Sakshi Agarwal

Tragedy Inspirational Thriller


Sakshi Agarwal

Tragedy Inspirational Thriller

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

3 mins

Finally, after long days of persuasion, my parents were ready to go to the fair in another city. They were afraid of the crowd and I was afraid of glimmering lights, swooping swings and aroma of different foods. We packed our bags; tied our seatbelts and our car raced to the fair in another city. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach as we reached the fair.

It was very huge spreading in all directions of my sight. I looked at the fair and a smile glowed on my face. My parents looked at me and they felt a smile.

The fair was more attractive far above my imagination. I loved the sound of the music. It attracted me and I snatched back my hand from my mum’s. The fair was like a whole world open to me and at the same time, the same fair that ended my happy world.

Today, when a woman begged me for some money and wished that Jesus may fulfill all my dreams. I was astonished by her words because Jesus does not need a time period to make all things perfect and I was begging for money for the last six months.

Two days after, jingling bells on the cart would bring Santa with presents for everyone but he could neither wrap my parents as a gift nor he could bring them in sled because my day was stout and mother too, which she rarely accepted.

The conversation moved further with the woman and she blessed me that Santa did not leave his any children in disma

l. The woman was strange but her words felt real. I started preparing for Christmas. With the help of my street friend, Daniel, I collected some old lights, a broken Christmas tree which was secluded by rich guys (once, I was too), and jingling bells. As the whole town was in slumber, I started decorating it with all my best efforts to attract Santa first on my tree.

The night of Christmas, when the whole town was ticking down, I crossed my fingers, sat beside the tree, rhyming a carol for Santa to come. Balloons burst; laughter spread as the Christmas hours started. They all danced. I sang it continuously, sometimes shivering down while other times putting the things on a tree in a different style.

Many hours passed. No Santa came but my body was manacled in the grip of cold. I lied down in the snow, singing the carol but all the effort seemed to be in vain. The next time, when my body felt the heat was my mother’s. She came! My parents came! But who brought them?

Santa… “No. the old woman appeared before me and wished me. Merry Christmas.”

She saw my poster in the missing column given by my parents and she informed them back but the distance could not be covered before two days. So, she assured me with Santa so that I could be happy too like other people.

Thanks to my Santa! I promise you in return that I would not argue with my parents for anything.

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