Poor Dad's Rich Heart
Poor Dad's Rich Heart

“Let her come here, I can’t take leave so often and what she needs to say aren’t you being fed well, I’m too busy to go and meet her now.” she needs you, I protested subduing my anger, hopelessly wishing that my mother should not defend saying that she is right. I wondered how could position, status, money change her. How could she forget what sacrifices my mother made for her? It was me who was thinking… I always brought myself to think. Thinking what to convey to my mother who was waiting for her.. waiting to hand over her daughter’s future to this sister… will she do justice... I could not even run away…for my mother’s sake… not that I cared for her anymore, I shall not dine with them tonight .. praying hard to those unseen powers of the universe who so leash our destinies... I need your help...
Every morsel shall leave an abrasion down my esophagus..” Ramu no dinner for me”, I called to the cook, loud enough for her to hear, my seething anger was eating in my thinking…. but it wasn’t taking me anywhere for she walked and told Ramu to go early for the day as they had some family plans for the dinner… I wasn’t their family I was her sister’s daughter… no, I think an outsider.. barely had they left when my frame shattered and I was buried deep into howling sobs … thankfully the phone rang and I heard my mother’s anticipated quivering voice…. when is she bringing you back…. resolved, I stoically said tomorrow evening we will be home…. her radiant smile beamed through the line… her ah!! was so resplendent… how to take her to my mother, no! to her elder sister, who just trusted her, it was gripping me fanatically.
I made a big glass of my favorite shake downed in a breath and sank in the chair not to think… but to do.. to go...
It was clear to me that she h
as to meet my mother… I could not see her getting any more hopeless.. she has to realize it was this sister who has helped her to this status and reared her children… some rickety rickshaw stopped at the gate ….. not very usual for the high urbane surroundings.. nonchalantly I swerved my neck… it was not anyone for Ramu….
My eyes popped out at the lanky frame of the occupant descending….my dad of all the people … he at this doorstep… I leaped to open the door… DAD…. he hugged me … you are my daughter no one shall decide your future come let's go home… I want my wife to be happy, you to be happy…. let's surprise your mom… I’m not rich... but my poverty shall not allow you to serve anyone… all he said in a single breath…breaking to sobs… both of us clung to each other.. I left a note on the table for her.. I told Ramu I was leaving with my Dad… he refused to have tea too … I grabbed my poor(aka rich) belongings leaving behind her rich giveaways..our footsteps unmindful of the dusty wind made it quick to the bus station… yes, Mom, we were coming home… my dad was bringing me back… whatever you wanted ma it will happen…. I held my dad’s hand and told him… I will not study further and do whatever you say but don’t leave us and go away…
He hugged me once more .. I missed you both… this one year was very difficult… I will toil till my last breath and help you with graduation .. my eyes behold a picture of an officer in you… Dad…. I love you… Our hands gripped the clasp further.. I hope your ma forgives me…. “she will dad she is just waiting for you”.. I said. Two tickets to Bhariavgarh please.. said my dad to the conductor as my eyes closed in to see my self at the college… Relatives talk relative to status and money most of the time, parents are irreplaceable.