Sahithi G

Abstract Inspirational Others


Sahithi G

Abstract Inspirational Others

Root Of Suffering!

Root Of Suffering!

2 mins

Mother and Baby attachment is a Special Bond; a relationship that, when felt to its deepest degree, causes the mother to feel that the baby is a part of her.

Usually, children fear being alone or without an attachment figure. This is one of the psychological symptoms of Separation Anxiety Disorder. This is a condition in which a child becomes extremely anxious when separated from parents or even at imagined separation from parents. 

Separation disorder frequently occurs in children and can induce long-lasting, continuous anxiety for periods up to six weeks. Individuals afflicted by separation anxiety disorder experience overwhelming distress and anxiety when separated from their attachment figure. Other than the fear, the other symptoms are- Constant worry over losing the attachment figure or having harm done to them, High levels of distress or anxiety when separated. It can also be physical like Nausea, Stomachaches.

Separation anxiety disorder affects people of all ages but is most commonly seen in children and teens under 18. A common sign to look for in children is a strong reluctance to go to school. When separation anxiety becomes overwhelming and begins to interfere with daily activities, such as going to school or work, it could be possible that these natural worries have evolved into a clinical case of separation anxiety disorder. 

Sad is treatable and typically starts at a young age, talk with your child's pediatrician if any separation anxiety disorder symptoms exist.

Psychotherapy - cognitive behavioral therapy in particular - is commonly used to treat Sad. 

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