect an unshakable place in the Omniscient Lord’s heaven; you can forever expect an undeniably redolent abode in the paradise of the Omnipotent Creator Divine; for every altruistically humanitarian deed executed by you within your truncated lifetime; even after you forever abdicated breath; even after you forever quit your robustly physical form; even after you forever and inevitably died.


Even if you placed the entire wealth of this boundless planet before him; it would still hopelessly prove to be an infinite infinity lesser than the wealth of invincibly benign selflessness; that he perpetually and pricelessly possessed,

Even if you placed the entire power of this fathomless planet before him; it would still haplessly prove to be an infinite infinity lesser than the power of infallibly redolent truth; that he perpetually and pricelessly possessed,

Even if you placed the entire charisma of this limitless planet before him;

it would still lugubriously prove to be an infinite infinity lesser than the charisma of inimitably majestic artistry; that he perpetually and pricelessly possessed,

Even if you placed the entire beauty of this endless planet before him; it would still morbidly prove to an infinite infinity lesser than the beauty of compassionately philanthropic simplicity; that he perpetually and pricelessly possessed,

Even if you placed the entire sensuousness of this unceasing planet before him; it would still forlornly prove to be an infinite infinity lesser than the sensuousness of tantalizingly fructifying time; that he perpetually and pricelessly possessed,

Even if you placed the entire fruits of this unsurpassable planet before him; they would still disdainfully prove to be an infinite infinity lesser than the fruits of insuperably eclectic creativity; that he perpetually and pricelessly possessed,

Even if you placed the entire triumph of this gargantuan planet before him; it would still obnoxiously prove to be an infinite infinity lesser than the triumph of sacrosanct goodness; that he perpetually and pricelessly possessed,

Even if you placed the entire tranquility of this inexhaustible planet before him; it would still abashingly prove to be an infinite infinity lesser than the tranquility of symbiotic selflessness; that he perpetually and pricelessly possessed,

Even if you placed the entire fragrance of this inscrutable planet before him; it would still vituperatively prove to be an infinite infinity lesser than the fragrance of impregnable righteousness; that he perpetually and pricelessly possessed,

Even if you placed the entire benevolence of this timeless planet before him; it would still baselessly prove to be an infinite infinity lesser than the benevolence of divine simplicity; that he perpetually and pricelessly possessed,

Even if you placed the entire honesty of this tireless planet before him; it would still ludicrously prove to be an infinite infinity lesser than the honesty of unbelievably infallible straightforwardness; that he perpetually and pricelessly possessed,

Even if you placed the entire virility of this immeasurable planet before him; it would still pathetically prove to be an infinite infinity lesser than the virility of astoundingly mitigating evolution; that he perpetually and pricelessly possessed,

Even if you placed the entire inebriation of this royal planet before him; it would still indolently prove to be an infinite infinity lesser than the inebriation of mystically unfettered enchantment; that he perpetually and pricelessly possessed,

Even if you placed the entire flamboyance of this ecstatic planet before him; it would still lividly prove to be an infinite infinity lesser than the flamboyance of the Optimistically unassailable Sun; that he perpetually and pricelessly possessed,

Even if you placed the entire blood of this effulgent planet before him; it would still disastrously prove to be an infinite infinity lesser than the blood of synergistically unshakable living kind; that he perpetually and pricelessly possessed,

Even if you placed the entire knowledge of this motley planet before him; it would still grotesquely prove to be an infinite infinity lesser than the knowledge of Omnipotent life and death; that he perpetually and pricelessly possessed,

Even if you placed the entire breath of this unbreakable planet before

him; it would still treacherously prove to be an infinite infinity lesser than the breath of everlastingly Omnipresent newness; that he perpetually and pricelessly possessed,

Even if you placed the entire heartbeats of this marvelous planet before him; it would still delinquently prove to be an infinite infinity lesser than the heartbeat of Immortally inimitable love; that he perpetually and pricelessly possessed,

Contrarily to the above meaningless methods of appeasing him; wherein you

tried to weigh him in the spuriously sanctimonious begging bowls of your lascivious wealth; beauty; charm and tawdry power; if you wholeheartedly embraced just one of your fellow living kind in bizarre distress; pain and inexplicable misery; every single day of your destined time,

The Almighty Creator would consider it to be the most Immortally cherished offering from your side; the most symbiotically mesmerizing gift from your soul; the most selflessly indomitable contribution from every of your heartbeat; and this time it would be beautifully at par with whatever he had dreamt of or possessed.


Neither were you more extravagantly fairer than me; neither were you more pathetically weaker than the most lugubriously dwindling bone down my spine,

Neither were you more bountifully truthful than me; neither were you more

disastrously lying than most salaciously perverted ingredient of my blood,

Neither were you more blazingly dynamic than me; neither were you more dolorously cowardly than the most grotesquely ribald germs of fear in my stagnating brain,

Neither were you more eclectically brilliant than me; neither were you more

shamefully dwindling than the most asphyxiated corpse of hopelessness in my

shriveled persona,

Neither were you more unflinchingly triumphant than me; neither were you

more bawdily defeated than the most forlornly crippling of my failures,

Neither were you more effulgently passionate than me; neither were you more

treacherously stagnating than the most decaying figment of meaninglessness in my decrepit body,

Neither were you more resplendently surreal than me; neither were you more

satanically monotonous than the most lecherously deteriorating of my corporate profiles,

Neither were you more ingeniously evolving than me; neither were you more

redundantly parasitic than the most viciously slandering apogees of my rubicund tongue,

Neither were you more royally blessed than me; neither were you more unfortunately lambasted than the most salaciously withering moments of my devastated life,

Neither were you more exuberantly sensuous than me; neither were you more

lackadaisically nonchalant than the most preposterously wasting of my moods,

Neither were you more miraculously fertile than me; neither were you more ludicrously impotent than the most onerously slavering of my shattered times,

Neither were you more invincibly honest than me; neither were you more venomously flagrant than the most lividly distorted of my fugitively obliterating shadow,

Neither were you more infallibly faithful than me; neither were you more carnivorously betraying than the most miserably battered of my crumbling senses,

Neither were you more inimitably talented than me; neither were you more sleazily blanch than the most inanely amorphous of my egregiously estranged nerves,

Neither were you more ecstatically galloping than me; neither were you more indolently stationery than the most faintest of my penuriously diminishing of whispers,

Neither were you more ebulliently redolent than me; neither were you more repugnantly stinking than the most obliviously morbid of my insane carcass of bones,

Neither were you more symbiotically philanthropic than me; neither were you more violently prejudiced than the most perniciously obsessive of my nightmares,

Neither were you more vivaciously unfettered than me; neither were you more ominously incarcerated than the most dangerously chained idiosyncrasies of my indifferently strangulated existence,

And Neither were you more vibrantly living than me; neither were you more

perpetually dead than the most hopelessly flailing of my very final breath,

Only because the Omnipotent Creator had created both you and me; and every

other of our infinite living kind; even the most infinitesimally disappearing aspect of every one of us alive on planet divine; as forever priceless; inequitably synergistic and wonderfully equal.


How does it matter even an infinitesimal trifle; whether God created the robust hen first; or sent the salubriously triumphant egg on earth; an infinite births before ?

How does it matter even a diminutive trifle; whether God created the vivacious plant first; or sent the effulgently mesmerizing seed on earth; an infinite births before?

How does it matter even a mercurial trifle; whether God created poignant salt first; or sent the jubilantly frosty sea on earth; an infinite births before ?

How does it matter even an inconspicuous trifle; whether God created the Omnipotent secretions of love first; or sent the bountifully virile man on earth;

an infinite births before?

How does it matter even an ethereal trifle; whether God created the eclectic silhouette first; or sent the beautifully resplendent shadow on earth; an infinite births before?

How does it matter even an ephemeral trifle; whether God created the immortal heartbeat first; or sent perpetually proliferating compassion on earth; an infinite births before?

How does it matter even an evanescent trifle; whether God created the mellifluous song first; or sent fantastically nubile enchantment on earth; an infinite births before?

How does it matter even a fugitive trifle; whether God created the blazing Sun first; or sent unflinchingly unassailable optimism on earth; an infinite births before ?

How does it matter even a fleeting trifle; whether God created perennial paradise first; or sent the altruistically unconquerable Angel on earth; an infinite births before?

How does it matter even an abysmal trifle; whether God created tantalizing mystery first; or sent the inscrutably enigmatic night on earth; an infinite births before?

How does it matter even a minuscule trifle; whether God created insuperable

truth first; or sent majestically pristine victory on earth; an infinite births before?

How does it matter even an infidel trifle; whether God created boundless intelligence first; or sent spell bindingly burgeoning innovation on earth; an infinite births before?

How does it matter even a nonchalant trifle; whether God created philanthropic fantasy first; or sent royally unsurpassable desire on earth; an infinite births before?

How does it matter even a teeny trifle; whether God created uplifting happiness first; or sent timelessly uniting procreation on earth; an infinite births before?

How does it matter even a parsimonious trifle; whether God created the handsome clouds first; or sent panoramically enticing greenery on earth; an infinite births before?

How does it matter even a measly trifle; whether God created ubiquitous unity first; or sent Omnipresently blessing peace on earth; an infinite births before?

How does it matter even an abstemious trifle; whether God created stupefying fragrance first; or sent the miraculously mitigating rose on earth; an infinite births before?

How does it matter even an obfuscated trifle; whether God created inimitable

sacredness first; or sent unconquerably virgin milk on earth; an infinite births before?

How does it matter even a disappearing trifle; whether God created the humanitarian throat first; or sent the thirst for goodness on earth; an infinite births before?

How does it matter even an unmentionable trifle; whether God created intrepid ecstasy first; or sent infallibly reinvigorating inspiration on earth; an infinite births before?

How does it matter even an obsolete trifle; whether God created fertile Woman first; or sent potently masculine Man on earth; an infinite births before?

And tell me how does it really matter even a miserly trifle; whether God created something first and something last on earth; as long as he’d created the sky of unshakably immortal love; which united every caste; creed; tribe; race; species; in the religion of impregnable oneness forever and ever and ever; irrespective of being first; or an infinite births even before?


