
'Every relationship goes through a tough phase its the maturity level that helps to keep strong. Staying together in rough times is always a difficult task. And happiness is something that rejuvenates and acts as an anchor'.
She went through these lines in her old diary which she had written in her college days. She tried to recall when was the last time she was happy. Perhaps a week ago when she had fever, her husband had surprised with a simple yet tasty breakfast. Last fortnight when she had burnt her finger while pouring tea in a cup, how he had rushed to bring ice-cube and then laughed at her silly face. How one night after dinner took her out for ice-cream and returned after hearing dogs barking in the adjacent street.
Why was today she angry as it maybe she was hurt, when he called her stupid and left without finishing breakfast. It was unfair, she had just forgotten to add sugar in tea in haste. Mornings are chaos, hundred odd things to do when you are just out of bed and feeling lethargic. She was sad didn't want to have breakfast, still sat to have a cup of tea without any sugar. She didn't like it either but was it a reason for being cross.
The phone rang, it was him. He urged her to eat properly. He didn't say sorry but made effort to understand what she went through.
She felt so much better, so much-loved, so much-needed, so much peace. Maybe she was overthinking and unreasonably drowning into the ocean of dark thoughts.