Bharath Kumar

Drama Classics Inspirational


Bharath Kumar

Drama Classics Inspirational

Mechanical Engineering Girl

Mechanical Engineering Girl

4 mins

Sky Blue Engineering Institute

Riya was the only female mechanical student in her class dominated by male counterparts. Many in her class believed she was unfit to be a mechanical engineer because of her gender. No one in the class supported her except one guy, Prem. She spent a considerable amount of time alone studying and building things. Occasionally she met Prem to discuss mechanical subjects. As they shared similar interests, soon they gelled well together. The only hindrance on her path to the destination was not her gender, but those who question her gender in the class.

They had organized a function only for mechanical students titled “Mechanic Celebration” Prem and Riya had been chatting in the corner for a while. The rogue students who had a blast that day hooked their eyes on them.

“Why this poor girl is trying to break the odds?”

“If she becomes a mechanical engineer, I am sure the company will go bankrupt”

“Girls are fit to be kitchen owners.”

“Girls have nothing to say in this patriarchal society.”

“I believe the only reason she has joined Mechanical engineering is to pursue her love story with Prem.”

“Who knows what she did to him?”

“Perhaps her only goal in life is to seduce Prem to her territory.”

Their harsh words pierced her soul. Prem lost his cool and scurried towards them.

“Why do you talk shit about her?”

“She doesn’t belong here.”

“Do you think you belong here? You dirty bastard.”

“Mind your tongue.”

“What will you do?”

They all combined to beat the hell out of Prem. Riya swiftly arrived at the spot.

“I will not keep quiet if you guys thrash him again.” Riya fumed.

The rogue guys wielded their forefingers and disappeared out of their sight. An air of dread prevailed around. She quickly admitted Prem to the hospital and ensured his health revived back to normal.

One day, Prem and Riya were having lunch in the pantry on the Computer Science block. Computer Science engineering girls, who were aware of Riya being the only girl student in mechanical class, appeared out of nowhere to taunt her.

“She has no passion for mechanics, the only reason she joined mechanics is to spend time with boys.”

“She thought she could trap all the boys but could manage only one at the end.”

“I don’t know why this guy is supporting her. He was beaten black and blue thanks to her but still has the guts to sit with her.”

“Is she not ashamed to put hi

s life in jeopardy?”

“When she has time to flirt with a boy, she will not worry about his life. Satisfying her urges is all that she cares about.”

“Will you girls please shut your bloody mouth?” Prem warned them.

They all disappeared upon hearing him.

“I believe I am the reason you were beaten last week,” Riya said.

“Do you know something? I am proud to be your friend. You have the guts to pursue your dreams even if the odds are stacked against you.”

“But, Prem.”

“I don’t want to miss your friendship, come what may.”

A smile generated on Riya’s face and they rushed back to their class, following their meals.

The placement drive had begun in the institute. The first student who got placed was none other than Riya, much to the surprise of the entire institute. Her hard work, determination, never say die attitude, zeal to learn and build things had won her a job in the most reputed company in the world. Prem was immensely proud of her achievement. She was asked to address the gathering filled with mechanical students.

“Many questioned my decision when I joined mechanical engineering. I was always on the line of fire. Had to endure a lot of difficulties in the form of harsh and unforgivable taunts. But I am of the firm opinion that when you have the passion to learn, nothing can deter you from your goal. I always dreamt of becoming a mechanical engineer.

Yes, I admit there were hiccups in my journey, but I am proud that it’s all worth it and has contributed to my success.

A woman is not an object to only find a place in the kitchen and bedroom. She can achieve success and can set a precedent for the entire society. We are not living in an old era where a girl was treated as a commodity.

We are no less than men. We can spread across all the fields and prove our mettle. Never underestimate the power of women.

I can’t end this speech without mentioning my best friend, Prem. When I was booed and made fun of for being the only girl mechanical student in the class, this guy was there to support me. We discussed a lot about mechanical subjects and built protocols. If our country is packed with men like him who is ready to break the stereotypes and change the status quo, support women in their endeavours, women like us can flourish everywhere.”

Tears welled up in Prem’s eyes and he applauded, and everyone joined them.

The very next day, Prem got placed in a reputed company, becoming the only second student after Riya to get placed.

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