Fire, Please Burn Out
Fire, Please Burn Out
There’s so much anger within these walls, innocent concern to blind frustration,
I am blinking back tears of rage? Of confusions?
This tension is lurking everywhere in my bones,
Fueled by crashing shouts and raised voices.
How can I escape a place I always come back to?
It’s no one’s fault but everyone can fell the weight of this ever-present mess of noise.
Just freeze time here and run from the fires of hell;
We chose the wrong time because we pretend we can choose in the first place -
Am I just another perpetrator falling under this smothering irrationality?
my beating heart, please, shut them all out -
Crying has become natural, clenched fists rubbing red eyes,
Dancing around, avoiding, until anger charges ahead again,
Taking the bull by the horns and leaving the audience to suffer.
This is not the life I want to live, this urge to punch something, anything,
Manifesting itself in sarcasm – push them away again, why don’t you?
You claim it’s not your fault, but you know it is. The world is tumbling to pieces,
Choked with ashes in your hands. Can’t you take responsibility?
No, I can’t. I watch the flames blankly. Do what you need to do.