Abhijit Chakraborty

Drama Inspirational Others


Abhijit Chakraborty

Drama Inspirational Others

Proud To Be A Soldier

Proud To Be A Soldier

3 mins

She couldn't believe her eyes. How does a man change in a few years? He madly loved her. Even he was reluctant for military training because he was afraid of losing her. He agreed to go when Rima made him understand the importance of protecting our country. She read the letter again to reconfirm. Her eyes moistened.

Today Harish was supposed to return his home from the training. Rima along with Harish's family was very happy. Harish's father and elder brother were soldiers. But Harish was different. He never liked to be a soldier. He was a useless fellow who was only obsessed with Rima, his school friend cum neighbour. She lived in the same locality of the village with her parents. They lived in the seventh row after Harish's house.

Harish's father had tried all possible ways to convince his younger son for the military training. But Harish used to be busy with Rima all the time. His father then approached to Rima to make him understand. Harish agreed when both of their families consented to their marriage after the training.

Rima's family and Harish's family together was eagerly waiting for Harish. At that moment, a military jeep stopped in front of them. Harish was not there. A commando alighted from the jeep. Seeing this, everyone was scared of any unwanted news. He approached and asked for Rima. She introduced herself to the commando by raising her hand up. He gave a letter to her. He said that the letter was from Harish. He further said that the letter had all the answers to their queries. He left.

All the assembled members asked Rima to read out the letter loudly. Rima did as she was directed. 

"Dear Rima, First of all, thank you to make me understand and send me to the training. If I didn't come here, I couldn't understand why soldiers fight for our country. I always loved you seriously. But here, every soldier loves our country more seriously than me. They consider our country as their mothers. Although the training here is very hard, but whenever our captains remind us to fight for the country, the energy is generated by itself. During the training period, our seniors motivated us so well that I have fallen in love for our country. 

I was going to return home today. But at the last moment, I heard that suddenly China had attacked our border. Knowing that I am leaving for home, my superiors never asked me to join the troops to fight against China, it is my soul that forces me to fight back as a team. How can I return home when my country needs me most? I don't know whether I will return or not but I am happy to fight and save my country from enemies. I'm proud to be a soldier." 

Our soldiers come from different states, backgrounds with different desires. But after the training, they become a man of steel and prioritize our motherland first.

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