Heena Shah

Abstract Classics Inspirational


Heena Shah

Abstract Classics Inspirational

My Dreams Weaved In My Prayers

My Dreams Weaved In My Prayers

2 mins

With extreme chaos around, the best we can resort to, apart from being careful is prayers. After all, faith can move mountains they say.

Being a believer in supreme power, even before such tough times started, I have always been praying, and here's the way I pray and weave my dreams in these prayers.

The way I pray every day, pray with a lot of gratitude, it reaches every altitude.

Gratitude and Prayers…

For my parents and their well being, the humble upbringing, lifestyle and education they have given, which has made my life a heaven.

For the husband who is always been so loving and understanding, helps me solve the puzzles that unfold as life evolves, all ups and downs withstanding.

For the beautiful, smart, caring daughter who is a sister, mother and a friend and one who never falters.

For my in-laws, who've accepted me as I'm, despite my flaws.

For friends and loved ones who are in pain, healthy life they regain.

For health, wealth and fitness of my kith and kin, they've been around in all my thick and thin.

For the house, my safe haven, protecting me from sun, wind and rain.

To the goddess of wealth for all the abundance and good health.

To the goddess of knowledge, wisdom, intelligence and art, blessing us with all her heart.

For the soldiers who fight for us and protect our freedom, I pray that no brave heart has to ever face martyrdom.

For the world sans terrorism, terrorists to have a change of heart

and mind, with books of knowledge in hand and no arms and ammunition!

Enough food, shelter and clothing, for every living being, no soul goes hungry and all live in wellbeing.

For the women and children to never get abused, punishing all the accused.

For the youth to be away from smoking, drinking and addiction, living life full of aspirations and conviction.

For the children to be left to bloom and blossom on their own, under pressure and expectations not to be drowned!

For a world that moves towards less consumption, taking us towards carbon footprint reduction.

For sustainable living, the planet ours conserving.

For the earth to be evergreen and reclaim back its sheen.

For the glaciers to melt no more, reducing the ocean overflow.

For the glory and success of humankind with peace and love all around, no prejudice and discrimination, just humanity unbound!

The world will prosper, everyone will have a place and there will be no imposter.

Harmony will prevail, and goodness we will inhale.

The power of universal energy will create synergy, between all the people, making everyone equal.


Dear readers,

These are my dreams weaved in my prayers, a beautiful world for each one of us.

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