The Romantic Adventure
The Romantic Adventure

Adventurously romantic
They got married after a long long waiting as they were doing their Post Graduation and were saving money to get married. She had the dreams of going to many adventurous places in her honeymoon as since childhood, due to the financial crisis, she could never go. The same situation now. They went to a 15 days honeymoon to some regional hill station while what she dreamt was of those bollywood sets of her favourite movies. So she was sad. But then he came and they had a conversation. Let's see what happens:-
He:- Why are you, upset dear? Aren't you happy with the place?
She:- No ( faking a smile), it's good but it's not as adventurous and romantic
as I always wanted
He:- Dear, don't worry. I am there na.
She:- Achha, what are you going to do??
He:- I am gonna on a trip exploring you, your scars, your moles, your smell, your breaths, and how fast your heart beats when I tease you and try to come close to you and I also want to start exploring your soul and your spirit and wanna make love to them too cos, for me, the most adventurously romantic thing is to be with you and have the pleasure of your company and loving you the best I can!
She:- Accha, then I would be the first to do all these to you cos you know, I have always won against you since our college days
He:- What all can I lose when I have got you!