It would make a world of difference; if you left the fish to exotically swim in the majestically undulating ocean; or the spuriously embellished and parsimoniously asphyxiated aquarium,

It would make a world of difference; if you left the parrot to unequivocally fly in uninhibitedly royal sky; or the treacherously maudlin and brutally sanctimonious cage,

It would make a world of difference; if you left the rainbow to vivaciously dazzle in the fathomlessly endowing cosmos; or the regally glass-facaded ceiling of your monotonously concrete business-house,

It would make a world of difference; if you left the flower to perennially blossom in unassailably Omnipotent soil; or the grandiloquently pompous and morosely incarcerate vase,

It would make a world of difference; if you left the cactus to unrestrictedly sprawl in the royally boundless and blistering desert; or the austerely dingy pot near the kitchen sink,

It would make a world of difference; if you left the dew drop to fantastically glisten on the pristinely princely grass blade; or the besmirched window of your soiled bathroom,

It would make a world of difference; if you left the lion to gloriously parade in the exuberantly bountiful jungle; or the disparagingly robotized entrenchment of the inclemently scurrilous zoo,

It would make a world of difference; if you left Sunshine to tirelessly blaze every conceivable quarter of symbiotic earth; or the chauvinistically corporatish patio on the sordidly malicious edifice terrace,

It would make a world of difference; if you left the snake to joyously philander amidst the inscrutably untamed creepers of the forest; or the treasury of abhorrently blood soaked and sinful jewels,

It would make a world of difference; if you left the frog to boisterously exult in the freshly rain soaked well; or the egregiously stale sump of vituperatively adulterated chemical water surrounding the lavatory seat,

It would make a world of difference; if you left truth to unconquerably triumph in the realms of the Omnisciently blessed conscience; or miserably stashed beneath the entire truck load of currency coin of this endlessly corrupt world,

It would make a world of difference; if you left the peacock to enchantingly dance in the flirtatiously winking meadow; or the derogatorily cigarette laden courtyard of the butcher’s raunchy dwelling,

It would make a world of difference; if you left the owl to intransigently stare in the wilderness of the fabulously tantalizing night; or the mournfully flagrant darkness beneath the treacherous corpse,

It would make a world of difference; if you left the polar bear to ebulliently frolic on the slopes of the innocuously snow clad and grand Everest; or the deterioratingly artificial chill of the match-boxed air-conditioner,

It would make a world of difference; if you left the candle to fearlessly enlighten every cranny of the mystically blackened night; or abysmally cadaverous hollow in the lecherously rusted coffin,

It would make a world of difference; if you left the newborn infant in the insuperably godly breast of its mother; or the wretchedly vindictive cradle beside the despondently harried nurse,

It would make a world of difference; if you left breath to euphorically cascade down the quintessentially life-yielding nostrils; or the worthlessly abject pores of the worthlessly decaying skeleton,

It would make a world of difference; if you left the chameleon in the astoundingly vivid camouflage; or the mechanized stripes of lasciviously parasitic color on

the mundanely asphyxiating brick wall,

But it would make not the tiniest of difference ever and at all; if you left the beats of Immortal Love; to throb in the hearts of an organism tall or short; an organism black or white; an organism rich or poor; an organism blind or with sight; an organism fertile or infertile; as long as there was God’s blessings upon this Universe; O! Yes, as long as there was God’s blessedly bonding and ubiquitously symbiotic life


These impoverished eyes were irrefutably mine; but every ray of peerlessly benign goodness that they selflessly radiated; was that of the Omnipotent Lord Almighty,

These impoverished ears were irrefutably mine; but every sound of symbiotically united triumph that they heard; was that of the Insuperable Lord Almighty,

These impoverished lips were irrefutably mine; but every ubiquitously gregarious smile that they emanated into; was that of the boundless Lord Almighty,

These impoverished eyelashes were irrefutably mine; but every divinely unfettered sensuousness that they diffused; was that of the Omniscient Lord Almighty,

These impoverished fingers were irrefutably mine; but every ounce of majestic artistry that they culminated into; was that of the fathomless Lord Almighty,

These impoverished veins were irrefutably mine; but every droplet of synergistically humanitarian blood that they nourished; was that of the undefeated Lord Almighty,

These impoverished feet were irrefutably mine; but every step towards blazingly divine righteousness that they embarked upon; was that of the unparalleled Lord


This impoverished brain was irrefutably mine; but every fantasy evolving timelessly untarnished newness; was that of the unconquerable Lord Almighty,

This impoverished tongue was irrefutably mine; but every sound of wonderfully egalitarian oneness that it wafted; was that of the inimitable Lord Almighty,

This impoverished throat was irrefutably mine; but every beautifully victorious globule of water that it holistically slurped; was that of the invincible Lord Almighty,

These impoverished shoulders were irrefutably mine; but every molecule of unsurpassably glorious philanthropism that they hoisted; was that of the limitless Lord Almighty,

This impoverished shadow was irrefutably mine; but every iota of celestially enamoring mollification that it provided; was that of the ever-pervading Lord


This impoverished signature was irrefutably mine; but every trace of fearlessly unhindered authority in it; was that of the indomitable Lord Almighty,

This impoverished skin was irrefutably mine; but every speck of pristinely convivial compassion it; was that of the Omnipresent Lord Almighty,

These impoverished nostrils were irrefutably mine; but every puff of magically bonding passion that they inexhaustibly exhaled; was that of the everlasting

Lord Almighty,

This impoverished heart was irrefutably mine; but every beat of Immortal love that it unstoppably palpitated; was that of the perpetual Lord Almighty,

This impoverished conscience was irrefutably mine; but every ingredient of impregnable truth profoundly embellishing it; was that of the miraculous Lord


This impoverished sweat was irrefutably mine; but every stream of unimaginably regal honesty that it dribbled into; was that of the perennial Lord Almighty,

And this impoverished body was irrefutably mine; but every ingredient of astoundingly procreating virility which never ever let the Universe come to a

horrifically abrupt standstill; was that of the unassailable Lord Almighty


He’s perpetually prepared you for the best of the best of ecstatic scents; as well as the worst of the worst morbidly fetid stinks,

He’s perpetually prepared you for the best of the best of unsurpassably optimistic illumination; as well as the worst of the worst dolorously asphyxiating darkness,

He’s perpetually prepared you for the best of the best of triumphant melodies; as well as the worst of the worst torturously ghastly voices of the ghost,

He’s perpetually prepared you for the best of the best of unflinchingly sparkling victories; as well as the worst of the worst scurrilously ignominious defeats,

He’s perpetually prepared you for the best of the best of intriguingly exhilarating newness; as well as the worst of the worst bawdily desolate silence of the treacherous coffins,

He’s perpetually prepared you for the best of the best of ubiquitously synergistic wisdom; as well as the worst of the worst myths of cadaverously pulverizing illiteracy,

He’s perpetually prepared you for the best of the best of blazingly insuperable heroics; as well as the worst of the worst gallows of abysmally deteriorating


He’s perpetually prepared you for the best of the best of magically volatile sensuousness; as well as the worst of the worst amorphously listless matchboxes of tyrannical monotony,

He’s perpetually prepared you for the best of the best of uninhibitedly priceless freedom; as well as the worst of the worst of apocalypses of unsparingly lambasting hell,

He’s perpetually prepared you for the best of the best of opulently majestic rainfall; as well as the worst of the worst of bizarrely strangulating mortuaries of drought,

He’s perpetually prepared you for the best of the best of compassionately symbiotic camaraderie; as well as the worst of the worst of venomously diabolical parasites of malicious chicanery,

He’s perpetually prepared you for the best of the best of indomitably towering courage; as well as the worst of the worst of salaciously flagrant dastardliness,

He’s perpetually prepared you for the best of the best of wholeheartedly unconquerable smiles; as well as the worst of the worst of fretfully tearful and penalizing disasters,

He’s perpetually prepared you for the best of the best of timelessly endowing royalty; as well as the worst of the worst sordidly begging bowls of haplessly inevitable desperation,

He’s perpetually prepared you for the best of the best of altruistically benign philanthropism; as well as the worst of worst of parsimoniously lethal

and indescribably penurious crime,

He’s perpetually prepared you for the best of the best of spellbindingly Omnipresent virility; as well as the worst of worst of slaps that tirelessly reverberated the curse of being infertile,

He’s perpetually prepared you for the best of the best of Immortally unassailable love; as well as the worst of the worst of cannibalistically vituperative betrayal,

He’s perpetually prepared you for the best of the best of regally emollient life; as well as the worst of the worst of hedonistically massacring and unavoidable death,

But if there was one thing that the Lord didn’t prepare you for; or never ever wanted you to prepare yourself: That was to nonchalantly accept the corpse of savagely crippling death; within the heart of his effulgently panoramic creation; within the invincible entrenchment of his endlessly procreating atmosphere; within the melody of unshakable oneness that enshrouded every of his organism and particle of earth alike; within every unbelievably jubilant moment of your blessedly proliferating and destined life


Even if you placed the Sun beneath infinite coffins of gorily asphyxiating darkness; it still wouldn’t lose an infinitesimal trifle of its Omnipotently blazing shine; the power to unassailably enlighten countless haplessly deprived with its majestically golden light,

Even if you placed the Mountain peak beside an ocean of ludicrously stammering ants; it still wouldn’t lose a diminutive trifle of its unflinchingly Herculean strength; the peerless magnanimousness to sequester countless devastated in its invincible belly,

Even if you placed the bumble bee in the venomously cynical rattlers den; it

still wouldn’t lose an ethereal trifle of its unbelievably insuperable sweetness; the celestial cisterns of eternal honey with which it harmoniously coalesced the entire estranged planet,

Even if you placed the newborn infant in the hedonistically truculent witch’s cradle; it still wouldn’t lose an ephemeral trifle of its pristinely impeccable integrity; the unparalleled charisma to perpetually charm the entire lackadaisically beleaguered Universe,

Even if you placed the fearlessly blistering soldier beside billions of spuriously delinquent lackluster lollipops; he still wouldn’t lose an evanescent trifle of his unshakable bravery; the everlasting yearning in his soul to endlessly fight for his venerated motherland,

Even if you placed the idol of insuperably emollient truth in the gutter of

derogatorily pulverizing politics; it still wouldn’t lose a fugitive trifle of its ubiquitously perennial righteousness; the pricelessly unconquerable Omnipotence that it granted to every soul,

Even if you placed the rose in the indescribably fetid pile of flagrantly rotting garbage; it still wouldn’t lose a fleeting trifle of its timelessly impregnable scent; the fragrance of unbelievably triumphant unity that it wafted to every corner of the limitless globe,

Even if you placed the mother in the land of limitlessly cannibalistic and blood-sucking parasites; she still wouldn’t lose a mercurial trifle of her blissfully invincible sacredness; the exuberant spurts of compassionately bountiful life; that she bestowed upon every organism born alive,

Even if you placed the nightingale amidst the unimaginably abhorrent frogs of cacophonic lecherousness; it still wouldn’t lose a tiny trifle of its spell-bindingly enamoring voice; the perennially mollifying winds of symbiotic mellifluousness with which it captured every heart alike,

Even if you placed the butterfly in the endless mortuaries of invidiously crippling darkness; it still wouldn’t lose a parsimonious trifle of its effulgent boisterousness; the colors of victoriously mischievous frolic which it perpetuated into every speck of the lividly bereaved atmosphere,

Even if you placed the sky of goodness in the dungeon of disparagingly derelict lies; it still wouldn’t lose a capricious trifle of its unbreakably ecstatic humanity; the wings of panoramically undefeatable courage that it granted to every conceivable organism on this fathomless planet,

