Vrushabha Chavadannavar

Horror Romance Thriller


Vrushabha Chavadannavar

Horror Romance Thriller

Universal Language

Universal Language

17 mins

We seldom realize the potential the universe possesses and the experience it has to offer to individuals. There are many unknown challenges and hidden truths within the universe. Some believe in them, some don’t. While some keep exploring it till the last breath. So did I and Suchitra.

Waking up to a bright winter morning in the town of Nahan. The picturesque scenery of the rising sun amidst the tall and rising majestic Himalayas. Of course, it was this that never led us to miss a sunrise ever since we moved into the town of Nahan – a couple that never misses the sunrise together, always stays together. A strong universal sign.

Universe has multiple hidden secrets one that also includes showing us well before time what is going to happen ahead in our lives. Today’s early picturesque morning was one among them. Suchitra and I woke up together seeing the sunrise, she and I beside each other, and Suchitra informing me about a new member that would soon be added to our small little family. I was never happier as much anytime before today. I hugged her with overwhelming joy and happiness. We both enjoyed the warmth of each other’s hug and stayed still for a few minutes.

A deja vu coming true. As I said, not like this was the first time it had happened to me. I had many visions many times before. Those visions finally led me here.

It goes like this. I saw huge celebrations – humungous. Thousands of visitors. Grand dressing. Equally grand location. I was sitting beside her holding hands together. We were very happy. The first time we both were happy together in our lives. All this and I suddenly wake up with a gasp. I was probably very happy when I woke up. But I couldn’t believe what I just saw.

It was early morning and I didn’t feel like going back to sleep again. Hence, I decided to freshen up and study for my Civil Services Examination. After studying for an hour and a half, I went out for my morning walk/jog. I was constantly reminded of the vision I saw in the morning during my entire morning walking. I nevertheless had to carry on with my day and try not to remember it again and again. Little did I know that it was probably a divine sign of the universe that constantly kept reminding me of her and wanted to attract each other.

My routine was focused mostly on my civil services preparation. An aspirant’s life is a struggle every day. However, I once got a call from my teacher, who knowing my skills, called me for a job in New Delhi to train fellow civil service aspirants. I have been quite successful in my education so far. However, I was quite a successful failure when it came to civil services. I had already failed the exam twice but I never lost hope as I believed that if one doesn’t face any hurdles, one is less likely to progress towards the path of success.

It was my teacher who believed in me and told me that I had skills that could guide enough aspirants while I simultaneously prepared myself for the examination. Besides, I was jobless for 3 whole years since my graduation in law. I accepted the offer and decided to teach aspirants in New Delhi.

Since I had a background in law, Polity was of my interest and I excelled in teaching the subject. Prof. Bhatnagar, my teacher who brought me to Delhi, realized the same and prompted me to teach Polity as much as possible besides asking me to teach other subjects as well.

I was teaching National Emergency on a fine Saturday Morning during the cold winter days of Delhi to my students. Suddenly, a student asked a doubt, and I answered him. Instantly I realized that I had a déjà vu. I somehow knew that question that would be asked about National Emergency and the answer just flew from my mouth as though something was pre-programmed in my mind. I froze for a second and told my students my experience. A student of mine added that a similar experience was faced by her in one of my previous classes where she somehow knew the exact question she’d ask, and it flew from her mouth automatically just like a pre-programmed command.

In a few months from then, Prof. Bhatnagar decided to expand our team and asked me if I knew any aspirants or former aspirants who could join us and spread the knowledge. I knew a few classmates of mine while I studied law who were also aspiring to be civil servants. I started reaching out to a few friends that I was in touch with. I didn’t end up with any professional connections that could join our venture. However, I found a soul connection that entered the venture of my life and made it super beautiful.

I had reached out to Searra, a friend of mine who I assumed might be aspiring to be a civil servant and asked if she would like to teach fellow aspirants. She rejected the offer as she believed that she was better off with other professions post studying law. We had connected after a very long time and we spoke beyond just a job offer. She informed me that Suchitra, a classmate of ours, was residing in New Delhi pursuing civil services examinations as well.

