parashar bezbaruah

Horror Fantasy Thriller


parashar bezbaruah

Horror Fantasy Thriller

The Interview

The Interview

3 mins


Are you ready Sir?” The interviewer asked.

” I am ready. Let’s roll” I said over the telephone.

“So, how do you feel about the success of your new book?”

” I feel really great. I didn’t expect it to be so successful. It was my dream to publish a bizarre murder mystery novel but never in my dreams I thought that it would make me a sort of celebrity.”

” How did you come up with such a plot? Was their any inspiration behind it?”

” Well, I guess my imagination provided me with my story and I wrote it down.”

” When did you start writing the story? And how much time did it take to complete the book?”

” I started writing it on the eve of 13th January 2006 and it took exactly 1 year to complete it.”

” The characters- victim Bob and the murderer Ricky, they felt pretty real. Wow! Amazing characters, and the description of the murder was really mind-blowing. I am sure every reader felt that. Your name is also Ricky. So is it your story?? I am just kidding sir. “

” Ha Ha. It’s okay. Even my friends asked me if it was my story. Well! Thanks once again to my imagination.”

When do you plan to start writing your next book? I am sure everyone will be eagerly waiting for it.”

“Thanks for the compliment. I have already started writing the next book. Shall I give you the name? Kindly don’t put that in your interview article. It’s called ‘The last night.’ “

” Wow. That’s really great. But I feel the title of the book should be changed.”

“Why and what should be the title according to you?”

” It should be my last night.”


“Because today is your last night.”

“What do you mean? What rubbish is this? Who are you?”

” Don’t you remember me? Don’t you remember the night of 12th Jan 2006?”

” Who are you? I will put harassment charges on you”

“Don’t you remember the way you and my wife Juri strangled me to death when I caught you two making out in my house? I am Bob, you fool. “

“That can’t be!! You are dead. We both killed you.”

” Yes and you have also mentioned in your book that the dead shall rise to take revenge. Well! Here I am to take revenge.”

” This must be a joke. It can’t be.”

” It is real. Did you get the news of my wife’s; your lover’s death?

” Stop it. That’s enough. “

And I hung up the phone.

I was sweating. I was scared. I remembered the night me and Juri got startled to see Bob when we were making out. He got furious at the sight of us. He came to confront me when Juri whacked him with a vase on his head. At that moment I strangled him to death. Then we both carried his body to nearby river, put it in a bag, tied it with stones and dumped it. It gave me shudders.

Suddenly my phone rang. Juri was calling. My hands were trembling with fear as I stretched my hand to receive it.

” Hello Juri.”

” Help me Ricky. Bob will kill me. Help HELP !!!”

And the phone got disconnected. I got really scared. I immediately rushed to the door to lock it. But as my hands reached out for the knob, the door burst open. And I saw him. It was a living wet corpse of Bob. The dead Bob has risen from the river to take revenge. He was standing there fuming with Juri’s head on one hand. I was petrified at the sight of him. I knew it !!

 It was really ‘My last night’.

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