Pretty Preethy - Part 1
Pretty Preethy - Part 1

Hai everyone...
I'm pretty PREETHY, born in Mumbai. I'm going to narrate my childhood memories with you. I'm sharing my story to make you know how destiny changes one's life.
My father left me at an early age. I heard his story from my mom which was heartbreaking and pathetic. He lost his parents as soon as he was born. He was brought up by his sister.
When his sister got married, he was sent to an orphanage home. One night a boy who was sleeping next to my father pu
lled his blanket. Filled with anger, my father went to the kitchen and took a stick. He hit the boy's head and pulled back his blanket. Being satisfied he went to sleep.
The next morning he was handed over to police. You know WHY??? The boy was dead. My dad was brought up in minor jail and became an electrician.
Within a day my dad became an orphan. Within a night my dad became an accused.
Want to read more about me...
Please wait for PREETY PREETHI Part 2....