Ponnambapalam Kulendiren



Ponnambapalam Kulendiren


Where Is My Maria?

Where Is My Maria?

15 mins

I rushed to my mum Kalu Menike and younger sister Nelum with the scholarship letter I received to do Research about disappearing native communities, especially the first nation people in Canada. My scholarship was to research at Waterloo University in Ontario Canada. I was very happy that the state gives a backward community member from Sri Lanka a scholarship.

My mother said ” Patha (son) we are from an untouchable community called Rodi community in Sri Lanka. We belong to a scheduled caste. The other community people are not friendly with us. They say that we are unclean. There is a legendary story thousand years ago during King Parakramabahu’s time how his daughter Ratnavali was married to a hunter and lived in a segregated area. Our ancestors from her are called the Rodi caste. Ratnavali was pretty as such all the women in our caste are pretty, they are naked and above the west as per the order of the Kandyan king. Rodi caste live in a Kuppayam and did labour work for the king’s palace. Some pretty women were kept as concubines

in the King's palace.  There are no educated people in our community. You are lucky that you were given this scholarship to go to Canada. It is all because of Mr Piyadasa your father being a deputy minister of education. Although people say that he is a bad man because he is keeping me a rodeo woman as a concubine when his sickly wife is living and unable to bear children. You and Nelum were born to Mr Piyadasa. “

“Ammai I never expected that I would get a Scholarship to do my PhD on disappearing ethnic groups. I graduated in social science from Peradeniya University. In my Radio community, people never expected that I would get a degree as my community is considered a low-cost community by the high-caste Raddala community. I heard people from my community saying my great-grandmother was a beautiful lady and was the concubine for the Kandyan king. Her daughter, my grandfather too was the concubine of a Gate Mudaliyar during British time. So is now you. My mother Kalumenike is a mistress for a Deputy Minister. Although you have a dark complexion slim, beautiful smile, eyes, and a beautiful face attracted you by Mr Piyadasa the deputy minister and my sister Nelum was born as an illegal child. He is a politician; He overcame all legal restrictions in getting admission to me Peradeniya University. I selected social science as my subject. My younger sister Nelum is good at science and maths and wanted to become a teacher and start a school for children from the Rodi community

“Our Radio community is a low caste community who do labourer's jobs on farms. It was a tradition that women from our community do not wear any dress above their hips. They say that there is a legendary story that Ratnavalli was a beautiful princess and the story our community starts from her”

“Ammai (mother) why do the high caste Radella people look down upon us as an untouchable community? They do not want us to have a proper education and come up in life

“Putha (Son) there is a legendary story related to our Radio community:

“Ammai please tell us that story. We both should know about it”

“It is a sad story Puthaa. During Kandyan King’s times, both Radio men and women were compelled to go bare-bodied and forced to reside in separate hamlets known as kuppayam. Their rajakariya (duties to the state) included the supply of rope made of animal hide for trapping wild beasts. At one time the primary occupation of the Rodi community was chiefly begging and they lived on charitable donations to survive. Hardly anyone refuses them to donate. In more recent times the folk was permitted to give professional entertainment. The women would sing hymns in praise of their legendary ancestress Ratnavalli

” Who is Ratnavalli Ammai “? my sister asked my mother

“Nelum, the legend of the Rodio community descends from Ratnavalli, the beautiful daughter of King Prakraabahu the first, who ruled in the 12th century. A Veddah archer provided Venison to the royal house. When the archer ran short of venison, he killed youths from the village and supplied human flesh instead of venison. It tasted good for the king’s daughter as such she did not inform the father that the meat supplied to the Royal court by the archer was human flesh. There were complaints from the villagers that youths were disappearing. On investigations, the King found that the archer was supplying human flesh to the Royal Palace. King’s daughter was aware of it. When facts came to light, the King got angry and stripped his daughter of her ornaments and called out a scavenger who was sweeping out a neighbouring yard and gave his daughter Ratnavalli to the scavenger as a wife and drove her out of the Royal Palace to earn her living in her husband's class. She started the Rodi community.

During the time of the Kandyan kingdom, both Rodi men and women were compelled to go bare-bodied and forced to reside in separate hamlets known as kuppayam. Their rajakariya (duties to the state) included the supply of rope made of animal hide for trapping wild beasts. The primary occupation of the Rodio was begging and hardly anyone refused but when Sir Maitland was British governor he fell in love with beautiful Lovenia, the Rodi gipsy young woman. As per the request of his lover he ordered Rodio that women should not be naked above the waist and should wear clothes. He gave her lands and Mount Lavinia is named after her. One time our community was treated like slaves and cannot draw water from the wells”

The scholarship from Sri Lanka enabled me to research at the University of Waterloo The study was on the disappearance of native Indians and similar communities I was aware of some small ethnic communities in Sri Lanka, such as Rodeo, Veddah, Kaffirs, and Jew, who lived in Sri Lanka. Community from the First Nation in Ontario was the main study in my research.

