Sahana (New Inspirations)

Drama Romance Tragedy


Sahana (New Inspirations)

Drama Romance Tragedy

The Serendipitous Encounter

The Serendipitous Encounter

12 mins

In the sweltering heat and humidity of the railway platform, I

stood with a mix of anticipation and anxiety etched on my face.

A long awaited holiday,I was to travel to different parts of North Bengal, from Jalpaiguri to Siliguri,then to Alipore doars.

The scorching heat of the sun and the dusty ,humid city has become a part and parcel of my life for the past 35 years.

As a distinguised English professor in the university of Jadavpur,my life had always been simple,I donot even remember staying away on vacations from the university for long, however this vacation was a planned one,I have been planning since I decided the retirement from my lifelong career in academia.

At this age people intend to be surrounded by his family but I was alone,in the midst of the bustling platform, I felt a twinge of loneliness. I longed for companionship, for someone to share my journey in the twilight years of my life. The regrets and what-ifs circled in my thoughts, blending with the noise of the station.

I was born in North Bengal,spent my childhood amongst the beautiful nature , post my graduation,I joined the City College in North Bengal,but destiny brought me to this populated city of Calcutta.

As Prof. Kashyap,I had dedicated my youth to the pursuit of knowledge and the academic world. With a brilliant mind and a passion for teaching, I had climbed the ranks of academia, spent countless hours immersed in research, pouring over books, and molding young minds with the wisdom. My professional accomplishments were numerous,being a renowned professor in my field,I took great pride in my contributions to my field.

Yet, as the years went by, I couldn't help but feel a lingering regret. Amidst the accolades and intellectual pursuits, I had let love slip through my fingers. In my heart, I carried the memories of a lost love, Amina,whose presence had once illuminated my world.

We met when we were young,her beautiful nature and witful communications created our connection immediate and profound. Our love transeeded everthing,we decided to settle together, but the society, rigid customs seperated us.I tried to take a strict decision on breaking the rules of the society but failed and our path seperated.My career soared and finally I made the difficult choice to prioritize my work over our relationship ,I saw no hopes,Amina's family had moved somewhere else,leaving for me no idea to trace her.

I often wonder if I had made the right decision.

The weight of my choice bore down on me, as I contemplated what might have been if I had chosen differently.

I was lost in a flood of memories, reflecting on the choices I made throughout my life, the train finally arrived, I stepped aboard, carrying with me the weight of my decisions and the bittersweet memories of my past. The train whistled off the station, slowly and gradually the carriages pulled in,seated in a first AC coupe, I was on my to Jalpaiguri.

The rhythmic motion of the train offered a momentary respite from my thoughts, but the echoes of my choices lingered, reminding me of the path I had taken.

As the train journeyed on, the reflections continued, grappling with the complexity of a life filled with accomplishments and sacrifices. The platform faded into the distance, leaving behind a trail of memories and unanswered questions, as I embarked on a new chapter, unsure of what lay ahead.

As the night settled in and darkness enveloped the train, I settled into my seat in the cozy confines of the 1st AC coupe. With a novel in hand, I sought solace in the words on the pages, momentarily escaping the weight of my reflections.

The pantry boy knocked to take the order for dinner, the train started in the evening and would reach Jalpaiguri next morning, so I had enough time at hand to myself, I thought to complete the novel ,'The Professor' by Charlotte Bronte.

As I turned to the page 21 something dropped from the book.....A peacock feather!

Numerous memories flashed in my mind, the memories of stolen moments, stolen glances, and stolen laughter flooded my mind, reminding me of the love that I had let slip away.

The train screeched to a halt at the next station,I had not noticed,in this tranquil moment, I bent down to pick that up,when I heard the clinking of glass bangles,the compartment door opened, and a lady draped in a burkha stepped inside. Her presence was enigmatic, as the flowing fabric concealed her features, leaving only her eyes visible. The soft glow from the overhead light reflected in her eyes, hinting at a depth of emotion that lay hidden beneath the veil.

Her steps were graceful, and her movements deliberate as she settled into a seat across me. There was an air of mystery surrounding her, a silent aura that captivated the atmosphere of the compartment. The gentle sway of the train accentuated the mystery, as if the rhythmic motion whispered secrets only they could understand.

