

1 min

Many of us want to travel here and there,

And meet different people: dark or fair.

We want to visit countries with mountains and rivers

And not where people have dysfunctional livers.

We want to go to Paris where love is in the air

And to Tokyo where the technology is rare.

Germany, Scotland, Iceland, and Norway;

If you visit these places, you’ll never want to go away

To your life in the office, working for hours on end

For in these places, your time you should spend

Viewing the scenery, so beautiful and green,

And not work for your boss who’s ever

so mean.

We want to go to London where it’s cold yet sunny

And to Canada where the people are so damn funny.

The US is a place which is so much fun

Except when all the people carry a gun.

Mexico and Hawaii have amazing beaches

And Brazil has a rain forest with so many leeches.

Dubai has amazing roads for driving,

Yet very strict laws which prove to be depriving.

Africa, leaving out starvation and poverty

Has amazing wildlife with a certain novelty.

We all have places we wish to go,

And we should work hard for this, I hope you know.

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