Unknown Writer



Unknown Writer


My True Horror Story

My True Horror Story

2 mins

Hi, my name is Unknown_Storyteller and today I will be sharing my true horror story! 

So here's my first story but let me fill you in on how this all started.

Okay, so I live with my parents and my brother and we live in a small house and we all have our own rooms and there's downstairs where the dining room is and stuff. So we have been living here for around 1 year and crazy stuff that I can't explain has happened! A couple of months ago I was in my room playing on my PlayStation with some friends because my parents were in their room doing work stuff. And I got hungry so I paused my game and went downstairs to the kitchen but as I was walking downstairs I heard a loud crash. So I ran downstairs to check it out and it was my favorite mug it had broken. Which was really odd to me because I put all my mugs in the cabinet. And nobody touches my mugs because you know they're mine! So I walked over to the broken mug and I was upset but then I walked away to grab the broom and dust pan to sweep up all the broken glass on the floor. And that's when the cabinet closed, mind you everybody was upstairs and I knew it wasn't my brother cause he was still sleeping. So I got really freaked out and ran upstairs forgetting all about the broken mug on the floor. This really freaked me out but I didn't say anything to my mom cause she would have just thought I was crazy or something and say I was joking so I wrote it down in my journal so if something else happened I would be certain I wasn't crazy. And yes other spooky things have happened in the house but I've only gotten down a few in my notebook. And yea that was my 1st spooky story stay tuned for the next one.

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