punitha christina

Drama Others


punitha christina

Drama Others

Love Yourself

Love Yourself

1 min

By reading the title of the story, you must be judging myself as selfish. But life has taught me this lesson. I'm not sure whether it can be acceptable by all.

I often craved love as I lost my father at an early age. I wanted someone to take care of me, to pat me, to fulfill my needs and dreams. But I found none. Then I decided to take care of me by myself. Feeling giddy???

I used to appreciate me for my good deeds and reprove for my wrong deeds. I fulfilled my needs by going to work at my early age putting aside my future dreams. Though I lost my dreams I was satisfied because I'm there to look after me. Sounds mad???

I decided not to crave for love and attention from others. I learnt to love myself as the best which boosted my confidence level and here I'm as a Government staff upholding my head with pride and dignity with a smiling face. But I only know the secret of the bitter path which I undertook behind that smile.

Dear friend, don't let your confidence level go down thinking that no one is for you. There is someone for you, loving you the best. That is none other than YOU.

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