Even if you placed the clock amidst the gallows of horrendously strangulating and stony stillness; it still wouldn’t lose an intangible trifle of its magnificently tireless punctuality; unstoppably ticking as the inevitably chapters of life and death; synergistically unfolded on the trajectory of the Lord’s earth,

Even if you placed fantasy in the boundlessly sweltering and acrimonious desert; it still wouldn’t lose an obsolete trifle of its unfathomably fantastic exhilaration; the mists of fabulous sensuousness on which it floated till times immemorial,

Even if you placed the poet in the mundanely matchboxed and cadaverously

incarcerated corporate office; he still wouldn’t lose an abstemious trifle of his unsurpassably poignant sensitivity; the stupendously Omniscient ability to create magically mitigating rhyme; out of bizarrely decrepit nothingness,

Even if you placed the rainbow in meaninglessly vindictive chalk; it still

wouldn’t lose a truncated trifle of its ebulliently fructifying vivaciousness; the profoundly unconquerably color and charm that it handsomely perpetuated into the lives of trillions orphaned and destitute,

Even if you placed mother’s milk amidst the entire pugnacious poison of this

planet; it still wouldn’t lose a disappearing trifle of its Omnipresent holiness; the divinely power to reinvigorate priceless life in the worst of veritably dead,

Even if you placed Immortal love in the hell of indiscriminately massacring

betrayal; it still wouldn’t lose a penurious trifle of its insuperably royal embrace; the unmatched ardor to let mother earth uninhibitedly proliferate; for an infinite more births yet to unveil,

Even if you placed breath in the wickedly egregious graveyard of death; it still wouldn’t lose a minuscule trifle of its incredulously blessing virility; the magically alleviating feeling sensations of life that it permeated; on paradise and pragmatic earth alike,

And even if you placed God in the territories of the vituperatively sadistic

and diabolically squelching devil; he still wouldn’t lose a small trifle of his Limitlessly unsurpassed glory; the fervency with which he had blessed life to exist till times beyond eternal eternity; and in celestial synergy with the everlasting environment.


In order to delete treacherously malevolent lies forever from this fathomless Universe; one had to just use the scepter of unflinchingly fearless truth,

In order to delete ominously maiming darkness forever from this boundless

Universe; one had to just use the infallible light of the triumphantly flaming Sun,

In order to delete vindictively lambasting racism forever from this limitless Universe; one had to just use the altruistically uniting and priceless religion of compassionate humanity,

In order to delete salaciously numbing robotism forever from this bewitching

Universe; one had to just use the indefatigably effulgent gorge of timelessly inscrutable adventure,

In order to delete cursedly devastating hunger forever from this timeless

Universe; one had to just use the eternally mollifying fruits of perennially

consecrating Mother Nature,

In order to delete demonically beheading infidelity forever from this unfettered Universe; one had to just use the magical bond of unassailably humanitarian friendship,

In order to delete inexplicably hysterical sorrow forever from this Herculean Universe; one had to just use the inimitably impregnable happiness of ubiquitously bountiful creation,

In order to delete lividly cold-blooded nothingness forever from this miraculous Universe; one had to just use the sweet flavor of mystically burgeoning and victorious life,

In order to delete ludicrously wastrel impotency forever from this ecstatic

Universe; one had to just use the infinite seeds of stupendously undefeated virility; strewn in gay abundance in every cranny of earth divine,

In order to delete deliriously penalizing mania forever from this eternal Universe; one had to just use the everlasting mantra of unconquerably harmonious symbiotism,

In order to delete abhorrently squelching war forever from this unlimited Universe; one had to just use the spell binding waves of unchallengably quelling peace,

In order to delete satanically demeaning bribery from this unsurpassable

Universe; one had to just use the undyingly jubilant fire of majestically victorious honesty,

In order to delete crucifying gallows of hatred forever from this impenetrable Universe; one had to just use the Omnipresent heartbeats of Immortally befriending love,

In order to delete deplorably amorphous cowardice forever from this resplendent Universe; one had to just use the perpetually glistening skin of selflessly passionate unity,

In order to delete the mortuaries of agnostic disbelief forever from this ebullient Universe; one had to just use the peerless monasteries/temples/churches/mosques of unshakable faith,

In order to delete haplessly assassinating despair forever from this untainted Universe; one had to just use the perennially blessed light of poignant conviction,

In order to delete sadistically orphaning death forever from this unparalleled Universe; one had to just use the Omnipotent cradle of freshly born and artistic life,

In order to delete lugubriously morbid wastefulness from this insuperable Universe; one had to just use the ingeniously innovative winds of euphorically evolving fantasy,

But in order to delete the “Impossibly Impossible”; as well as forever metamorphosing it into an irrefutable “Possible” on this emancipating Universe; one had to just leave it to the Omnisciently ameliorating God.


No wealth required; not even the most infinitesimal shade of the scintillating currency coin ever needed; which robustly jingled till handsome eternity,

No versatility required; not even the most inconspicuous shade of spell binding talent ever needed; which unassailably cast its own inimitable supremacy; upon every other bit of monotony; satanically thriving on this commercial planet,

No majesty required; not even the most infidel shade of princeliness ever needed; which irrefutably overwhelmed; every ounce of oblivious ordinariness in the fabric of the unceasing atmosphere,

No punctuality required; not even the most ethereal shade of timeliness ever

needed; which gave the most resounding slap in the face of preposterously lambasting indolence,

No power required; not even the most transient shade of domination ever needed; which forever massacred the molehill of weakness; like the most hapless of white ants,

No pretension required; not even the most ephemeral shade of gaudiness ever

needed; which sneeringly surpassed every trifle of bohemian rusticity; in the boundless Universe,

No victory required; not even the most insouciant shade of unshakable triumph ever needed; which insuperably embedded the flag of jubilation; upon every lugubriously blackened corner of planet earth,

No beauty required; not even the most disappearing shade of astoundingly miraculous panorama ever needed; which irrefutably crucified all lacklusterness on boundless earth,

No politics required; not even the most frugal shade of dexterously successfully manipulation ever needed; which inevitably guided the way to the ultimate of a person’s dreams; in this fetidly wretched planet today,

No endless incantations required; not even the most evanescent shades of mellifluously subliming rhymes ever needed; which put every element of frazzled desperation to celestial rest,

No impeccable white robes required; not even the most diminutive shades of

tirelessly meditative holiness ever needed; which interminably dissolved all blemishes into a coffin of amorphous nothingness,

No scarlet blood required; not even the most obfuscated shades of undefeated crimson passion ever needed; which perpetuated new life in the most

cadaverously slaughtering of graveyards,

No clairvoyance required; not even the most impoverished shades of unconquerable Omniscience ever needed; which made every other living being on this earth appear like; lividly vanishing feces,

No authority required; not even the most invisible shades of sanctimoniously

silencing superiority ever needed; which made countless others to slave under; just the imperceptible tip of your little finger,

No brilliance required; not even the most dying shades of pricelessly ameliorating evolution ever needed; which triumphantly snapped the fangs of all doomed stagnation in the world,

No immortality required; not even the most fugitive shades of infallibly everlasting demeanor ever needed; which forever put the word “death” to indescribable shame,

No worshipping required; not even the most penurious shades of maniacal blind faith ever needed; which was an end to the hideously ghoulish spirit of the agnostic,

Instead. If you really wanted to become a perpetually integral ingredient of the Omnipotent Lord’s blood; all you had to do was uninhibitedly leave every element of your body to float in the stream of humanity; and let every of your heartbeat spontaneously and effortlessly bond with the sky of Omnipresent Love.


In order to perpetually attain “Truth” in all its triumphantly glorious entirety; you have to first and foremost go through its infinite unflinchingly righteous flames,

In order to perpetually attain “Freedom” in all its unassailably mesmerizing ardor; you have to first and foremost go through its infinite storms of pricelessly inimitable candidness,

In order to perpetually attain “Humanity” in all its blissfully undefeated form; you have to first and foremost go through its infinite pathways of astoundingly vivid oneness,

In order to perpetually attain “Symbiotism” in all its wondrously ameliorating sparkle; you have to first and foremost go through its infinite forests of unabashedly united compassion,

In order to perpetually attain “Sainthood” in all its unimpeachably impeccable redolence; you have to first and foremost go through its infinite moments of unparalleled perseverance,

In order to perpetually attain “Beauty” in all its miraculously reinvigorating shades; you have to first and foremost go through its infinite rustic fields of heavenly simplicity,

In order to perpetually attain “Success” in all its royally exultating flavors; you have to first and foremost go through its infinite unconquerably austere mirrors of unpeeled honesty,

In order to perpetually attain “Peace” in all its ubiquitously spell-binding melody; you have to first and foremost go through its infinite epitomes of everlastingly embracing brotherhood,

In order to perpetually attain “Prosperity” in all its synergistically effulgent cadence; you have to first and foremost go through its infinite innocuously untainted threads of mutual camaraderie,

In order to perpetually attain “Perfection” in all its brilliantly unmatched tenacity; you have to first and foremost go through its infinite droplets of infallibly unfettered sweat,

In order to perpetually attain “Solitude” in all its tranquilly bewitching stupor; you have to first and foremost go through its infinite winds of singularly concentrated meditation,

In order to perpetually attain “Passion” in all its insuperably handsome fervor; you have to first and foremost go through its infinite unabashedly sensuous lanes of tantalizing desire,

In order to perpetually attain “Contentment” in all its mystically rejuvenating splendor; you have to first and foremost go through its infinite atmospheres of humble sacrifice,

In order to perpetually attain “Motherhood” in all its timelessly venerated swirl; you have to first and foremost go through its infinite children of unprecedentedly vibrant spontaneity,

In order to perpetually attain “Enlightenment” in all its profoundly spiritual understanding; you have to first and foremost go through its infinite ladders and steps of jubilantly undying sincerity,

In order to perpetually attain “Happiness” in all its unshakably charismatic glow; you have to first and foremost go through its infinite candles of irrefutably undiminished straightforwardness,

In order to perpetually attain “Life” in all its majestically interminable vivacity; you have to first and foremost go through its infinite tunnels of inscrutably tingling adventure,

In order to perpetually attain “Love” in all its immortally silken grace; you have to first and foremost go through its infinite skies of unceasingly victorious magnetic attraction,

And in order to perpetually attain the essence of “Godhead” in all its unimaginably impregnable resplendence; you have to first and foremost go through its infinite religions; with each religion belonging to that of unbreakable; unparalleled; and undying humanity.


