Remarriage of Vivek with Siban
Remarriage of Vivek with Siban

Adarsh Samantray at last chooses his son in law. He gave her daughter’s hands Shakti to Vivek, Vivek is working as a bank employee in a rural bank, ‘Sakhigopal’, but his family are staying in Puri, his parents are very rich people, they have lot of property, acres of fertile lands, thousands of coconut trees in ‘Biranarasinghpur’ , the most developed village of ‘Puri’ district, Vivek father is just like the land lord of that village a respected ‘sarapanch’ or landlord has been elected several times ,representing that village as Counselor head, Adarsha samantray is the richest land lord of the village ‘Harekrushna pur’, Brahmin administration, the village was given by the Gajapati ,king of puri, for the service of lord Jagannath, the ancestors of Adarsh families were appointed as priests in the Jagannath temple too. So ‘Adarsh’ samanta is a very popular reputed figure, most inspiring landlord, role model for the village ‘Harekrushna pur’, so he spent lakhs of money for her daughter’s marriage, very grandly he celebrated the marriage giving lot of dowry, cash money, gold and land too to Vivek. Vivek family was extremely happy getting Shakti as their ‘daughter in law’ as real Lakhsmi entered into their house, touching the riceful ‘kalash’ keeping her left leg first in the house, Vivek ‘conscience’ had a secret affair with Irabati, Vivek was in love with ‘Irabati’, but he was forced to marry Shakti for his parent’s choice, the daughter of the great landlord Adarsh samantray, Vivek married having plenty of dowry, so after marriage Shakti was bound to tolerate all hat ration, disliking of her husband, the marriage was celebrated as compromise with his parents only, his parents were relaxed because they got a nice daughter in law, beautiful lakshmi for their house.
Slowly, slowly Shakti discovered the truth that Vivek is in love with Irabati keeping a secret affair, Shakti could get a chance to meet Vivek during night time only, as usual Vivek comes at night to meet ‘Shakti’ to fulfill his husband’s demand or desires. Shakti burst into anger accusing Vivek as a hypocrite, betrayer, cheater, who is in love with some one else the unmarried woman ‘Irabati’ who has been playing with her sentiment. Vivek also did not stop shouting at her, ‘shut up, shut up, foolish woman, if you shout, I will leave the house and abscond you and your family will be searching for me, all will be in tragedy and terror. So, just shut up your mouth and let me live peacefully in my way. I can love hundred women, that is none of your business. who are you to shout at me? you are not my boss, understand, go to hell, go to hell. I do not care for you, it is my pity that I stay with you doing sex with you, only formality binding us together.
Shakti kept quite, just sobbed into tears then, the shout and quarrel slow down, anger is diminished and cooled down at dark night. They forget all, again start loving each other sometimes Vivek comes up to Shakti showing up his power, energy label being frustrated with anger like an angry night tiger dominates over Shakti body and mind .She too becomes submissive surrenders her, submitting her fault. Some times Shakti dominates on him breaking the arrogance and stubbornness of her husband, how long can ‘Vivek’ hold his stiffness of his sex, just jumping over him lays down his hungry body, Shakti like a lioness feels like to raid over his body, squeezing his body, perishing his anger and arrogance within, how long can he hold??? At last Vivek is melted in the fire of Shakti’s sensual love and sexy smell, secreting his whole body in Shakti’s love, his anger slows down they love each other from different angles, yes they enjoy their love ,slowly, slowly Vivek cools down, feels tired in ecstatic love, perspires, Shakti too feels exhausted in the process of love, sweats her body never extinguishes the fire of anger in her body as Vivek had betrayed her love, he was untruthful and unloyal towards her. After compromising her anger with sexual love ,they both feel tired and sleep. Vivek became a lion, tiger or a hero at night and a mouse in day time, like that giant story, at night you make me young and brave hero and in the day time a mouse, or the reverse we can say, at night he is scared like a mouse, takes shelter, hides himself in darkness in Shakti’s body, again in the morning he forgets everything becomes a brave man, leaves the house, then returns in the dark night.
Shakti’s family, in laws all were aware of such thing that, Vivek does not love Shakti, he is in love affair with someone else, Shakti was frustrated with the typical life pattern. Her husband never loves her, he was busy with other woman’s love, just fulfills his bodily desire, lust, sexual urge with Shakti’s body, there was no other relation between them. They meet each other at night, so Shakti’s role was not better than a prostitute than a wife. Shakti decided, she will stay in her parent’s house, for a long time so, her husband can feel her absence and the importance of Shakti’s presence. He will value more his wife’s love in lieu of Irabati’’s love.