35 miles west of Waterloo, is a village called Milverton. The first settler in Milverton was Andrew West, a shoemaker who settled on a farm and opened a hotel in 1851. Other businesses soon followed and the hamlet, then called West's Corners, began to expand. The first Post Office was established in 1854 and the first school house in 1856.

By 1864, the settlement contained a sawmill, a tannery, two churches, and some 200 residents. In about 1871 the name of the village was changed to Millerton, named after Millerton, Somerset in England.

Most of the residents of the village are from the Amish-Mennonite clan, who disregard modern civilized life. I heard that they respect nature and eat organic food.

During World War II the community It is emigrated to Canada from Germany to avoid compulsory service in the military or alternative service in Germany. A Christian group set up by the Meno Simmons in the 15th century in the Netherlands is one of the clans that migrated to Canada

St Jacob’s market is the largest farmers' market in the vicinity of Milverton village. The market is open n Thursdays and Saturdays Saturdays from morning to morning seen am to evening o'clock the evening

On a Saturday, when I was traveling to the market on my motorcycle on highway 84, I saw many carts driven by horses traveling in the direction of Farmer’s market on the gravel path by the side of the highway

Drivers of chariots driven by horses were dressed in black color coats and black hats. The women who traveled in the cart were wearing black, modest, long dresses and covered their heads with a white cloth. Their modest, casual dress they wore identified them from other races living in the villages around Waterloo.

The first meeting between Maria from the Mennonite and my clan occurred in the farmer's market. In the market, Mennonite farmers were selling oak wood furniture, and organic food items such as bread cakes, fruits, vegetables, and jams. The products are very tasty.

That morning I did not eat and was very hungry. I searched for bread or cake for me to have my breakfast. I selected a shop where there were varieties of cakes and bread. The saleswoman was a Mennonite clan girl. She was wearing a long black colored dress with a long white shirt hiding her whole body. I was surprised to see a modestly dressed girl when there were girls on the market dressed in Jeans, and frogs. Mini skirts and shorts. Her clothing reflected her clan's culture and she covered her head with a white cloth. Her simplicity and attractive smile added to her beauty. There were shops managed by senior women from the same clan. I imagined to myself how beautiful she would look if she were diamond ear studs and a diamond stud on her nose. The beautiful young lady was selling different varieties of homemade bread. Cakes. Jams and apples in her shop.

"Are you looking for something to eat Sir "? She questioned me in her sweet voice with a slightly different pronunciation in English. Her voice impressed me. I remember the beauty of the Rodeo community girls.

"I did not eat from the morning. I am very Hungry. I'm looking for good bread "I replied in English.

"There are many kinds of homemade bread such as banana, rye, brown, and fruit bread in my shop. Please taste this bread and see”. She gave me a little piece of bread to taste. Her long quenched fingers attracted me. There were no quotes in her finge

rnails. There was no lipstick on her lips, no eyebrows. She did not have any bangles in her hands, no ear studs in the ears. Her simple and pleasing face reflected her natural beauty.

“Thank you, lady, for the bread you gave me to taste. It tastes good”

"Sir taste this one and see" she gave another different piece of rye bread

I tasted the second bread she gave me.

"It tastes better than the first piece of bread you gave me"

She gave me the third piece of different bread. It had cheery, peanut, and Cashew embedded in it. She gave me homemade apple Jam to rate with. I applied the Jam to the bread she gave and tasted it. It was so good that I decided to buy the bread and a bottle of Jam It tasted better than the previous two pieces of bread she gave,

“It is excellent. Did you make this bread “?

“Yes. My mother taught me to make this bread”

"It is a very tasty bread, I want to buy the fruit bread and a bottle of apple Jam. By the way What’s your name madam before I buy it? I asked her.

"I'm Maria. How about You Sir "? She asked with a question mark.

" Do not call me Sir. I'm Bandara from Sri Lanka. Please call me Bandu. My mother calls me Bandu,

“Sri Lanka? Where is that country? Is it in India? You look like an Indian.

” Oh no. I am not an Indian I was born on the island of Sri Lanka. It is a beautiful island just below the southern tip of India”

"How did you come to Canada?"

"My country’s government gave me the scholarship to do research at University in Ontario”

“What type of research”?

“Research on the first nation and other ethnic communities living in Canada “

“What ethnic group in Sri Lanka are you from.”?

“A small ethnic group called Rodio community”

"Are there any educated women or men in your community"?

"There are hardly any educated women or men in my community One time my community ladies did not wear a dress above the waist, but not now it has changed. Most of the women are beautiful."

"Are you a Canadian"?

"No. I am not. I am a Sri Lankan"

"In which University in Canada are you researching?"

"I'm researching at Waterloo University”

"Where is that University? Is it too far from here "?

Her ignorance gave me a shock. Her village is located not too far from Waterloo University in Ontario. How is it that she is not aware of the University? I thought to myself

“No Maria it is not too far from here. If you are going to college you should know about this University Maria are you studying “?