I couldn’t take it back to her eyes; those same condemningly besmirched eyes; which had so devastatingly broken it in the first place; relentlessly staring and flirting with every other object in vicinity,

I couldn’t take it back to her feet; those same disdainfully unscrupulous feet; which had so wretchedly broken it in the first place; clandestinely cavorting to every free space on planet earth; with every maiden prince alive,

I couldn’t take it back to her hands; those same tawdrily barbarous hands; which had so inconsolably broken it in the first place; endeavoring their very best to asphyxiate it beyond realms of blissful recognition,

I couldn’t take it back to her lips; those same derogatorily castigating lips; which had so sordidly broken it in the first place; preferring to indefatigably kiss the gutters instead; even as I stood upright and compassionately abreast,

I couldn’t take it back to her voice; that same nefariously ridiculing voice; which had so uncouthly broken it in the first place; laughing till eternity; at even the most brilliantly unimpeachable of my victories,

I couldn’t take it back to her nape; that same obnoxiously frivolous neck; which had so disastrously broken it in the first place; tirelessly turning to every conceivable direction; where there was more richness,

I couldn’t take it back to her belly; that same bawdily decrepit belly; which had so diabolically broken it in the first place; being the tantalizing vixen of every palace; whilst my arms lay with all the love in the Universe; outstretched,

I couldn’t take it back to her nose; that same reproachfully forlorn nose; which had so flagrantly broken it in the first place; blowing out every perceivable speck of its grime on my face; whilst simultaneously inhaling every masculine fragrance from the evening atmosphere,

I couldn’t take it back to her ears; those same deliriously opprobrious ears; which had so devilishly broken it in the first place; preferring to ardently listen to every bit insane balderdash on the Universe; whilst closing completely to even the most heart-rendering of my cries,

I couldn’t take it back to her brain; that same penuriously castrated brain;

which had so ghoulishly broken it in the first place; unstoppably conjuring

images of zillions of men rolling in glittering gold; whilst kicking my form

which could die for her; just because it was impoverished,

I couldn’t take it back to her bosom; that same fecklessly titillating bosom; which had so indiscriminately broken it in the first place; simply because it couldn’t offer an exhilaration greater than true love,

I couldn’t take it back to her cheeks; those same insanely bemoaning cheeks; which had so salaciously broken it in the first place; vindictively charring it with their abhorrent redness; for trying to amiably bond with them,

I couldn’t take it back to her blood; that same inhumanely pulverizing blood; which had so satanically broken it in the first place; cherishing every powerhouse of politics and terror; whilst baselessly rejecting all my honest sacrifices at the same time,

I couldn’t take it back to her shadow; that same unbearably pugnacious shadow; which had so torturously broken it in the first place; trying to lambaste and invidiously overwhelm every shade of my celestial existence,

I couldn’t take it back to her spine; that same sadistically frenetic spine; which had so cold-bloodedly broken it in the first place; tyrannically pulverizing it to infinitesimal ash; under the combined weight of it and her one night lover,

I couldn’t take it back to her legs; those same falsely alluring legs; which had so cadaverously broken it in the first place; making me run till the horizons of infinity; before falling forever into someone else’s arms right infront of my wailing eyes,

I couldn’t take it back to her breath; that same spitefully prejudiced breath; which had so indescribably broken it in the first place; preferring to reinvigorate life in a dead stone; whilst every pore of my lifeless skin wanted just an ethereal speck of it; to stay perpetually alive,

I couldn’t take it back to her heart; that same venomously assassinating heart; which had so unforgivingly broken it in the first place; immortally bonding its beats with the most obfuscated portion of vacuum instead,

And I couldn’t take it to anyone in the entire world; as since it was born it solely belonged and was only hers; so I couldn’t even dream of sharing or commiserating it with the outside planet,

Therefore and Now you only tell me; where to take this “Broken Heart” of mine O! Omnipotent Almighty Lord?


Neither was he solely of the intransigently sermonizing Christian; tirelessly prostrating infront of the magnificently embellished idol of 'Jesus Christ',

Neither was he solely of the fanatically resolute Muslim; who indefatigably immersed himself all night and day; into the sacred literature of the 'Quran-e-Sharif',

Neither was he solely of the nimble bodied Hindu; who intractably chanted the name of 'Rama' an infinite times; in a single unabashedly simpleton minute,

Neither was he solely of the altruistically renounced monk; who sat till the absolute end of infinity; infront of the impeccably white statue of 'Gautam Buddha',

But; the Omnipotent Almighty Creator was perennially present in every ingredient of blood; which belonged to all those who ubiquitously disseminated and forever bonded with the spirit of Immortal Love.


Neither was he solely of the irrevocably faithful Christian; who let a boundless opportunities in his life go astray; if they insidiously transgressed against the scriptures of his God,

Neither was he solely of the timelessly kneeling Muslim; who wasn't prepared to leave the insuperable walls of his Mosque; renouncing every worldly pleasure of glorious existence,

Neither was he solely of the selflessly robed Hindu; who never went even an infinitesimal whisker against his stringent culture and tradition; who slept; ate and prayed only on the deserted steps of the quaint temple,

Neither was he solely of the nomadic Buddhist; who relentlessly roamed from one of the deciduous forest to the other; in his perpetual search of the invincible form of 'Buddha',

But; the Omnipresent Almighty Creator was perennially present in every whiff of breath; which belonged to all those who forever undertook upon themselves the mission of healing every despairing life and heart; with the panacea of Immortal Love.


Neither was he solely of the unimpeachably pious Christian; who dedicated every instant of his existence; ardently rotating the venerated rosary through the knots of his hands,

Neither was he solely of the immutably single focused Muslim; who fervently believed that all religions; beliefs; nationalities; led to the ultimate Heaven of 'Allah',

Neither was he solely of the devoutly expressionless Hindu; who experienced the power of the entire Universe; simply by staring at the portrait of his 'Bhagwan'; sculptured in pink stone,

Neither was he solely of the unceasingly silent Buddhist; who tried his very best to assimilate and practice the paths of his undefeated God; the undying imprints of the peace-loving 'Buddha',

But; the Omniscient Almighty Creator was perennially present in every beat of the heart; which belonged to all those who were the unflinchingly fearless harbingers of love; even in the land of the ghoulishly massacring demon.


Neither was he solely of the unfailingly earnest Christian; who spent an infinite of his lifetimes; lighting the candles of his majestic church; in his profound admiration and appreciation of the Lord,

Neither was he solely of the wondrously enchanted Muslim; who uttered the name of 'Allah' at every juncture of life; and even whilst agonizingly abnegating from the heavenly physical form,

Neither was he solely of the passionately olive skinned Hindu; who kept the name of each one in his kin as 'Bhagwan'; to timelessly safeguard himself against every evil spirit and be in due salvation of his God,

Neither was he solely of the beautifully terse Buddisht; who spent every unfurling instant of his life; kissing the holy footprints of the impregnable 'Gautam Buddha',

But; the unassailable Almighty Creator was perennially present in every voice; which belonged to all those who unconquerably sang the song of unbiased friendship; who unnervingly and forever defended the Universe of Immortal Love



Like the unflinchingly fiery blaze of the majestic Sun; which wholesomely beheaded even the most insouciant trace of hideous negativity; with its eternally subliming shine,

Like the sporadically enthusing twinkling of the starts; which provided those inevitably unconquerable beams of hope; in the ghastily asphyxiating blackness of the treacherous midnight,

Like the undauntedly ravishing roar of the ocean; whose each enigmatic wave profoundly blessed the diabolically cold-blooded rocks; with its ecstatically tangy spray,

Like the astoundingly miraculous virility of mother soil; which indefatigably spawned into the most bountiful creations of tomorrow; despite bearing the brunt of war and vindictive nuclear attack; a countless times,

Like the fathomless fantasizing power of the brain; which could perceive in an infinite directions beyond the land of infinity; even though the body was heartlessly circumscribed within the cadaverous iron bars of prison,

Like the unassailably princely perfume of the scarlet rose; which only knew how to disseminate the mantra of perennially fructifying compassion; amongst one and all entities alive,

Like the peerlessly inimitable melody in the nightingale's voice; which left its own awe-inspiring mark even in an atmosphere; which was dolorously plagiarized with the sounds of abhorrent war and prejudice,

Like the glamorously golden dewdrops on the carpet of velvety grass; which incorrigibly clung like a newborn child every wintry night; and then ushered the ultimate utopia; to every drearily lambasted sole that transgressed,

Like the religion of everlasting humanity; which inherently inhabited every single droplet of blood; that unabashedly ran through the veins of symbiotic organism alive,

Like the infallible exultation in the wind; which perpetuated a spirit of ubiquitous triumph; into every lividly beleaguered chest; inconsolably drooping towards its grave,

Like the pragmatic ticking of the clock; which never let the crux of blessed life vapidly deteriorate and die; even after veritable death had mercilessly confiscated poignant breath,

Like the undefeated iridescent charisma of the Moon; which metamorphosed the complexion of the goriest of night; into the throne of celestially venerated queen,

Like the unparalleled vivaciousness of the Rainbow; which triggered the desire to effulgently live; in even a man whose both feet were sinking at a speed faster than light; into his jinxed corpse,

Like the universally insatiable thirst for goodness; that victoriously lingered in every innocuous soul; on the trajectory of this insuperably consecrated earth,

Like the voice of brilliantly unfettered truth; that not only forever massacred the morbid graveyard of wanton lies; but made sure that it never ever could insanely palpitate on the cradle of the planet divine,

Like the invincibly breathtaking epitome of Everest; from which the entire globe looked handsomely alike; irrespective of caste; creed; status; religion; color or spurious tribe,

Like the inscrutably curled lines of the palm; which masterfully depicted the innumerable twists and turns; gave birth to the river of spell-binding destiny in

every single organisms life,

Like the ardent breath which synergistically wafted from each nostril; which engendered even the most deadened of ghosts to once again; gallop and royally replenish with spectacularly enthralling life,

And then of course there existed the 'Father & Mother' of all of the above; which bonded all these elements and an infinite more goodness forever together; which was the heaven of "Immortal Love"


Greedy for that pricelessly invincible blackness that would vanquish very misery from my otherwise sinfully devastated soul; into wisps of obsolete nothingness,

Greedy for that sacredly ameliorating blackness that would metamorphose me into such an unbreakable state of calm—as unfazed as the blue skies-- even as murderous hell rained uncontrollably around,

Greedy for that magically omnipotent blackness that would annihilate every trace of disease from my inexplicably aggrieved physical form—transit me forever and ever and ever into mists of divinely rhapsody,

Greedy for that unflinchingly triumphant blackness that would forever make me one with an infinite more of my kind—that would end every ounce of sadistically commercial strife from the chapter of my sinful life,

Greedy for that unbelievably holy blackness that would eventually make me realize—that all of us who so pompously promote ourselves as " Iconic I's "all the time-- are just bits of nothing infront of the Almighty Lord,

Greedy for that ubiquitously majestic blackness that would perch me on the ultimate throne of humanity-where I perpetually embraced one and all irrespective of any barriers of caste; creed or the rapaciousness of time,

Greedy for that enchantingly fantastic blackness that would trigger me to fantasize beyond every realm of never-ending happiness-even in a state of morbidly limpid stillness,

Greedy for that ecstatically brilliant blackness that would make me a winner of all hearts and of all times-even as the ghastliest hell made way for the graveyards of prejudiced extinction around,

