G Satya Sahithi

Drama Tragedy Fantasy


G Satya Sahithi

Drama Tragedy Fantasy

Effects Of Escape...

Effects Of Escape...

2 mins

A young boy who was once an extremely bubbly child is now a depressed alcoholic adult. It is hard to believe, isn't it?

This is a story of a male whose circumstances and the situations in life made him consume alcohol to the extent of being left alone...

Steven started facing "problems" when he was 4 years old. Losing his mother, witnessing his father's second marriage, and gaining a stepmother...Experiencing all this at such an age isn't something pleasant.

Things started getting even worse when Steven started to go to school. He was bullied by his peers for not having a biological mother like the rest. Being a shy kid also made him an easy target.

This set in motion a series of problems with self-confidence and identity that followed him into adulthood. The only way to escape the problems seemed to be through drinking, which blocked out how he was feeling.

The escape method he chose for himself had its own consequences. He started facing problems at work, couldn't get a peaceful sleep, and started having arguments with his spouse to the point where they had to separate.

Seeing the situation going out of hand and being on the edge, he decided to get help. Seeing a doctor and going through a series of treatments was like being in a trance. It felt as if in no time, Steven was able to live the life he always wanted.

Steven’s story is by no means unique. Steven is proof that, with the right help, alcohol doesn’t need to be a problem anymore.

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