“No Bandu. I have stopped studying after grade Ten”


My parents wanted me to look after the Pig and poultry farm and the horses on our land They don’t like me to get acquainted with the modernized society. We are Nature lovers. We eat organic food. Travel in chariots driven by horses. Few have bicycles. Some have tractors for farming but not cars. We don’t use electricity We use lanterns candles, biogas and firewood. We don’t invite people from other communities to our house. My parents are very strict disciplinarians I must go to church every Sunday. I pray every day in the morning and evening... Our community is highly Orthodox: She gave a brief account about o her community.”

I was surprised to know about her orthodox community. After buying the bread and the jam from her, I said “Maria the old ladies in the adjoining shops are watching us talking for a long time. I think they are not happy about it. Maria, I've spent so much time with you, I will meet you next Saturday at this time”

I saw her eyes in tears meaning that she did not want me to leave as she enjoyed my meeting. She is shaken by our first meeting. Her pathetic look proved it. I felt sorry for her.

I made it a habit to meet Maria every Saturday at Framers market. Every time I met her she wanted me to stay with her longer During a visit gave her a mobile phone as a gift and taught her how to communicate with me through it. It was a novelty for her. She had never seen a cell phone before. She admired my gift

“Thank you Bandu for the gift. My community people seldom use this instrument:”

“I told her to hide the instrument from the sight of her parents When the parents are not at home I advised her to call me. I promised her that I would meet her every Saturday every day I got two phone calls from Maria. One day she called me and asked me to take her to Waterloo University and show her the place and the room where I stay. I knew that it was dangerous to take her out without her parent's knowledge. But she insisted to go out with me.

One day I asked her

"Darling Maria, can you come with me without your parents knowing "?

"Bandu next Thursday they are going to Toronto to my uncle’s house. They will be coming back late at night. You come and pick me up at 9 am and drop me back at 3 pm. After taking me around the University and introducing me to your friends show me your room ":

I agreed although it was a risky activity. Some of her relations might see me with her. We both took a chance and for six hours I took her to Waterloo and showed her the University. I introduced her to my friends Lalith, Peter, and Professor Smith. For lunch, I took her to Mcdonald's and bought her a beef burger with, fries and ice cream.

She did not enjoy it. She left half the food without eating.

“Maria, why is it that you did not enjoy the food”?

“It is junk food. It is not good for your health. Let us go to your room. I will prepare some tea for you;

We both left for my studio apartment

On the way to my apartment, she said "Bandu are you eating this garbage food every day? It is not good for your health. It is inorganic food"

" I do not every day I eat at McDonald's. Some days I cook in my apartment"

"Well, one day I will come to your room and cook organic food for you. You taste it and see. I am sure you will like it”

Maria saw my mother’s and sisters' photographs on my study table.

“Who are they Bandu’?

“They are my mother and younger sister”

"Your mother and sister are very cute. What are their names”?:

"Mother’s name is Kalu Menike. Sister’s name is Nelum "

"What does Nelum means Bandu."?

"Nelum means beautiful Lotus flower. There are plenty of lotus on our island”

"The beauty of the flower is seen in your sister. What is the meaning of your mother’s name “?

” Kalumenike means Black Gem, Gems are found in Sri Lanka”?

“Your mother too appears like a Gem at her old age”.

“Maria, do you think that both of them are more beautiful than you “?

She bowed her head in shame and did not answer me


One day Maria asked me openly, "Bandu will you take me to your island? I want to live with you as your wife "

It was shocking for me to hear that request from her. I did not know how to reply to her as at that time I did not know the answer. I inferred from what she said that Maria loved me very much. She took a photo of me. I too took a photo of her.

After I completed my PhD, I got a job as a temporary lecturer at McGill University Montreal. That helped me to decide on the answer to Maria’s request. I spoke my Professor Smith about my love affair with Maria and asked him for some advice. He is a progressive-minded man.

"Bandara, it is difficult for you to take her with you to Sri Lanka. You said that you are from an untouchable community. She will find it difficult to integrate with your community. You first take her to Montreal and introduce her to the civilized world and then get married. Get the Canadian residency first. At any stage do not leave that innocent girl. She is interested in coming out of the Orthodox living style of her clan. I understand her wish, She looks intelligent " Prof Smith said.

I decided to do as per his advice. I decided to go to the next Saturday market to tell Maria about my decision and my job in Montreal.

The next Saturday I went to her shop in Farmer's market to let her know the good news. I took some red roses with me to be given to her. I could not find Maria in her shop There was an old lady from her community in her shop.

First I hesitated to inquire about Maria from the Old lady;

After a few minutes, she asked me” Sir are You looking for Maria”?

” Yes madame” I replied

"Sorry You can’t meet her in the future” she replied

“Why Madame”?

“Because a few days back, Maria was married to a man called John from our community at the village Church. Maria and her husband left for London Ontario” she replied.

Her reply froze me. I stood there for a few seconds in that shop. The roses I took to be given to Maria fell to the ground. I left the shop quietly without picking up the roses.

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