Greedy for that miraculously quiet blackness that would forever drift me from each tawdry earthly tension—into an infinite gorge where there cascaded only the cloudbursts of untamed love,

Greedy for that unassailably blessing blackness that would kiss my brow with all the bounteousness that God's creations had to offer-without the most mercurial disruption by the blood-sucking human parasite,

Greedy for that eternally prosperous blackness that would ensure my state of perennial contentment for an infinite more years to unveil-enriching every drearily subjugated bone of mine with the power to conquer from even hell and beyond,

Greedy for that enigmatically inimitable blackness that would evoke every robotic pore of my skin to awaken in the land of the unknown-where every stranger that came confronted me; earnestly befriended me for countless a lifetime,

Greedy for that regally resplendent blackness that would reach me to the most cherished mission I dreamt all life-of being a humble slave listlessly suspended from the unshakable chariot of the Gods,

Greedy for that beauteously engulfing blackness that would help me assimilate the fragrance of all unabashed goodness from my life-so that the voice of the devil was subdued forever by the righteousness of the soul,

Greedy for that wondrously mollifying blackness that would uplift my impoverished jugglery of bones to either heaven or hell as destined-but atleast far away from the dreaded savagery of all misanthropic mankind,

Greedy for that astoundingly bestowing blackness that would liberate me of every conceivable sin of a banally monotonous lifetime-so that each new birth commenced with my conscience dancing in the aisles of freedom,

Greedy for that altruistically enamoring blackness that would sweep me forever of my feet-into a land where the most unheard of inscrutable tales would titillate my spine till beyond the threshold of no return,

And I've not the tiniest of inhibitions in revealing that the blackness I'm talking about is that of my veritable grave-that I humbly desire to be just infront of the mosque of my Omnipresent Creator-which eternally palpitated with the oneness of every religion and living being; alike.


There were some who ardently waited for all majestic pearls on this fathomless Universe—to become every insouciant line on their destiny palms—and keep perennially shimmering happily everafter,

There were some who irrevocably waited for every leaf of artistic green to grow in their backyards—to timelessly enshroud even the most vapidly deteriorating of their senses with the magical touch of nature divine,

There were some who fervently waited for all the resplendently twinkling stars in sky to become the glint of their eyes—grant them that eternally enamoring spirit of mischief which forever made them the darling of all crowds,

There were some who tirelessly waited for every bit of beauty on this Universe to ebulliently assimilate into each shadow of their form—so that wherever they went every other form of life miserably dwindled before their invincible charm,

There were some who incorrigibly waited for each ounce of gold and silver on earth to inundate their empty plates-use them as their every conceivable meal with every arising spasm of hunger and thirst,

There were some who unendingly waited for the most bewitchingly enigmatic waterfalls to become the glory of their silhouette—thereby impregnate each dwindling bone of theirs with unbridled darts of passion galore,

There were some who intransigently waited for each wave of the inimitably roaring sea to play with their limp backs—quelling each dastardly apprehension of theirs with the untamed swirl of majestic tanginess,

There were some who endlessly waited for the bedazzling Sun to rise each day from the center of their brains-so that they unconquerably illuminated each path that they tread on with world-record breaking intelligence,

There were some who unsurpassably waited for infinite red roses to perpetually blossom on each step they tread-to feel like the most unparalleled king traversing through the lanes of ultimate utopia,

There were some who limitlessly waited for the boundless power of Everest to bless their arms-so that they pulverized even the mightiest of devils with utter disdain—and with a singleton swish of the thumb,

There were some who unimaginably waited for sheer ambrosia to gorgeously titillate their taste buds-attain the status of Omnipotent Godhead—existing as nconspicuous man on the trajectory of earth,

There were some who unstoppably waited for the most supernatural fabrics to cascade from fructifying sky-the simpleton clothes that eventually became their most impregnable armor to defend the worst of adversity in life,

There were some who unconditionally waited for the miraculous prowess of conquering the ultimate limits of the horizon-so that they forever shook hands with the Sun even after it'd bid adieu to the winds of the globe,

There were some who unrelentingly waited for each trace of melody on the planet to become the music of their ears-timelessly resonate to the beats of God's naturally bounteous creation as it vivaciously unfurled,

There were some who unlimitedly waited for angels in the form of their own offspring---the 'avatars' of the Lord born out of their own flesh and blood-so that witnessed an uncountable miracles in just their single lifetime,

There were some who inexhaustibly waited for every tangible and intangible honor on earth to be added beside their name-so that they received the most magnificently crisp salutes wherever they went,

There were some who uncontrollably waited for each ingredient of their blood to metamorphose into the winds of the most supremely ageless—so that no death ever dared touch them even at its veritably destined time,

There were some who intractably waited for a countless lovers to uninhibitedly smooch their truncated existence—attain the pleasure and sensuousness of an indefinable more lifetimes in this very happening life,

Whilst I waited and still more passionately waited than ever before for the last day of my life-because after that I knew I would meet all those whom I immortally loved; missed and inconsolably cried for in this life-once again back in the Creator's Heaven


A countless times in the name of religion you've cursed a countless impeccable black cat's crossing your way—and thereby instantaneously found yourself a most certain place in the most derogatorily punitive hell,

A countless times in the name of religion you've ruthlessly drowned a countless girl child to the rock bottom of the ocean—and thereby instantaneously found yourself a most certain place in the most sadistically morbid hell,

A countless times in the name of religion you've brutally plucked countless a nimble petal for offering to the god's—and thereby instantaneously found yourself a most certain place in the most treacherously perverted hell,

A countless times in the name of religion you've slit the throat of countless an innocently bleating goat—and thereby instantaneously found yourself a most certain place in the most reproachfully vindictive hell,

A countless times in the name of religion you've played hideously perverted games of master with countless a truthful slave-and thereby instantaneously found yourself a most certain place in the most tawdrily asphyxiating hell,

A countless times in the name of religion you've spread the maelstroms of violently abusive fanaticism—and thereby instantaneously found yourself a most certain place in the most unsparingly victimizing of hell,

A countless times in the name of religion you've made countless bountiful living beings as scapegoats on the sacrificial altar—and thereby instantaneously found yourself a most certain place in the most devastatingly pugnacious hell,

A countless times in the name of religion you've slandered and shed countless droplets of blood on the other side of your wall—and thereby instantaneously found yourself a most certain place in the most destructively malignant hell,

A countless times in the name of religion you've wasted a countless hours spuriously meditating- with the devil playing truant in your mind—and thereby instantaneously found yourself a most certain place in the most heinously sinister hell,

A countless times in the name of religion you've sadistically desecrated countless a church, temple, mosque, monastery—and thereby instantaneously found yourself a most certain place in the most raunchily carnivorous hell,

A countless times in the name of religion you've barbarously assassinated a countless harbingers who were out to spread the 'religion of humanity'—and thereby instantaneously found yourself a most certain place in the most traumatically agonizing hell,

A countless times in the name of religion you've meaninglessly fasted and starved a countless benign fellow beings to their living graves—and thereby instantaneously found yourself a most certain place in the most despairingly murderous hell,

A countless times in the name of religion you've consumed countless a fountains of blood for breakfast; brunch; lunch; dinner—and thereby instantaneously found yourself a most certain place in the most blasphemously vapid hell,

A countless times in the name of religion you've went to gory war orphaning countless pristine children and wives—and thereby instantaneously found yourself a most certain place in the most ominously maiming hell,

A countless times in the name of religion you've diabolically castrated a countless chapters of prolific procreation preferring marriage of same sex—and thereby instantaneously found yourself a most certain place in the most cadaverously disintegrated hell,

A countless times in the name of religion you've imprisoned countless a women behind the veils of sickeningly untouchable desperation—and thereby instantaneously found yourself a most certain place in the most penuriously lambasting hell,

A countless times in the name of religion you've taken a countless livid oaths of stony muteness towards the closest of your kin—and thereby instantaneously found yourself a most certain place in the most despicably truculent hell,

A countless times in the name of religion you've unabashedly invited a countless evil spirits right into the center of your mind—and thereby instantaneously found yourself a most certain place in the most dementedly morose hell,

Can you not spend a just single minute of yours for a just a single beat of immortally uniting love; just this one single time and in the name of that same religion—and still attain the most unassailably blessed heaven from the very midst of your corpse in hell?


When I needed just reassurance; I perhaps sought the company of my invincible mother the most—as a single look into her majestically befriending eyes—cleared an infinite complicated webs of an infinite dreaded lifetimes,

When I needed just discipline; I perhaps sought the company of my father the most—as a mere languid walk by his side—inevitably triggered each forlornly stagnating muscle of mine go taut—beyond the most unprecedented degrees of comprehension,

When I needed just enigma; I perhaps sought the company of midnight the most—as even the most obfuscated wisp of blackness engulfing me—transported me into a countless births of my past—and an umpteenth chapters of untamed sensuality,

When I needed just unrestraint; I perhaps sought the company of my sister the most—as her magnetically uninhibited poise perpetuated me to poignantly share all that I thought I never ever would—at any given space or time,

When I needed just truth; I perhaps sought the company of every new born child the most—as each heartfelt cry of theirs immortalized the spirit of my otherwise parasitically plagiarized existence,

When I needed just faithfulness; I perhaps sought the company of my daintily clad wife the most—as there was a perennial aura of fidelity that most royally radiated—from every bit of stony silence that otherwise enshrouded her,

When I needed just power; I perhaps sought the company of the unflinching Sun the most—staring into its impregnably undying rays and making them m y wholesome fire to survive; amidst a pack of ghastly wolves,

When I needed just nostalgia; I perhaps sought the company of my charismatically tinkling grandmother the most—as with every chapter that she heart-renderingly narrated from her biography—I felt more insuperably closer to every thread of my golden past,

When I needed just mischief; I perhaps sought the company of my merrily laughing daughter the most—as she made me feel the most boisterously unabashed entity alive on earth—everytime we hurled raw pancakes of mud in crystal blue sky,

When I needed just humanity; I perhaps sought the company of every different religion around me the most—as I felt that united in a sea of unending color—together we became the most blessedly unconquerable civilization of oneness and of all times,

When I needed just enthrallment; I perhaps sought the company of vivacious nature the most-- as I felt life around me inexhaustibly vacillating in an entrenchment of divine ecstasy and eternal freedom of every single organism to survive,

When I needed just adventure; I perhaps sought the company of the undulating sea the most—as with each marvelously tangy wave that crashed against the rocks—I felt a new beginning in the effervescent white froth that rose once again towards the victorious sky,

When I needed just passion; I perhaps sought the company of scarlet blood in my veins the most—as I felt reborn with an infinite untainted muscles of self-belief-with its every uncurbed journey towards each beat of my heart,

When I needed just beauty; I perhaps sought the company of iridescent stars in sky the most-as they most enchantingly illuminated even the grotesquely stagnating entities on soil—to eventually become the uncrowned jewels of my eye,

When I needed just innocence; I perhaps sought the company of the sacrosanct cow the most—as no matter what ludicrously perverted garbage that the world abandoned her into to consume—all she still had to give to one and all was impeccable milk divine,

When I needed just lavishness; I perhaps sought the company of my whimsical grandfather the most—as he could virtually lay every priceless gift of the Universe at my feet—at even the tiniest of my babyishly false cry,

When I needed just exhilaration; I perhaps sought the company of virgin wind the most—as I felt magically transported to every wonderfully ameliorating footprint of heaven; everytime it sensuously caressed every roused pore of my shivering skin,

When I needed just fantasy; I perhaps sought the company of fathomless azure sky the most; as just sporadically gazing at its immortal open heart—linked me to every triumphantly surreal mist of heaven; even as I pathetically fizzled each day from a robotic 9 to 9,

But for anything & everything; anytime & anywhere, I humbly knelt down only infront of the Lord; praying to him to be by sole guiding light; praying to him to let me remain as his worthless servant for an infinite more lifetimes.


