Vatsal Parekh (Victory Watson)

Romance Thriller


Vatsal Parekh (Victory Watson)

Romance Thriller

The Stalked Assistant (Chapter-31)

The Stalked Assistant (Chapter-31)

7 mins

As soon as the elevator opens Ryders standing at Amanda's desk, hands in his pockets and leaning against the desk.

Looks like he was waiting for us.


Luckily, we brought something to bribe him with.

"You both decided to show up?" He says, keeping a straight face and for a minute my heart sinks, he doesn’t look happy.

"We got you coffee and a muffin." Amanda, says with a hopeful smile.

"What kind of muffin?" He asked, looking curious now, but his eyes are staying on mine and mine definitely are not leaving his.

It's getting harder to breathe.

"Chocolate" she says, like she is trying to bargain with him. "It's just 15 minutes, Ryder"

"Yes. 15 minutes that I have spent on the phone, doing your job" He grunts out before holding his hand out and I slowly walk a few steps before handing over the bag with his muffin and coffee. "Smells good." He mumbles.

Is that a victory for Amanda and I?

"So we're not in trouble?" She asked as she playfully pushes him away from her desk and takes her seat.

"No, but only because I got coffee and a muffin out of it" He shrugs his shoulders before digging the muffin out of the bag and walks towards his office, leaving me standing there looking like an idiot. 

I mentally snap myself out of it.

I look up at Amanda and see her smirking and wiggling her eyebrows and I send her a scolding look telling her with my eyes to stop it.

I don't go straight to Ryder's office, no I would be looking at what's the right word? Desperate. I don't wanna look too desperate. So instead I walk into my office, turning on the lights and sit down at my desk, checking over Ryder's calendar for the day.

Once I have his day written out on a sticky note, I head towards his office. I stopped my hand hanging in the air, too nervous to knock at the door just yet.

"Just knock and go inside silly" Amanda whispered out causing me to jump and jerk my head towards here. I hold one hand to my face, placing my finger over my mouth telling her to hush it.

I'm nervous enough.

I didn't think she was watching me.

"Don't be a chicken" she whispered once again and this time louder. 

I don't want Ryder to hear her for goodness sake!

Before she can say anything else even louder I raise my hand and knock on his door.

"Come in" I hear him say, pushing open the door I see him standing in front of his window looking down.

"I have your schedule for the day" I whispered and I don't even know why. This is my job, I have done this for him every day for the past week and a half. 

It's only been almost two weeks. That's it? 

And I already have feelings for my boss? 

This is whacked.

"Just put the sticky note on my desk, you know you want to" He chuckles out as he turns towards me.

Is it just me or did it just get hotter inside this office?

Good grief.

The thought of him talking about kissing comes back inside my head and I can't help but lick my lips as I place the note on his desk making sure to run my finger across, making it stick.

"Did you girls have a good time last night?" His husky voice comes through my naughty thoughts, making my body feel all tingly.

"Yes we did" I whispered starting to feel more nervous than I think I ever been in my life, my hearts pounding through my ears. 

He takes a step closer, and I watch him, looking into his face. "What did yall do?" He asked, in a low tone. 

I swear is he trying to make him sound even sexier? Cause God. It's working.

"Um w-we baked some pizza" I tell him, watching as he takes another step in my direction.

"Hmm. What else?" He asked with a grin on his face, and I feel my own face starting to heat up.

Oh my lord. Don't blush Izzy. Don't freaking blush.

"Watched videos and laughed" I tell him, watching him take another step, this time stopping right in front of me and I have to steel my legs not to grow weak.

"What else?" He all our grins now, as he slowly brings his hands to cup my face and now I really start to feel like my heart is going to break through my chest.

"Talked" I all but squeaked out, feeling his fingers rubbing against my cheeks slowly.

"About what?" He smiles bending his face close to mine before kissing the tip of my nose, and I actually think I very well may faint.

Did he just do that?

"Her life and my life." I whispered as I feel his lips, slowly kissing to the side on my right cheek.

Oh yes. It's definitely getting a little bit hotter in here.

"About me?" He asked, his voice sounding a little bit shakier than it was a moment ago as he placed his lips softly against my chin close to my mouth.

"Yes" I groaned out, reaching my arms up and placing them on his shoulders.

What is this man doing to me?

I don't want him to stop. I need him to kiss me. I need to feel his lips touching mine.

"What did yall talk about?" He whispered out softly, bringing his lips closer to mine, barley touching them.


His torturing me, with his mouth and with all these questions.

Just kiss me already, I scream into my head feeling my fingers digging into his shoulders as my body grows weaker.

"Just kiss me damit!" I said frustration, covering my voice.

"I want to, but I want to know what you said first?" He says and I feel his grin against my lips, ugh. 

"We talked about how I wanted you to kiss me alright and how I'm starting to have feelings for -" I don't get to say another word because his lips are crashing down on my hard, I don't even hesitate I open my mouth against his and he pushes his tongue slowly into my mouth and starts to swirl his tongue around mine.

A soft moan falls into his mouth which makes his wrap his arms around my waist pulling my body up against his, not leaving any space between us.

I take my lips off of his for a second to catch my breath and he begins kissing down my neck slowly and I turn my head to the side giving him more room.

"Do you want to know how long I have been wanting to do this" He whispers against my neck, his warm breath hitting against my skin making my body shiver.

"Ho-how long?" I asked in a shaky breath, moving my hands from his shoulder and around his neck, holding on to him tightly.

"Since you walked inside my office" He growls out before nipping at my neck, feeling his teeth gently biting down another moan slips past my lips.

Oh god, his mouth feels so good. His kisses are amazing and I just want more and freaking more.

"You said I was dressed for a club" I whimper out.

"I was just annoyed. I didn't expect the reaction I had to you, it was something about you. I started to get frustrated because the longer I looked the more I was feeling and I didn't like it" He whispers before pulling my dress lower on my shoulder, opening his mouth around my skin before sucking it softly into his mouth.

Fuck that feels amazing.

I never want him to stop this.


"So you li-liked my dress?" I asked, in a soft voice. 

"I wanted to tear it off of you and feel your body against mine" He growls and groans against my neck as he begins to suck harder.

He is going to leave me a dang hicky good thing, it's on my shoulder and not my neck he must have thought about this.

Sneaky man.

"Ryder-" I moan out, pressing my body harder against mine, he pulls his mouth away from my shoulder before he begins kissing up my neck again and suddenly, I feel his mouth slamming back down on mine and we start to kiss again.

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