Universe Is My Best Friend
Universe Is My Best Friend

I am glad that I am writing about you. Thank you for being there every time for me. The day I remember when I was just a little child, surprised by the surroundings, time illusion, and even within myself.
I look at myself in the mirror and used to wonder, "Do I really look like the girl in the mirror, or is it just an illusion I am experiencing right now? Is this the real me or not?"
And I used to wonder when I was just 5 years old, my thoughts were running from that time. Now I wonder why I used to think so deeply. I got to know the real me. I am just a soul travelling from era to era in different countries in different bodies. I understood that no one can underestimate me unless and until I want.
I am the person who can make myself great, brighter. If I respect my own aura, it will reflect in the outer world as well. Everything started to matter to me, for me, words and actions matter the most. I talk mostly with myself because being in the outer world, we forget who we are. We get stuck in human trash, negative thoughts. We, humans, forget that our thoughts are creating our future. I made myself my best friend. When I can treasure myself, I can treasure others as well. The Universe is within us, itself. Positivity radiates itself. Today, what I am is because of my own thoughts. The Universe loves gratitude. We humans are stupid. In the biggest flex, we forget our smal
l wins, but our small wins matter the most because they are the first stairs that we start to climb so we can reach our own journey.
The Universe taught me not to try to copy others but to create my own version in my eyes, to carve myself with my own version. Respect your worth, raise your standards, not your voice. No matter who you are, respect the one who is going through a hard time. That makes you a wonderful star in the whole universe.
We are all the same child of the universe, so why compete with each other, then why make someone low? Do we treat our family the same way? No, right? We think that this is my family, and I have to take care of them. If everyone thinks in the same way, our earth will be the most peaceful planet in the whole universe. But first of all, we are forgetting ourselves, who we are.
Before hurting anyone with words or actions, try to understand how you would feel if the same situation happened to you. If making anyone feel low, how would it feel? Boasting off your work and making someone's efforts low, how would it feel? Each and now, then comparing with monetary terms, how would it feel? The Universe remembers everything, play a fair game. You never know when you'll get rewarded with loaded surprises, or you may never know when your value will get sold out in the whole market.
Respect each and every one, including yourself.