Writer Chapter 4
Writer Chapter 4

Fantasy Fictional Story.
Chapter 4 "Dangerous trio"
At Kalasipalaya, Bangalore in 2004
Sundar, Vimal are two tamil people residing in houses close to each other. Both of them are waiting for their respective child's who went to School. Sundar and Vimal sees both their 3 year old children Madhav, Adhav joining hands and walking.
Sundar and Vimal sees this and smiles. Madhav, Adhav grow together in the area of tamils in Bangalore. Same school, same tuition, same group in twelfth standard, Similarities between them increased day by day. They both are now thick friends and share many thing in common like interest in Football, Drawing, Psychology and both pass with distinction in their school grades.
Both select same college in Trichy and even same course and they work on developing their intellect which mainly causes a thrill in their routine.
Madhav and Adhav restrict their friend's circle as they don't like a third person influencing them using ideologies. They think their intellect is superior to others.
After joining college,
Madhav and Adhav did not let anyone feel confident in them. They made plans to break the confidence of others.
Professor Mr.Prithvidas enters their class as new faculty and starts a new lesson called "Ethics".
After class, both Madhav and Adhav approach the professor who gladly invites them for lunch at hotel to discuss further about the topic.
Before 2 months, (at present)
Vishwa and Tara along with their friends Mithun, Rojer and Rasiq start their dream company "Indie comics" on a small scale. Each of them holds a share in company for the amount invested by them. Vishwa and Tara tell their parents about their love and tries to convince them.
Vishwa and Tara meets in a small statue shop. Tara takes a small brass statue depicting marriage and looks at it. Vishwa comes close to here holds the statue in his hand along with her hand. "I am assuring you, we will overcome this problem of convincing".
Tara says Will our marriage happen?, ishwa holds her hand and says "Everything going to be all right."
Within a month, they convince their parents who agree to the marriage. Now both Vishwa, Tara recruit part-time writers and illustrators to work on comics which will be released through their company app.
Vishwa and Tara gets busy in their work after each other proposals of love and both did not enough time to talk itself. Vishwa's power to give life to characters is draining faster than before and Vishwa
gets stressed about it.
Vishwa avoids Tara due to his busy schedule and this creates a small gap between them.
After a month,
Mrs. Ranjani gets out from her car to attend a marriage function of her friend's son. There she proudly explains how she deceived her workers from getting bonuses in company to her friends.
Similarly Mrs .Ranjani also tells how she spoiled the life of her own nephew who excels at business. She enjoys the lavish dinner and gets into her car.
Next morning, a small news in television is about Mrs. Ranjani's kidnap.
Before a month,
Vishwa feels he needs to use his power as it may permanently leave him, He writes a character about fairy who helps to fulfill children's desires in his diary. Tara takes that book and instructs a writer to place his work on Vishwa's table for analysis. Vishwa mistakenly gives life to a character from that diary.
At present, after 8 days.
A special force assigned by commissioner works on tracking Mrs.Ranjani and they get a strange intel from one of their informers about a ice factory.
The special force reaches there and opens a salt water tank and sees a wet body floating in the tank. They get the body and sends it for autopsy.
Doctors wait for the report to give an detailed description to police. Police and Crime scene investigators(CSI) collect evidences and Crime Scene description is written.
"The criminal(s) enter the factory probably at morning as no fingerprints is found on the switch board(might be wiped out),They tie the woman to a chair and handles some medication to make her dizzy.(Syringes and sample of medicine collected).
They finish their lunch (food particles found) and then they implement their murder plan."
Any other evidences asks CID officer Rudhran. Sir, we found a small needle like structure from the floor and our CSI officers is currently working on it.
At present, in Indie comics office,
A writer meets Vishwa and asks him about the work submitted by him.
Vishwa asks what work? and the writer points to a diary.
Writer opens the diary and says "Sir, the pages are left but the words I wrote in it is missing. "Vishwa exclaims what? and murmurs Did I make a blunder?
Vishwa asks what is the character written by you. The writer explains it and Vishwa tries to work finding Pritvidas, a character given life by him.
Meanwhile a young CSI officer looks at the needle like structure to make a note in his pocket diary.
Chapter 4 ends...
To be continued as Writer Chapter 5