The Time - Travelling 3
The Time - Travelling 3

Amidst the joyful play of the children, their boundless ecstasy like of hopping hares and speedy cheetahs, their cottage stood nestled in the serene outskirts of Kent. The idyllic scenery boasted verdant trees, meandering rivers, velvety grass, melodious songbirds, and cobblestones as smooth as silk. While engaged in a spirited game of hide and seek, mischievous Mary, with her fiery red hair and sprinkling of freckles, stealthily sneaked into their parents' closet, her entrance swift as a heartbeat, ensuring she remained undetected.
Startled, Mary's hasty entrance disrupted the cramped wardrobe, causing a cascade of objects to come crashing down upon her. In a flash, the scene unfolded before her eyes. The room filled with panic as clothes, jewelry, gloves, and scarves tumbled from above, threatening to expose her clandestine escapade. Fearing the wrath of her parents for the chaotic mess she had inadvertently created, Mary acted swiftly, instinctively gathering the scattered items of the towering heap, taller than Mount Everest.
Time seemed to stretch on to what felt like hours and hours as Mary, aided by her siblings Anne and George, laboured tirelessly to restore order amidst the disarray. Yet, just as they neared completion, Mary's eyes fell upon an unfamiliar object, unlike anything they had ever seen. Crafted from polished gold and silver, adorned with streaks of periwinkle purple and mossy green, it featured a minuscule projector positioned in front of a digital screen, mounted on what appeared to be a futuristic wristband. It exuded an aura of neoteric, advanced technology, leaving the children bewildered and full of questions. What was this enigmatic device? From where had it originated? And how had it found its way into their parents' closet?
Intrigued by it, Mary gingerly hoisted the outlandish object and opted to show her siblings, with inquisitivity filling her head. Spotting the commotion, Darrell, their zestful golden doodle, bounded over, her tongue protruding from her mouth agape as saliva dripped rapidly from it, as she hoped for a treat, only to be met with disappointment as desolation seeped in. However, in Darrell's eyes, a new toy awaited her, held within hand of Mary's gentle, pale palm. Anne and George stumbled upon the sibylline item as they were equally captivated, joined in, their fingers eagerly exploring the peculiar device. Predominantly George, pressed random buttons, attempting to secure it to their wrists, while scrutinizing every intricate detail.
Caught up in the frenzy, Darrell, leaped like a leopard, aiming to reach towards the object, as the trio skilfully evaded her enthusiastic pursuit. After numerous aborted attempts, Darrell ultimately managed to outmanoeuvre them, inadvertently pressing a glistening, jet-black button, as small as the circumference of the back of a pencil.
In an instant, a blinding light erupted from the device's projector, radiating a brilliance, brighter than the sun, luminescing the room with a captivating glow. Alarmed, the children instinctively shielded their eyes, their palms providing a protective barrier as electricity whizzed through their nerves, their minds unaware of what lay ahead. Startled, Darrell scurried backward with a flinch as a tremor of fear and guilt was evident in her demeanor. Her stomach climbed up her throat whilst an unsettling feeling washed over her.
On the spur of the moment, with an air of foreboding, an enigmatic figure materialized from the projector, as the lucent light rapidly dimmed. "I am Od," declared the spectral presence, his voice resonating with a haunting depth. "The object you now hold is known as a watch—a watch from the future. While a digital watch will be invented in 1973, the one in your possession is far more advanced. This watch grants you the ability to traverse through time, but heed this warning: your time in the future is limited. Depart before the watch chimes, or else the future shall become your permanent abode. A portal shall manifest, through which you will enter, taking you to the year 2020. Find your way back home, guided by what you hold dear. I express my gratitude, young ones, for discovering me," the figure concluded in his deep, resonant tone as he faded away in a blur.
Cloaked in mystery, his form was foggy and ash-grey, the figure concealed his true identity beneath a mask and cloak. Adorning his cloak were whetted crystals, mirroring the hues of the watch—a testament to his role as the guardian of this extraordinary timepiece.
The children stood frozen, their minds reeling from the bewildering turn of events. What had they just witnessed?
"A watch?" Anne queried with a look of confusion on her face as she examined the uncanny timepiece with curiosity . In the twinkling of an eye, as Od had foretold, the portal materialized before them—an infinite spiral of midnight black and shimmering pearl white, adorned with delicate streaks of amethyst purple and emerald green. A powerful gust of wind surged from behind, tugging at their bodies and drawing them irresistibly closer to the portal's alluring depths. Desperately, with all their might, the children strained against the force, pushing against the pull in a valiant attempt to resist its grasp. They fought with every ounce of strength, trying and trying again, but their efforts proved futile…
Fear gripped them by the throat as their breaths into wheezing gasps. Their mouths, as dry as sandpaper whilst their toes curled involuntarily in sheer shock. What were they to do? Their yelps and shrieks, like a howler monkey, echoed for miles on end. Their veins throbbed with fear as their knees turned to jelly. Preparing for the inevitable defeat against the menacing portal, they scrunched their eyes shut whilst their boned turned to stone. "Somebody, anybody, hel—" George's plea was abruptly cut short as the suctioning spiral swallowed the three children and Darrell whole. It was a harrowing sight a moment that left them utterly horrified and filled with trepidation. It was appalling…
The trailblazing portal abruptly sealed shut, leaving them confined within its enigmatic embrace as it whisked them away to the future. Their bodies hurtled through the depths of the portal, descending into what seemed to be an infinite abyss.