Little did I know that the universal sign of a vision of the grand ceremony I started this story with had set forth in action in real-time. I immediately called Suchitra and talked to her. We decided to meet over lunch to talk more. She agreed to teach fellow aspirants and join me with Prof. Bhatnagar. We talked and laughed a lot meeting each other nearly after half a decade. We didn’t interact much while at university although being in the same class. But when we connected, it was eternal.

We interacted almost every day while we met to teach students. Eventually, we started going out for lunches and dinners quite frequently. Of course, it’s the little things that matter in life. Our idea of lunch and dinner was just to meet each other and spend quality time with each other rather than the food itself.

Then came the judgement day, the Preliminary Examinations of Civil Services. We both took our exams, and I was successfully disqualified in the Preliminary Examination again. While Suchitra supported me and encouraged me that tomorrow would always be better. She qualified all the stages of the examination and was selected into the civil services that year. On the day of the final results, she called me and took me out for dinner. I was not surprised and I for sure knew that she had qualified for the exam and she was taking me out for a celebratory dinner.

However, she started the conversation with – “I may be leaving Delhi forever. I have no more reason to stay connected to Delhi”.

Quite confused, I asked, “I don’t understand. Isn’t this about celebrations on clearing your exams?”

“Yes and No. There is something important I need to discuss with you.”

“Go ahead.”

“Like I said, I need a reason to stay connected to Delhi. I am under the assumption that the reason could be you.”

“Me? How?”

“Can’t you read between the lines?”

It then flashed me what she was hinting at. She was building an eternal connection with me despite me being a successful failure in my civil services journey.

“Oh My God! I can’t believe this is happening,” said I.

“Yes this is happening. You tell me if you could be the reason for me to stay connected. Or I may never think of returning to Delhi again”.

She was allocated to the Indian Police Services and was heading off to a different city post her training.

I said, “I obviously love you. And I would definitely want to be your reason.” We then hugged each other like there was no tomorrow. We looked at each other’s faces and hugged each other again. It was so romantic – something which was a déjà vu again for me.

Two years passed by, and I was sincerely studying and teaching my students while Suchitra finished her training and reported to her job. We stayed apart yet we stayed connected telepathically. Not a single day passed without us thinking of each other. With consistent dedication and effort, I cleared the civil services examination too and was allocated the Police Service just like Suchitra.

We finally decided to tie the knot and then came The Day almost about three years from the celebratory dinner of Suchitra. Both were dressed grandly. Laughing, dancing and enjoying what we waited for years. I sat there holding her hands. We were very happy. We both were happy together in our lives amidst grand festivities. Both our parents were happy to see us marry and drowned themselves in the majestic celebrations amongst thousands of visitors.

We both, then together moved to Nahan, which is where we were posted and resumed working.

All was working fine and there came a disturbing day in our life – a deja vu of which I had already seen but I couldn’t remember it until the specific day of our life.

Coming back to the present day, after a busy day at work, both Suchitra and I came back home in the evening. We enjoyed supper together. Suchitra had to rest peacefully now considering she was carrying another life inside of her now.

It was dark and cold, very dark. I was fast asleep beside Suchitra. I heard some weird noises like something was running on the TV. I woke up and I saw Suchitra standing at the window of the living room staring at something. The TV was on and it was randomly switching channels. I turned off the TV and called Suchitra. She didn’t respond.

“Suchitra!” I called again. No response. “Suchitra!!!” still no response.

She then suddenly turned her neck towards me – turning it by 180 degrees – while her body still faced the window. “Suchitraaaa” I shouted in aghast. I went running towards her to check on her. But she spoke in a hoarse cacodemonic voice and asked me to stop and not come any closer to her.

“Should you come any closer, I will take her away with me. Anyway, I have gained full control over her. All I need to do is wait for new moon night, which is tomorrow and she will be away from you. You riffraff !!!” and she fell on the ground unconscious.

I ran to her, lifted her up and hugged her sobbing at everything that just had happened. I lifted her up, took her to the bedroom and lay her down on the bed. She was still unconscious. I lay there still wondering what should I do next. I, however, told myself the same words I used to tell myself during my civil services preparation – I have to fight for what I need in my life, I cannot stay idle sitting here without finding a way to save my love.

