Shikha Nair



Shikha Nair


The Chase!

The Chase!

3 mins

It was just another day during the pandemic. There were no vehicles on the road, no pedestrians on the footpaths and no commuters going about their daily jobs. And to add to all that, a gloomy climate. It almost made me cry. Seeing the world in such pain and suffering, well, it was too much. 'COVID has to go away,' I thought, searching for a ray of hope which would free us from the pandemic.

It was then when I was brooding over this thought when my dad came in and asked me, 'Shall we go for a spin? What do you say?' First, I thought it was a joke. I made a sarcastic face and asked him whether it was a joke. He made a face and told me he was serious. I thought about it. I hadn't gotten out of the house for three whole months. I yearned to go out and breathe in the fresh open air. I was feeling a bit suffocated, after all. Then I said to myself, 'I might not get the opportunity again. It's best if I take my chance today itself.' Thinking so, I started getting ready. Getting ready to go outside nowadays seems like a big process. You need to have a bottle of sanitizer and a mask with you the whole time you have stepped outdoors.

We got in the car and drove around our neighborhood. All the adjacent buildings which I once used to see every day, now looked very new to me. I guess I was staring out the window for a pretty long time because my parents started looking at me funnily. Suddenly, we heard someone shouting very loudly. We drove around the corner to see what all the commotion was about. It was a chase!

We saw a few policemen holding captive two young men. They weren't wearing masks, which was quite a strange thing to do in the present scenario. They were wearing torn jeans. I didn't know whether that meant the new fashion trend of torn clothes or simply because he didn't have enough money to buy a new one.

The cops were questioning the men, and as we were quite far from them couldn't hear exactly what they said. All of a sudden, the younger fellow wrenched out his hand from the policeman's strong grip and fled the scene. Instantaneously, the other did the same and left. A policeman ran after the younger man and the police van went after the other.

While watching these happenings, a security guard had been eyeing us cautiously, for we had parked in front of his society gate. He was about to tell us to go when there was a loud thumping sound. It was the policeman beating the man. He was caught.

I do not know where the other went, though. We left the scene immediately and went back home with an interesting story to tell my grandparents.

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