In the dimly lit coupe, the lady's presence seemed to add a touch of intrigue. Her burkha, a symbol of modesty and privacy, created a sense of distance, yet the curiosity it invoked was palpable. I couldn't help but wonder about the mysteries that lay behind the delicate veil.

Though her face remained hidden, her eyes spoke volumes. They held a quiet strength, a wisdom that transcended words.

The woman struggled to place her huge luggage underneath the seat,the temperature seemed to be reduced, I started to feel the chill.Slowly the compartment was almost freezing.By then I had shifted to my bed,lit the reading lamp ,leaning back on the pillow. I had re opened to page 21 in the book,when suddenly my eyes drifted towards the lady,both our eyes met and I experienced a spark ran through me,I have seen those eyes.....I detected a flicker of familiarity, a glimpse of the emotions I had carried in my own heart for years.

As the train hurtled through the night noislessly, in this shared silence, I continued to read the novel, occasionally stealing glances in the direction of the veiled woman. I couldn't help but wonder what thoughts occupied her mind.

As the night journey unfolded, I found myself captivated not only by the pages of the novel but also by the lady across,whose veil concealed a world of stories waiting to be told.

I couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity emanating from the lady in the burkha. Her avoidance of my glances only deepened my intrigue, and I became determined to break through the silence .

As dinner arrived, the aroma filled the air, creating a momentary distraction from the silence.

The temperature of the steaming soup next to me on the pantry tray was now getting reduced ,

I began to savor the meal, appreciating the flavors and textures that danced on my palate. The lady had not ordered anything,I noticed,she had brought her own dinner, a collection of delicacies neatly arranged in containers.

Seizing the opportunity to bridge the gap between us, I gestured towards the lady's meal and spoke softly, "Your food looks delicious. It reminds me of the homemade meals I used to enjoy."

The lady, initially was taken aback at the attempt to converse and offered a shy smile with a nodded,which I could feel even though her face was covered.Encouraged by her response, I continued, "I must say, there's something special about homemade food. It has a way of transporting us back to fond memories and comforting moments!"

The woman's eyes flickered with a mix of surprise and delight at my genuine interest. Slowly, she began to open up, responding in a soft voice, "It's a traditional dish,Biryani.The blend of aromatic spices and the tender meat creates a symphony of flavors that I find comforting."

My eyes lighting up with enthusiasm,I nodded. "Ah, Biryani! It's a culinary masterpiece.Food has a way of connecting us to our roots and evoking memories, doesn't it?I remember enjoying it on special occasions and how it brought her closer to my heart.....",I was getting emotional when I remembered the first time I tasted Briyani cooked by Amina.

My eyes glittering with water in a mixture of joy,happiness and a sudden remorse.

The silence persisted again,but I could feel that she had her constant gaze upon me and suddenly offered me the bowl of Briyani,saying"I can understand the nostalgia with food,I have prepared this, you can savor some,I have enough for myself."She smiled,I could feel that.

We found ourselves sharing a space that transcended conversation that blossomed from the moment. It was as if our unspoken stories intertwined, forming an invisible bond of understanding and empathy united by the solitude and the enigmatic nature of our presence. In this chance encounter, we found solace, companionship, and the possibility of finding connection in the unlikeliest of places.

She gradually shed her initial shyness, sharing stories of her family, her upbringing, and the experiences that had shaped her. I listened to her with keen interest, her chirping sweet voice enchanted me.

I too felt comfortable revealing the snippets of my life and the choices that had led me to this point

In the exchange of stories, a bond formed between us, creating a space where vulnerabilities were embraced and understood. We found solace in our words, as if our paths were meant to intertwine on this very train journey.

As the night carried on, our conversation continued, the hours passing in a blur of shared laughter, poignant memories, and heartfelt revelations. We discovered commonalities and differences, realizing that our individual journeys had brought us to this serendipitous encounter.

We had shattered the silence that had separated us, allowing our stories to intertwine, creating a memory we would both carry with us long after the train reached its destination.

