Ishan Toraskar

Horror Thriller


Ishan Toraskar

Horror Thriller

The Strange Magician

The Strange Magician

3 mins

"Hey Claudia, quickly come down." It was the call of my sister, Clara. It was the year 2009, my 20th birthday. I came running down to receive my friends. They soon started flocking my house. My sister, also my enemy, was also there. She was as tall as a giraffe with red cheeks and blonde eyes. As soon as she entered the living room, she started to create a mess everywhere. 'REVENGE' was the only word which came to mind whenever I saw her.

One day in the 'Rock Weekly' magazine, I saw an advertisement about a shop named 'REVENGE R US'. Was it probably for me? So, I cut it out and placed it safely in my notebook. I decided to visit the address with my friend Chan, who was a smart, sweet boy of Chinese origin. The next day during the break, I met Chan and told him about my plans. He too agreed to accompany me to that address. So in the evening, we set out to pay a visit to that shop. The address was 'Container No. 5, M.K.G. Road, London'. This was the isolated part of the city. 

It was a foggy night. It was said that ghosts lived in the area. The clock displayed 10:00 pm as we began to move from our respective homes. It took half an hour to reach that place on our bikes. We were welcomed by the cawing of a crow. The container was dark with cobwebs hanging from each wall. Suddenly somebody called, "Who are you? Have you come to my shop?" I was scared out of my wits. Gathering courage, I replied, "Yes." Then came out a bony lady around 50 years of age with a crow on her shoulder. "Oh! Sorry for scaring you. Actually, I am Ira, the owner of this shop."' She said in a deep voice. " I help people take revenge. But I must be paid." "But we do not have any money with us. Can you do it for free?" I asked. "Ok dear, only for you.", she replied, "What do I have to do?"

"Tomorrow my sister, Clara is visiting her friends. So can you make her go bald?" I asked. She accepted my request and started to say a mantra and rubbed her hands three times over the crow. I was very happy the next day, a Sunday. I was fortunately at home. While I was brushing in the bathroom, Clara entered and began to comb her hair. I gave her a mean smile and she returned it to me. She didn't know what was awaiting her. When I heard the sound of a car rumbling away, I was very excited. But this excitement was short-lived. After some time, I felt some itchiness on my hands and legs. To my horror, hair had started to grow rapidly. I couldn't stand due to the weight of the hair. They continued to grow still. I had started to look like a bear. I immediately called Chan and we decided to visit Ira. He carried me on his bike. When we reached that address, we did not find anyone there. Where had Ira gone? When we asked the people living there, we found out that no one named Ira lived there. Who was that Ira? Where had she gone? Still day I don't know anything about her.

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