Amidst the cacophony of their terrified screams, the only audible sound reverberating through the void, questions flooded their minds. Where were they? The curved surface of the cylindrical tunnel were adorned with vibrant crystals, displaying hues of lush grassy green and rich grape purple—resembling the very colours that adorned Od's cloak and watch. However, the remainder of the tunnel was engulfed in an impenetrable darkness, engulfing them in an eerie silence broken only by their own frantic breaths.
Their chests constricted with a chilling sensation. The children’s lungs filled with ice as their limbs loosened. Time stretched endlessly as they plummeted, the minutes blending into an unending expanse, until finally, they neared the end of the seemingly interminable descent. The intensity of their squeals waned, replaced by a subdued wails they braced themselves for what lay ahead.
With a resounding "THUD!" they descended roughly on the pavement whilst the portal began to dwindle, as they lay unconscious in a brobdingnagian, bustling, urban cityscape. Towering skyscrapers loomed above them, city lights illuminating the night sky. The city pulsated with energy, showcasing breathtaking sunsets and captivating attractions, yet also bearing witness to the striking presence of vibrant graffiti.
After a few minutes they regained consciousness, the children blinked their bloodshot eyes, their bodies weighed down by weariness and exhaustion from the arduous journey. Disoriented and bewildered, they surveyed their surroundings, trying to comprehend their new location. Mary's voice trembled as she questioned, "Where are we?" Anne and George struggled to sit up, their minds racing to make sense of their current predicament. Anne's memory quickly latched onto the watch, recalling the information Od had imparted to them. Glancing at the watch, its display read "0:41," the seconds were ticking away relentlessly.
Realization dawned upon Anne, etching a look of solemnity and determination on her face. "Everyone, we must reach home before we stay in this area, forty-one minutes to remain!” she declared, her voice tinged with urgency. The gravity of their situation pressed upon them. Without hesitation, the trio rose to their feet, standing tall with a mix of determination and trepidation. It was an enigmatic and perplexing conundrum they faced. They contemplated various ideas, pooling every ounce of their brainpower to devise an escape plan from this unfamiliar territory.
Amidst the whirlwind of thoughts, George's mind settled on a daring course of action—destroying the watch in hopes of summoning the portal. The possibility of an exit was worth the risk. Mary casually agreed to the absurd notion, while Anne vehemently disagreed, fearing that demolishing the watch could result in unforeseen consequences, such as being trapped in the future indefinitely. "Don't ruin it! What if this leads to our e
ternal confinement?" pleaded Anne with urgency. Despite Anne's prudent approach, George and Mary recklessly disregarded their sister's concerns and reached the conclusion to shatter the watch into smithereens, their goofy grins spreading across their cheeks like the Cheshire Cat. Darrell, trotting along the pavement, stumbled upon two rough rocks that seemed capable of damaging the watch enough to restore the portal. Without hesitation, George and Mary each grabbed a rock, kneeling on the ground and taking aim at the watch with the hands high. "BANG! SMASH! WHACK!" They exerted all their efforts to obliterate the watch but failed miserably, falling flat in their attempt to achieve success. The watch possessed an indestructible quality, leaving them wide-eyed and stunned. As they realised their flawed plan, they glanced back at Anne, who stood serenely with a smug smirk, her arms loosely crossed below her chest. While Mary and George had been foolishly hammering away at the watch, Anne had devised a backup plan after doubting George's ill-conceived idea. Time was running out, and they had to think quickly. Forty-eight minutes remained on the clock. Would they manage to return in time?
"We shall aim to contact Od through the watch, we may see him and seek his guidance," insisted Anne with unwavering determination. George and Anne solemnly agreed, acknowledging the failure of their previous plan. Mary, wearing an expression of utter perplexity, inquired about the method of connecting with Od. Anne explained that they would press the same button Darrell had pressed at the beginning of the incident to summon Od, or alternatively, they would call out for him in the hopes of a response if the button proved ineffective. With their resolve to return home intact, the three siblings clung to the idea of contacting Od.
With anticipation causing slight tremors, George volunteered to take on the task of summoning Od from the projector once again. His finger approached the button, pulsating with a mix of fear and excitement. "Beep!" The sound resonated as George pressed the button. Seconds ticked by, but Od was nowhere to be seen. Undeterred, George tried again, yearning for a sign of Od's presence. "Beep!" The familiar sound repeated upon pressing the button. Still as statues, they anxiously awaited a response, their senses sharpened. However, nothing occurred.
Realizing the need to move forward, they shifted to Anne's second plan: calling out for Od.
"Oh, Od! We beseech you to come in the aid to help us, we desperately see your guidance to return back to our dear dwelling!" Mary's voice echoed with eagerness, her plea directed towards the watch, hoping for a promising retort back. However, as milliseconds turned into seconds and seconds turned into minutes, no sign of a reply emerged. Uncertainty filled the air. What were they to do?