With a gentle smile, I continued my story, opening up about the love I had once lost.I spoke of the passionate connection I had shared with a woman in my youth, the deep affection that had blossomed between us.I described the moments of tenderness, the stolen glances filled with longing, and the shared dreams that had once seemed so promising,I sensed a growing interest in the lady's eyes as I spoke about my love life. I noticed her initial shyness give way to curiosity and a genuine desire to understand my experiences.

The lady listened intently, her eyes filled with a mix of empathy and intrigue. She found herself drawn into my narrative, the emotions I conveyed resonating with her own youthful yearnings. Despite the cultural norms that dictated her silence on matters of love in the presence of elders, her curiosity grew too strong to ignore.

As I reached the climax of my story, recounting the difficult choice I had made between love and my career, the lady's gaze held a mixture of understanding and compassion. She felt a kinship with me, recognizing the sacrifices that love often demanded and the weight of regrets that could linger in one's heart.

Our conversation continued late into the night, each sharing our perspectives, lessons learned, and the wisdom gained from our respective journeys. We spoke of the importance of pursuing one's passions, cherishing the connections that matters most, and finding solace in the choices made along the way.

My curiosity was piqued. The woman's reaction to my story had been deeply personal, and I couldn't help but wonder about the connection she felt. Sensing my intrigue, the woman took a deep breath and began to share a story that mirrored her own.

With a mix of anticipation and trepidation, she spoke of another woman,she had known for years and had been through a similar phase. She described the lady's youthful years, the blossoming romance that had filled her heart with joy, and the challenges she had faced.

The professor listened intently, his heart beating faster with every detail shared.

Emboldened by my vulnerability and our newfound connection, the lady mustered the courage to speak. Her voice, though soft, carried a strength borne from her own experiences and the empathy she had developed throughout their conversation.A profound sense of familiarity and connection overwhelmed him.The woman who was talked about seemed to embody the essence of my own lost love, our stories intertwining like two strands of fate converging on this train journey.

As the train screeched to a halt at a station, and it was time for us to bid farewell,with a smile on her face, she stood up arranging her luggage.

We exchanged our contact numbers so that e can continue this unsaid relationship forever.

As we decorated the train,navigating through the bustling crowd,my eyes scanned through with her,she was looking for someone eagerly,when she spotted......."Ammi!"she was overjoyed, her voice reaching to the sharpest tone I excitement,I looked towards the lady ......

Time seemed to stand still as our eyes met, recognizing each other despite the years that had passed. The bustling crowd had suddenly created a symphony.

It was a moment of pure serendipity.

Clad in a salwar kameez, a dupatta elegantly draped over her head, stood my long-lost love,Amina,as if destiny had conspired to reunite us in this very place.

The lady revealed her face as she lifted her burkha,I could see the similar features,the same eyes,the same facial expression, the same lips......I was amazed.

Amina had recognized me,but she shifted her gaze.I could feel the unsaid words across hr face,"Why are you back?"

When a male voice followed the reunion of the mother daughter calling out,"Taslima!"

Taslima! Now I knew her name, she looked across her ammi and with excited voice chirped,"Abbu, I missed you so much!"

Amidst the reunion,I was left as a stranger , a flurry of emotion,mixture of joy, regret, and the possibility of what could have been if Amina would have married me,quizzed around my head, I decided to leave.

It was almost 25 years now and Amina had well settled.Tears welled up my eyes and I decided to move out unrevealed them to the woman I loved so much once.

Taslima called me out,"Professor!"I stood in amazement and gasped,the same bodice and the nick name that Aina used for me!

She ran towards me pulling me to introduce me to her parents.Amina was all a stranger for me, with a short connect, they bid farewell, I looked towards them amidst the crowd.....Amina gave a glance.....a glance that said,"Why did you come so late?"

I walked slowly out of the station, the snowy peaks of Kanchenjunga, illuminated by the golden rays of the sun, seemed to symbolize the hope and renewal that this reunion brought,I was relieved that Amina was well and she was happy!But the only grief that remained with me,I could not get the chance for a reconciliation and forgiveness.

In the embrace of the misty mountains with a heavy heart,I walked toward my destination,embarking a journey to a new chapter.......leaving my love back again......

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