Vatsal Parekh (Victory Watson)

Romance Thriller


Vatsal Parekh (Victory Watson)

Romance Thriller

The Stalked Assistant (Chapter-42)

The Stalked Assistant (Chapter-42)

7 mins

The vet arrived about 30 minutes later rushing into the barn and quickly got to work trying to help Rocket. My father has to grab me and physically pull me off of his body so the vet could do his job.

My parents spent the last 30 minutes trying to change places with me, trying to give my broken down body a break but I wouldn't let them no, I needed to make sure I was doing all I could to help save my boy.

I sat on my ass next to Rocket for what felt like hours, never moving and not saying a word I just watched as the vet started to clean the wound before stiching it up and he put an IV bag attached to Rocket's shoulder.

"You did good girl. You slowed down the bleeding enough. He is alive and will live thanks to you. His going to be hurting for a while and probably won't get on his feet too much so you will need to make sure his eating enough. That cuts deep, I won't lie, but whoever did this probably didn't count on the fact that Rocket here would have been fighting him the whole time, so it wasn't a all the way across cut." The vet explained, as he checks Rocket's vitals and his breathing. "I gave him some medication for the pain, so he will probably sleep for the rest of the day."

"Thank you-" I whisper out my voice breaking as I hear the news that my boy will be okay. Thank god. How could someone do this to an animal? Why would someone want to do this to my boy! 

Ugh I love this horse so much. I spent all my high school years coming up in here and crying about whatever a teenager cries about. 

"Yes. Thank you for coming over so quickly, Jamie, my family appreciates it." My father comes up and shakes, Mr. Jamie's hand.

"Of course. Call me and let me know if anything changes with Rocket but I have a good feeling that his going to pull through just fine."

"Yes. Thank you" my mother says pulling me into a hug. "See, I told you. A little faith never hurts."

Just as the vets leaving, I see Mr. Mike heading into the barn, his face looking grim as he takes in the sight of us and my poor Rocket.

"This is horrible. God damit. This guy's a complete psychopath." He snarls as she steps to us and shakes hands with my father and mother, before turning to me handing me back my cell phone. "I'm sorry, honey.. We tried to trace the number but we found nothing. They call them burner phones for a reason, you can't trace it back to anyone. I'm sorry."

I slowly reach out with a shaky hand and grab my phone from him holding it close to my chest and nodding.

"What do we do now, Mike?" My father asked, wrapping his arm once again around me trying to make me feel a little safe in his arms.

"There isn't much we can really do, I'm sorry to say. This man whoever he is is smart. He doesn't leave any trails for us to follow. He's like a ghost." He softly tells my father with an annoyed look, crossing his face before turning to me." You said he left something on your pillow, right? In New York?"

"Yes" I tell him not really understanding what he means.

"We believe it may have been his semen. You think when you go back to New York you can have it sent in and we can check it out? See if we can find his DNA?" He asked.

Oh... he came on my pillow oh my fucking God that's disgusting.

"It was nasty and I didn't know what it was so I threw the pillow case in the trash" I whimpered.


That could have helped us find him and I tossed it out.


I should have known better, I just didn't want anything to do with him left behind and especially something like that.

My father and Mike speak for a few minutes but I don't pay them much attention, I drag my body across the ground and move next to Rocket leaning my body softly against his belly and slowly run my fingers through his mane as I watch him sleep.

I really need Ryder here...

Pulling my phone up towards my face I quickly find his name and send him a text knowing he won't see it till he lands but still just wanting to talk to him.

Me- He cut my horse's neck Ryder... Rocket

I don't bother to exit out our messages I just get lost in Rockets mane, his a beautiful horse, his light brown but his mane is jet black along with his tail. We had got a lot of offers from people wanting to breed him with their females but my father said a horse like this didn't deserve to be used as a sperm bank and I agreed. 

He deserves to live free.

My phone dings inside my hand slowly dragging my eyes from Rocket, I turn and scan over the message.

It's Ryder I thought he was on a plane.

Ryder- WHAT? Is he okay? Are you okay?

Me- Yeah.. The vet said he would live.. It was awful Ryder.. The blood..

Ryder- I know baby but as long as you and Rocket are both okay then it's okay. I'll be there in the morning.

Me- You're not supposed to be texting while on a plane, you know

Ryder- I don't give a shit. I'm on the way to Texas to be with the women that I love because she has a stalker after her. I'm not turning my service off.

Ryder- I missed you these last few days baby. I'm sorry about our fight.

Me- I missed you too and it's okay.. I know I was wrong about lying to everyone.

Ryder- you was wrong but that doesn't mean you deserved me being an asshole to you. I promise when I walked out I was going to come back. I just needed a moment to cool off. I came back the next morning but you weren't answering your door or your phone. I was so worried 

Me- I'm sorry.. what you said I just realized I was tired of everything all the lies and I was tired of being scared and I needed to tell my parents and that's not something I wanted to say over the phone.

Ryder- I understand baby. Just don't run off by yourself any more, at least not until this mother fucker is caught, yeah?

Me- Yeah. I won't. Ryder don't worry. I can't wait to see you..

Ryder- I can't wait to see you either baby and I can't wait to kiss you. I missed your kisses. It's been a lonely couple of days without you. I got so used to being around you that when you were gone I didn't even know what to do and Amanda's poor thing was taking all my anger.

Speaking of Amanda I need to text her back, I wasn't just ignoring her I just needed to speak to Ryder and there's been too many things that has happened since I got home.

Me- be nice to her now. I'll see you when you get here. Get off your phone and be safe. I love you.

Ryder- I love you More

Smiling, I slowly switch over to Amanda and my messages and I give her a run down about Rocket.

Amanda- Oh my God, I'm so sorry! Do you need me to come? I know Ryders on the way there but I could come too if you need me. I'll pack and head out..

She is so sweet god how did I get a best friend like her I swear, everytime I need her she is right there. No questions asked.

Me- I really do appreciate it but it's okay. Ryder's already going out of his way to come here and I don't want to ask you to do the same thing. I'll be okay. I know yall both have yalls own lives and being here for me is a bit hectic with..Unknown...and I would rather you not be involved anymore than you are. I don't want anything to happen to you..

Amanda- Your my best friend of course I'm here for you and that fucker doesn't scare me.. I mean he does, but not enough to have me running out of your life. I will always be here for you!

Me- Your friendship means so much to me Amanda you don't even know... I love you girly.

Amanda- I love you too! I'm here no matter what!

Putting my phone down, I turn my attention back to Rocket.

"You're a strong boy. Nothing can keep you down. You're going to beat this and hopefully one day you can kick unknown out of YOUR field for doing this to you. He deserves it. Just aim for the head, please" I whisper, laying my head gently on his belly.

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