



The Abandoned Baby

The Abandoned Baby

2 mins

Over whelming of an house out baby is a luck but not a sin for him. Being hatred of worst behaviour is better than innocent rejection by parents. A boy named John, who loved his Principal's daughter named Riya was not dare enough to express to her, but she understood the behaviour and challenged John if you really love me you should talk this to my father. Hearing of this shock he decided to meet Principal but feared of him. Watching this funny situation, Principal was awaiting for his proposal. Finally he revealed the fact of his love. Principal accepted the love of Riya and John. After 4 y

ears they got married. Time passed away and Riya gave birth to a girl but John used to hate his girl-child, because he wished his son to perform his sins after his death. After listening this, Riya was not agreed to his thought. Later he decided to throw his baby in a dustbin.

One morning when Riya woke up, she saw that her baby was missing. She asked John about it then he replied, "I don't know." Later Riya tried to search her but she was failed. The baby in bin died of 10 days and became food for ants, microbes.

Moral - Love is only what you are enough not what do you deserve.

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