"Perhaps we should seek help from these pedestrians, as they might know the whereabouts of the portal," George indicated, although the likelihood of success seemed slim. With limited options remaining, they decided to embrace the idea and approach the passersby for assistance. Conscious of the dwindling time, Anne stole a quick glance at the watch, revealing the digits "0:32." Time was running out rapidly.
With urgency driving them, they instantaneously approached an elegantly dressed woman, who exuded grace like a swan. She adorned a sleek ebony-black leather dress, complemented by matching heels and sunglasses. Her neatly styled bleached-blonde hair was fashioned into a perfect bun.
"Excuse us, miss. We kindly ask if you have come across a portal or heard anything about it by any means?’ George questioned, his hands clasped together in a pleading gesture. The woman, visibly puzzled, responded, "A portal? There's no such thing in this world. I'm not sure what you're talking ‘bout, sorry," assuming the children were engaging in playful banter. She quickly ambled away from them, leaving the children disenchanted by the unwanted response.
Facing yet another setback, they chose to set out questioning the same inquiry again and again. What else could they possibly do to fulfil their desperate desire to return home?
Persistently, they made numerous attempts to seek any possible witnesses or information about the portal, but their efforts proved fruitless. They questioned people in serene parks, mingled with individuals in opulent malls, approached those briskly striding down astir streets, and even interacted with people at the enticing aroma-filled food stalls. They scoured every place and questioned everyone they encountered, exhausting all possible avenues.
Yet, despite their unwavering determination, they found no trace of the information they desperately sought. Frustration crept in, leaving them wondering if there was anything else they could have done. The possibilities seemed to fade away, leaving them uncertain about their chances of returning home.
Anne's heart sank as she witnessed the despair of her siblings. ‘Anne, what will we do? We did one’s utmost, we shan’t be able to do anymore, only eighteen minutes are left to spare! I wish to go home!’ Mary whimpered as fresh tears welled up in her eyes whilst her lower lip began to tremble. Salty tears streamed down George and Mary's faces as they felt a deep sense of longing. Misery engulfed them whilst a morbid felling settled in the atmosphere. Woe turned it’s head towards them. Anne, fighting back her own emotions, could not help but let a single tear escape, tracing a path down her cheek. A sense of hopelessness seemed to prevail.
Amidst their collective sobbing, Darrell's sudden barking and jumping caught their attention as if she were trying to indicate something. They wiped away their tears, trying to comprehend what Darrell was attempting to convey. Then it struck Anne—the words Od had mentioned earlier resurfaced in her memory: ‘Find your way back home guided by what you hold dear,’
A glimmer of realisation dawned upon Anne. She turned to George and Mary, her voice filled with newfound determination. "I believe I know what we must do. We must to recall what truly matters to us, what we hold dear. That is our key to finding our way back home."
The siblings, though still filled with sorrow, nodded, their eyes reflecting a renewed spark of hope. They took a moment to gather their thoughts, focusing on their cherished memories and the love they held for their home. It was time to harness that connection and discover the path that would lead them back where they belonged.
"George, Mary, it's through what we cherish most as Od had intimated!" Anne exclaimed, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and relief. The wails swiftly transformed into sweet sighs of relief upon realising that there was still a possibility for them to return to their original abode.
There and then, a realisation struck George's mind like lightning. They beloved their loyal companion, Darrell. She held a special place in their hearts, and they treasured her deeply. George hastily conveyed this revelation to his siblings, their eyes widening with understanding as they grasped the significance of Darrell's previous actions. It became clear why Darrell had been barking and jumping, desperately trying to capture their attention. Darrell had known the way to the portal all along. She had been temporarily possessed by Od.
A surge of gratitude and awe swept over the siblings as they looked at Darrell, their faithful friend who had been silently leading them towards their salvation. With a newfound determination, they approached Darrell, ready to follow her as she revealed the path to the long-awaited portal. The journey to their dear home was about to unfold, guided by the bond they held with their idolised, golden doodle and the mystical connection she shared with Od.
"Lead the way, Darrell! We must find our way back home. Mother and father must be worried sick!" Mary exclaimed, her tenaciousness shining through her words. The three siblings pursued Darrell, their faithful guide, as she led them towards a bijou building nestled between two grand malls. Its door, newly polished and slightly ajar, bore colours reminiscent of the watch they had relied on. They knew instantly that this was their key to returning home.
Gazing at the building, their eyes briefly glanced back at the watch, revealing a mere three minutes remaining. This was their moment. They had completed their arduous journey. With a few bittersweet farewells to the future they had encountered, they stepped into the room, feeling its pull as it whisked them back through the portal, transporting them back to their darling dwelling. It had been an adventure—one that tested their resilience, courage, and the bond they shared as siblings.
As they reunited with their perturbed parents, they realised the depth of their love for one another and the strength they had discovered within themselves. The memories of their extraordinary yet terrorising journey would forever be etched in their hearts, reminding them of the power of determination, the value of family, and the spectacular adventures that awaited them in the world. It was incredible!