Dalia Choudhury

Drama Others


Dalia Choudhury

Drama Others

Once Upon A Time

Once Upon A Time

2 mins

"I", the same person of different transitional periods met, "Yesterday" and "Today!"

Yesterday thought, "he was the wisest generation";

Today boasted, " he was the most intelligent generation!"

But, both of them forgot, they were the "time-equivalent" of each other!

And, what made them as one entity, was the every "I" in the forms of human experiences.

"I" was lamenting when Yesterday and Today approached. And like our lofty culture, I thought to pay differential respect to Today's elder....Yesterday!

To end the conflict of superiority between Yesterday and Today's superiority, I stated an anecdote....

As I'm growing older, I realize, we were the last generation to have had the outside (playground); we are the last generstion to have spoken over the landline which connected families (not like the Frankenstein mobile which is detaching us from our belived ones day by day); I realized that we are the last generation who have rode pillion in a scooter; I realized that we were the last generation to craft origami and released it in the puddles which were created by the rain-waters; I realized we were the last generation to have had the war of kites in the azure clouds with the sunlight gilded cumulus in the background; I realized we're the last generatio

n to have watched sitcoms and mythological serials with our elders;I have realized that we're the last generation to have collected the hail-pellets in our makeshift receptacle of leaves;I realized, we're the last generation to have tried to smear a lotus leaf with the water droplets that accumulated but to realize again that the lotus leaf was stubborn;I realized that we're the last generation to have enjoyed devoured a bottle of pickle under the mellow winter sun;I realized that we're the last generation to have witnessed the spectacular cosmic rain of the shooting stars;I realized that we're the last generation to have walked in the cold winter mornings over the caparisoned grasses in dew;I realized, we're the last generation to have picked the wither flowers under a tree or plant and hewn it into a garland;

Yesterday cried and hugged Today, Today was Yesterday's hope; Today hugged Yesterday and weeped, Yesterday was Today's experiences!!!

...What about "I?"

"I" will persist in people's heart if its Yesterday was loving towards Today and its Today thankful towards Yesterday!

The list will go on but the organic memories without excessive consumerism shall be etched in our generation's heart, and ever generation shall become the phrase, "once upon a time!"

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