Vatsal Parekh (Victory Watson)

Romance Thriller


Vatsal Parekh (Victory Watson)

Romance Thriller

The Stalked Assistant (Chapter-3)

The Stalked Assistant (Chapter-3)

7 mins

I finally find the elevator a few minutes later and it's riding me up and my feet are already feeling soar. I'm definitely not one of them women who can do everything in heels, definitely not. I'm lucky I haven't fallen flat on my face with how fast I was walking. One of my heels did turn to the side though and I thought I broke it. 

I swear I almost cried.

As soon as the elevator doors open. I suck in a hard breath while I get my first look into the office. It's too fancy for my tastes. The walls are a cream color, with paintings which I assume are from famous people line the walls. The floors are a bronze marble. Before stepping out through the elevator door, I see women and men walking around all dressed like they are fixing to walk the red carpet. I'm not even lying. They are dressed up, to the nine. The whole nine freaking yards and I start to feel a little out of my depth. 

The dress I chose for today, though I thought was a good pick. Only makes me look like I don't belong and I'm too nervous to actually step out the elevator.

The door started to close on me and I quickly jump out not wanting to be more later than I already am. I just needed a few seconds to I don't know try and talk myself to getting one foot out the door.

I slowly start to walk up towards the desk that is sitting in the middle of the room, with a pretty looking brunette sitting behind the counter. A phone clued to her ear.

My feet drag as I walk up to it and clear my throat, not wanting to be rude because she is on the phone but I knew I was already late enough. I will only take a second of her time. I just need directions on where to go.

The woman raises her eyebrows up at me and actually holds her pointer finger up. Well sheesh, it wasn't like I was going to start talking until she hung up. I'm not that rude, I do have manners.

A few minutes go by and I start to think the women's actually doing this on purpose. She slowly hangs up the phone and finally raises her head up towards me.

"Can I help you?" She asked, in a not so nice tone. I can hear the dismissive sarcasm dripping out. Her eyes go down to my dress before she actually snorts loudly.

I slowly count to 10 inside my head so I don't lose my mind on her, how dare she.

"Yes, I'm here for a job. It's my first day and I'm not sure where I need to go." I tell her in a soft tone, feeling way out of my element here.

"You're here for a job?" She asked and a soft laugh escaped through her red painted lips. They look like she has them done. A little too big for me though. It looks as if she kisses someone they going to pop.

"Yes. I'm Mr. Ryder's new assistant" I say, happily, a little bit of pride in my voice that I finally got a job in the business world of New York City.

"Honey, it's not really a personal assistant. You're here to basically fetch things like a dog." She laughs again this time at her own stupid joke. Making me bite my tongue hard, I just want to reach over and slap the hell out of her.

I didn't ask for all this, I only asked for simple freaking directions.

"Well, the job application said otherwise, now could you please show me or point me in the right direction. I will let you get back to doing whatever it is that you do" I tell her again trying to keep my voice calm. I don't need to get in a cat fight my first day on the job. I'd probably get fired.

She rolls her eyes and points to the elevator " Mr. Claiborne's office is on the top floor. You're already late. He doesn't appreciate that." 

Well you kept me here waiting for several minutes is what I want to tell her but think better of it before turning on my heels, hoping to God one doesn't break as I walk away. Keeping my head high and dismissing that woman.

Rude much?

I climb back into this damn elevator, quickly pressing the door close button several times thinking I'm doing something before pressing the button that says level 6.

Finally the door closes and I'm on my way back up. Thankfully I know better than to go on the first floor again. I don't plan on seeing those women anytime soon.

I could feel her judgmental eyes roaming my body as soon as she saw me. It did nothing but make me uncomfortable and know that I didn't belong in a place like this. Not with my looks or with my clothes.

The elevator dings letting me know the doors are fixing to open. I quickly pull my phone out to check the time and I see that's its 7:15am. Where did all the time go? I felt like I was in a mad rush all the way over here and I'm still 15 minutes late!

Between the traffic on the highway and that woman downstairs. I have a good guess at what caused the time to fly by but goodness.

What can I tell my boss? Traffic? His not going to take that as an excuse. Not when I should already know how the traffic around our area is. 

Do I tell him and sound like I'm complaining about the women downstairs? He would only think I'm causing drama my first day. That's not the kind of impression I was hoping to make this morning, not on my first day at least.

When the doors finally open the first thing I see is another desk but this time the lady behind it isn't on the phone and she looks up and smiles. A warm smile that makes the nerves rush out of my body.

She definitely looks friendlier than the women downstairs thank God. I would hate for her to be like that bitch because unlike the one downstairs. This one is the one I'll be seeing everyday and I would like to actually get along with her.

Putting a smile on my face I walk up to the desk already feeling a little better, than before.

"Hey. My name's Isabella. Today's my first day. I'm Mr. Ryder's new personal assistant" I tell her hoping I don't get the same response from her as I did from the one down below.

"Yes, my name's Amanda. I'm the one you spoke to on the phone. Congratulations on the job by the way. You're a little late, Mr. Claiborne doesn't like anyone to be late in fact he prefers everyone to be here a little eailer than the original starting time. It's your first day I'm sure he will be fine with it. Also a heads up, don't call him Ryder. He doesn't like that, always say Mr. Claiborne. His office is right through those double wooden doors. Good luck on your first day" she says as she points towards his office and nods her head as the phone rings, and she quickly picks it up answering the phone. "Good morning, this is Mr. Claiborne's office, how may I assist you today?"

I leave her to do her job and head to the office feeling my anxiety starting to claw its way back up my throat. I stand there a few moments taking slow deep breaths before raising my hand. Knocking on the door a few times to make sure that he hears me.

I don't want to sound like the police knocking but I also don't want to just stand here because he didn't hear me. I also don't want him to think I'm more later than I already was, every minute counts around here apparently.

Just as I'm about to knock again, I hear a deep sexy sounding voice, that makes my heart skip a beat say, "Come in".

Here we go. Izzy girl.

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