The Amazons 2 Chapter 4
The Amazons 2 Chapter 4

To be seen before a Queen maybe to some might seem obscene But for a gentleman of integrity and grace they would not be swayed by such a display The "pomp and circumstance" of this scene needed to go away not needed for their attention it was just another way to smother reality in heaps of gold to embold the ego of those who rule mankind blind only serving their own kind Attempting to find a way to propel their name into history to stay and keep their line in place to continue the reign
As Jack enters the palace the Colonel acted quite callous towards the situation
Creep: "This isn't the norm, the Queen insisting we be seen immediately without warn I'd wager this means she is enraged at the way things went in the Callo incident, and for heaven's sake your choice of dress leaves me to repent my referral to Sir Henry Poole."
Jack: "A quality man does not care about his wear but to be square in his affairs Besides, I had just arrived home when her majesties own insisted that I immediately show."
Jack spies the Colonel's attire and wonders if formal dress is required The Queen's ire was probably set afire at least from the Dreadnoughts premature retire that he did have a direct conspire So he reaches neath his sash and pulls out his emerald stash and wears it around his neck
They are ushered away from the palaces mainstay and brought to a stop in an outcrop filled with old books It is an ancient scene between oak shelves volumes fill every nook everywhere they look Then all of a sudden a bookcase moves back revealing a hidden crack that Queen Victoria is seen careening through Col. Creep bows and shouts out loud
Col Creep: "YOUR Majesty!"
He quickly takes a knee to show fidelity towards her scene
Jack follows suit as to not be rude but it is a stretch for he feels no pledge of loyalty to her royalty despite technically being under her shoe he kneels too
Queen Victoria: "Gentleman, this is informal which is abnormal but I needed to talk more ad hoc considering the royal flock has ears and we dare not speak of this Amazon teach since it's reminisce from Queen Caroline's time and has ties she never did bind."
"Firstly, let me say that no one must know the riches that are stowed or of the giants that the Amazon holds." "I warn both of you are sworn to secrecy under law." "Draw not a single word begird your tongue or it may mean your undone."
Jack: "May I inquire why you want to elude the multitude?"
The Colonel gives Jack a firm grip disguised as a slip to expiry Jacks illicit inquiries
Queen Victoria: "It's ok Colonel." "Lest I repeat this meet is impromptu so to reply to your imply the brabble only dabbles in the Amazon myth." "To confirm their exist would consist of civil upheaval and an attack on what the religious factions teach and preach as humans are supposed to be molded from God's own."
"I even took advise from the Pope to widen my scope and he agrees to decree the Amazon's seed would lead to anarchy." "Humanities vanity cannot believe that they aren't the only ones conceived from God's weave."
Jack quickly stands erect in protest from the Queen's mistaken perceive Then she sees it round his neck resting on his common garb and is immediately alarmed
Queen Victoria: "Oh my!" "Is that the infamous eye?" "Queen Caroline's private memoirs talked of its exist but I didn't get her gist till now I never thought I'd see it for real it has beautiful appeal." "May I steal a look?"
Jack, not knowing of the eyes imminent fire granted the Queen her desire and as her hand came close it was engulfed in an insane green flame To the Colonel's acclaim he didn't restrain and immediately pulled his Queen's hand away just in time to prevent it's meet with its intense heat
Jack was taken aback and fell onto his back unaware of the power that lay upon his chest afraid to further test he removed it with zest and placed it to abide at his side
Col Creep: "My Queen!" "Are you ok?"
Queen Victoria: "Oh my!" "I forgot about the warn of those who can adorn the eye." "But, I'm fine." "Caroline's diary warned of the fiery cast from its mass."
Jack: "I'm sorry I had no notion of how potent it was." "It was given to me by unseen delivery."
Queen Victoria: "Mr. Jenasee, I suggest you hold that close to your chest there are a lot that would wrest it away because of the power that lays within its stay."
Jack tapped it with dred slowly to tred and not reignite its might He then quickly tucked it into his vest and pressed it to his chest to prevent further advent of the flame
Jack: "You mentioned those who can adorn this eye?"