Its not about the mortuaries of vapidly deteriorating blackness; but life's all about how invincibly do you light up the same; with the untamed fire of optimism in your fervently righteous eyes,

Its not about those countless anecdotes of murderously betrayal; but life's all about how you metamorphose each one of them into an everlasting lantern of friendship; with each beat of immortal love in your heart,

Its not about the inevitably lecherous bouts of stony solitariness; but life's all about how you jauntily illuminate the same- with the bounteous ardor to survive in your enthralling voice,

Its not about every path which led to the corpses of monotonous hopelessness; but life's all about how you spawn beams of newness in the same; with the unbridled creativity lingering in each of your stride,

Its not about those tears of indescribable anguish that dribble down the cheeks; but life's all about how you evaporate the same into a cloud of fantasies; with each of your magically ameliorating smile,

Its not about those disastrously hackneyed destiny lines; but life's all about how you write your own fortunes; with the perennially sparkling ink of your undefeated perseverance,

Its not about those eyeballs being dreadfully blinded by the swords of corruption; but life's all about how you inspire them to shunt all evil; with the flame of perpetual truth triumphantly transcending every quarter of your soul,

Its not about the bitterness which had arisen out of ruthless discrimination and disparity; but life's all about how you timelessly unite every conceivable living kind; in the religion of eternally unconquerable humanity,

Its not about the dungeons of ominous greed which pulverized one and all to feckless shit; but life's all about how you ubiquitously sow the seeds of altruistic compassion-which were inherently ingrained in every droplet of your blood,

Its not about the inevitable spurts of devilish laziness that lay a jinx upon the earth; but life's all about how you substituted the same with the untamed energy to survive; predominantly exhaling out of your nostrils,

Its not about the unsparing cry of terrorizing war that threatened to rip apart through the fabric of human kind; but life's all about how you perennially quelled the same; with the message of peace and brotherhood—radiating from every cranny of your countenance,

Its not about sinfully lugubrious decay and the inescapable stench that arose; but life's all about how you sparked the skies of freshness in each element of the atmosphere; with your unending zeal to adventure; discover and blissfully create,

Its not about those countless cries of hedonistic torture; but life's all about how you took away even the tiniest ounce of hysterical pain; with the balm of unshakable friendship; that you had to offer to one and all,

Its not about the curse of curtailed time crucifying the chapter of existence; but life's all about how you lived each instant to the fullest of its capacity; as if it were your very last instant to survive on planet divine,

Its not about the sadistic devil trouncing every trace of uninhibited happiness; but life's all about how you hoist the flag of victory with every good deed that you executed-by the grace of the Omnipotent God,

Its not about a lost cause which cast its holocaustic shadow upon the entire Universe; but life's all about how you let your own inimitable identity of truth forever prevail; and bless even the worst of your foes,

Its not about the closest to your heart deserting you in the midst of the apocalyptic storm; but life's all about how you spread the oceans of love from your heart all over; and in the goriest face of betrayal,

Its not about the bane of childlessness thwarting the fabric of living kind; but life's all about how you adopt every orphaned child in vicinity; with the unparalleled goodness in even the most obfuscated iota of your creation,

And its not about the fangs of satanic death forever silencing every cry of fresh birth; but life's all about how you live an infinite lives just in a single lifetime of yours; by tirelessly loving each palpable creation of the Almighty Lord; irrespective of whether you could get the love of your girl or not


Who's bothered the tiniest of death; but yes I'm terribly afraid that I'd never ever be able to remember those divinely eyes of yours; the unparalleled empathy for every fraternity of living kind enshrouding them; after I die,

Who's bothered the tiniest of death; but yes I'm uncontrollably afraid that I'd never ever be able to remember those magical palms of yours; which forever erased every sorrow from the fathomless fabric of mankind; after I die,

Who's bothered the tiniest of death; but yes I'm indescribably afraid that I'd never ever be able to remember those benign ears of yours which heard and befriended every voice from the heart on this earth; after I die,

Who's bothered the tiniest of death; but yes I'm endlessly afraid that I'd never ever be able to remember those Omnipotent footprints of yours which invincibly lead all forms of altruistic goodness; to the ultimate corridors of utopian heaven,

Who's bothered the tiniest of death; but yes I'm unfathomably afraid that I'd never ever be able to remember those miraculously ameliorating lips of yours—which metamorphosed every insinuation of disparity into a paradise of oneness; after I die,

Who's bothered the tiniest of death; but yes I'm limitlessly afraid that I'd never ever be able to remember those Omniscient lines of your forehead; which poignantly depicted the destiny of every palpitating organism on this Universe; after I die,

Who's bothered the tiniest of death; but yes I'm unceasingly afraid that I'd never ever be able to remember that inimitably unconquerable majesty of your caress—which took all my pains forever and ever and ever; after I die,

Who's bothered the tiniest of death; but yes I'm terribly afraid that I'd never ever be able to remember that eternally enlightening voice of yours—which silenced the mightiest shriek of the devil forever; after I die,

Who's bothered the tiniest of death; but yes I'm unthinkably afraid that I'd never ever be able to remember those innumerable miracles that you inexhaustibly spurned out of lifeless air; after I die,

Who's bothered the tiniest of death; but yes I'm treacherously afraid that I'd never ever be able to remember that divinely nose of yours which mischievously cuddled every child irrespective of caste/creed/or color—thereby giving it a brand new life; after I die,

Who's bothered the tiniest of death; but yes I'm unexplainably afraid that I'd never ever be able to remember that impregnable freshness that radiated from your countenance; which perpetuated an infinite civilizations of symbiotic togetherness; after I die,

Who's bothered the tiniest of death; but yes I'm inconsolably afraid that I'd never ever be able to remember your Omnipotence fragrance; which gave a whole new direction to every despairingly flailing element of life; after I die,

Who's bothered the tiniest of death; but yes I'm intransigently afraid that I'd never ever be able to remember your unparalleled magnetic voice—which quelled every idiosyncratically perverted imagery forever; after I die,

Who's bothered the tiniest of death; but yes I'm irretrievably afraid that I'd never ever be able to remember your astounding prowess to blend earth with sky-at a singleton swish of your godly thumb; after I die,

Who's bothered the tiniest of death; but yes I'm maniacally afraid that I'd never ever be able to remember the unassailable silkenness of your persona—which charmed even the most hideous of devils to fall at your feet; after I die,

Who's bothered the tiniest of death; but yes I'm overwhelmingly afraid that I'd never ever be able to remember that heavenly spontaneity that profusely dribbled from your soul—uninhibitedly embracing one and all on this boundless Universe; after I die,

Who's bothered the tiniest of death; but yes I'm inescapably afraid that I'd never ever be able to remember that immortal heart of yours; whose each insuperable beat blessed every cranny of this gigantic Universe with the power of truth; after I die,

Who's bothered the tiniest of death; but yes I'm inexorably afraid that I'd never ever be able to remember that unmatched signature of yours—which forever bore the ultimate seal of this entire enchanting planet; after I die,

Who's bothered the tiniest of death; but I'm continuously afraid that I'd never ever be able to remember that eternal sparkle in even the most evanescent of your shadow—which bestowed upon the power to royally survive as the richest organism for an infinite more lifetimes; after I die.


Freedom at last in the winds of triumphantly bountiful heaven; where there prevailed not the tiniest iota of blasphemous lies and treachery; with the Omnipotent light of the Creator to heal every inexplicable wound- in blessed abundance everywhere,

Freedom at last in the landscapes of brilliantly enlightening heaven; where every conceivable route only led to eternally fructifying happiness; with the Omnipotent light of the Creator to wholesomely banish every sin of a countless past lives—in blessed abundance everywhere,

Freedom at last in the mists of unconquerably empowering heaven; where there existed only the religion of immortally bonding humanity; with the Omnipotent light of the Creator to annihilate each dastardly prejudice of the soul—in blessed abundance everywhere,

Freedom at last in the arms of fearlessly miraculous heaven; where the most fathomless sums of money were treated like feckless shit; with the Omnipotent light of the Creator to inundate each tyrannized persona with boundless love—in blessed abundance everywhere,

Freedom at last in the footsteps of immeasurably wondrous heaven; where there existed no pain; no misery; no imperceptible suffering; with the Omnipotent light of the Creator to uplift each ingredient of your blood towards the ultimate destination of your life—in blessed abundance everywhere,

Freedom at last in the cradle of mellifluously invincible heaven; where there forever ruled only the principles of ubiquitous equality; with the Omnipotent light of the Creator to magically vanquish the parasite—in blessed abundance everywhere,

Freedom at last in the waves of sensuously emancipating heaven; where even the most wildest of unfinished fantasies were royally replenished; with the Omnipotent light of the Creator to scrap the very ruthless definition of monotony—in blessed abundance everywhere,

Freedom at last in the whispers of magnetically charismatic heaven; where even the most inconsolably traumatized of tears were metamorphosed into priceless pearls; with the Omnipotent light of the Creator to impregnably fortify each dying aspect of existence—in blessed abundance everywhere,

Freedom at last in the walls of insuperably fragrant heaven; where every bit of truth which was unflinchingly spoken was given the highest respect; with the Omnipotent light of the Creator to perennially terminate all lies—in blessed abundance everywhere,

Freedom at last in the corridors of ecstatically undefeated heaven; where grotesque cowardice completely dissolved to sow the seeds of unparalleled Samaritan bravery; with the Omnipotent light of the Creator to inexhaustibly inspire one and all alike—in blessed abundance everywhere,

Freedom at last in the horizons of everlastingly sacrosanct heaven; where there palpitated inimitable purity in each heart; soul and bounteous conscience; with the Omnipotent light of the Creator to pave a way through the most flagrant of storms—in blessed abundance everywhere,