But all her trial went in vain, Shakti’s husband does not show interest in Shakti’s life. He never comes to meet her once. So Shakti was mentally upset being totally broken her heart, she was frustrated, even she decided not to tell anything to her parents, but her parents could understand Shakti’s agony, pain and misery of her life, but was silent for social prestige. Shakti’s father was conscious of his dignity and prestige. So he was kept silent. What will the society say? They will assault ‘Adarsh’ as a weak landlord and sarapanch of the village, who accepted the defect of her daughter, her husband abandoned her, it is a shame and blame to the village. Village name will be ruined, so Adarsha Samantray could not take any strong decision against Vivek, rather he liked Vivek. He sent lot of things, sweets of hundred varieties, wit
h hundred coconuts, costly ornaments, gold, costly clothes, coat, jacket and costly silk saris as gifts to Shakti’s in-laws in addition to dowry too, instead of expressing her sorrows, Shakti accepts all her defeat and returns back to her in laws house, with all her frustration and agonies,
At last, the same thing happened what all were expecting. That was a great tragedy, the death of Shakti, Shakti committed suicide, as she could not tolerate the secret love of her husband with Irrabati, so she decided to die. what a tragic end she got in her life! Due to her immaturity, ignorance of life, survival of the fittest it is said, death predominated over life, now again the two families were helpless. Since a long time back they had been living under the cooled protection of their daughter in law’s shelter. All were relaxed dumping all tension on her head. How long could she tolerate? She too was tired consoling, arguing and fighting with her husband Vivek, so she escaped, from all miseries, tortures of her in-laws with the end of her life.
Irabati was waiting for such a day, she was excited, condemned and alleged ‘Shakti’ for her immature, insensible decision of committing suicide. Irabati wanted to grab all property of Vivek doing an agreement and contract on her name, so Vivek refused the marriage proposal with Irabati after his wife death. His brain was active, alert now, he came back to his sense that he had neglected Shakti’s love. Now Vivek begged apology and pardon to his in-laws. He proposed for the hands of Shakti’s sister ‘Sivannni’, re marriage of Vivek with ‘Sivani’ for the sake of his son. All agreed on his proposal for the protection of the ancestral property or it may go to third party hands. Sivannni was bound to agree with the marriage condition for the sake of ‘kartabya’, her sister’s son, ‘duty’ the name has been given by his parents. Though she hated to see her sister’s murderer face but, she was forced to marry against her will. The auspicious day arrived, Vivek and Sivannni married in front of god. Vivek could not resist his desire to see ‘Sivannni’ his would be wife, he presented her with love, a costly gift, a diamond ring, then he looked at her eyes with lot of desires and hopes for the fulfillment of his unsuccessful married life, a correct role of his wife, his son’s motherhood he was searching in ‘Sivani’ eagerly.
That auspicious day came, when Vivek and Sivannni’s wedding ceremony had to be celebrated. Neither Adarsh samantray did take any oath nor did Vivek take promise to save her hands in front of holy fire. Both bride and groom exchanged their wedding garlands in front of god and holy fire, Vivek kept [sindoor] vermillion on Sivannni’s head, tied mangalsutra ,a gold chain around her neck, then put red [sankha] bangles in her beautiful lakshmi hands. After marriage, Sivannni and Vivek went for that auspicious time, with reluctance and hesitation to meet each other, but what happened Sivannni was burning in revenge. She had taken the form of Devi ‘Durga’, ma ‘Sivannni’ angry, furious looking like a worrier she wanted to fight with Vivek’s [conscience] sexual lust taking revenge on Vivek, she wanted to kill the vices of Vivek making him weak and feeble, she would choke him making him restless, breathless entangling him in her weak hands in frustration, hat ration and throwing her poison of anger. She had worn red Bomkhai typical sambalpuri odyssey silksaree,decorating her body with precious gold ornaments, jewelers, making tinkling sound of bangles, payal too, smelling with rose flowers, jasmine flowers her whole body, a nostalgic tempting feelings creates.
Vivek was too scared and feeling guilty to face his newly married wife, as his crimes are not forgivable, he deserves severe punishment. Sivannni can take revenge on him, leaving him in passion of sexual urge, rejecting his desires request, Sivannni thought she would declare boldly her feelings hat ration to Vivek, she would say so loudly, let Vivek be deaf, his dead conscience may get life, regenerating his dormant potential, manly energy then. ‘I will never give you pardon. I hate you. I want to kill you with your lust sex and desire. You are a killer, culprit, betrayer, cause of my sister’s death I will never excuse you’, said Sivani. But, what happened? when Vivek came and begged excuse for his fault, he said, ‘I confess my fault, I never neglected your sister’, he had always satisfied her desire, but it is her suspicion ,doubt which always tortured her, Vivek loved his son kartabya, he can do anything for him, that is why he proposed her, begged her hands’,
So he explained again ‘as you like, you can kill my desire ,sexual urge, lust if you want you have full privileges to do so, as you are my son’s mother now, I beg your pity, care’ but, Sivannni saw the face of ‘kartabya’ he was sleeping by her side. She could realize Vivek’s love. She was feeling tired and weak inside, Vivek was sleeping in her laps. Sivannni could not control herself, felt very weak like a loving woman unknowingly was forgiving his fault gently caressing with love, she had been turned to be a loving woman from Devi Durga revengeful angry form, with the repentance and regret of Vivek, and Vivek [conscience] had awakened. Sivannni embraced Vivek tightly with her weak hands, coming up to him to love. She kissed him again and again, sucking his pain, treating him as a small child with her motherly love. Then slowly, slowly Vivek was going inside her depth of love, exploring the beauty of her body and mind both, he was inserting the warm loving sensation, rotating inside her body, piercing through her hot anger, harsh revenge, like the sun rays pierce the dark cloud, darkness of the day, the beginning of a new day, their new married life with new resolution, where there is no anger, hat ration and revenge ,remarriage of ‘ Vivek with Sivannni’ with love.