Once upon a time :
Once upon a time :

When I used to speak these words “Once Upon A Time” in childhood and even today, I felt like laughing out loud. You know why ???
Simple, it feels like time travel. Every second story in a comic book or during storytelling, we start with “Once Upon…”
Want to say to writers or creators, don’t we have better words to start with ??? If not, that is absolutely fine, but please do not be indigestion of these words.
It is so funny, right ?? Seems like vocab is on strike while narrating stories.
Look at the heights from our side. In the parenting phase, we teach our next generation the same funny grammar.
It is like a dictionary facing constipation issues. Why does every jungle, barbie doll or any incident need to be sooo old-fashi
oned. They can be young, dark, charming and handsome. Right ?
There is no better statement to showcase past history??
One can use…
1. Before …….. years
2. Let’s talk about the year …….
3. I want to talk about a story from when the jungle was very young etc.
The entertaining part is that we all love these words like passionate lovers ( though, nowadays, it keeps changing )
“Once Upon A Time” is so famous that Bollywood also adopted a three-hour-long movie.
It is like a bunch of fanniesta which makes you laugh forever.
Hold on guys… Want to make an honest confession here…
I also want my future generation to read the above thoughts by saying…
Once Upon A Time….