Chriseeda Shinny

Drama Romance Tragedy


Chriseeda Shinny

Drama Romance Tragedy

Unexpected Valentine

Unexpected Valentine

4 mins

      There was a small island near the Jamaica Island. At the centre of the island, there was a sky-piercing, huge, savage, fantastic and quite pointy mountain named Ferny Citadel also called as "Fern castle". It was given that name because it was fully covered by different varieties of ferns and many other varieties of flora and fauna. The island was normally populated. People in the island were very disciplined, systemetic and they always kept their surroundings clean and tidy. They always enjoyed having good time in beach and were happy all the time.


      There lived a boy named Williams, of age 25. He was handsome, kind hearted and lovable. He was a nature lover. Every morning he used to climb the mountain to reach the top and admire the beauty of the nature. 

      At the bottom of that mountain, there was a house with good architecture. This boy used to admire the architecture of that house everyday morning while going for walk. And here lived a cute little girl named Charlotte, of age 22. She loved birds and she used to feed birds in her terrace every morning and evening. 

      It was an usual morning. Everyone were busy with their daily duties. The day was calm and the breeze was chill. The people enjoyed the climate and was eagerly waiting for rain. Williams was wondering what was happening. He felt that something bad was near. He could feel the abnormal behaviour of animals and birds in that island. Then he came down the mountain thinking what would be the reason for the abnormalities. 

      As he was walking his feet trembled. He thought he was tied. But when he looked around the buildings were falling and some buildings went inside the soil. He was shocked. Then he realised it was earthquake. So he warned people to come out of there houses and save their lives. He helped many people and rescued them.

      Everyone was running here and there. People were crying as many of them lost their loved ones. The cry of people was so loud. Charlotte was hanging in the tip of the balcony. Williams saw that and decided to save her. He asked her to leave the hands and fall so that he could catch her. As they had not meet each other, she did not believe him and was very much afraid. She was praying to God to save her and people. 

      And now, people from the seashore were rushing towards the land. And Charlotte was in a big shock. The waves were huge

enough to destory the island. Yes, She saw the tsunami waves rushing behind him so she asked him to run away. But he could not leave her alone. Unfortunately, her hands slipped she thought she would fell down and die. But Willams caught and saved her. 

      When she opened her eyes he was staring at her eyes. Her eyes were stunning. He had not seen such a beautiful eyes before. And She was staring at him as she had not seen such a beautiful soul. There hearts started to beat in the same rhythm. Unexpectedly, They were falling for each other. Then she blinked her eyes and turned back. When she saw behind, the tsunami waves were rushing towards them. So she caught his hands tight and asked him to run. They were running to climb the mountain. 

      As Charlotte's hands were hurt and bleeding she could not climb so fast. So Willams held her hands tightly and helped her to climb. They thought they could survive this disaster. But the waves were faster than them. Now all their hope was lost. 

      She hugged him tightly with fear of dying. He held her tightly and whispered, " I think I 've fallen for you , when I saw your eyes ". She replied," There wouldn't be such an adventurous time to say that magical words , I love u too !". They confessed to each other. Now the waves hit them and they were drowning. Yet, they did not leave each other's hand. They held very tightly. He kissed her giving his breath to her to survive under water. 

      The pressure of water was so high that they could not come out of water. Everyone in that island were drowning. Willams held Charlotte closer to him and somehow managed to swim. But she went unconscious. Even Willams was losing his breath. But luckily, Williams held the ferns and came out of water. He pulled Charlotte out of water and tried to bring consciousness to her. But all in vain, she was still unconscious. Then he did some first aid for her. 

      Now she was back to consciousness. She cried and hugged him tightly and kissed him. When they looked around to help the people. They could see only water everywhere. The island disappeared under water. Little babies, adults, animals, and everyone drowned and died. Both could not resist their tears. Though they survived this disaster, they were unhappy because they lost their people and island. They thought that they were alive only because of each other and felt good for having an unexpected valentine at an unexpected timing in an unexpected situation.

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