Freedom at last in the eyes of unbelievably passionate heaven; where a cloudburst of sensuality reigned supreme in even the most oblivious of leaf; with the Omnipotent light of the Creator to proliferate each stagnating body into an infinite—in blessed abundance everywhere,

Freedom at last in the cisterns of endlessly mesmerizing heaven; where maiming hopelessness and haplessness were never born; with the Omnipotent light of the Creator to lead each benign heart to victory—in blessed abundance everywhere,

Freedom at last in the tunes of euphorically infallible heaven; where the melody of unlimited natural creation was the ultimate mantra and panacea of each instant; with the Omnipotent light of the Creator to end all devastating war—in blessed abundance everywhere,

Freedom at last in the aisles of fantastically ameliorating heaven; where even the most unbearably excruciating of pain dissolved into the wands of love; with the Omnipotent light of the Creator to timelessly lead towards unshakable prosperity— in blessed abundance everywhere,

Freedom at last in the wings of indefatigably romantic heaven; where every true lover perpetually became one with its endearing partner; with the Omnipotent light of the Creator to forever protect against all evil—in blessed abundance everywhere,

Freedom at last in the clouds of blissfully altruistic heaven; where every perceivable greed and satanic desire was forever quelled by the songs of divinely contentment; with the Omnipotent light of the Creator to behead every rapacious devil—in blessed abundance everywhere,

Freedom at last in the canvas of astoundingly sensitive heaven; where there torrentially rained nothing else but beautifully ravishing poetry; with the Omnipotent light of the Creator to forever befriend each emaciated soul—in blessed abundance everywhere,

But unfortunately, Jail and salaciously penalizing jail till the end of destined life; as I got up with a jolt of lightening from my nocturnal sleep; wishing and only wishing for veritable death; to transit me from this earthly jail to Omniscient heaven; once again.


There were an infinite who lived- solely to become the best businessman of all times; adroitly using all their expertise to evolve astoundingly unbelievable and new ladders of inimitable entrepreneurship,

There were an infinite who lived- solely to become the best magician of all times; making the entire unsurpassable earth disappear as soon as it'd come; in the insurmountably baffled eyes of their spell-bound audience,

There were an infinite who lived-solely to become the best astronaut of all times; indefatigably discovering newer and newer planets alien to common man; and then blending each ingredient of their blood with quaint creatures of bedazzling space,

There were an infinite who lived- solely to become the best athlete of all times; spawning a whole new civilization of invincible fitness; which tackled even the most pernicious impediment of life with a smile,

There were an infinite who lived- solely to become the best doctor of all times; dexterously treat every tangible and intangible disease under the Sun with the miracles of contemporary science; in every quarter of this boundless planet,

There were an infinite who lived- solely to become the best environmentalist of all times; dedicating every unfurling instant of their existence to sowing a countless seeds of newness into virile soil; endeavoring their best to try and conserve the euphoric natural habitat,

There were an infinite who lived- solely to become the best politician of all times; crafting such revolutionary policies—that billions of people were ready to sacrifice their lives for them at a single wave of the infinitesimal thumb,

There were an infinite who lived—solely to become the best Police of all times; annihilating the very dastardly worth of crime from its sacrilegious roots; digesting every ounce of irrational perversion and terror in their hearts; so that their countrymen slept tight and smiled,

There were an infinite who lived—solely to become the best astrologer of all times; being able to prognosticate events due to happen a boundless centuries from now; with an accuracy more unbelievable than the world's greatest computer or electronic device,

There were an infinite who lived—solely to become the best actor of all times; profoundly enrapturing their audiences and fans with such extraordinary finesse in their expressions; that they became oblivious to their very own existence and the pragmatic unleashing of time,

There were an infinite who lived-solely to become the best sportsman of all times; embracing every aspect of inexplicably enlightening life as it came; bracing for the worst of apocalypses without a trifle of doubt in their hearts,

There were an infinite who lived-solely to become the best parents of all times; compassionately expending each instant of their existence—playing and relishing with their young ones; fearlessly walking them through every stepping stone of precarious life,

There were an infinite who lived-solely to become the best ambassadors of all times; ubiquitously representing the pride and honor of their sacrosanct motherland-and spreading the ideals of peace; prosperity and togetherness; thereby,

There were an infinite who lived-solely to become the best friends of all times; leave such examples of unflinchingly priceless solidarity and loving companionship; which were immortalized till times even beyond infinite infinity,

There were an infinite who lived—solely to become the best musicians of all times; cast a bewitchingly impregnable spell of their captivating melody; to every newborn ear born till centuries unprecedented,

There were an infinite who lived—solely to become the best teachers of all times; trigger a spectacular new human race- majestically perpetuated with the power of enlightened learning; which would philanthropically change the complexion of this disastrously beleaguered earth today,

There were an infinite who lived—solely to become the best poets of all times; philosophize; sermonize and fantasize about the endless chapters of creation; in each of their perpetually blessed poetic lines,

There were an infinite who lived—solely to become the best lovers of all times; immortally carving such an exemplification of their inseparable love; that it continued to be worshipped by every true lovers heart for even an infinite births after their death,

Whilst I lived every moment of my life—because I knew that as inevitably destined- I would definitely die one day; and that day when I relinquished all breath; my lifeless form would then reach its ultimate destination; be eventually buried right infront of the mosque of my Omnipotent Creator; and then never ever would desire to be born again on the periphery of this manipulatively blood-sucking earth


Neither was I in a hurry to reach even the most swankiest corporate office; even as countless were ready to work under the faintest swish of my thumb-only this once,

Neither was I in a hurry to royally soar to the absolute apogee of Everest; even as the most uninhibitedly sensuous wings of flight; inexhaustibly craved for me to wholesomely mount them—only this once,

Neither was I in a hurry to own the entire treasury of currency notes on this planet; even as every organism existing laid everything that they ever had or could conceive; infront of my bohemian footsteps-only this once,

Neither was I in a hurry to endlessly keep snoozing on a profusely diamond studded-silken bed; even as each intangible wall of the unconquerable castle kept indefatigably wailing my name-only this once,

Neither was I in a hurry to effortlessly run on ferociously undulating sea water; even as each untamed wave metamorphosed itself into unmoving earth in due obeisance; as I tread the nimblest of my foot in utter discordance-only this once,

Neither was I in a hurry to unabashedly fly in the tantalizingly surreal clouds; even as I zipped to an infinite kilometers high in the ecstatic atmosphere; ruthlessly stomping my feet in disarray-only this once,

Neither was I in a hurry to sight the most infinitesimal of needle in a haystack; even as the strands of hay themselves stood up in unison to unanimously salute me; thereby easing an exuberant way for my vision to lift the invisible pin-only this once,

Neither was I in a hurry to endlessly keep interlocking palms with the most famous celebrities and leaders of this Universe; even as they swarmed like a hive of an infinite famished bees; around the most imperceptible of my shadow-only this once,

Neither was I in a hurry to be unendingly garlanded by every on-looker that crept my way; even they incorrigibly refused to budge an inch without fondly caressing me-only this once,

Neither was I in a hurry to everlastingly embed my signature on every tangible and intangible quarter of this planet; even as everything around me and till a boundless distance fasted itself to death; unless I graced it with my breath-only this once,

Neither was I in a hurry to make passionately unbreakable love to the most beautiful maidens on this earth; even as they themselves and entirely surrendered to even the most obliterated of my whisper-only this once,

Neither was I in a hurry to break every record existing in the Universe and beyond; even as each ingredient of my blood was being miraculously blessed with the power to conquer the entire planet-only this once,

Neither was I in a hurry to rule the entire globe—perpetually taking its reigns by storm in my rustic palms; even as each organism itself and fervently wanted me to take complete control of the quality of its destined existence-only this once,

Neither was I in a hurry to become the strongest of the strongest man on this enchanting earth; even as every opposite enemy camp meekly surrendered and pulverized itself to inconspicuous dust; in the diminutively formed fist of my palm-only this once,

Neither was I in a hurry to eat the most ravishingly succulent cuisines of this earth; even as each inimitable fruit and tantalizing curry in the atmosphere fell copiously in my lap—only this once,

Neither was I in a hurry to decipher the most baffling mysteries of this inexplicable cosmos; even as the most obsolete cranny of my brain was being adroitly programmed to astounding perfection-only this once,

Neither was I in a hurry to experience sheer and insatiably euphoric utopia; even as the enamoring mists of undefeated paradise themselves descended upon every inch of my abode-only this once,

Neither was I in a hurry to life to its fullest and most unprecedented capacity; even as the Jin of hope granted me a wish to palpitate in newness till the time I wanted-only this once,

But I was ardently dying to die this very moment itself; not wasting a single more second as the clock of the world ticked; so that my lifeless body could be buried right infront of my Creator's Omnipotent mosque; right infront of where his Omniscient feet had eternally guided me whilst I was alive.


I couldn't ever share my heart with my beloved; as she'd cunningly use all my divulged secrets to vituperatively lambaste me in near future—and for the current moment call me none else but an incoherent cry-baby,

I couldn't ever share my heart with my daughter; as she was too diminutive and small to understand my torrentially inexplicable agonies—and the instant I wailed a trifle more than necessary; she'd definitely seek solace and turn to her unfettered teddy-bears; clay moulds and soft toys,

I couldn't ever share my heart with my sister; as she was too busy sculpting her very own career; standing solitary on the cross-roads of choosing between the conventional society and leading the life of uncanny uniqueness,

I couldn't ever share my heart with my cousins; as they unstoppably ridiculed every form of impoverishment on this planet-and words like 'heart' simply didn't exist within the dictionaries of their abominably jet-speed practicality,

I couldn't ever share my heart with my maternal/paternal uncle's and aunts; as each of them had already their share of sorrows; children and hysteria to counter-and had hides thicker than the dinosaur to even countless oceans of sensitivities and tears,

I couldn't ever share my heart with the uninhibitedly blowing wind; for fear that it'd unwittingly carry my voice to those satanic parasites of humanity out there; fervently waiting to pounce upon the severely infirm and distraught,

I couldn't ever share my heart with my neighbors; as the entire bunch of them were prolific gossip-mongers-who viciously disseminated even the most undigested morsel of food in their stomachs; within seconds to the farthest quarter of the Universe,

I couldn't ever share my heart with my grandfather; as he still existed in those stringently unbearable old-fashioned concepts of his time-and for whom every form of enchanting artistry eventually dissolved into fecklessly languid wind,

I couldn't ever share my heart with my grandmother; as she was the ultimate icon of practicality— a headmistress who measured and equated everything on this earth in the terms of its respective 'degree' or 'certification' or 'commerciality',

I couldn't ever share my heart with my friends; as they were all like the insipidly transient shades of the chameleon; incorrigibly sticking to me when I was perched on the throne of gold—and deserting me with more heartless disdain the instant I traversed naked on the clamorous streets,

I couldn't ever share my heart with my employer; as all he equated everything on this globe was in terms of the currency coin; ruthlessly trampling over every other trace of an emotion-with his over-sized boots of dreadful manipulation,

