
Naina was a workaholic, recently divorced, independent woman. She loved everyone and everyone loved her. She was kind, giving and her nature was very helpful. She worked on Sundays as well and on another side, there was Rhimjhim who was everything Naina wasn't: Fun-loving, Entertainer, Lover, Hates work. Both had nothing in common but were stuck together like glue.
Both had decided to go on a weekend vacation to just switch off from their daily work life. All they did during the week was work without looking at their watch. They hadn't got time to catch up in the last 2 years, so this was their chance. They booked tickets to Goa and flew away like free birds grouped together.
However, they had no idea what was there in store for them, as soon as they were to enter Goa. The booked a hotel called Le Prima, which was famous for its food, spa, etc. They were super excited to have a good vacay without any intrusion from work. But strange things started happening aroun
d them. And the freaky part was, it only happened when other people were not around.
For example, the lift stopped and the light vanished. They were calling for help but they were so deep down, no one could hear them. Lights started flickering only when they passed the corridors, cars stopped working only when they had to go somewhere. All these things seemed paranormal. But Naina was smarter than thinking it is paranormal.
She did a full investigation and found out that someone was doing this on purpose to scare them. It was none other than Naina's husband because he hated when she was independent and flourishing.
How she found out is a different story altogether: She saw the pattern, and she saw her husband hiding at least 2-3 times. It struck her why is he in Goa when he is based in Gujarat, After that. When Rhimjhim got vomiting, his driver only took us to the ambulance. This was enough to understand who was the culprit and what did he want.