1 min

Heart is a symbol of love. Where there is love there is life" where there is life,the heart beats, throbs, melts, sings and dances too . 

Lock it in your heart and treasure it. 

Love is a sublime emotion preserve it,

Love cares and caresses comfort it 

Love dares and Defies, don't provoke it 

Love worships and deifies ,respect it 

Love plays and prances , enjoy it 

Love gives and sacrifices , be humble about it 

Love Tames and Touches' ,don't hurt it 

Love takes you into those recesses, where.............

The chords of longing,

Lingering ,listening

The strains of healing, helping ,


The beats of blessing, blooming ,

Beholding ,

The sounds of whispering wooing, wanting ,

Are like waves rising and falling with the intensity of that emotion called 'Love'.

Lock it in your heart ,wear it in your locket, show it in your eyes ,shower it on the beings,

Spray it around like fragrance and allow it to bloom,hang it in the air, wherever !!!

 And lo, here we have, the heavens blessings raining on us ,loving us and leading us.

May love make this earth a better place to live and cherish for all beings now and ever.

"Love does not dominate, It Ciltivates ".

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