I called my house help and chauffeur and asked them to come home right away. I needed help in saving my wife. I thought I will take Suchitra to the hospital. My chauffeur noticed something strange on Suchitra’s finger. He said he noticed a V-shaped cut on her index finger. I asked so how a small cut on her finger was relevant to all that just had happened.

“Sir, it is a sign of a specific demon which most native dwellers believe exists in the neighbouring village of Punjara,” said my chauffeur.

“Punjara! I see. So, tell me more,” said I.

“There is a man who apparently has control over an evil spirit – Mannata. If someone wants to harm their enemies, they go to the man and pay him to let Mannata possess their enemies.”

My chauffeur continued “… By best bet is to go to this man and ask him about what is happening.”

“But let us first take Suchitra to the hospital” added I.

We left home and got Suchitra admitted to the emergency ward of the City Civil Hospital. We then left to meet the owner of Mannata, Paanu Baba (as the locals knew of him).

We then drove through the rough patchy roads of the mountain and reached a point where we landed in front of a cave in Punjara. It was very dark – no streetlight – and only the headlights of the car were dazzling. Suddenly, the car’s headlights also went off and we were left with no lights at all.

My chauffeur and house help decided that they would stay back in the car only as they were very scared to enter the cave at this time of the hour. I went in daringly, I had to save my wife. It is now or never.

I met Paanu Baba after walking through the cave by some distance. He was a very old man, very weak. It didn’t look like he was fit enough to even walk. His beard had grown very lengthy and had turned pale and white. He sat there meditating on a stone. As soon as I approached him, he opened his eyes.

“Come son, I was awaiting you,” he said.

“Awaiting me? I am conf…”

“Don’t be. You’re not the only one that experiences déjà vus. With enough dedication and control of mind, anyone can….”

“Listen old man. I don’t care. My wife is possessed or something and your spirit Mannata is troubling her. Why did you do this? Let go of my wife” I replied in a commanding tone.

“Mannata… Hahahahha… There is no Mannata. It’s just the foolish people that have created her spirit in their minds. The true spirit lies only inside one’s mind. Only your mind can have mastery over you” he replied.

I tried approaching him and grabbing him to take him with me to get Suchitra rid of whatever was troubling her. He ordered me to stop right there but I didn’t listen. As I approached closer to him, he held me by my collar and threw me to the other end of the cave. I was perplexed for a moment that a man who barely looked fit was able to do this.

“The only way you can save your wife is just by listening to what I have to tell you.”

He asked me to get up and come sit beside him like his disciple. He then gave me a very valuable lesson of my life.

“Your mind has all the answers and solutions to everything you will ever face in your life. Just go back home, sit and meditate with a calm mind. I am sure you will hear from the universe in its own language on saving your wife.” He then blessed me with his hands and told me that I should leave from here as it was not safe. He also blessed me that my car’s headlights turned on as soon as we turned away from the cave.

I came out of the cave and my chauffeur seeing me with some blood spots and bruises on my face asked me what happened and enquired if everything was safe. I said I was alright and decided that we would go to the City Civil Hospital and check on Suchitra.

When we reached the hospital, the doctor told us a very horrific story and informed us that Suchitra was not there. He informed us that while the nurse was injecting a medicine, Suchitra suddenly held the nurse’s hands and started laughing in the same cacodemonic and loud voice.

“Hahhahaha…… Don’t you dare inject me with anything!! I will lose all power because of that” said Suchitra who got out of the bed and started running towards the entrance of the hospital howling and yelling in a loud voice as informed by the doctor. She then eventually ran out of the hospital letting herself loose by all the guards and even hitting a few who tried to stop her.

Not knowing what to do, I came back home thinking everything was lost from me. I thought that the love of my life was no more. I just lay on the couch with my palms on my eyes. Just then, I remembered what Paanu Baba told me – meditate with a calm mind to find all the answers.

