The nurse brought in her baby girl wrapped in pink. She couldn't contain her tears looking at the magical baby. A miracle indeed! At fifty, a first-time mother, through several cycles of going to the fertility clinic. The doctors had put down the cards on the table "you know the risks involved in getting pregnant at your age. I can't guarantee there will be no birth defects", she shared with Malti. "Why don't you opt for surrogacy instead? That will be safer."
Malti wouldn't hear of it. "I want to experience the whole gamut of motherhood" she stubbornly stood her ground. And magic happened.
Looking into the eyes of her newborn, a wave of emotions coursed through her mind. She would give her best to her daughter. The nurse took the baby from her promising to bring her back after the Pediatrician had checked out all the babies born that day.
By the afternoon Malti was worried about why they had not brought her baby for breastfeeding. Concerned she called the nurse. "Why haven't you brought my baby? I can't wait for her to suckle at my breast". The nurse tried her best to avoid replying. "You need to rest after the C section. Get some sleep" she advised, tucking in the bed sheet. Content, she slipped into a deep sleep dreaming of her daughter growing up, running to her with news of her getting admission into AIMS medical college.
Waking up she found her husband sitting by her bedside looking deeply concerned. Caught unawares he tried his best to regain his composure. But failed. The tears pushed out rolling dow
n his face. Malti assumed it was tears of happiness. "Do you have a name for our baby girl? I have already selected a few, but your decision will prevail."
Ramesh felt nauseous. How was he going to break the news to her? It better be now, he thought to himself. "Malti brace yourself for some bad news. Our daughter is in the NICU, fighting for life. She has been diagnosed with a hole in the heart and with jaundice". While the doctors are in full attendance, be prepared for the worst". Malti cried out "how unfair is this! Unfair...unfair...unfair' she kept on repeating between bouts of crying.
The doctors and nurses rushed in to comfort the new mother. Her breast was feeling heavy with milk, spilling out wetting her clothes. Milk that was meant for her baby".
Five days later the little one passed into the hands of God and the mother left the hospital with empty hands and swollen breasts.
Reaching home she sat before her temple grieving. Then she remembered her maid had given birth to a child just a month ago. The child was on formula because the maid had no breast milk. Her heart seemed to dictate... breastfeed the maid's child. That will be the best service of a mother to another mother.
Malti called her maid and asked if she would agree to the proposal. "Madam, I don't know how to thank you. Please feed my baby. He is not taking it well with bottled milk. You are my Goddess" so saying, fell at Malti's feet.
For Malti, it was a way of thanking God for the short lived motherhood granted.