Rashita Arora



Rashita Arora


The Mysterious Forest

The Mysterious Forest

3 mins

Once in India, there was a very big forest also called the black forest (kala jungle in Hindi). It was known for its paranormal activities. The people who lived near that forest believed that once in ancient India, a saint accursed that forest. Earlier people used to go inside the forest, but they never came back.

After some years, the government decided to do research on this mysterious forest. Finally, a team of researchers came to India and did many researches on this forest, but none was able to find the truth behind its paranormal activities. After many unsuccessful attempts, this project was closed. Many theories came out during the research. Some people said that this forest was having spiritual powers that ate humans when they go inside the forest, while some said that this forest was like a puzzle that made the people forget about their path and many other theories alike.

After five years, accidentally, a child went inside the forest and never came back. This forced the government to restart the project. So, this time the researchers were ready with their advanced technology. On 17th August, midnight, the team saw a rock-like thing in the sky going towards the forest. It was full of lights and it landed on the surface of the earth as if it was a UFO. The researchers found this the

best time to send their robotic cameras to see what was happening inside the forest. The leader of the team was informed. He commanded to send all the information to the information center. After 3 minutes of sending message finally, the camera was sent inside the forest with the help of remote control with.

So far when the camera was inside the forest (10 to 15 meters away from the researchers), it lost its signals and control. The half recording, the camera could do, was only showing a little flash out of something that was about 7 to 9 feet away from the robotic camera. After this research, (when the researchers went back to their restrooms) the people living near to the forest said that they heard creepy noises. Researchers said that there might be an alien ship in that forest as the aliens wanted to see their past (we humans). Many people believe that no alien is there, but some angry souls of humans want to destroy this world. Many theories say that the rock-like thing was just a broken star coming towards the forest co-incidentally. In addition, animals made all the creepy noises. Moreover, the strong controls were lost because of the dense trees that were not allowing the signals to come since there were no signal poles in or near the forest. The dark forest has become an unsolved mystery forever.

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