I couldn't ever share my heart with my patrons; as the instant they came to know of anything else other than my inimitably priceless talents—they'd instantaneously curb every ounce of sponsorship and invaluable help that came my way,

I couldn't ever share my heart with my fans; as all they insatiably desired to see of me was astounding 'uniqueness' one after another at its unparalleled best-and would only spit and squat at me if I was the slightest defeated,

I couldn't ever share my heart with the walls of my dwelling; as it'd only mean worthlessly beating my skull against virtual nothingness; when I needed a comforting palm to compassionately heal and caress each of my raw wounds,

I couldn't ever share my heart with my teachers; as they'd only sermonize me to study and study all the more harder; in order to overlook and wholesomely forget everything else that was a bothersome thorn in my life,

I couldn't ever share my heart with my doctors; as they'd only prescribe an unending flurry of obnoxious drugs to temporarily mollify my turbulence; secretly wishing that my condition only exacerbated with the best of medication—so that their shop perpetually runs,

I couldn't ever share my heart with my father; as call it 'running the family' or 'the bedazzlement of the corporate world to reach the top'—he would never comprehend the extreme sensitivity of my blood; in his set rules and rigmarole of monotonously routine life,

I couldn't ever share my heart with my mother; as although she'd given me birth-she hadn't the courage to witness and handle my bizarre pain and sorrow—also was perennially blinded by the magnitude; principles and 24 X 7 work of my father,

And I still and inspite of all this; desperately wanted to get it out of my heart at any cost on this earth-that's when I locked myself in my air-tight chamber; took out the photo of my God from my pocket-inexhaustibly blurted out everything trapped in my soul; heart and conscience and inconsolably cried-and this time whether the world liked it or not; I finally won.


Newborn leaves shivered in anticipation of unbridled romance; fantasizing beyond realms of the extraordinary- in perfect symbiosis with the fathomless expanse of voluptuous sky,

Boundless blades of untamed grass bent a trifle in ecstatic submission; fondly reminiscing their journey till date; on the trajectory of inscrutable planet divine,

Waters in streams sparkled to a profound full radiance; tantalizingly leaping towards the Sun—in their everpervading desire to shake hands with its unassailable yellow,

Countless petals swayed flirtatiously across boundaries of penance; to find their soulmates of everlasting joy; from amidst an unending firmament of blessed atmosphere,

Fish incarcerated in the deepest realms of sinister green ocean water rose to the surface; exuberantly darted in directions as unabashed as the first cry of this earth,

Mountain peaks stood more unflinchingly than ever; accentuating their valor with all the more unflinching candidness –saluting the first beams of the Omnipresent Sun,

Unfathomable scores of bumble bees commenced to spawn honey with a zeal never ever witnessed before; boisterously whispering tales of their exhilarating air-borne journey-cuddling close in their hives of friendship,

Passionate fires spread like white lightening at the most inconspicuous thud of a leaf; stirring the most dolorous bits of atmosphere to crackle into a whole new

Universe of undefeated freshness,

The creepers most wretchedly entangled in dungeons of limitlessly plaintive captivity; now stood up straight in unison to chant simplistic mantras of holistic existence,

Bloodstreams frozen due to tawdry indifference and rebuke; now inexhaustibly indulged in the most ardent activity of living uninhibitedly and let live,

The centuries old lifeless tree-trunk suddenly jostled in anticipation of a brand new dawn; dancing once again to the rhythm of densely foliated nature divine and quelling an infinite with its mellifluous shade,

Desperately thwarted caves of gloominess breathed a sigh of heavenly relief; rejoicing their compassionate tryst with the world outside; though be it for sporadic moment as destined,

Bygone carcasses rotting times beyond the mortuaries of death- cried tears of ecstasy full throttle; at the silken touch which reinvigorated life in one and all; miraculously alike,

Nightingales hummed their sweetest songs all sensuous night and even in the heart of the sweltering day; perpetually perpetuating the entire planet with solely the religion of unconquerable oneness,

For once even the most discordant notes of the frog struck a chord with every beleaguered heart on the planet; bringing shattered lovers closer to bond with every unshakable sweetness of the soul,

The first showers of thunderous rain not only soaked every perimeter of parched earth; but diffused the fragrance of their magically ameliorating wetness to every entity in atmosphere and across; and till times beyond eternity,

Timeless rainbows in the sky looked like an insuperable captivating fairy; who this time would never disappear; but would continue to be the sparkle of every divinely fantasizing eye on the handsome Universe,

The most irascibly jittery of ants completely forgot to sting and bite; stretching their diminutive armory of feet into a posture of utmost relaxation—to eventually transit into a reverie of tracing their farthest roots,

No. It wasn't God who'd descended on earth for all of the above to happen. But he'd sent just an infinitesimal draught of wind instead upon earth; to witness how his unconquerable planet behaved; AS THE WIND BLEW


I fervently admired you; because you admired God; lived each instant of your life ineffably wonderstruck at the beauty of his limitless creation; the unparalleled charisma that radiated from each element of his atmosphere,

I timelessly sought you; because you sought God; made him your only shoulder to lean upon; in your times of inexplicable duress as well as when you spiraled high and handsome in the clouds of invincible happiness,

I relentlessly imagined you; because you imagined God; let your mind devotedly wander in the realms of his fathomless Omnipotent Light; without the most inconspicuous iota of the devil pillaging in,

I devoutly followed you; because you followed God; choosing the most irrefutably honest pathways of existence; though it meant going through an ordeal more traumatizing than what hell could be,

I uninhibitedly kissed you; because you kissed God; hugging his idol of simpleton medieval stone; but which had the unfathomable power of demolishing and recreating this world an infinite times,

I irrevocably believed you; because you believed God; accepted everything and anything unfurling around you as a part of impoverished destiny; and only in the betterment of this majestic planet and its good,

I inexhaustibly cherished you; because you cherished God; found the ultimate mantra of living life to the fullest and in harmony with mother nature; in every current of wind that enveloped your stride,

I inevitably found you; because you found God; not beyond the horizons beyond your pragmatic reach; but in every bit of compassionately humanitarian goodness that you displayed to each of your fellow living kind,

I quintessentially felt you; because you felt God; in every ounce of the boundless atmosphere and earth around; since it functioned and flourished at solely his eternal commands; and he was its unconquerably Omnipresent Creator,

I unhesitatingly beseeched you; because you beseeched God; asked him above anyone else on this unceasing earth; to grant you with the tenacity to live and let live each inimitably priceless moment of life,

I wholeheartedly trusted you; because you trusted God; looked ardently forward to every optimistic dawn to grant you with the reinvigorated vigor of life; make the beats of your existence dance to the tunes of Creator Divine,

I untiringly related to you; because you related to God; bonding with his unassailably Omniscient spirit for times immemorial; when even the thickest of your family and blood related kin had ruthlessly abandoned you,

I passionately sketched you; because you sketched God; endeavoring your very best to embed even an infinitesimal fraction of his Universe's beauty on the desolate canvas of your heart; till the time he destined you to live,

I crisply saluted you; because you saluted God; humbly nestling those palms against the forehead and towards the ever-pervading heavens; at every single opportunity that you got to thank him for this bountiful life,

I wholeheartedly invited you; because you invited God; as the first and last symbol of unshakable power and splendor- to bless every philanthropic expedition of life; that you commenced upon,

I fearlessly spoke to you; because you spoke to God; confiding in him the most insouciant apprehension of your heart; when the globe outside had turned a brutal deaf ear; and blackmailed you at the slightest opportunity that came their way,

I undyingly worshipped you; because you worshipped God; abnegating the entire material wealth of this planet; if it came in your way of kneeling in due and unhindered obeisance at his Omnipresent feet,

I immortally loved you; because you loved God; abruptly walking out on everything that you'd assimilated and inherently related to you; to forever bond with his heavenly light of impregnable truth,

But believe me. Even if you weren't all of the above and were a non-believer of God from the core of your heart-I would still love you as much.

Because whether you believe in God or not; I resolutely believe that it was only God who's created everything on earth-including atheists like you. And being one of his infinite son's it is my duty to love, respect, adore and befriend each of his creations-though sadly they be against him. And thus I'd keep loving you irrespective; till the end of this lifetime.


Without resting an infinitesimal iota on the many peaks that were conquered with balms of love and compassion; as life crawled at its own unabashedly spontaneous pace; ahead,

Without basking in the glory of all those adventurous trails that had led to the lion’s den; only to march out unscathed and unperturbed by the grace of the Almighty God,

Without whispering much about the insurmountably crackling flames that were subdued into nothingness; as the foot trampled the very source into oblivion,

Without paying the tiniest of heed to the most magnanimously committed acts of charity in recent past; wherein personal pleasures were vanquished from all quarters to serve afflicted living kind,

Without murmuring even an insouciant trifle about the grandest of days; when things were served on a bountiful golden platter; even before they were ardently wished,

Without comparing to those pricelessly adorable moments- when life seemed to be perfectly poised like an enamoring prince; on the highest crest of the tantalizing ocean waves,

Without phlegmatically resting on the highest laurels earned in a chosen field of expertise; which lay the mortal pedestal on a red carpet and with the crowds cheering on in rapturous delight,

Without savoring the sweetness of a victory which was molded on the embers of flaming truth; and which paved the way ahead for a whole new mortal civilization of righteousness,

Without aggrandizing the slightest about the earnest perseverance put in; to transform every ounce of fantasy into veritable reality for the globe to admire,

Without curling into the most indigent of hurray for having outwitted every trace of deceit with the power of infallible innocence; that was most adorable to the winds of symbiotically united existence,

Without capitalizing on any previous commercial break that came staid but secure; and which was so quintessential to mollify various desires of impoverished life,

Without fantasizing the least about those succulent meals which titillated the tongue so rhapsodically; before being eventually gobbled with uninhibited gusto to the humane hunger that arose,

Without rekindling the nostalgia that constituted gloriously impeccable childhood; where food, play, toys and rest; replenished sparkling life to its joyous and unbridled best,

Without serenading the persona with all the treasuries of gold earned; which pampered the greedy humane form to its wishes; before it crumbled into wisps of nothingness when destined by God,

Without opening the closet of the famed circle of luminaries that the form was associated with; whose influence sorted many mortal messes within lightening seconds of time,

Without the most measly of flattering to the present demeanor for having reached this far; transcending every barrier of caste; creed; religion and color with the religion of inimitable humanity,

Without any reference to the wondrous fertility exhibited; the ramification of which was a festoon of freshness that unveiled into a fountain of mesmerizing creativity; by the grace of the Divine,

Without the most parsimonious of congratulation to the astounding grit with which life was led; winning accolades from even the remotest quarters of the planet sublime,

Every day was an unparalleled new gift from the Omniscient Creator. Each Sunrise started fresh. Each morning was a different morning laden with optimism. Every dawn blossomed with jubilant hope to symbiotically survive.

The End .

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