Queen Victoria: "It's your line of descent." "It's no accident you were meant to possess the eye."
Col Creep: "The Naval intell that we were able to expel was that it was the type of blood that floods your veins it reigns its flame and gains you ability to clutch so much power without the devour of its fire."
The Queen turned and secured an old book from the shelves that delved more insight into Jack's birthright
Queen Victoria: "This was Queen Caroline's personal journal." "Look here in 1808 when she first related its exist with your father trying to get her to kiss a quest at his behest."
~ 5 December 1808
After Jack's Jenasee's near-death in the Amazon breast a few years past. He, at last, came out of hiding at a Christmas tithing and displayed to me the most beautiful jewel my eyes have ever seen a dark green emerald he dubbed the dragon's eye. Jack insisted to reenlist my help to obtain the missing pieces to get the crown out of bankruptcy. He told me he was the only one that could touch such a much-treasured piece or its fire would cease any that dare meet this stone with the will to own
I dare say it was lunacy to repeat such a quest the last one I blessed in 1806 came back with naught It was so fraught with peril over half the men came to their end and Jack didn't come back Although, I hear in hushed tones he intermingled with the Amazon throne
Queen Victoria: "I hear Your father had quite a torrid affair in their lair."
Jack rolled his eyes and acted surprised
Queen Victoria: "But even for Queen Caroline she maxed out the crown's bank line entwined it into debt and they left with zero net." "So did it repeat?" "Are my warships, all their equip, and soldiership in the drink?"
A smirk has been replaced on the Colonel's usual stern face as he awaits Jacks reply
Jack: "Your Majesty, is it safe to assume your vault room received the Amazon offer to lift your coffers?"
The Queen jerks her hand to get her financial clerk in and stand Once he shows she is told that gold valued over £900,000 pounds just showed from someone named Lyn from the Amazon faction and is sitting in the royal bin
The Queen turns back towards Jack and states "Well!"... "It seems there is no repeat." "The crown can keep its seat and close down its debt to Par
ament." "We are obliged to repay your generous tithe." The Queen looks down at Creep's side and eyes his sword She pulls it from his scabbard and firmly states "Mr. Jenasee please kneel!" Jack wonders what's the deal but kneels anyway despite his desire to run away She taps his shoulders with the blade and relays "I dub thee Sir, Jack Jenasee!" "Protector of the Counsel of Eight!"
Jack had to take a double-take What did she just state? Counsel of Eight? Was this the COE acronym that had escaped him?
Colonel Creep sheathed his sword you could tell he was floored His entire life in strife hoping to be worthy to be dubbed a knight Then Jack strolls in because of his kin Wins the Queen's favor using money as a waiver and poof he is dubbed a knight the highest rite a man can achieve despite a line that is not divine in British confines
Jack: "Thank you, my Queen." "I am honored by your deed." "But, can I impede my need to know more about this counsel to which I was sworn."
Queen Victoria: "The Council of Eight was made to keep the secrets of Amazon society with piety to a select few who keep it discrete and away from the classes of the common masses." "Queen Caroline hand-picked the members late in December 1808 with the strict convict to restrict the further news of the Amazon interlude
"It consists of the current Pope and us three in this room, to whom can only talk about it out of need and then only proceed in hushed tones in nondescript zones like this room." "The royal court has ears that hear anything that is said no matter how lightly one treads." "Which is why I have to go awry and meet outside of my seat."
Jack: "But, there are more." "Another four that are assigned to this counsel's bind." "Who are the missing members to which I am aligned?"
Colonel Creep: "One of the extra members if you care to remember was the Neptune's captain." "My son, Christopher Creep!" "Your Amazons already did meet him and greet with a blade." "As they bade him no harm if he disarmed his map to the eye's stay." "But they lied, a cabin boy that was hidden away stricken with fear when they came near saw the one with her face undone stab my son." "He was my only one my line is now done."