I then lay on the floor and closed my eyes. Started taking deep breaths until I was relaxed from everything in my mind. As I drifted off into a deep state of consciousness of my mind, I started seeing everything. After I got everything I needed to know, I opened my eyes and woke up with a gasp.

I immediately went to the backyard of my house and found Suchitra lying there in a corner. Completely covered in dirty mud and clay. She was also freezing as she didn’t have warm clothes put on her. I immediately held her in my arms and took her into the bedroom, where I had Suchitra put on some warmer clothes. She was still unconscious though so I had to put on her sweaters, gloves etc. myself.

Then I continued doing exactly what I saw in my meditation. I started reciting the Hanuman Chalisa in front of Suchitra. I lay on the floor beside the bed she slept on and held her hand in mine while I did so.

“Shri guru charan saroj nij man mukhara…” I started and the demon in her woke up and as I continued the mantra, he tried to fly away. I obviously didn’t have any problem with the demon running away but he wanted to take Suchitra with him.

I held her hand so tight that for some reason, the demon was not able to let Suchitra’s hands go off of mine. We were strongly connected. I could clearly see and sense the pull being experienced by Suchitra, but of course, it couldn’t separate us. He was even shouting and yelling, probably scared of what was happening and something like he was badly hurt.

“Bhoot pishach nikat nahi ave” when I recited this phrase, the power of the demon really became low and suddenly I could hear Suchitra’s voice instead of the demon’s - “Save me Maaksharth. Please save me” she said.

My eyes were filled with joy and love when I heard this. I wanted to say that I love her and I will save her today no matter what happens. But I had to continue with finishing the mantra as I had seen in my vision a little while ago.

I finally recited the entire mantra and I could see the demon fly out of Suchitra’s body and fly into ashes.

I hugged her and she was crying out in despair but little did she know that I had gotten her rid of all her troubles. We were safe now and there is nothing that will harm us now.

It was early morning by now and the sun was just about to rise. As usual, we said we loved each other and looked at the beautiful sunrise. We then headed to the hospital to get her treated as she was still freezing and had a fever, cold etc.

Suchitra was discharged after a few days. I went to receive her at the hospital. We then hugged each other like there was no tomorrow. We again looked into each other’s eyes while we still curved ourselves into each other’s arms and hugged each other again. No other eternal feeling is better than this.

While I hug my wife, let me tell you all as a postscript what I saw during the meditation just before saving Suchitra in case you’re wondering. I lay there wondering what should I do next. Once I went into a deep meditative state of mind, Paanu Baba appeared in my vision. He was floating in the air up straight. He said,

“There is no evil or devil under my control. It is all in people’s minds. Mannata is me, I am Paanu Baba. We are all the same. I just appear to people in the face of Paanu Baba when someone is in need. People believe Mannata harms other people but I only come to help people in need. I leave the V-shaped mark as that has unfortunately been the only way people seem to come to me and I can help them.”

He continued after a short pause, “All you need to do now is to recite a powerful mantra which you believe is the strongest power of your life and it has given you all the energy so far in your life. I know for a fact that you do have some mantra like that. You just have to find out within yourself and figure it out.”

After I heard this, I realized that the Hanuman Chalisa, which I have been reciting for almost a decade of my life now, is something that Paanu Baba might be referring to. And of course, it went right.

“You had a friend who envied your success in professional as well as personal life. He was jealous that you got all the success in your life and also of your beautiful wife, whom he desired” Paanu Baba added.

“He sacrificed his own life to possess your wife and take her away with him after involving with some black magic rituals. Don’t tell all this to your wife yet. The right time will come when you can let the cat out of the bag. For now, go and just save her” added more Paanu Baba.

I saw all this and I woke up with a gasp as I earlier mentioned. And then I saved my wife and my life!!

I think I will just wait for the right time before I tell about my visions and Déjà vu to Suchitra. Hopefully, Paanu Baba will appear in my visions again and tell me when to talk about this to Suchitra. But at least Paanu Baba made me realize the true potential the universe has and the potential impact it can have on one’s life if believed and explored to the greatest depths. I am forever indebted to Paanu Baba.

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