Subham Kumar Meher

Abstract Fantasy Others


Subham Kumar Meher

Abstract Fantasy Others

Tord Bond Short Story

Tord Bond Short Story

3 mins

Well, after his daughter's marriage, there was complete silence in the house. He missed his daughter terribly. Alas! he could reveal that to his wife, but nope, he would not. He knew that his wife was already missing their daughter. He would not want to worsen the situation any further. To lighten up things, he called out for his wife and asked for a cup of tea. She would not respond to him at one go. He waited and called out a little louder. Tea!! Please...this she heard and nodded a yes and silently moved towards the kitchen. He knew that this was the best way to divert his wife's attention because she always loved to prepare special tea for him.

Within no time, his wife came back with a cup of tea. He was happy that she had got 2 cups of tea as usual. He made her taste one cup of tea that he kept for himself and the other cup, he gave it to her. He saw the saucer minus the biscuits, so he went in and got some for both of them. Without eating biscuits, their tea was incomplete. She started sipping her tea and ate biscuits too. He sipped tea and was bewildered by the taste of it. He could not believe that his wife had made this tasteless tea. Tears started to roll down his eyes. He could understand her pain too, which was much more than his. She was a mother who sent off her daughter boldly without even shedding a tear, but here she is, completely broken, sitting right in front of her husband

, waiting to be consoled, held, and cajoled.

He wiped his tears off and held her close to his heart, and she broke down crying loudly, I miss her, I miss my angel, I don't know what she will eat, how she will eat, and why she had to go. Please bring her back! I can't imagine our house without her. She doesn't know to eat, leave cooking behind. She doesn't even know to take care of herself, I don't know, how she will take care of her new family. She held his collar and cried, even more, louder, please bring our angel back so that I could tell her how to take care of these things once again. She told him, how she is sorry that she had forgotten to teach her all these things in life and cried uncontrollably.

He had to pitch in now. He kissed her forehead and spoke to her softly, "Like how you managed this household all these years without your mother's presence, your darling daughter will also manage." The only thing left now for us is to PRAY that our daughter is happy always and may God give her the strength to handle life's situations. On hearing this, she slowly stopped crying and went inside the kitchen and came back with a cup of tea, that was filled with love, affection, and warmth and that which tasted as sweet as their daughter. Both of them smiled at each other and dipped. dip.. dip.. add love and warmth, and it's ready to sip....!!with their daughter's sweet memories!!

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