Nikhil Maturi



Nikhil Maturi


The Tale Of The 3 Momos

The Tale Of The 3 Momos

2 mins

As the pan gave a nice appetizing sizzling sound the 3 momos came to life encrusted with oil and butter. They heaved a sigh of relief, they thought they would be burned! They did their tap dance routine with glee and got to work. They had to get out of there as fast as possible or else these big mean humans would eat them whole. The 3 momos were all brothers, Terry the Oldest Brother was their leader and the other 2 were named Sam and Tim. First thing First, They had to stay off those plates. The plates would take them to the slaughterhouse. YIKES! In the midst of their discussion, a large black spatula was hovering over their heads prepared to scoop them on to the plates. They dodged relentlessly slipping and sliding in the oily bowl and soon the human got annoyed and took some other momos to the slaughterhouse. They were saved but little did they know the worst was yet to come. Terry suggested an idea but it was hazardous. Everyone was willing to take the risk, they would not back down as they were brave momos. This plan involved purposefully getting on to the plates and escaping through the door nearby. They were all prepared with extra oil for anything that poses a threat. The stage was set, it went time. The human approached and scooped them up. The human placed them down and walked away.

The human's comrade was ready with the tools needed to cut them into pieces. The human attacked them and missed all of them. They were about to make it off the plate but then tragedy struck. A long metal stick made them all trip. The 2 older brothers scurried away and escaped. However, the smallest brother was not fast enough. He got struck by the pointy stick and went into the human's mouth. OH NO! Fortunately, for the other 2 momos, the human was too busy eating and they got away. They were on the table and sprinted away. Terry got off the table and looked for his brother but he was not there. Then he saw his brother being thrown in the garbage Can. Terry shed a tear but continued on his journey. He just needed to go a few more yards to escape. Then he saw a human approaching he seemed angry. Terry dived for it and he didn't make the human crushed him underfoot.

The End

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