A tear could be seen streaming down his grizzled face Now replaced by grief the Colonel falls to his knees and is impede by his need to console his son's loss at so great a cost
Colonel Creep: "Your Majesty I wish to concede my place on the Council of Eight." "My son's undone has given me just cause to pause my service to the crown." "I must take time to lay my son down."
Queen Victoria: "Colonel, your family has served the crown since 1703 I will concede your need to tend to your family." "I am sorry for your son." "His undone deserves recognition." "I'm sure Rear Admiral Halsey would agree with me when I say that he will be the first to be adorned with a new award Parliament afforded me called the Victoria Cross." "Posthumously of course."
Colonel Creep: "Thank you, my Queen." "I am honestly touched by your generosity."
Jack: "Colonel, I am sorry for your loss at such great a cost." "But did you say the one with her face undone has a map to the eye?"
Colonel Creep: "I was told by the lad her comrades called her Cyn is she kin of your Lyn?"
Jack: "Not in the least she was released from jail temporarily to avail your grip but she slipped away." "If she absconded with a map and traps the eye my sister Lyn is in trouble so my efforts here must double." "I have no time to waste I must make haste back to the Amazon without delay."
Queen Victoria: "Since Amazon trade has graciously made such wealth I feel obliged to help." "We have something brand new built-in secret almost due for christening." "It is a ship dubbed the Sparrow that requires no sail nor wind gale to make it go." "It uses something called a motor to drive through the waves and its speed will cut days off your journey." "Since it's still brand new and not in que for the fleet we can make it disappear off the books for you to keep open trade with Amazon aide."
Jack: "That is very kind my Queen." "Travel between the two continents gets monotonous and that would greatly aid if it cuts days off the trip."
Queen Victoria: "If that is all we can call this meeting to an end." "Colonel, I would like to speak to you in private to advise you about the men and loose ends we left in Callo."
Colonel Creep: "Yes, my Queen."
A servant of the crown showed Jack back out to an awaiting carriage This Counsel of Eight marriage weighed heavily on his psyche wondering who else was endowed with the knowledge As he entered his ride he looked off to his side and spied a dark figure parked on the roof quite aloof But as their gaze met he lept off into the night quite out of sight as if a phantom to fright Jack proceeded to stare as if contemplating to dare give chase to one that was obviously casing him but decided not and felt he ought to get home Weary from travel and his new royal dabble
Once again they make way down the hidden path and at last stop at the only home Jenasee bones have known since 1608 when his late great, great, great, great grandfather laid the first brick ever to sit at the base engraved with his name James Jenasee It would forever sit as a legacy for his future family
As Jack giggled his key straining to see the hole in the darkness to where it did go Suddenly he heard a collide coming from inside A rustling sound as if someone was bounding around He immediately backed away silently and stayed in the dark to switch this play to catch this thief and scare him away
Jack climbed up the side of the house and guided himself to the roof still being very cautious to remain aloof and keep the art of surprise on his side
It was nothing he hadn't done hundreds of times before in his youth sneaking in when he didn't bother to comply with his fathers punishments to commit him to his room
He slid in through an upstairs window and prowled out into the hall There he saw a rather tall man close to seven-foot span wearing a soot-black cloak He was walking down the stairs so Jack dared to square off while surprise was still on his side He lunged at him from behind to bind his arms to his sides But Jack's added weight broke his gait sending the two tumbling down the entire flight
They rolled and flopped and came to a stop at the bottom Jack's attempt to catch a thief however brief was soon negated as he was fated to be pinned by a man whose skin must have weighed in over 300 pounds
Jack struggled to get free but it was his accessory wasn't pleased The dragon's eye couldn't abide the unclean genes that lied heaped over its keep It immediately began to glow a rich emerald tone which shown bathed over all the entire first-floor front to back door It's flame started to accrue ready to show who's boss with its fiery toss
Seconds before the dragon's fire soared the stranger rolled to the side leaving Jack not believing his own eyes He was aghast and stepped back as he saw the late Colonel Die's face placed on the head of a male human