Untold story
Untold story

Smiley is a teenage girl.. and she is only child to her parents.. Her father died when she is small.. after her father's death her mom grown her up.. After few years later when she turned 16, her mother did second marriage... After the marriage smiley and her mother started living with her stepfather... After few months of marriage her mother started working again... Her stepfather stayed at home most of the time.. he went his workplace very rarely...
One day smiley and her stepfather lived alone at home her mother went to work earlier in the morning.. her father asked her to come his room with her books.. smiley went to his room with books.. he asked her to seat on the bed but she refused and said I'm gonna seat at the sofa.. then while teaching her, her stepfather started touching her in a inappropriate way.. she started feeling uncomfortable... In that moment suddenly her step-father's phone rings and he went to attend his call... In that time smiley leaved his room and went to the hall.. after attending call her father came to hall and asked her to come back to his room but she replied that she needs to go out to meet her friends.. 
At that day she suffered a very strange circumstance... After this incident she started being upset... And behaved strangely.. but her mother ingnored this behaviour of her.. day by day her father gets more confident to assault her... And he started ravishment her... Like this 1 n half years passed away.. in all this year she kept quiet for her mother reputation for her mother will.. she suffered alone with all this pain.. she never expressed herself....
After this year passed away.. she collected too much strength to expressed herself to her mother... One day she told her mother all the things and incident... Her mother shocked and she don't know how to react.. she feels like everything over for her... But is get back to her senses coz she needs to protect her own child then she called one of the officer and asked the suggestion about this situation he told her.. that the man will send to Jail for 7 years and her daughter will be sended in children room.. so she takes her step back and gaves the divorce instead of sending him a jail.. This way one more criminal started roming freely in this Republic Country..