One Hundred Shades Of Sadness
One Hundred Shades Of Sadness
21st October 2013
... Sometimes ... I too want to surrender,... to give up all resistance...
… All strength...
All the apprehension and comprehension...
And want to go with the wind... flow with the water current.
Not questioning... the whereabouts...
Taking everything as it comes...
Thinking that... things happen for the best...
And then,... to be fooled ridiculously...
…By my this very heart... once more.
…Once more … to pen down all my pain…
In my twisted cursive handwriting… for…
Life too is not straight and simple.
And, it is twisting like itself… to my heart… to my soul…
And everything is floating up… visible on the earth of my aching soul…
And… alas! … My aching soul is posing…
Without a sigh, as my beloved muse… since the ages… dancing
On the... dark music... composed by my heart